Exemple #1
static int test_nad27_ll(double lat, double lon,
                         double expected_lat, double expected_lon)
    double lats[1];
    double lons[1];
    double hts[1];

    char input_projection_info[255];
    char output_projection_info[255];

    projPJ input_projection, output_projection;

    sprintf(input_projection_info, "+proj=latlong +datum=NAD27");
    sprintf(output_projection_info, "+proj=latlong +datum=NAD83");

    input_projection = pj_init_plus(input_projection_info);
    output_projection = pj_init_plus(output_projection_info);
    lats[0] = lat * D2R;
    lons[0] = lon * D2R;
    hts[0] = 0;

    pj_transform (input_projection, output_projection, 1, 1, 
                  lats, lons, hts);

    if (pj_errno != 0) {
        asfPrintWarning("libproj error: %s\n", pj_strerrno(pj_errno));


    lats[0] *= R2D;
    lons[0] *= R2D;

    CU_ASSERT(double_equals(lats[0], expected_lat, 6));
    CU_ASSERT(double_equals(lons[0], expected_lon, 6));

    if (double_equals(lats[0], expected_lat, 6) &&
        double_equals(lons[0], expected_lon, 6))
        //asfPrintStatus("Proj (fwd): %f, %f ... OK\n", lat, lon);
        return TRUE;
        asfPrintStatus("Proj (fwd): %f, %f ... ERROR\n", lat, lon);
        asfPrintStatus("Result:                 %.10f %.10f (%.10f)\n",
                       lats[0], lons[0], hts[0]);
        asfPrintStatus("Expected:               %.10f %.10f\n",
                       expected_lat, expected_lon);
        return FALSE;
Exemple #2
void crf_context_alpha_score(crf_context_t *self) {
    double *scale = self->scale_factor->a;

    const double *prev = NULL;
    const double *trans = NULL;
    const double *state = NULL;
    const double *state_trans = NULL;

    const size_t T = self->num_items;
    const size_t L = self->num_labels;

    /* Compute the alpha scores on nodes 0, *).
       alpha[0][j] = state[0][j]

       At this point we have no transition features.
    double *cur = alpha_score(self, 0);
    state = exp_state_score(self, 0);
    double_array_raw_copy(cur, state, L);
    double sum = double_array_sum(cur, L);
    double scale_t = !double_equals(sum, 0.) ? 1. / sum : 1.;
    scale[0] = scale_t;
    double_array_mul(cur, scale[0], L);

    /* Compute the alpha scores on nodes (t, *).
       alpha[t][j] = state[t][j] * \sum_{i} alpha[t-1][i] * state_trans[t][i][j] * trans[i][j]
    for (size_t t = 1; t < T; t++) {
        prev = alpha_score(self, t - 1);
        cur = alpha_score(self, t);
        state = exp_state_score(self, t);

        double_array_zero(cur, L);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < L; i++) {
            trans = exp_trans_score(self, i);
            state_trans = exp_state_trans_score(self, t, i);
            for (size_t j = 0; j < L; j++) {
                cur[j] += prev[i] * trans[j] * state_trans[j];

        double_array_mul_array(cur, state, L);
        sum = double_array_sum(cur, L);
        scale[t] = scale_t = !double_equals(sum, 0.) ? 1. / sum : 1.;
        double_array_mul(cur, scale_t, L);

    /* Compute the logarithm of the normalization factor here.
       norm = 1. / (C[0] * C[1] ... * C[T-1])
       log(norm) = - \sum_{t = 0}^{T-1} log(C[t])
    self->log_norm = -double_array_sum_log(scale, T);
Exemple #3
static inline bool is_all_zeros(const mat& m) {
  for (mat::const_iterator it = m.begin();
      it != m.end(); ++it)
    if (!double_equals(*it, 0.0))
      return false;
  return true;
Exemple #4
vec& LinkedTreeRobot::getQDot(const vec& desired, vec& qdot, vec& axes) {
  vec P(3 * _numEffectors);
  getEffectorPositions(P); // position of the effectors currently

  vec F = clamp(desired - P, 0.5);

  mat J;
  computeJacobian(desired, J, axes);

  mat Jc;
  //cout << "++ Going to compute constraint jacobian ++" << endl;
  computeConstraintJacobian(desired, axes, Jc);
  //cout << "++ Finished computed constraint jacobian ++" << endl;
  //cout << "Jc:" << endl << Jc << endl;

  vec ga = trans(J) * F;
  //cout << "ga:" << endl << ga << endl;

  vec gc;
  if (Jc.n_elem == 0 || is_all_zeros(Jc)) // no constraints, or all constraints OK
  else {
    vec b = -Jc * ga;
    //cout << "b:" << endl << b << endl;
    mat JcT = trans(Jc);

    mat A = Jc * JcT;
    //cout << "A:" << endl << A << endl;

    vec d;
    mat U, V;
    if (!svd(U, d, V, A))
      cerr << "could not compute SVD" << endl;

