Exemple #1
 * Log out from SCARF. In practice, it trashes the cookie (if we were
 * successfully logged in).
 * As the authentication method is specific to SCARF, this logout
 * method has been placed here as specific to SCARF too. Most likely
 * it is general to other LSF systems without any/much changes.
 * @param username Username to use (should have authenticated
 * before). Leave it empty to log out the last (maybe only) user that
 * logged in with authenticate().
void SCARFLSFJobManager::logout(const std::string &username) {
  if (g_tokenStash.empty()) {
    throw std::runtime_error("Logout failed. No one is currenlty logged in.");

  std::map<std::string, Token>::iterator it;
  if (!username.empty()) {
    it = g_tokenStash.find(username);
    if (g_tokenStash.end() == it) {
      throw std::invalid_argument(
          "Logout failed. The username given is not logged in: " + username);
  // only support for single-user
  Token tok = g_tokenStash.begin()->second;

  // logout query, needs headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/plain', 'Cookie':
  // token,
  //    'Accept': 'text/plain,application/xml,text/xml'}
  const std::string token = tok.m_token_str;
  const Poco::URI fullURL = makeFullURI(tok.m_url, g_logoutPath);
  const StringToStringMap headers =
      makeHeaders(std::string("text/plain"), token, g_acceptType);
  int code = 0;
  std::stringstream ss;
  try {
    code = doSendRequestGetResponse(fullURL, ss, headers);
  } catch (Kernel::Exception::InternetError &ie) {
    throw std::runtime_error("Error while sending HTTP request to log out: " +
  if (Mantid::Kernel::InternetHelper::HTTP_OK == code) {
    g_log.notice() << "Logged out." << std::endl;
    g_log.debug() << "Response from server: " << ss.str() << std::endl;
  } else {
    throw std::runtime_error("Failed to logout from the web service at: " +
                             fullURL.toString() +
                             ". Please check your username.");

  // successfully logged out, forget the token
  if (username.empty()) {
    // delete first one
  } else {
    // delete requested one
    if (g_tokenStash.end() != it)
 * Ping the server to see if the web service is active/available.
 * Note that this method does not need the user to be logged in.
 * For now this ping method sits here as specific to SCARF.  It is not
 * clear at the moment if it is general to LSF. It could well be
 * possible to pull this into LSFJobManager.
 * @return true if the web service responds.
bool SCARFLSFJobManager::ping() {
  // Job ping, needs these headers:
  // headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/xml', 'Accept': ACCEPT_TYPE}
  const Poco::URI fullURL = makeFullURI(Poco::URI(g_pingBaseURL), g_pingPath);
  const StringToStringMap headers =
      makeHeaders(std::string("text/plain"), "", g_acceptType);
  int code = 0;
  std::stringstream ss;
  try {
    code = doSendRequestGetResponse(fullURL, ss, headers);
  } catch (Kernel::Exception::InternetError &ie) {
    throw std::runtime_error("Error while sending HTTP request to ping the "
                             "server " +
  bool ok = false;
  if (Mantid::Kernel::InternetHelper::HTTP_OK == code) {
    std::string resp = ss.str();
    if (std::string::npos != resp.find("Web Services are ready")) {
          << "Pinged compute resource with apparently good response: " << resp
          << '\n';
      ok = true;
    } else {
      g_log.warning() << "Pinged compute resource but got what looks like an "
                         "error message: "
                      << resp << '\n';
  } else {
    throw std::runtime_error(
        "Failed to ping the web service at: " + fullURL.toString() +
        ". Please check your parameters, software version, "

  return ok;