Exemple #1
// Ray and Sphere Intersection---------------------------------------------------------------------
float raySphereIntersection(Ray ray, SPHERE sphere, Point3dPtr n1, Point3dPtr interp1, float* kd1)
	float t;
	float radius;
	Point3d center;
	Point3dPtr S;
	S = (Point3dPtr)malloc(sizeof(Point3d));
	*kd1 = sphere.kd;

	radius = sphere.radius;
	center.x = sphere.x;
	center.y = sphere.y;
	center.z = sphere.z;
	subVector(&center, ray.a, S);	//S = Sphere Center Translated into Coordinate Frame of Ray Origin

	//Intersection of Sphere and Line     =       Quadratic Function of Distance 
	// A ray is defined by: R(t) = R0 + t * Rd , t > 0 with R0 = [X0, Y0, Z0] and Rd = [Xd, Yd, Zd]
	float A = dotProduct(ray.b, ray.b);		//A = Xd^2 + Yd^2 + Zd^2
	float B = -2.0*dotProduct(S, ray.b);		//B = 2 * (Xd * (X0 - Xc) + Yd * (Y0 - Yc) + Zd * (Z0 - Zc))
	float C = dotProduct(S, S) - radius*radius;	//C = (X0 - Xc)^2 + (Y0 - Yc)^2 + (Z0 - Zc)^2 - Sr^2
	float D = B*B - 4 * A*C;					//Precompute Discriminant

	if (D >= 0.0)
		// if there is a shorter one just use this one, if not use another(longer one).
		int sign = (C < 0.0) ? 1 : -1;
		t = (-B + sign*sqrt(D)) / 2.f; // A should be equal to 1

		// The surface normal
		n1->x = (ray.a->x + ray.b->x*t - center.x) / radius;
		n1->y = (ray.a->y + ray.b->y*t - center.y) / radius;
		n1->z = (ray.a->z + ray.b->z*t - center.z) / radius;

		// The intersection point
		interp1->x = ray.a->x + ray.b->x*t;
		interp1->y = ray.a->y + ray.b->y*t;
		interp1->z = ray.a->z + ray.b->z*t;

		return t;	//The distance
	return 0.0;
Exemple #2
bool collideLineRectangle(rectangle_struct* rec, vect3D o, vect3D v, int32 d, int32* kk, vect3D* ip)
	if(!rec)return false;
	vect3D n=vect(abs(rec->normal.x),abs(rec->normal.y),abs(rec->normal.z));
	int32 p1=dotProduct(v,n);
		vect3D p=convertVect(rec->position); //CHECK lightmap generation ?
		vect3D s=vect(rec->size.x*TILESIZE*2,rec->size.y*HEIGHTUNIT,rec->size.z*TILESIZE*2);
		int32 p2=dotProduct(vectDifference(p,o),n);

		int32 k=divf32(p2,p1);
		s8 sign=((s.x>0)^(s.y<0)^(s.z>0)^(p1<0))?(-1):(1);
		if(k<0 || k>d){return false;}
		vect3D i=addVect(o,vectMult(v,k));
		bool r=true;
			else r=r&&i.x>s.x&&i.x<=0;
			else r=r&&i.y>s.y&&i.y<=0;
			else r=r&&i.z>s.z&&i.z<=0;
		return r;
	return false;
SATProjection getProjection(sf::Vector2f normal, Entity* const entity)
	double min = dotProduct(normal, entity->getVertexGlobalPosition(0));
	double max = min;

	for (int i(1); i < entity->getVertexCount(); ++i)
	{//project each vertex of the shape onto the normal
		//then calculate the maximum and minimum values in the array and return those
		//as a projection
		double dp = dotProduct(normal, entity->getVertexGlobalPosition(i));

		if (dp < min)
			min = dp;
		else if (dp > max)
			max = dp;