    //cout << "U:" << endl << U << endl;
    //cout << "V:" << endl << V << endl;
    //cout << "d:" << endl << d << endl;

    //vec lambda = V * inv(D) * trans(U) * b; // too naive

    vec utb = trans(U) * b;

    vec dinv_ut_b(d.n_elem);

    for (size_t d_idx = 0; d_idx < d.n_elem; d_idx++) {
      double elem = d[d_idx];
      if (!double_equals(elem, 0.0))
        dinv_ut_b[d_idx] = 1.0 / elem * utb[d_idx];

    gc = JcT * (V * dinv_ut_b); // Jc^T * lambda

  qdot = ga + gc; // qdot
  return qdot;
Exemple #5
void NetworkCm02Model::updateActionsStateLazy(double now, double /*delta*/)
  NetworkCm02ActionPtr action;
  while ((xbt_heap_size(p_actionHeap) > 0)
         && (double_equals(xbt_heap_maxkey(p_actionHeap), now, sg_surf_precision))) {
    action = (NetworkCm02ActionPtr) xbt_heap_pop(p_actionHeap);
    XBT_DEBUG("Something happened to action %p", action);
    if (TRACE_is_enabled()) {
      int n = lmm_get_number_of_cnst_from_var(p_maxminSystem, action->getVariable());
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
        lmm_constraint_t constraint = lmm_get_cnst_from_var(p_maxminSystem,
        NetworkCm02LinkPtr link = static_cast<NetworkCm02LinkPtr>(lmm_constraint_id(constraint));
                                        now - action->getLastUpdate());

    // if I am wearing a latency hat
    if (action->getHat() == LATENCY) {
      XBT_DEBUG("Latency paid for action %p. Activating", action);
      lmm_update_variable_weight(p_maxminSystem, action->getVariable(), action->m_weight);

        // if I am wearing a max_duration or normal hat
    } else if (action->getHat() == MAX_DURATION ||
        action->getHat() == NORMAL) {
        // no need to communicate anymore
        // assume that flows that reached max_duration have remaining of 0
      XBT_DEBUG("Action %p finished", action);

Exemple #6
void NetworkIBModel::computeIBfactors(IBNode *root) {
  double penalized_bw=0.0;
  double num_comm_out = (double) root->ActiveCommsUp.size();
  double max_penalty_out=0.0;
  //first, compute all outbound penalties to get their max
  for (std::vector<ActiveComm*>::iterator it= root->ActiveCommsUp.begin(); it != root->ActiveCommsUp.end(); ++it) {
    double my_penalty_out = 1.0;

      if((*it)->destination->nbActiveCommsDown > 2)//number of comms sent to the receiving node
	my_penalty_out = num_comm_out * Bs * ys;
	my_penalty_out = num_comm_out * Bs;

    max_penalty_out = max(max_penalty_out,my_penalty_out);

  for (std::vector<ActiveComm*>::iterator it= root->ActiveCommsUp.begin(); it != root->ActiveCommsUp.end(); ++it) {

    //compute inbound penalty
    double my_penalty_in = 1.0;
    int nb_comms = (*it)->destination->nbActiveCommsDown;//total number of incoming comms
      my_penalty_in = ((*it)->destination->ActiveCommsDown)[root] //number of comm sent to dest by root node
		      * Be 
		      * (*it)->destination->ActiveCommsDown.size();//number of different nodes sending to dest
    double penalty=max(my_penalty_in,max_penalty_out);
    double rate_before_update = (*it)->action->getBound();
    //save initial rate of the action
      (*it)->init_rate= rate_before_update;
    penalized_bw= ! num_comm_out ? (*it)->init_rate : (*it)->init_rate /penalty;
    if (!double_equals(penalized_bw, rate_before_update, sg_surf_precision)){
      XBT_DEBUG("%d->%d action %p penalty updated : bw now %f, before %f , initial rate %f", root->id,(*it)->destination->id,(*it)->action,penalized_bw, (*it)->action->getBound(), (*it)->init_rate );
      lmm_update_variable_bound(p_maxminSystem, (*it)->action->getVariable(), penalized_bw);
      XBT_DEBUG("%d->%d action %p penalty not updated : bw %f, initial rate %f", root->id,(*it)->destination->id,(*it)->action,penalized_bw, (*it)->init_rate );

  XBT_DEBUG("Finished computing IB penalties");
Exemple #7
static void
test_p2ll(meta_projection *mp, const char *proj_name,
          double projY, double projX, double height, int zone,
          double lon, double lat, datum_type_t datum)
    double testLat, testLon, z;
    proj_to_latlon(mp, projX, projY, height, &testLat, &testLon, &z);
    testLat *= R2D;
    testLon *= R2D;

