Exemple #1
	int argc,
	char *argv[]
) {
	int fa,nfa;				/* argument we're looking at */
	int verb = 0;
	int chan = 0;			/* Chosen channel to plot against */
	char in_name[100];

	char *buf, *outc;
	int ti;
	cgats *cgf = NULL;			/* cgats file data */
	int isLab = 0;				/* cgats output is Lab, else XYZ */
	char *xyzfname[3] = { "XYZ_X", "XYZ_Y", "XYZ_Z" };
	char *labfname[3] = { "LAB_L", "LAB_A", "LAB_B" };
	int npat;					/* Number of patches */ 
	inkmask nmask;				/* Device inkmask */
	int nchan;					/* Number of input chanels */
	char *bident;				/* Base ident */
	int chix[ICX_MXINKS];	/* Device chanel indexes */
	int pcsix[3];	/* Device chanel indexes */
	pval *pat;					/* patch values */
	int i, j;
	error_program = argv[0];

	if (argc < 2)

	/* Process the arguments */
	for(fa = 1;fa < argc;fa++) {
		nfa = fa;					/* skip to nfa if next argument is used */
		if (argv[fa][0] == '-')	{	/* Look for any flags */
			char *na = NULL;		/* next argument after flag, null if none */

			if (argv[fa][2] != '\000')
				na = &argv[fa][2];		/* next is directly after flag */
			else {
				if ((fa+1) < argc) {
					if (argv[fa+1][0] != '-') {
						nfa = fa + 1;
						na = argv[nfa];		/* next is seperate non-flag argument */

			/* Verbosity */
			if (argv[fa][1] == 'v' || argv[fa][1] == 'V') {
				verb = 1;

			else if (argv[fa][1] >= '0' && argv[fa][1] <= '9') {
				chan = argv[fa][1] - '0';
			else if (argv[fa][1] == '?')

	if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage();

	/* Open CIE target values */
	cgf = new_cgats();			/* Create a CGATS structure */
	cgf->add_other(cgf, "CTI3");/* our special input type is Calibration Target Information 3 */
	if (cgf->read_name(cgf, in_name))
		error("CGATS file read error %s on file '%s'",cgf->err, in_name);

	if (cgf->ntables == 0 || cgf->t[0].tt != tt_other || cgf->t[0].oi != 0)
		error ("Profile file '%s' isn't a CTI3 format file",in_name);

	if (cgf->ntables < 1)
		error ("Input file '%s' doesn't contain at least one table",in_name);

	if ((ti = cgf->find_kword(cgf, 0, "COLOR_REP")) < 0)
		error("Input file doesn't contain keyword COLOR_REPS");
	if ((buf = strdup(cgf->t[0].kdata[ti])) == NULL)
		error("Malloc failed");
	/* Split COLOR_REP into device and PCS space */
	if ((outc = strchr(buf, '_')) == NULL)
		error("COLOR_REP '%s' invalid", cgf->t[0].kdata[ti]);
	*outc++ = '\000';
	if (strcmp(outc, "XYZ") == 0) {
		isLab = 0;
	} else if (strcmp(outc, "LAB") == 0) {
		isLab = 1;
	} else
		error("COLOR_REP '%s' invalid (Neither XYZ nor LAB)", cgf->t[0].kdata[ti]);

	if ((nmask = icx_char2inkmask(buf)) == 0) {
		error ("File '%s' keyword COLOR_REPS has unknown device value '%s'",in_name,buf);


	nchan = icx_noofinks(nmask);
	bident = icx_inkmask2char(nmask, 0);		/* Base ident (No possible 'i') */ 

	/* Find device fields */
	for (j = 0; j < nchan; j++) {
		int ii, imask;
		char fname[100];

		imask = icx_index2ink(nmask, j);
		sprintf(fname,"%s_%s",nmask == ICX_W || nmask == ICX_K ? "GRAY" : bident,

		if ((ii = cgf->find_field(cgf, 0, fname)) < 0)
			error ("Input file doesn't contain field %s",fname);
		if (cgf->t[0].ftype[ii] != r_t)
			error ("Field %s is wrong type",fname);
		chix[j] = ii;

