        Sorts the darray pointed to by p according to the comparison
        rules specified within the function pointed to by cmp. If
        the sort could not be completed, false is returned. Otherwise,
        true is returned.
extern bool darray_sort(darray *p, int (*cmp)(const void*, const void*))
    size_t n = p->capacity;
    size_t i = n / 2;
    /* Make the entire array a valid heap */
    while (i-- > 0) {
        if (!do_heap(p, i, n, cmp))
            return false;
    while (--n < (size_t)-1) {
        /* Place the maximum value and fix the heap for remaining elements */
        if (!darray_swap(p, 0, n) || !do_heap(p, 0, n, cmp))
            return false;
    return true;
        qsort-friendly implementation of heapsort for guaranteed time complexity.
void _sort(void *base, size_t n, size_t size, _cmp_func_t cmp)
    /* Not much can be done when size is unknown */
    void *temp = _sys_alloc(size);
    uint8_t *p = (uint8_t*)base;
    int i = n / 2;

    /* Heapify the array */
    while (i-- > 0)
        do_heap(p, i, n, size, cmp);

    /* Extrac the heap max and place it in sorted position */
    while (--n < (size_t)-1) {
        /* Swap the heap max with base[n] */
        memcpy(temp, p, size);
        memcpy(p, &p[n * size], size);
        memcpy(&p[n * size], temp, size);

        /* Re-heapify after removing the heap max */
        do_heap(p, 0, n, size, cmp);