    CU_ASSERT(double_equals(lat, testLat, 5));
    CU_ASSERT(double_equals(lon, testLon, 5));

    if (double_equals(lat, testLat, 5) && double_equals(lon, testLon, 5)) {
        //asfPrintStatus("%s proj_to_latlon Testing: %f, %f ... OK\n",
        //               proj_name, projX, projY);
    } else {
        asfPrintStatus("%s proj_to_latlon Testing: %f, %f ... ERROR\n",
                       proj_name, projX, projY);
        asfPrintStatus("Result:   %.10f %.10f (%.10f)\n", testLat, testLon, z);
        asfPrintStatus("Expected: %.10f %.10f\n", lat, lon);

    double x, y;
    latlon_to_proj(mp, '?', lat*D2R, lon*D2R, height, &x, &y, &z);

    CU_ASSERT(double_equals(x, projX, 5));
    CU_ASSERT(double_equals(y, projY, 5));

    if (double_equals(x, projX, 5) && double_equals(y, projY, 5)) {
        //asfPrintStatus("%s latlon_to_proj Testing: %f, %f ... OK\n",
        //               proj_name, lat, lon);
    } else {
        asfPrintStatus("%s latlon_to_proj Testing: %f, %f ... ERROR\n",
                       proj_name, lat, lon);
        asfPrintStatus("Result:   %.10f %.10f (%.10f)\n", x, y, z);
        asfPrintStatus("Expected: %.10f %.10f\n", projX, projY);
Exemple #8
 * Model *
void CpuModel::updateActionsStateLazy(double now, double /*delta*/)
  CpuAction *action;
  while ((xbt_heap_size(getActionHeap()) > 0)
         && (double_equals(xbt_heap_maxkey(getActionHeap()), now, sg_surf_precision))) {
    action = static_cast<CpuAction*>(xbt_heap_pop(getActionHeap()));
    XBT_CDEBUG(surf_kernel, "Something happened to action %p", action);
    if (TRACE_is_enabled()) {
      Cpu *cpu = static_cast<Cpu*>(lmm_constraint_id(lmm_get_cnst_from_var(getMaxminSystem(), action->getVariable(), 0)));
      TRACE_surf_host_set_utilization(cpu->getName(), action->getCategory(),
                                      now - action->getLastUpdate());

    XBT_CDEBUG(surf_kernel, "Action %p finished", action);

    /* set the remains to 0 due to precision problems when updating the remaining amount */
    action->heapRemove(getActionHeap()); //FIXME: strange call since action was already popped
  if (TRACE_is_enabled()) {
    //defining the last timestamp that we can safely dump to trace file
    //without losing the event ascending order (considering all CPU's)
    double smaller = -1;
    ActionList *actionSet = getRunningActionSet();
    for(ActionList::iterator it(actionSet->begin()), itend(actionSet->end())
       ; it != itend ; ++it) {
      action = static_cast<CpuAction*>(&*it);
        if (smaller < 0) {
          smaller = action->getLastUpdate();
        if (action->getLastUpdate() < smaller) {
          smaller = action->getLastUpdate();
    if (smaller > 0) {
      TRACE_last_timestamp_to_dump = smaller;
Exemple #9
Matrix matrix_inverse(Matrix M)
        return NULL;
    int n = M->r;
    Matrix N = matrix_new_empty(n, n);
    double det = matrix_determinant(M);
    if(double_equals(det, 0))
        return NULL;
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            Matrix C = matrix_cofactor(M, i, j);
            if((i + j) % 2 == 0)
                N->A[i][j] = matrix_determinant(C) / det;
                N->A[i][j] = -1 * matrix_determinant(C) / det;
    Matrix I = matrix_transpose(N);
    return I;
Exemple #10
double soft_tfidf_similarity_with_phrases_and_acronyms(size_t num_tokens1, char **tokens1, double *token_scores1, phrase_array *phrases1, uint32_array *ordinal_suffixes1, size_t num_tokens2, char **tokens2, double *token_scores2, phrase_array *phrases2, uint32_array *ordinal_suffixes2, phrase_array *acronym_alignments, phrase_array *multi_word_alignments, soft_tfidf_options_t options, size_t *num_matches) {
    if (token_scores1 == NULL || token_scores2 == NULL) return 0.0;

    if (num_tokens1 > num_tokens2 || (num_tokens1 == num_tokens2 && sum_token_lengths(num_tokens1, tokens1) > sum_token_lengths(num_tokens2, tokens2))) {
        double *tmp_scores = token_scores1;
        token_scores1 = token_scores2;
        token_scores2 = tmp_scores;
        char **tmp_tokens = tokens1;
        tokens1 = tokens2;
        tokens2 = tmp_tokens;

        phrase_array *tmp_phrases = phrases1;
        phrases1 = phrases2;
        phrases2 = tmp_phrases;

        uint32_array *tmp_suffixes = ordinal_suffixes1;
        ordinal_suffixes1 = ordinal_suffixes2;
        ordinal_suffixes2 = tmp_suffixes;

        size_t tmp_num_tokens = num_tokens1;
        num_tokens1 = num_tokens2;
        num_tokens2 = tmp_num_tokens;

