static jobject Bitmap_creator(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jintArray jColors,
                              int offset, int stride, int width, int height,
                              SkBitmap::Config config, jboolean isMutable) {
    if (NULL != jColors) {
        size_t n = env->GetArrayLength(jColors);
        if (n < SkAbs32(stride) * (size_t)height) {
            return NULL;

    SkBitmap bitmap;

    bitmap.setConfig(config, width, height);

    jbyteArray buff = GraphicsJNI::allocateJavaPixelRef(env, &bitmap, NULL);
    if (NULL == buff) {
        return NULL;

    if (jColors != NULL) {
        GraphicsJNI::SetPixels(env, jColors, offset, stride,
                               0, 0, width, height, bitmap);

    return GraphicsJNI::createBitmap(env, new SkBitmap(bitmap), buff, isMutable, NULL);
Exemple #2
static jobject Bitmap_creator(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jintArray jColors,
                              jint offset, jint stride, jint width, jint height,
                              jint configHandle, jboolean isMutable) {
    SkColorType colorType = GraphicsJNI::legacyBitmapConfigToColorType(configHandle);
    if (NULL != jColors) {
        size_t n = env->GetArrayLength(jColors);
        if (n < SkAbs32(stride) * (size_t)height) {
            return NULL;

    // ARGB_4444 is a deprecated format, convert automatically to 8888
    if (colorType == kARGB_4444_SkColorType) {
        colorType = kN32_SkColorType;

    SkBitmap bitmap;
    bitmap.setInfo(SkImageInfo::Make(width, height, colorType, kPremul_SkAlphaType));

    jbyteArray buff = GraphicsJNI::allocateJavaPixelRef(env, &bitmap, NULL);
    if (NULL == buff) {
        return NULL;

    if (jColors != NULL) {
        GraphicsJNI::SetPixels(env, jColors, offset, stride,
                0, 0, width, height, bitmap);

    return GraphicsJNI::createBitmap(env, new SkBitmap(bitmap), buff,
            getPremulBitmapCreateFlags(isMutable), NULL, NULL);
Exemple #3
 static void doPoints(JNIEnv* env, jobject jcanvas, jfloatArray jptsArray,
                      jint offset, jint count, jobject jpaint,
                      SkCanvas::PointMode mode) {
     NPE_CHECK_RETURN_VOID(env, jcanvas);
     NPE_CHECK_RETURN_VOID(env, jptsArray);
     NPE_CHECK_RETURN_VOID(env, jpaint);
     SkCanvas* canvas = GraphicsJNI::getNativeCanvas(env, jcanvas);
     const SkPaint& paint = *GraphicsJNI::getNativePaint(env, jpaint);
     AutoJavaFloatArray autoPts(env, jptsArray);
     float* floats = autoPts.ptr();
     const int length = autoPts.length();
     if ((offset | count) < 0 || offset + count > length) {
     // now convert the floats into SkPoints
     count >>= 1;    // now it is the number of points
     SkAutoSTMalloc<32, SkPoint> storage(count);
     SkPoint* pts = storage.get();
     const float* src = floats + offset;
     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
         pts[i].set(SkFloatToScalar(src[0]), SkFloatToScalar(src[1]));
         src += 2;
     canvas->drawPoints(mode, count, pts, paint);
static jobject Bitmap_creator(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jintArray jColors,
                              jint offset, jint stride, jint width, jint height,
                              jint configHandle, jboolean isMutable) {
    SkBitmap::Config config = static_cast<SkBitmap::Config>(configHandle);
    if (NULL != jColors) {
        size_t n = env->GetArrayLength(jColors);
        if (n < SkAbs32(stride) * (size_t)height) {
            return NULL;

    // ARGB_4444 is a deprecated format, convert automatically to 8888
    if (config == SkBitmap::kARGB_4444_Config) {
        config = SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config;

    SkBitmap bitmap;
    bitmap.setConfig(config, width, height);

    jbyteArray buff = GraphicsJNI::allocateJavaPixelRef(env, &bitmap, NULL);
    if (NULL == buff) {
        return NULL;

    if (jColors != NULL) {
        GraphicsJNI::SetPixels(env, jColors, offset, stride,
                0, 0, width, height, bitmap, true);

    return GraphicsJNI::createBitmap(env, new SkBitmap(bitmap), buff,
            getPremulBitmapCreateFlags(isMutable), NULL, NULL);
static void drawLines(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong canvasHandle, jfloatArray jptsArray,
                      jint offset, jint count, jlong paintHandle) {
    NPE_CHECK_RETURN_VOID(env, jptsArray);
    AutoJavaFloatArray autoPts(env, jptsArray);
    float* floats = autoPts.ptr();
    const int length = autoPts.length();

    if ((offset | count) < 0 || offset + count > length) {

    const Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
    get_canvas(canvasHandle)->drawLines(floats + offset, count, *paint);
static jobject movie_decodeByteArray(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz,
                                     jbyteArray byteArray,
                                     jint offset, jint length) {

    NPE_CHECK_RETURN_ZERO(env, byteArray);

    int totalLength = env->GetArrayLength(byteArray);
    if ((offset | length) < 0 || offset + length > totalLength) {
        return 0;

    AutoJavaByteArray   ar(env, byteArray);
    SkMovie* moov = SkMovie::DecodeMemory(ar.ptr() + offset, length);
    return create_jmovie(env, moov);