static void do_my_pme(FILE *fp,real tm,gmx_bool bVerbose,t_inputrec *ir, rvec x[],rvec xbuf[],rvec f[], real charge[],real qbuf[],real qqbuf[], matrix box,gmx_bool bSort, t_commrec *cr,t_nsborder *nsb,t_nrnb *nrnb, t_block *excl,real qtot, t_forcerec *fr,int index[],FILE *fp_xvg, int ngroups,unsigned short cENER[]) { real ener,vcorr,q,xx,dvdl=0,vdip,vcharge; tensor vir,vir_corr,vir_tot; rvec mu_tot[2]; int i,m,ii,ig,jg; real **epme,*qptr; /* Initiate local variables */ fr->f_el_recip = f; clear_mat(vir); clear_mat(vir_corr); if (ngroups > 1) { fprintf(fp,"There are %d energy groups\n",ngroups); snew(epme,ngroups); for(i=0; (i<ngroups); i++) snew(epme[i],ngroups); } /* Put x is in the box, this part needs to be parallellized properly */ /*put_atoms_in_box(box,nsb->natoms,x);*/ /* Here sorting of X (and q) is done. * Alternatively, one could just put the atoms in one of the * cr->nnodes slabs. That is much cheaper than sorting. */ for(i=0; (i<nsb->natoms); i++) index[i] = i; if (bSort) { xptr = x; qsort(index,nsb->natoms,sizeof(index[0]),comp_xptr); xptr = NULL; /* To trap unintentional use of the ptr */ } /* After sorting we only need the part that is to be computed on * this processor. We also compute the mu_tot here (system dipole) */ clear_rvec(mu_tot[0]); for(i=START(nsb); (i<START(nsb)+HOMENR(nsb)); i++) { ii = index[i]; q = charge[ii]; qbuf[i] = q; for(m=0; (m<DIM); m++) { xx = x[ii][m]; xbuf[i][m] = xx; mu_tot[0][m] += q*xx; } clear_rvec(f[ii]); } copy_rvec(mu_tot[0],mu_tot[1]); if (debug) { pr_rvec(debug,0,"qbuf",qbuf,nsb->natoms,TRUE); pr_rvecs(debug,0,"xbuf",xbuf,nsb->natoms); pr_rvecs(debug,0,"box",box,DIM); } for(ig=0; (ig<ngroups); ig++) { for(jg=ig; (jg<ngroups); jg++) { if (ngroups > 1) { for(i=START(nsb); (i<START(nsb)+HOMENR(nsb)); i++) { if ((cENER[i] == ig) || (cENER[i] == jg)) qqbuf[i] = qbuf[i]; else qqbuf[i] = 0; } qptr = qqbuf; } else qptr = qbuf; ener = do_pme(fp,bVerbose,ir,xbuf,f,qptr,qptr,box,cr, nsb,nrnb,vir,fr->ewaldcoeff,FALSE,0,&dvdl,FALSE); vcorr = ewald_LRcorrection(fp,nsb,cr,fr,qptr,qptr,excl,xbuf,box,mu_tot, ir->ewald_geometry,ir->epsilon_surface, 0,&dvdl,&vdip,&vcharge); gmx_sum(1,&ener,cr); gmx_sum(1,&vcorr,cr); if (ngroups > 1) epme[ig][jg] = ener+vcorr; } } if (ngroups > 1) { if (fp_xvg) fprintf(fp_xvg,"%10.3f",tm); for(ig=0; (ig<ngroups); ig++) { for(jg=ig; (jg<ngroups); jg++) { if (ig != jg) epme[ig][jg] -= epme[ig][ig]+epme[jg][jg]; if (fp_xvg) fprintf(fp_xvg," %12.5e",epme[ig][jg]); } } if (fp_xvg) fprintf(fp_xvg,"\n"); } else { fprintf(fp,"Time: %10.3f Energy: %12.5e Correction: %12.5e Total: %12.5e\n", tm,ener,vcorr,ener+vcorr); if (fp_xvg) fprintf(fp_xvg,"%10.3f %12.5e %12.5e %12.5e\n",tm,ener+vcorr,vdip,vcharge); if (bVerbose) { m_add(vir,vir_corr,vir_tot); gmx_sum(9,vir_tot[0],cr); pr_rvecs(fp,0,"virial",vir_tot,DIM); } fflush(fp); } }