	return(SATProjection(min, max));
Exemple #4
    void cosine(vector< double >* v1, vector< double >* v2, double m1, double m2, float & result)
	if ((int)v1->size() != (int)v2->size())
	    result = -1;
	float dp=dotProduct(v1,v2);
	result = (dp/(m1*m2));
Exemple #5
void Ball::handleBallCollision(vector<float> targetPosition , vector<float> targetVelocity , float targetMass , float targetRadius) {			//Resolves Ball Collisions
	vector<float> newPos  	= addVectors(this->getPosition() , ScalarMult(this->getVelocity() , DELTA_T)); 					// Position in next iteration
	vector<float> deltaPos 	= addVectors(newPos , ScalarMult(targetPosition , -1.0)); 										//R1 - R2
	float speedAlongNormal 	= dotProduct(deltaPos , addVectors(targetVelocity , ScalarMult(this->getVelocity() , -1.0))); 	// (V1-V2).N
	float distSquare 		= dotProduct(deltaPos , deltaPos);									
	if( (distSquare <= pow( this->getRadius() + targetRadius , 2)) &&( speedAlongNormal >= 0.0) ) {
		this->setVelocity(solveBallCollision(this->getVelocity(), targetVelocity, newPos, targetPosition, this->getMass(), targetMass , coefficientRestitution).first); /// checks and updates the balls velocity if it collides with some other ball
		this-> setTimeSinceCollision(BLINK_TIME); //Display changes according to timeSinceCollision

	#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(BALL_DEBUG)
		float x 			= this->getMass();
		float y 			= this->getMass() * pow(this->getVelocity(),2) * 0.5;
		string temp_output	= "Mass =" + to_string(x) + " Energy= " + to_string(y);
Exemple #6
float Vector::projectedLength(Vector B)
{//compute the length of A on B, return -1 means ERROR
  float len=B.length();
  if (fabs(len-0)<ZERO){
	printf("\nERROR: Vector::projectedLength()");
	return -1;
	return (dotProduct(B)/len);
Exemple #7
bool checkTeminationConditions(Plan& P, ADDvector& x, ADDvector& lambda, ADDvector& nu, bool phase1) {
	double epsilon_feas = .01;
	double epsilon = .01;
	ADDvector r_t = R_T(P, x, lambda, nu, phase1);
	ADD dist_r_pri = CalcDist(r_t, 0, x.count());
	ADD dist_r_dual = CalcDist(r_t, x.count() + lambda.count(), r_t.count());
	ADD lambdaTest = dotProduct(-P.F(x, phase1), lambda);
	return maximum(dist_r_pri) < epsilon_feas && 
		   maximum(dist_r_dual) < epsilon_feas && 
		   maximum(lambdaTest) < epsilon;
Exemple #8
bool intersectSphere(ray R, sphere S)
    vect deltaP = {S.x - R.x,S.y-R.y, S.z-R.z};

    double part1 = pow(dotProduct(R.u, deltaP),2.0); 
    double part2 = pow(vectLength(deltaP),2.0);
    double part3 = pow(S.r,2.0);
       double result = part1 - part2 + part3;
    if(result<=0) return false;
    return true;
Exemple #9
	void Plane::moveAtBorder(Vector3D& v,bool inside) const
		float dist = dotProduct(tNormal,v - getTransformedPosition());

		if ((dist <= 0.0f) == inside)

		v += tNormal * -dist;
Exemple #10
bool CSphere::Intersects(GzRay ray, float &tValue)
	GzCoord origVec;
	origVec[X] =  m_centre[X] - ray.origin[X];
	origVec[Y] =  m_centre[Y] - ray.origin[Y];
	origVec[Z] =  m_centre[Z] - ray.origin[Z];

	float a = dotProduct(origVec,ray.direction); 

	float b = dotProduct(origVec, origVec) - (a*a); //bsquare value using pythagoras theorem

	float f = (m_radius * m_radius) - b;

	if(f < 0) //means square root wil definitely be negative
		return false;
	tValue = a - sqrt(f);
	return true;

    Vector3D Cylinder::computeNormal(const Vector3D& point) const
        float dist = dotProduct(tDirection,point - getTransformedPosition());
        if(dist >= length*0.5f) return tDirection;
		if(dist <= -length*0.5f) return -tDirection;

