Exemple #1
static void averageLocalBF(void) {
	struct thread** threads = malloc(arraySize * sizeof(struct thread*));

    struct averageLocalArgs* args;
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i<arraySize; i++){
        args = malloc(sizeof(struct averageLocalArgs));
        args->arraySize = arraySize;
        args->loops = loops;
        args->id = i;

        float* arrayCopy = malloc(arraySize * sizeof(float));
        memcpy(arrayCopy, globalArray, arraySize * sizeof(float));
        args->array = arrayCopy;

        domain_thread_create_on(rrPlacement(), averageLocalWorkBF, args, &threads[i]);

    for(i = 0; i<arraySize; i++){
        int result;
        domain_thread_join(threads[i], &result);
        globalArray[i] = result;

Exemple #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    errval_t err;
    if (argc != 2) {
        printf("Usage %s: <Num additional threads>\n", argv[0]);

    //printf("main running on %d\n", disp_get_core_id());

    int cores = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10) + 1;

    NPROC = cores -1;
    BARINIT(barrier, NPROC);

    uint64_t before = rdtsc();
    times[0] = before;

    for (int i = 1; i < cores; i++) {
        err = domain_new_dispatcher(i + disp_get_core_id(),
        if (err_is_fail(err)) {
            USER_PANIC_ERR(err, "domain_new_dispatcher failed");

    while (ndispatchers < cores) {
    uint64_t finish = rdtsc();


    //sys_print("\nDone\n", 6);
    printf("spantest: Done in %"PRIu64" cycles\n", finish-before);


    for(int i = 1; i < cores; i++) {
        err = domain_thread_create_on(i, remote, NULL);

    return 0;
Exemple #3
static void averageSharedBF(void) {
	struct thread** threads = malloc(arraySize * sizeof(struct thread*));

    struct averageSharedArgs* args;
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i<arraySize; i++){
        args = malloc(sizeof(struct averageSharedArgs));
        args->id = i;
        if(i > 0) { args->left = globalArray[i-1];}
        if(i < arraySize - 1) { args->right = globalArray[i+1];}

        domain_thread_create_on(rrPlacement(), averageSharedWorkBF, args, &threads[i]);

    for(i = 0; i<arraySize; i++){
        domain_thread_join(threads[i], NULL);

Exemple #4
 * \brief initializes a thread on the given core
 * \@param core         ID of the core on which to create the tread on
 * \param stack_size    size of the stack of the tread to be created
 * \param thread        pointer to the thread struct to create
 * \returns SYS_ERR_OK on SUCCESS
 *          errval on FAILURE
errval_t bomp_thread_init(coreid_t core,
                          size_t stack_size,
                          struct bomp_thread *thread)
    errval_t err;

    BOMP_DEBUG_THREAD("Creating thread on core %"PRIuCOREID " \n", core);

    uint32_t done;

    err = domain_new_dispatcher(core, bomp_thread_init_done, &done);
    if (err_is_fail(err)) {
        BOMP_ERROR("creating new dispatcher on core %" PRIuCOREID "failed\n",
        return err;

    while(!done) {

    BOMP_DEBUG_THREAD("dispatcher ready. allocating memory for msg channel\n");

    size_t msg_frame_size;
    err = frame_alloc(&thread->msgframe, 2 * BOMP_CHANNEL_SIZE, &msg_frame_size);
    if (err_is_fail(err)) {
        return err;

    err = vspace_map_one_frame(&thread->msgbuf, msg_frame_size, thread->msgframe,
                               NULL, NULL);
    if (err_is_fail(err)) {
        return err;

    struct bomp_frameinfo fi = {
        .sendbase = (lpaddr_t)thread->msgbuf + BOMP_CHANNEL_SIZE,
        .inbuf = thread->msgbuf,
        .inbufsize = BOMP_CHANNEL_SIZE,
        .outbuf = ((uint8_t *) thread->msgbuf) + BOMP_CHANNEL_SIZE,
        .outbufsize = BOMP_CHANNEL_SIZE