void force(FILE *fp, int step, t_forcerec *fr, t_inputrec *ir, t_idef *idef, t_nsborder *nsb, t_commrec *cr, t_commrec *mcr, t_nrnb *nrnb, t_groups *grps, t_mdatoms *md, int ngener, t_grpopts *opts, rvec x[], rvec f[], real epot[], t_fcdata *fcd, bool bVerbose, matrix box, real lambda, t_graph *graph, t_block *excl, bool bNBFonly, matrix lr_vir, rvec mu_tot, real qsum, bool bGatherOnly) { int i,nit; bool bDoEpot; rvec box_size; real Vlr,Vcorr=0; /* Reset box */ for(i=0; (i<DIM); i++) box_size[i]=box[i][i]; bDoEpot=((fr->nmol > 0) && (fr->nstcalc > 0) && (mod(step,fr->nstcalc)==0)); /* Reset epot... */ if (bDoEpot) for(i=0; (i<fr->nmol); i++) fr->mol_epot[i]=0.0; debug_gmx(); /* Call the short range functions all in one go. */ do_fnbf(fp,cr,fr,x,f,md, fr->bBHAM ? grps->[egBHAM] : grps->[egLJ], grps->[egCOUL],box_size,nrnb, lambda,&epot[F_DVDL],FALSE,-1); debug_gmx(); if (debug) pr_rvecs(debug,0,"fshift after SR",fr->fshift,SHIFTS); /* Shift the coordinates. Must be done before bonded forces and PPPM, * but is also necessary for SHAKE and update, therefore it can NOT * go when no bonded forces have to be evaluated. */ if (debug && 0) p_graph(debug,"DeBUGGGG",graph); /* Check whether we need to do bondeds */ if (!bNBFonly) { shift_self(graph,box,x); if (debug && 0) { fprintf(debug,"BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB\n"); fprintf(debug,"%5d\n",graph->nnodes); for(i=graph->start; (i<=graph->end); i++) fprintf(debug,"%5d%5s%5s%5d%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f\n", i,"A","B",i,x[i][XX],x[i][YY],x[i][ZZ]); fprintf(debug,"%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f\n", box[XX][XX],box[YY][YY],box[ZZ][ZZ]); } if (TRICLINIC(box)) inc_nrnb(nrnb,eNR_SHIFTX,2*graph->nnodes); else inc_nrnb(nrnb,eNR_SHIFTX,graph->nnodes); debug_gmx(); } if (EEL_LR(fr->eeltype)) { switch (fr->eeltype) { case eelPPPM: Vlr = do_pppm(fp,FALSE,x,fr->f_pme,md->chargeT, box_size,fr->phi,cr,nsb,nrnb); break; case eelPOISSON: Vlr = do_poisson(fp,FALSE,ir,md->nr,x,fr->f_pme,md->chargeT, box_size,fr->phi,cr,nrnb,&nit,TRUE); break; case eelPME: Vlr = do_pme(fp,FALSE,ir,x,fr->f_pme,md->chargeT, box,cr,nsb,nrnb,lr_vir,fr->ewaldcoeff,bGatherOnly); break; case eelEWALD: Vlr = do_ewald(fp,FALSE,ir,x,fr->f_pme,md->chargeT, box_size,cr,nsb,lr_vir,fr->ewaldcoeff); break; default: Vlr = 0; fatal_error(0,"No such electrostatics method implemented %s", eel_names[fr->eeltype]); } if(fr->bEwald) Vcorr = ewald_LRcorrection(fp,nsb,cr,fr,md->chargeT,excl,x,box,mu_tot,qsum, ir->ewald_geometry,ir->epsilon_surface,lr_vir); else Vcorr = shift_LRcorrection(fp,nsb,cr,fr,md->chargeT,excl,x,TRUE,box,lr_vir); epot[F_LR] = Vlr + Vcorr; if (debug) fprintf(debug,"Vlr = %g, Vcorr = %g, Vlr_corr = %g\n", Vlr,Vcorr,epot[F_LR]); if (debug) { pr_rvecs(debug,0,"lr_vir after corr",lr_vir,DIM); pr_rvecs(debug,0,"fshift after LR Corrections",fr->fshift,SHIFTS); } } debug_gmx(); if (debug) print_nrnb(debug,nrnb); debug_gmx(); if (!bNBFonly) { calc_bonds(fp,cr,mcr, idef,x,f,fr,graph,epot,nrnb,box,lambda,md, opts->ngener,grps->[egLJ14],grps->[egCOUL14], fcd,step,fr->bSepDVDL && do_per_step(step,ir->nstlog)); debug_gmx(); } if (debug) pr_rvecs(debug,0,"fshift after bondeds",fr->fshift,SHIFTS); for(i=0; (i<F_EPOT); i++) if (i != F_DISRES) epot[F_EPOT]+=epot[i]; }