		Vector3D ext = point - (tDirection*dist + getTransformedPosition());
		float r = ext.getNorm(); ext = ext / r;

		return ext;
double VectorType::angleBetweenVectors(VectorType secondVector)
	//cos(theta) = (u . v) / (|u|*|v|
	double theta = acos(dotProduct(secondVector)
		(vectorLength() * secondVector.vectorLength())

	return theta;
void LatticeReduction::reduceFast(Tensor&t){
  Vector v[3];
    double b11=modulo2(v[0]);
    double b22=modulo2(v[1]);
    double b12=dotProduct(v[0],v[1]);
    double b13=dotProduct(v[0],v[2]);
    double b23=dotProduct(v[1],v[2]);
    double z=b11*b22-b12*b12;
    double y2=-(b11*b23-b12*b13)/z;
    double y1=-(b22*b13-b12*b23)/z;
    int x1min=floor(y1);
    int x1max=x1min+1;
    int x2min=floor(y2);
    int x2max=x2min+1;
    bool first=true;
    double mbest,mtrial;
    Vector trial,best;
    for(int x1=x1min;x1<=x1max;x1++)
    for(int x2=x2min;x2<=x2max;x2++){
      if(first || mtrial<mbest){
    if(modulo2(best)+epsilon>=modulo2(v[2])) break;
Exemple #14
void Screen::rayTrace(const P_FLT time) {
  clock_t startTimer, endTimer;

  startTimer = clock();

  P_FLT horizontal = sin(scene->camera->angle * 0.5f),
        vertical = horizontal / scene->camera->aspectRatio;

  Vector3D forward = scene->camera->forward,
           up = scene->camera->up,
           top = up - forward * dotProduct(up, forward),
           left = scene->camera->left;
  top *= vertical;
  left *= horizontal;

  Point3D center = scene->camera->viewpoint + forward,
          topLeft = center + top + left;

  Vector3D pixelHor = -left / static_cast<P_FLT>(width / 2),
           pixelVert = -top / static_cast<P_FLT>(height / 2);

  Vector3D topLeftPixel = topLeft - scene->camera->viewpoint +
                          (pixelHor * 0.5f) + (pixelVert * 0.5f);

  ScreenTracer * screenTracer = new ScreenTracer(scene);
  for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
      Vector3D rayDir = topLeftPixel +
                        pixelHor * static_cast<P_FLT>(i) +
                        pixelVert * static_cast<P_FLT>(j);

      pixels[j * width + i] = Color();
      screenTracer->addTask(&pixels[j * width + i], rayDir);
  screenTracer->init(scene->camera->viewpoint, pixelHor, pixelVert);

  pthread_t * threads = new pthread_t[threadNum];
  for (int i = 0; i < threadNum; i++) {
    pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, &runScreenTracer,
                   static_cast<void *>(screenTracer));
  for (int i = 0; i < threadNum; i++) {
    pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);
  endTimer = clock();
  printf("\rTracing image...100.0%% completed (%.3f seconds).\n",
         clockTimeMT(startTimer, endTimer));

  delete screenTracer;
ColorRGB DiffSpecMaterial::ambientResponse(const ONB& uvw, const Vector3D& v_in, const Vector3D& p, const Vector2D& uv)
	float cosine = dotProduct(v_in, uvw.w());
	if (cosine < 0.0f) cosine = -cosine;
	float temp1 = 1.0f - cosine;
	float R = R0 + (1.0f - R0) *temp1*temp1*temp1*temp1*temp1;
	float P = (R + 0.5f) / 2.0f;
	if(rng() <= P)
		return spec_mat->ambientResponse(uvw, v_in, p, uv);
		return diff_mat->ambientResponse(uvw, v_in, p, uv);
Exemple #16
bool Function::inTriangleUseBarycenter(Point p, Point end1, Point end2, Point end3) {
	Point v0 = subtract(end3, end1);
	Point v1 = subtract(end2, end1);
	Point v2 = subtract(p, end1);

	double dot00 = dotProduct(v0, v0);
	double dot01 = dotProduct(v0, v1);
	double dot02 = dotProduct(v0, v2);
	double dot11 = dotProduct(v1, v1);
	double dot12 = dotProduct(v1, v2);

	double inverDeno = 1 / (dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01);
	double u = (dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * inverDeno;
	if (u < 0 || u > 1)
		return false;
	double v = (dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * inverDeno;
	if (v < 0 || v > 1)
		return false;