    size_t len1 = num_tokens1;
    size_t len2 = num_tokens2;

    double total_sim = 0.0;

    uint32_array **t1_tokens_unicode = NULL;
    uint32_array **t2_tokens_unicode = NULL;

    uint32_array *t1_unicode;
    uint32_array *t2_unicode;

    int64_array *phrase_memberships_array1 = NULL;
    int64_array *phrase_memberships_array2 = NULL;
    int64_t *phrase_memberships1 = NULL;
    int64_t *phrase_memberships2 = NULL;

    int64_array *acronym_memberships_array = NULL;
    int64_t *acronym_memberships = NULL;

    int64_array *multi_word_memberships_array = NULL;
    int64_t *multi_word_memberships = NULL;

    t1_tokens_unicode = calloc(len1, sizeof(uint32_array *));
    if (t1_tokens_unicode == NULL) {
        total_sim = -1.0;
        goto return_soft_tfidf_score;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < len1; i++) {
        t1_unicode = unicode_codepoints(tokens1[i]);
        if (t1_unicode == NULL) {
            total_sim = -1.0;
            goto return_soft_tfidf_score;
        t1_tokens_unicode[i] = t1_unicode;

    t2_tokens_unicode = calloc(len2, sizeof(uint32_array *));
    if (t2_tokens_unicode == NULL) {
        total_sim = -1.0;
        goto return_soft_tfidf_score;

    for (size_t j = 0; j < len2; j++) {
        t2_unicode = unicode_codepoints(tokens2[j]);
        if (t2_unicode == NULL) {
            total_sim = -1.0;
            goto return_soft_tfidf_score;
        t2_tokens_unicode[j] = t2_unicode;

    if (phrases1 != NULL && phrases2 != NULL) {
        phrase_memberships_array1 = int64_array_new();
        phrase_memberships_array2 = int64_array_new();
        token_phrase_memberships(phrases1, phrase_memberships_array1, len1);
        token_phrase_memberships(phrases2, phrase_memberships_array2, len2);

        if (phrase_memberships_array1->n == len1) {
            phrase_memberships1 = phrase_memberships_array1->a;

        if (phrase_memberships_array2->n == len2) {
            phrase_memberships2 = phrase_memberships_array2->a;

    if (acronym_alignments != NULL) {
        acronym_memberships_array = int64_array_new();
        token_phrase_memberships(acronym_alignments, acronym_memberships_array, len2);
        if (acronym_memberships_array->n == len2) {
            acronym_memberships = acronym_memberships_array->a;

    if (multi_word_alignments != NULL) {
        multi_word_memberships_array = int64_array_new();
        token_phrase_memberships(multi_word_alignments, multi_word_memberships_array, len2);
        if (multi_word_memberships_array->n == len2) {
            multi_word_memberships = multi_word_memberships_array->a;

    uint32_t *suffixes1;
    uint32_t *suffixes2;

    if (ordinal_suffixes1 != NULL && ordinal_suffixes2 != NULL) {
        suffixes1 = ordinal_suffixes1->a;
        suffixes2 = ordinal_suffixes2->a;

    double jaro_winkler_min = options.jaro_winkler_min;
    size_t jaro_winkler_min_length = options.jaro_winkler_min_length;
    size_t damerau_levenshtein_max = options.damerau_levenshtein_max;
    size_t damerau_levenshtein_min_length = options.damerau_levenshtein_min_length;
    size_t strict_abbreviation_min_length = options.strict_abbreviation_min_length;

    bool possible_affine_gap_abbreviations = options.possible_affine_gap_abbreviations;

    double norm1_offset = 0.0;
    double norm2_offset = 0.0;

    size_t matched_tokens = 0;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < len1; i++) {
        uint32_array *t1u = t1_tokens_unicode[i];
        uint32_array *t2u;
        double t1_score = token_scores1[i];

        size_t t1_len = t1u->n;

        log_debug("t1 = %s\n", tokens1[i]);

        double max_sim = 0.0;
        size_t min_dist = t1_len;
        size_t argmax_sim = 0;
        size_t argmin_dist = 0;
        double argmin_dist_sim = 0.0;
        size_t last_abbreviation = 0;
        double last_abbreviation_sim = 0.0;
        bool have_abbreviation = false;
        bool have_strict_abbreviation = false;
        bool have_acronym_match = false;
        size_t last_ordinal_suffix = 0;
        bool have_ordinal_suffix = false;
        phrase_t acronym_phrase = NULL_PHRASE;
        bool have_phrase_match = false;
        int64_t pm1 = phrase_memberships1 != NULL ? phrase_memberships1[i] : NULL_PHRASE_MEMBERSHIP;
        phrase_t p1 = pm1 >= 0 ? phrases1->a[pm1] : NULL_PHRASE;
        phrase_t argmax_phrase = NULL_PHRASE;

        uint32_t ordinal_suffix_i = 0;
        if (suffixes1 != NULL) {
            ordinal_suffix_i = suffixes1[i];