	/* Find PCS fields */
	for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
		int ii;

		if ((ii = cgf->find_field(cgf, 0, isLab ? labfname[j] : xyzfname[j])) < 0)
			error ("Input file doesn't contain field %s",isLab ? labfname[j] : xyzfname[j]);
		if (cgf->t[0].ftype[ii] != r_t)
			error ("Field %s is wrong type",isLab ? labfname[j] : xyzfname[j]);
		pcsix[j] = ii;

	npat = cgf->t[0].nsets;		/* Number of patches */

	if (npat <= 0)
		error("No sets of data in file '%s'",in_name);

	/* Allocate arrays to hold test patch input and output values */
	if ((pat = (pval *)malloc(sizeof(pval) * npat)) == NULL)
		error("Malloc failed - pat[]");

	/* Grab all the values */
	for (i = 0; i < npat; i++) {
		pat[i].v[0] = *((double *)cgf->t[0].fdata[i][pcsix[0]]);
		pat[i].v[1] = *((double *)cgf->t[0].fdata[i][pcsix[1]]);
		pat[i].v[2] = *((double *)cgf->t[0].fdata[i][pcsix[2]]);
		if (!isLab) {
			pat[i].v[0] /= 100.0;		/* Normalise XYZ to range 0.0 - 1.0 */
			pat[i].v[1] /= 100.0;
			pat[i].v[2] /= 100.0;
		if (!isLab) { /* Convert test patch result XYZ to PCS (D50 Lab) */
			icmXYZ2Lab(&icmD50, pat[i].v, pat[i].v);
		for (j = 0; j < nchan; j++) {
			pat[i].d[j] = *((double *)cgf->t[0].fdata[i][chix[j]]);

	/* Sort by the selected channel */
#define HEAP_COMPARE(A,B) (A.d[chan] < B.d[chan])
	HEAPSORT(pval, pat, npat);

	/* Create the plot */
		int i;
		double *xx;
		double *y0;
		double *y1;
		double *y2;

		if ((xx = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * npat)) == NULL)
			error("Malloc failed - xx[]");
		if ((y0 = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * npat)) == NULL)
			error("Malloc failed - y0[]");
		if ((y1 = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * npat)) == NULL)
			error("Malloc failed - y1[]");
		if ((y2 = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * npat)) == NULL)
			error("Malloc failed - y2[]");
		for (i = 0; i < npat; i++) {
			xx[i] = pat[i].d[chan];
			y0[i] = pat[i].v[0];
			y1[i] = 50 + pat[i].v[1]/2.0;
			y2[i] = 50 + pat[i].v[2]/2.0;

//			printf("~1 %d: xx = %f, y = %f %f %f\n",i,xx[i],y0[i],y1[i],y2[i]);



	return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	int fa,nfa;				/* argument we're looking at */
	int i,j, n;
	double x;
	double xx[XRES];
	double yy[6][XRES];
	rspl *rss;		/* incremental solution version */
	datai low,high;
	int gres[MXDI];
	double avgdev[MXDO];
	double wweight = 1.0;

	/* Process the arguments */
	for(fa = 1;fa < argc;fa++) {
		nfa = fa;					/* skip to nfa if next argument is used */
		if (argv[fa][0] == '-')	{	/* Look for any flags */
			char *na = NULL;		/* next argument after flag, null if none */

			if (argv[fa][2] != '\000')
				na = &argv[fa][2];		/* next is directly after flag */
			else {
				if ((fa+1) < argc) {
					if (argv[fa+1][0] != '-') {
						nfa = fa + 1;
						na = argv[nfa];		/* next is seperate non-flag argument */

			if (argv[fa][1] == '?') {

			} else if (argv[fa][1] == 'w' || argv[fa][1] == 'W') {
				fa = nfa;
				if (na == NULL) usage();
				wweight = atof(na);
			} else 
		} else

	low[0] = 0.0;
	high[0] = 1.0;
	avgdev[0] = AVGDEV;

	error_program = "Curve1";

	for (n = 0; n < TRIALS; n++) {
		double lrand = 0.0;	/* Amount of level randomness */
		int pnts;
		int fres;

		if (n == 0) {	/* Standard versions */
			pnts = PNTS;
			fres = GRES; 
			for (i = 0; i < pnts; i++) {
				xa[i] = t1xa[i];
				ya[i] = t1ya[i];
				wa[i] = t1wa[i];
			printf("Trial %d, points = %d, res = %d, level randomness = %f\n",n,pnts,fres,lrand);
		} else {	/* Random versions */
			double xmx;
			lrand = d_rand(0.0,0.1);		/* Amount of level randomness */
			pnts = i_rand(MIN_PNTS,MAX_PNTS);
			fres = i_rand(MIN_RES,MAX_RES);

			printf("Trial %d, points = %d, res = %d, level randomness = %f\n",n,pnts,fres,lrand);