    BOMP_DEBUG_THREAD("creating channel on %p\n", thread->msgbuf);

    err = bomp_accept(&fi, thread, bomp_thread_accept_cb,
                      get_default_waitset(), IDC_EXPORT_FLAGS_DEFAULT);

    if (err_is_fail(err)) {
        // XXX> error handling
        return err;

    BOMP_DEBUG_THREAD("creating thread on core %" PRIuCOREID "\n", core);
    err = domain_thread_create_on(core, bomp_thread_msg_handler, thread->msgbuf);
    if (err_is_fail(err)) {
        // XXX> error handling
        return err;

    while (thread->ctrl == NULL) {
        err = event_dispatch(get_default_waitset());
        if (err_is_fail(err)) {
            USER_PANIC_ERR(err, "event dispatch\n");

    BOMP_DEBUG_THREAD("thread on core %" PRIuCOREID " connected \n", core);

    return thread->thread_err;

errval_t bomp_thread_exec(struct bomp_thread *thread,
                          bomp_thread_fn_t fn, void *arg, uint32_t tid)
    debug_printf("bomp_thread_exec(%p, %p, %p, %u) %p\n", thread, fn, arg, tid, thread->icvt);
    struct txq_msg_st *msg_st = txq_msg_st_alloc(&thread->txq);
    if (msg_st == NULL) {
        return LIB_ERR_MALLOC_FAIL;

    uint32_t msg_sent = 0;

    msg_st->send = execute__tx;
    msg_st->cleanup = (txq_cleanup_fn_t)txq_msg_sent_cb;

    struct bomp_msg_st *bomp_msg_st = (struct bomp_msg_st *)msg_st;

    bomp_msg_st->args.exec.arg = (uint64_t)arg;
    bomp_msg_st->args.exec.fn = (uint64_t)fn;
    bomp_msg_st->args.exec.tid = tid;
    bomp_msg_st->args.exec.icv = (uint64_t)thread->icvt;
    bomp_msg_st->message_sent = &msg_sent;


    while(msg_sent == 0) {

    //return event_dispatch_non_block(get_default_waitset());
    return SYS_ERR_OK;
Exemple #5
/** Initialise the tweed library - must be called before any other 
 *  tweed calls
int init_tweed(int workers_requested,
              int(*main_func)(struct generic_task_desc *,void*), 
              void* main_args) {
    int i, err;
    if (workers_requested < 1) {
                "Error initalizing tweed - requested less than 1 worker\n");
        return -1;
    num_workers = workers_requested;
    workers = (struct worker_desc *) malloc (
	          num_workers * sizeof(struct worker_desc));
    // alloc task stack space for all workers, leave space for alignment
    task_stack_space = malloc (TWEED_TASK_STACK_SIZE * (num_workers + 1));
    char * curr_stack_space = (char*)(((unsigned long)task_stack_space + TWEED_TASK_STACK_SIZE) & ~TWEED_TASK_STACK_MASK);
    // Initialize worker data-structures
    for (i=0; i<num_workers; i++) {
        init_worker(i, curr_stack_space);
        curr_stack_space += TWEED_TASK_STACK_SIZE;

    // create dispatchers on all other cores required for num_workers
    for (i=1; i<num_workers; i++) {
        err = domain_new_dispatcher(i + disp_get_core_id(), 
        if (err_is_fail(err)) {
            DEBUG_ERR(err, "domain_new_dispatcher failed");
            printf("%d failed\n", i);

    // wait for all dispatchers to come up
    while (num_dispatchers < num_workers) {
    num_dispatchers = 1;  // reset

    // start work stealing threads on newly created domains
    for (i = 1; i < num_workers; i++) {
        struct worker_args * args = (struct worker_args *) malloc (
                                        sizeof(struct worker_args));
        args->id = i;
        args->origin = disp_get_core_id();

        err = domain_thread_create_on(i + disp_get_core_id(), start_worker_thread, 
        if (err_is_fail(err)) {
            DEBUG_ERR(err, "Failed to run a function on remote core");

    // wait for all dispatchers to come up
    while (num_dispatchers < num_workers) {

    // now start the main worker on the current dispatcher
    return main_worker(0, main_func, main_args);