        bool have_multi_word_match = false;
        phrase_t multi_word_phrase = NULL_PHRASE;        

        bool use_jaro_winkler = t1_len >= jaro_winkler_min_length;
        bool use_strict_abbreviation_sim = t1_len >= strict_abbreviation_min_length;
        bool use_damerau_levenshtein = damerau_levenshtein_max > 0 && t1_len >= damerau_levenshtein_min_length;
        log_debug("use_jaro_winkler = %d, use_damerau_levenshtein=%d\n", use_jaro_winkler, use_damerau_levenshtein);

        bool have_equal = false;

        canonical_match_t best_canonical_phrase_response = CANONICAL_NO_MATCH;

        double t2_score;

        log_debug("p1.len = %zu, i = %zu, p1.start = %zu\n", p1.len, i, p1.start);
        if (p1.len > 0 && i > p1.start) {
            log_debug("skipping token\n");

        size_t slen1 = strlen(tokens1[i]);

        for (size_t j = 0; j < len2; j++) {
            t2u = t2_tokens_unicode[j];

            log_debug("t2 = %s\n", tokens2[j]);
            int64_t pm2 = phrase_memberships2 != NULL ? phrase_memberships2[j] : NULL_PHRASE_MEMBERSHIP;
            phrase_t p2 = pm2 >= 0 ? phrases2->a[pm2] : NULL_PHRASE;

            uint32_t ordinal_suffix_j = 0;
            if (suffixes2 != NULL) {
                ordinal_suffix_j = suffixes2[j];

            canonical_match_t canonical_response = CANONICAL_NO_MATCH;
            if (p1.len > 0 && p2.len > 0 && phrases_have_same_canonical(num_tokens1, tokens1, num_tokens2, tokens2, p1, p2, &canonical_response)) {
                if (canonical_response > best_canonical_phrase_response) {
                    log_debug("canonical_response = %d\n", canonical_response);
                    best_canonical_phrase_response = canonical_response;
                    argmax_sim = j;
                    argmax_phrase = p2;
                    max_sim = 1.0;
                    have_phrase_match = true;

            if (unicode_equals(t1u, t2u)) {
                max_sim = 1.0;
                argmax_sim = j;
                have_equal = true;

            if (acronym_memberships != NULL) {
                int64_t acronym_membership = acronym_memberships[j];
                log_debug("acronym_membership = %zd\n", acronym_membership);
                if (acronym_membership >= 0) {
                   acronym_phrase = acronym_alignments->a[acronym_membership];
                   uint32_t acronym_match_index = acronym_phrase.data;
                   if (acronym_match_index == i) {
                        max_sim = 1.0;
                        argmax_sim = j;
                        have_acronym_match = true;
                        log_debug("have acronym match\n");

            if (multi_word_memberships != NULL) {
                int64_t multi_word_membership = multi_word_memberships[j];
                log_debug("multi_word_membership = %zd\n", multi_word_membership);
                if (multi_word_membership >= 0) {
                   multi_word_phrase = multi_word_alignments->a[multi_word_membership];
                   uint32_t multi_word_match_index = multi_word_phrase.data;
                   if (multi_word_match_index == i) {
                        max_sim = 1.0;
                        argmax_sim = j;
                        have_multi_word_match = true;
                        log_debug("have multi-word match\n");

            double jaro_winkler = jaro_winkler_distance_unicode(t1u, t2u);
            if (jaro_winkler > max_sim) {
                max_sim = jaro_winkler;
                argmax_sim = j;

            if (use_damerau_levenshtein) {
                size_t replace_cost = 0;
                ssize_t dist = damerau_levenshtein_distance_unicode(t1u, t2u, replace_cost);
                if (dist >= 0 && dist < min_dist) {
                    min_dist = (size_t)dist;
                    argmin_dist = j;
                    argmin_dist_sim = jaro_winkler;

            if (possible_affine_gap_abbreviations) {
                bool is_abbreviation = possible_abbreviation_unicode(t1u, t2u);
                if (is_abbreviation) {
                    last_abbreviation = j;
                    last_abbreviation_sim = jaro_winkler;
                    have_abbreviation = true;
                    if (use_strict_abbreviation_sim && possible_abbreviation_unicode_strict(t1u, t2u)) {
                        last_abbreviation_sim = last_abbreviation_sim > options.strict_abbreviation_sim ? last_abbreviation_sim : options.strict_abbreviation_sim;

            if (ordinal_suffix_i > 0) {
                size_t slen2 = strlen(tokens2[j]);
                if (utf8_common_prefix_len(tokens1[i], tokens2[j], slen2) == slen2) {
                    last_ordinal_suffix = j;
                    have_ordinal_suffix = true;
            } else if (ordinal_suffix_j > 0) {
                if (utf8_common_prefix_len(tokens1[i], tokens2[j], slen1) == slen1) {
                    last_ordinal_suffix = j;
                    have_ordinal_suffix = true;

