void newmsg_do(const char *folder) { const char *draftmessage=cgi("draftmessage"); if (*draftmessage) /* It's ok if it's blank */ { CHECKFILENAME(draftmessage); } if (*cgi("savedraft")) { char *newdraft=newmsg_createdraft(draftmessage); if (!newdraft) enomem(); free(newdraft); sendmsg_done(); return; } if (*cgi("sendmsg") && dosendmsg(draftmessage)) return; if (*cgi("doattachments")) { char *newdraft=newmsg_createdraft(draftmessage); char *base; if (!newdraft) enomem(); if (*cgi("error")) { cgi_put("previewmsg", "1"); output_form("newmsg.html"); return; } base=maildir_basename(newdraft); http_redirect_argss("&form=attachments&pos=%s&draft=%s", cgi("pos"), base); free(base); free(newdraft); return; } #ifdef ISPELL if (*cgi("startspellchk")) { char *newdraft=newmsg_createdraft(draftmessage); char *base; if (!newdraft) enomem(); base=maildir_basename(newdraft); free(newdraft); if (spell_start(base) == 0) { cgi_put("draftmessage", base); output_form("spellchk.html"); } else { http_redirect_argss("&form=newmsg&pos=%s&draft=%s&previewmsg=SPELLCHK", cgi("pos"), base); } free(base); return; } #endif if (*ispreviewmsg()||cgi("return")) { output_form("newmsg.html"); return; } http_redirect_argsss("&form=newmsg&pos=%s&draftmessage=%s&error=%s", cgi("pos"), draftmessage, cgi("error")); }
int main(void){ int server = assertSuccess("server socket creation", socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)); struct sockaddr_in server_name; server_name.sin_family = AF_INET; server_name.sin_addr.s_addr= htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK); //inet_addr(""); //INADDR_LOOPBACK; //INADDR_LOOPBACK is equalent to inet_addr(, so why bother with conversion //INADDR_ANY could be used to listen to all interface (usually marked with ip address) server_name.sin_port = htons(10000); //the following 2 line will configure the socket to enable reusing it just after closing //the default is that the kernel reserve the port for a time even after quit. const int one = 1; assertSuccess("setsockopts", setsockopt(server, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &one, sizeof(int))); assertSuccess("bind", bind(server, (const struct sockaddr *) &server_name, sizeof(server_name))); //after binding, the kernel still doesn't accept connection to that port. We need to enable it, specifying how many connection can wait assertSuccess("listen", listen(server, 4)); //listen's 2nd argument is the blacklog size, currently decieded by http://xkcd.com/221 //the blacklog size doesn't affect how many connection can be estabilished at a given time, rather how many connection can waiting //in the accept's queue. struct timeval zerotime = {0,0}; fd_set acceptset; fd_set readset; std::vector<int> clients; std::vector<int>::const_iterator cit; std::vector<int>::const_iterator cit2; int client; int max; char *msg; while(1){ FD_SET(server, &acceptset); if( clients.empty() ){ select(server+1, &acceptset, NULL, NULL, NULL); //If we don't have client, we'll wait till we have somebody }else{ select(server+1, &acceptset, NULL, NULL, &zerotime); //else if nobody waits for connection, return immediately } if( FD_ISSET(server, &acceptset) ){ client = accept(server, NULL, NULL); //TODO: error handling if ( client > 0 ) clients.push_back(client); } if ( clients.empty()) continue; //still possible to have no clients FD_ZERO(&readset); for( cit = clients.begin(), max=0; cit != clients.end(); cit++){ if( max < *cit ) max = *cit; FD_SET(*cit, &readset); } select(max+1, &readset, NULL, NULL, NULL); for( cit = clients.begin(); cit != clients.end(); cit++){ if ( !FD_ISSET( *cit, &readset) ) continue; msg = doreceivemsg(*cit); for( cit2 = clients.begin(); cit2 != clients.end(); cit2++){ dosendmsg(*cit2, msg); } delete[] msg; msg=NULL; } } }