	return (u + v) <= 1;
void multiply (float *A, float *B, float *out, int size) {
    float *temp = new float[size];

    for (int col=0; col<size; col++) {
        for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
            temp[i] = B[i * size + col];
        for (int row=0; row<size; row++)
            out[row * size + col] = dotProduct(&A[row], temp, size);

    delete[] temp;
int main()
	printf("\n a = "); printVector(a);
	printf("\n b = "); printVector(b);
	printf("\n c = "); printVector(c);
	printf("\n a . b = %f",dotProduct(a,b));
	printf("\n a x b = "); printVector(crossProduct(a,b));
	printf("\n a . (b x c) = %f",scalarTripleProduct(a,b,c));
	printf("\n a x (b x c) = "); printVector(vectorTripleProduct(a,b,c));
	return 0;
Exemple #19
void Pbc::buildShifts(std::vector<Vector> shifts[2][2][2])const{
  const double small=1e-28;

// clear all shifts
  for(int i=0;i<2;i++) for(int j=0;j<2;j++) for(int k=0;k<2;k++) shifts[i][j][k].clear();

// enumerate all possible shifts
// since box is reduced, only 27 shifts have to be attempted
  for(int l=-1;l<=1;l++) for(int m=-1;m<=1;m++) for(int n=-1;n<=1;n++){

// int/double shift vectors
    int ishift[3]={l,m,n};
    Vector dshift(l,m,n);

// count how many components are != 0
    unsigned count=0;
    for(int s=0;s<3;s++) if(ishift[s]!=0) count++;

// skips trivial (0,0,0) and cases with three shifts
// only 18 shifts survive past this point
    if(count==0 || count==3) continue;

// check if that Wigner-Seitz face is perpendicular to the axis.
// this allows to eliminate shifts in symmetric cells.
// e.g., if one lactice vector is orthogonal to the plane spanned
// by the other two vectors, that shift should never be tried
    Vector cosdir=matmul(reduced,transpose(reduced),dshift);
    double dp=dotProduct(dshift,cosdir);
    double ref=modulo2(dshift)*modulo2(cosdir);
    if(std::fabs(ref-dp*dp)<small) continue;

// here we start pruning depending on the sign of the scaled coordinate
    for(int i=0;i<2;i++) for(int j=0;j<2;j++) for(int k=0;k<2;k++){

      int block[3]={2*i-1,2*j-1,2*k-1};

// skip cases where shift would bring too far from origin
      bool skip=false;
      for(int s=0;s<3;s++) if(ishift[s]*block[s]>0) skip=true;
      if(skip) continue;
      for(int s=0;s<3;s++){
// check that the components of cosdir along the non-shifted directions
// have the proper sign
        if(((1-ishift[s]*ishift[s])*block[s])*cosdir[s]<-small) skip=false;

// if we arrive to this point, shift is eligible and is added to the list
Exemple #20
bool collideLineConvertedRectangle(vect3D n, vect3D p, vect3D s, vect3D o, vect3D v, int32 d, int32* kk, vect3D* ip)
	int32 p1=dotProduct(v,n);
		int32 p2=dotProduct(vectDifference(p,o),n);

		int32 k=divf32(p2,p1);
		s8 sign=((s.x>0)^(s.y<0)^(s.z>0)^(p1<0))?(-1):(1);
		if(k<0 || k>d){return false;}
		vect3D i=addVect(o,vectMult(v,k));
		NOGBA("I %d %d %d",i.x,i.y,i.z);
		NOGBA("S %d %d %d",s.x,s.y,s.z);
		bool r=true;
			else r=r&&i.x>s.x&&i.x<=0;
			else r=r&&i.y>s.y&&i.y<=0;
			else r=r&&i.z>s.z&&i.z<=0;
		return r;
	return false;
Exemple #21
	ParaEngine::Radian Vector3::angleBetween(const Vector3& dest)
		float lenProduct = length() * dest.length();