        // Note: here edit distance, affine gap and abbreviations are only used in the thresholding process.
        // Jaro-Winkler is still used to calculate similarity

        if (!have_acronym_match && !have_phrase_match && !have_multi_word_match) {
            if (have_equal || (use_jaro_winkler && (max_sim > jaro_winkler_min || double_equals(max_sim, jaro_winkler_min)))) {
                log_debug("jaro-winkler, max_sim = %f\n", max_sim);
                t2_score = token_scores2[argmax_sim];
                double jaro_winkler_sim = 0.0;
                if (have_abbreviation && argmax_sim == last_abbreviation) {
                    double abbrev_sim = last_abbreviation_sim > max_sim ? last_abbreviation_sim : max_sim;
                    log_debug("have abbreviation, max(max_sim, last_abbreviation_sim) = %f\n", abbrev_sim);
                    double max_score = 0.0;
                    if (t1_score > t2_score || double_equals(t1_score, t2_score)) {
                        norm2_offset += (t1_score * t1_score) - (t2_score * t2_score);
                        log_debug("t1_score >= t2_score, norm2_offset = %f\n", norm2_offset);
                        max_score = t1_score;
                    } else {
                        norm1_offset += (t2_score * t2_score) - (t1_score * t1_score);
                        log_debug("t2_score > t1_score, norm1_offset = %f\n", norm1_offset);
                        max_score = t2_score;

                    jaro_winkler_sim = abbrev_sim * max_score * max_score;
                } else {
                    jaro_winkler_sim = max_sim * t1_score * t2_score;
                    log_debug("t1_score = %f, t2_score = %f, jaro_winkler_sim = %f\n", t1_score, t2_score, jaro_winkler_sim);
                total_sim += jaro_winkler_sim;
            } else if (use_damerau_levenshtein && min_dist <= damerau_levenshtein_max) {
                log_debug("levenshtein, argmin_dist_sim = %f\n", argmin_dist_sim);
                t2_score = token_scores2[argmin_dist];
                if (have_abbreviation && argmin_dist == last_abbreviation) {
                    argmin_dist_sim = last_abbreviation_sim > argmin_dist_sim ? last_abbreviation_sim : argmin_dist_sim;
                total_sim += argmin_dist_sim * t1_score * t2_score;
            } else if (possible_affine_gap_abbreviations && have_abbreviation) {
                log_debug("have abbreviation, last_abbreviation_sim = %f\n", last_abbreviation_sim);
                t2_score = token_scores2[last_abbreviation];
                total_sim += last_abbreviation_sim * t1_score * t2_score;
            } else if (have_ordinal_suffix) {
                log_debug("have ordinal suffix from %zu\n", last_ordinal_suffix);
                t2_score = token_scores2[last_ordinal_suffix];
                total_sim += 1.0 * t1_score * t2_score;
        } else if (have_phrase_match) {
            double p2_score = 0.0;
            for (size_t p = argmax_phrase.start; p < argmax_phrase.start + argmax_phrase.len; p++) {
                t2_score = token_scores2[p];
                p2_score += t2_score * t2_score;

            double p1_score = 0.0;

            for (size_t p = p1.start; p < p1.start + p1.len; p++) {
                double t1_score_p = token_scores1[p];
                p1_score += t1_score_p * t1_score_p;

            total_sim += sqrt(p1_score) * sqrt(p2_score);

            matched_tokens += p1.len;
        } else if (have_multi_word_match) {
            double multi_word_score = 0.0;
            for (size_t p = multi_word_phrase.start; p < multi_word_phrase.start + multi_word_phrase.len; p++) {
                t2_score = token_scores2[p];
                multi_word_score += t2_score * t2_score;

            double norm_multi_word_score = sqrt(multi_word_score);

            double max_multi_word_score = 0.0;
            if (t1_score > norm_multi_word_score || double_equals(t1_score, norm_multi_word_score)) {
                norm2_offset += (t1_score * t1_score) - multi_word_score;
                log_debug("t1_score >= norm_multi_word_score, norm2_offset = %f\n", norm2_offset);
                max_multi_word_score = t1_score;
            } else {
                norm1_offset += multi_word_score - (t1_score * t1_score);
                log_debug("norm_multi_word_score > t1_score, norm1_offset = %f\n", norm1_offset);
                max_multi_word_score = norm_multi_word_score;

            log_debug("max_multi_word_score = %f\n", max_multi_word_score);

            total_sim += max_multi_word_score * max_multi_word_score;

            log_debug("have multi-word match\n");
        } else if (have_acronym_match) {
            double acronym_score = 0.0;
            for (size_t p = acronym_phrase.start; p < acronym_phrase.start + acronym_phrase.len; p++) {
                t2_score = token_scores2[p];
                acronym_score += t2_score * t2_score;

            double norm_acronym_score = sqrt(acronym_score);