			/* Create X values */
			xa[0] = d_rand(0.3, 0.5);
			for (i = 1; i < pnts; i++)
				xa[i] = xa[i-1] + d_rand(0.2,0.7);
			xmx = d_rand(0.6, 0.9);
			for (i = 0; i < pnts; i++)	/* Divide out */
				xa[i] *= (xmx/xa[pnts-1]);

			/* Create y values */
			for (i = 0; i < pnts; i++) {
				ya[i] = xa[i] + d_rand(-lrand,lrand);
				wa[i] = 1.0;

		if (n < SKIP)

		/* Create the object */
		rss =  new_rspl(RSPL_NOFLAGS, 1,				/* di */
		                  1);				/* fdi */

		for (i = 0; i < pnts; i++) {
			test_points[i].p[0] = xa[i];
			test_points[i].v[0] = ya[i];
			test_points[i].w = wa[i];
		gres[0] = fres;

#ifdef RES2
		if (n != 0) {
		/* Fit to scattered data */
		           RSPL_EXTRAFIT |	/* Extra fit flag */
		           test_points,			/* Test points */
		           pnts,	/* Number of test points */
		           low, high, gres,		/* Low, high, resolution of grid */
		           low, high,			/* Data scale */
		           SMOOTH,				/* Smoothing */
		           avgdev,				/* Average deviation */
		           NULL,				/* iwidth */
                   wweight,				/* weak function weight */
				   NULL,				/* No context */
		           wfunc				/* Weak function */

		/* Display the result */
		for (i = 0; i < XRES; i++) {
			co tp;	/* Test point */
			x = i/(double)(XRES-1);
			xx[i] = x;
			yy[0][i] = lin(x,xa,ya,pnts);
			tp.p[0] = x;
			rss->interp(rss, &tp);
			yy[1][i] = tp.v[0];
			if (yy[1][i] < -0.2)
				yy[1][i] = -0.2;
			else if (yy[1][i] > 1.2)
				yy[1][i] = 1.2;

#ifdef RES2
		} else {	/* Multiple resolution version */
			int gresses[5];
			for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
#ifndef NEVER
				if (j == 0)
					gres[0] = fres/8;
				else if (j == 1)
					gres[0] = fres/4;
				else if (j == 2)
					gres[0] = fres/2;
				else if (j == 3)
					gres[0] = fres;
					gres[0] = fres * 2;
#else 	/* Check sensitivity to griding of data points */
				if (j == 0)
					gres[0] = 192;
				else if (j == 1)
					gres[0] = 193;
				else if (j == 2)
					gres[0] = 194;
				else if (j == 3)
					gres[0] = 195;
					gres[0] = 196;
				gresses[j] = gres[0];
		           RSPL_EXTRAFIT |		/* Extra fit flag */
			           test_points,			/* Test points */
			           pnts,	/* Number of test points */
			           low, high, gres,		/* Low, high, resolution of grid */
			           low, high,			/* Data scale */
			           SMOOTH,				/* Smoothing */
			           avgdev,				/* Average deviation */
			           NULL,				/* iwidth */
	                   wweight,				/* weak function weight */
					   NULL,				/* No context */
			           wfunc				/* Weak function */
				/* Get the result */
				for (i = 0; i < XRES; i++) {
					co tp;	/* Test point */
					x = i/(double)(XRES-1);
					xx[i] = x;
					yy[0][i] = lin(x,xa,ya,pnts);
					tp.p[0] = x;
					rss->interp(rss, &tp);
					yy[1+j][i] = tp.v[0];
					if (yy[1+j][i] < -0.2)
						yy[1+j][i] = -0.2;
					else if (yy[1+j][i] > 1.2)
						yy[1+j][i] = 1.2;
		printf("Black = lin, Red = %d, Green = %d, Blue = %d, Yellow = %d, Purple = %d\n",
		       gresses[0], gresses[1], gresses[2], gresses[3], gresses[4]);
#endif /* RES2 */
	}	/* next trial */
	return 0;