		// Divide by zero check
		if (lenProduct < 1e-6f)
			lenProduct = 1e-6f;

		float f = dotProduct(dest) / lenProduct;

		f = Math::Clamp(f, (float)-1.0, (float)1.0);
		return Math::ACos(f);
Exemple #22
// Tests Dot Product Function
TEST_F(LAopsTest, result_dotprod_ok) {
  fem_float* testvec2 = (fem_float*)malloc(m_vecdim * sizeof(fem_float));
  float accumulator = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < m_vecdim; ++i) {
    m_testvec[i] = 2;
    testvec2[i]  = i+1.0f;
    accumulator += 2 * (i+1);
  fem_float dotprod1 = dotProduct(m_vecdim, m_testvec, testvec2);
  fem_float dotprod2 = dotProductOMP(m_vecdim, m_testvec, testvec2);
  ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(dotprod1, accumulator);
  ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(dotprod2, accumulator);
Exemple #23
bool CTriangle::Intersects(GzRay ray, float &tValue)
	GzCoord L1, L2;
	L1[X] = m_trianglePrimitives.vertexList[1][X] - m_trianglePrimitives.vertexList[0][X];
	L1[Y] = m_trianglePrimitives.vertexList[1][Y] - m_trianglePrimitives.vertexList[0][Y];
	L1[Z] = m_trianglePrimitives.vertexList[1][Z] - m_trianglePrimitives.vertexList[0][Z];

	L2[X] = m_trianglePrimitives.vertexList[2][X] - m_trianglePrimitives.vertexList[0][X];
	L2[Y] = m_trianglePrimitives.vertexList[2][Y] - m_trianglePrimitives.vertexList[0][Y];
	L2[Z] = m_trianglePrimitives.vertexList[2][Z] - m_trianglePrimitives.vertexList[0][Z];

	GzCoord distanceVec;
	distanceVec[X] = ray.origin[X] - m_trianglePrimitives.vertexList[0][X];
	distanceVec[Y] = ray.origin[Y] - m_trianglePrimitives.vertexList[0][Y];
	distanceVec[Z] = ray.origin[Z] - m_trianglePrimitives.vertexList[0][Z];

	float distance = getVectorMagnitude(distanceVec);

	GzCoord S1;
	float d = 1 / dotProduct(S1,L1);

	float u = dotProduct(distanceVec, S1) * d; //1st barycentric coordinate

	if(u < 0 || u > 1) 
		return false;

	GzCoord S2;
	float v = dotProduct(ray.direction, S2) * d; //2nd barycentric coordinate

	if(v < 0 || (u+v) > 1)
		return false;

	tValue = dotProduct(L2, S2) * d;

	return true;
Exemple #24
// Stolen from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/849211/shortest-distance-between-a-point-and-a-line-segment
// Return minimum distance point on line segment vw minimizing the distance to point p
PD nearestPointOnLineSegment(PD v, PD w, PD p) {
  if(epsEq(v, w))
    return v; // v == w case. Avoid division by zero.
  double l2 = distSquared(v, w);
  // Consider the line extending the segment, parameterized as v + t (w - v).
  // We find projection of point p onto the line. 
  // It falls where t = [(p-v) . (w-v)] / |w-v|^2
  // We clamp t from [0,1] to handle points outside the segment vw.
  PD wv = w-v;
  double t = clamp01(dotProduct(p-v, wv) / l2);
  PD projection = v + (wv * t); // Projection falls on the segment
  return projection;
Exemple #25
// calculates the plane-line intercept constant
float constantForPlaneLineIntercept(Coordinates& plane,
                                    Coordinates& point,
                                    float intercept)