            double max_acronym_score = 0.0;
            if (t1_score > norm_acronym_score || double_equals(t1_score, norm_acronym_score)) {
                norm2_offset += (t1_score * t1_score) - acronym_score;
                log_debug("t1_score >= norm_acronym_score, norm2_offset = %f\n", norm2_offset);
                max_acronym_score = t1_score;
            } else {
                norm1_offset += acronym_score - (t1_score * t1_score);
                log_debug("norm_acronym_score > t1_score, norm1_offset = %f\n", norm1_offset);
                max_acronym_score = norm_acronym_score;

            log_debug("max_acronym_score = %f\n", max_acronym_score);

            total_sim += max_acronym_score * max_acronym_score;


        log_debug("total sim = %f\n", total_sim);

    log_debug("matched_tokens = %zu\n", matched_tokens);

    *num_matches = matched_tokens;

    if (t1_tokens_unicode != NULL) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < len1; i++) {
            t1_unicode = t1_tokens_unicode[i];
            if (t1_unicode != NULL) {

    if (t2_tokens_unicode != NULL) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < len2; i++) {
            t2_unicode = t2_tokens_unicode[i];
            if (t2_unicode != NULL) {

    if (phrase_memberships_array1 != NULL) {

    if (phrase_memberships_array2 != NULL) {

    if (acronym_memberships_array != NULL) {

    if (multi_word_memberships_array != NULL) {

    double norm = sqrt(double_array_sum_sq(token_scores1, num_tokens1) + norm1_offset) * sqrt(double_array_sum_sq(token_scores2, num_tokens2) + norm2_offset);
    log_debug("total_sim = %f, norm1_offset = %f, norm2_offset = %f, norm = %f\n", total_sim, norm1_offset, norm2_offset, norm);

    double total_sim_norm = total_sim / norm;
    return total_sim_norm > 1.0 ? 1.0 : total_sim_norm;
Exemple #11
static void
test_p2utm(double projY, double projX, double height, int zone,
           double lon, double lat)
    double testLat, testLon;
    UTM2latLon(projX, projY, height, zone, &testLat, &testLon);

    CU_ASSERT(double_equals(lat, testLat, 5));
    CU_ASSERT(double_equals(lon, testLon, 5));

    if (double_equals(lat, testLat, 5) && double_equals(lon, testLon, 5)) {
        //asfPrintStatus("UTM2latLon Testing: %f, %f ... OK\n", projX, projY);
    } else {
        asfPrintStatus("UTM2latLon Testing: %f, %f ... ERROR\n",
                       projX, projY);
        asfPrintStatus("Result:   %.10f %.10f\n", testLat, testLon);
        asfPrintStatus("Expected: %.10f %.10f\n", lat, lon);

    double x, y;
    latLon2UTM(lat, lon, height, &x, &y);

    CU_ASSERT(double_equals(x, projX, 5));
    CU_ASSERT(double_equals(y, projY, 5));

    if (double_equals(x, projX, 5) && double_equals(y, projY, 5)) {
        //asfPrintStatus("latLon2UTM Testing: %f, %f ... OK\n", lat, lon);
    } else {
        asfPrintStatus("latLon2UTM Testing: %f, %f ... ERROR\n", lat, lon);
        asfPrintStatus("Result:   %.10f %.10f\n", x, y);
        asfPrintStatus("Expected: %.10f %.10f\n", projX, projY);

    latLon2UTM_zone(lat, lon, height, zone, &x, &y);

    CU_ASSERT(double_equals(x, projX, 5));
    CU_ASSERT(double_equals(y, projY, 5));

    if (double_equals(x, projX, 5) && double_equals(y, projY, 5)) {
        //asfPrintStatus("latLon2UTM_zone Testing: %f, %f ... OK\n", lat, lon);
    } else {
        asfPrintStatus("latLon2UTM_zone Testing: %f, %f ... ERROR\n", lat, lon);
        asfPrintStatus("Result:   %.10f %.10f\n", x, y);
        asfPrintStatus("Expected: %.10f %.10f\n", projX, projY);
Exemple #12
static void
test_proj_direct(const char *input_projection_info, const char *proj_name,
                 double projX, double projY, double height,
                 double expected_lat, double expected_lon,
                 const char *datum)
    double x[1];
    double y[1];
    double hts[1];

    char output_projection_info[255];
    sprintf(output_projection_info, "+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84");

    projPJ input_projection, output_projection;

    input_projection = pj_init_plus(input_projection_info);
    output_projection = pj_init_plus(output_projection_info);
    y[0] = projX;
    x[0] = projY;
    hts[0] = height;

    pj_transform (input_projection, output_projection, 1, 1, x, y, hts);

    if (pj_errno != 0) {
        asfPrintWarning("libproj error: %s\n", pj_strerrno(pj_errno));

    x[0] *= R2D;
    y[0] *= R2D;

