Exemple #1
// Document the packages in the given program
static void doc_packages(docgen_t* docgen, ast_t* ast)
  assert(ast != NULL);
  assert(ast_id(ast) == TK_PROGRAM);

  // The Main package appears first, other packages in alphabetical order
  ast_t* package_1 = NULL;

  ast_list_t packages = { NULL, NULL, NULL };

  // Sort packages
  for(ast_t* p = ast_child(ast); p != NULL; p = ast_sibling(p))
    assert(ast_id(p) == TK_PACKAGE);

    if(strcmp(package_name(p), "$0") == 0)
      assert(package_1 == NULL);
      package_1 = p;
      const char* name = package_qualified_name(p);
      doc_list_add(&packages, p, name);

  // Process packages
  assert(package_1 != NULL);
  doc_package(docgen, package_1);

  for(ast_list_t* p = packages.next; p != NULL; p = p->next)
    doc_package(docgen, p->ast);
Exemple #2
// Document the packages in the given program
static void doc_packages(docgen_t* docgen, ast_t* ast)
  assert(ast != NULL);
  assert(ast_id(ast) == TK_PROGRAM);

  // The Main package appears first, other packages in alphabetical order
  ast_t* package_1 = ast_child(ast);
  assert(package_1 != NULL);

  ast_list_t packages = { NULL, NULL, NULL };

  // Sort packages
  for(ast_t* p = ast_sibling(package_1); p != NULL; p = ast_sibling(p))
    assert(ast_id(p) == TK_PACKAGE);

    const char* name = package_qualified_name(p);
    doc_list_add(&packages, p, name, true);

  // Process packages
  docgen->package_file = NULL;
  docgen->test_types = NULL;
  docgen->public_types = NULL;
  docgen->private_types = NULL;
  doc_package(docgen, package_1);

  for(ast_list_t* p = packages.next; p != NULL; p = p->next)
    doc_package(docgen, p->ast);
Exemple #3
// Add the given AST to the given list, using the name from the specified
// child.
// ASTs with hygenic names are ignored.
// Leading underscores on names are ignored for sorting purposes.
// When false the allow_public parameter causes ASTs with public names to be
// ignored. allow_private does the same for private names.
static void doc_list_add_named(ast_list_t* list, ast_t* ast, size_t id_index,
  bool allow_public, bool allow_private)
  assert(list != NULL);
  assert(ast != NULL);

  const char* name = ast_name(ast_childidx(ast, id_index));
  assert(name != NULL);

  if(name[0] == '$')  // Ignore internally generated names

  if(name[0] == '_' && !allow_private)  // Ignore private

  if(name[0] != '_' && !allow_public)  // Ignore public

  if(name[0] == '_')  // Ignore leading underscore for ordering

  doc_list_add(list, ast, name);