  //denom = plane.x*plane.x + plane.y*plane.y + plane.z*plane.z;
  float denom = dotProduct( plane, 
                            plane );
  // Make sure we aren't dividing by 0
  // because that baaaaaaaaaaaaad
  if(denom != 0)
       return -1*( intercept + 
                   dotProduct(plane, point) ) / denom;
      cout << "Warning: Plane vector does not exist" << endl;
  return FLT_MAX;
Exemple #26
double Value::projection(const Value& v1,const Value&v2){
  double proj=0.0;
  const std::map<AtomNumber,Vector> & grad1(v1.gradients);
  const std::map<AtomNumber,Vector> & grad2(v2.gradients);
  for(std::map<AtomNumber,Vector>::const_iterator p1=grad1.begin();p1!=grad1.end();++p1){
    AtomNumber a=(*p1).first;
    std::map<AtomNumber,Vector>::const_iterator p2=grad2.find(a);
  return proj;
Exemple #27
double Value::projection(const Value& v1,const Value&v2) {
  double proj=0.0;
  const std::map<AtomNumber,Vector> & grad1(v1.gradients);
  const std::map<AtomNumber,Vector> & grad2(v2.gradients);
  for(const auto & p1 : grad1) {
    AtomNumber a=p1.first;
    const auto p2=grad2.find(a);
    if(p2!=grad2.end()) {
  return proj;
Exemple #28
  void forwardOneInput(int layerId) {
    const MatrixPtr& inputMat = getInputValue(layerId);
    const MatrixPtr& weightMat = weights_[layerId]->getW();

    int dim = inputMat->getWidth();
    real* sampleOut = sampleOut_.value->getData();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < samples_.size(); ++i) {
      sampleOut[i] += dotProduct(dim,
Exemple #29
bool UVSphere::hit(const Ray3D& r, float tmin, float tmax, float time, HitRecord& record) const
	Vector3D temp = r.getOrigin() - center;

	double a = dotProduct(r.getDirection(), r.getDirection());
	double b = 2*dotProduct(r.getDirection(), temp);
	double c = dotProduct(temp, temp) - radius*radius;

	double disc = b*b -4*a*c;
	//is there some intersection

	if(disc > 0.0) {
		disc = sqrt(disc);
		double t = (-b - disc) / (2.0*a);
		if (t < tmin)
			t = (-b + disc) /(2.0*a);
		if (t < tmin || t > tmax)
			return false;

		record.t = t;
		record.p = record.texp = (r.getOrigin() + t*r.getDirection());
		record.uvw.initFromW((record.p - center) / radius);

		Vector3D n = (record.p - center) / radius;
		float twopi = 6.28318530718f;
		float theta = acos(n.getZ());
		float phi = atan2(n.getY(), n.getX());
		if (phi < 0.0f) phi+= twopi;

		float one_over_2pi = .159154943029f;
		float one_over_pi = .318309886184f;
		float pi = 3.14159;
		record.uv = Vector2D(phi*one_over_2pi, (pi-theta)*one_over_pi);

		record.mat_ptr = material;
		return true;
	return false;
Exemple #30
void findBoundingBox() {
    double minX = DBL_MAX, minY = DBL_MAX, minZ = DBL_MAX;
    double maxX = -DBL_MAX, maxY = -DBL_MAX, maxZ = -DBL_MAX;
    vector<Group*> groups = mesh->getGroups();
    for (auto g : groups) {
        Group* group = g;
        vector<Face*> faces = group->getFaces();
        for (auto f : faces) {
            Face* face = f;
            vector<int> verticesIndexes = face->getVertices();
            for (auto v : verticesIndexes) {
                int vertexIndex = v - 1; // -1 porque OBJ são 1-indexed
                Vertex *vertex = mesh->getVertices().at(vertexIndex);
                // mínimos
                if (vertex->getX() < minX) minX = vertex->getX();
                if (vertex->getY() < minY) minY = vertex->getY();
                if (vertex->getZ() < minZ) minZ = vertex->getZ();

                // máximos
                if (vertex->getX() > maxX) maxX = vertex->getX();
                if (vertex->getY() > maxY) maxY = vertex->getY();
                if (vertex->getZ() > maxZ) maxZ = vertex->getZ();
    minPoint = {minX, minY, minZ};
    maxPoint = {maxX, maxY, maxZ};
    float vectorMin[3];
    vectorMin[0] = minPoint.x;
    vectorMin[1] = minPoint.y;
    vectorMin[2] = minPoint.z;
    float vectorMax[3];
    vectorMax[0] = maxPoint.x;
    vectorMax[1] = maxPoint.y;
    vectorMax[2] = maxPoint.z;
    float cosAngleH = dotProduct(vectorMax, vectorMin);
    angleH = acos(cosAngleH) - 150;
    currentPosition.x = maxPoint.x + 1;
    currentPosition.y = maxPoint.y + 1;
    currentPosition.z = maxPoint.z + 1;