    CU_ASSERT(double_equals(x[0], expected_lat, 6));
    CU_ASSERT(double_equals(y[0], expected_lon, 6));

    if (double_equals(x[0], expected_lat, 6) && 
        double_equals(y[0], expected_lon, 6))
        //asfPrintStatus("%s %s (fwd): %f, %f ... OK\n",
        //               proj_name, datum, projX, projY);
        asfPrintStatus("%s (fwd):  %s %f, %f ... ERROR\n",
                       proj_name, datum, projX, projY);
        asfPrintStatus("Result:   %.10f %.10f (%.10f)\n",
                       x[0], y[0], hts[0]);
        asfPrintStatus("Expected: %.10f %.10f\n",
                       expected_lat, expected_lon);

    // now project the other way
    y[0] = expected_lon*D2R;
    x[0] = expected_lat*D2R;
    hts[0] = height;

    pj_transform(output_projection, input_projection, 1, 1, x, y, hts);

    if (pj_errno != 0) {
        asfPrintWarning("libproj error: %s\n", pj_strerrno(pj_errno));


    CU_ASSERT(double_equals(y[0], projX, 5));
    CU_ASSERT(double_equals(x[0], projY, 5));

    if (double_equals(y[0], projX, 5) && 
        double_equals(x[0], projY, 5))
        //asfPrintStatus("%s %s (rev): %f, %f ... OK\n", 
        //               proj_name, datum, expected_lon, expected_lat);
        asfPrintStatus("%s (rev):  %s %f, %f ... ERROR\n",
                       proj_name, datum, expected_lon, expected_lat);
        asfPrintStatus("Result:    %.10f %.10f (%.10f)\n",
                       y[0], x[0], hts[0]);
        asfPrintStatus("Expected:  %.10f %.10f\n",
                       projX, projY);
Exemple #13
static void
test_wrapper(const char * proj_name, project_parameters_t *pps,
             project_fn_t *project_fwd,
             project_fn_t *project_rev,
             project_fn_arr_t *project_fwd_arr,
             project_fn_arr_t *project_rev_arr,
             double projY, double projX, double height,
             double lon, double lat, datum_type_t datum)
        double x, y, z;
        project_fwd(pps, lat*D2R, lon*D2R, height, &x, &y, &z, datum);

        CU_ASSERT(double_equals(x, projX, 5));
        CU_ASSERT(double_equals(y, projY, 5));

        if (double_equals(x, projX, 5) && double_equals(y, projY, 5)) {
            //asfPrintStatus("%s Wrapper (fwd): %f, %f ... OK\n",
            //               proj_name, lat, lon);
        } else {
            asfPrintStatus("%s Wrapper (fwd): %f, %f ... ERROR\n",
                           proj_name, lat, lon);
            asfPrintStatus("Result:   %.10f %.10f (%.10f)\n", x, y, z);
            asfPrintStatus("Expected: %.10f %.10f\n", projX, projY);
        // test the backwards projection, too
        double testLat, testLon;
        project_rev(pps, projX, projY, height, &testLat, &testLon, &z, datum);
        testLat *= R2D;
        testLon *= R2D;
        CU_ASSERT(double_equals(lat, testLat, 5));
        CU_ASSERT(double_equals(lon, testLon, 5));

        if (double_equals(lat, testLat, 5) && double_equals(lon, testLon, 5)) {
            //asfPrintStatus("%s Wrapper (rev): %f, %f ... OK\n",
            //               proj_name, projX, projY);
        } else {
            asfPrintStatus("%s Wrapper (rev): %f, %f ... ERROR\n",
                           proj_name, projX, projY);
            asfPrintStatus("Result:   %.10f %.10f (%.10f)\n",
                           testLat, testLon, z);
            asfPrintStatus("Expected: %.10f %.10f\n", lat, lon);

    // also test the array versions
        double *x, *y, *z;
        double lats[1], lons[1], hts[1];
        lats[0] = lat*D2R;
        lons[0] = lon*D2R;
        hts[0] = height;
        x = y = z = NULL;

        project_fwd_arr(pps, lats, lons, hts, &x, &y, &z, 1, datum);

        CU_ASSERT(double_equals(x[0], projX, 5));
        CU_ASSERT(double_equals(y[0], projY, 5));

        if (double_equals(x[0], projX, 5) && double_equals(y[0], projY, 5)) {
            //asfPrintStatus("%s Array (fwd): %f, %f ... OK\n",
            //               proj_name, lat, lon);
        } else {
            asfPrintStatus("%s Array (fwd): %f, %f ... ERROR\n",
                           proj_name, lat, lon);
            asfPrintStatus("Result:   %.10f %.10f (%.10f)\n",
                           x[0], y[0], z[0]);
            asfPrintStatus("Expected: %.10f %.10f\n", projX, projY);


        double x[1], y[1], z[1];
        double *lats, *lons, *hts;

        x[0] = projX;
        y[0] = projY;
        z[0] = height;
        lats = lons = hts = NULL;

        project_rev_arr(pps, x, y, z, &lats, &lons, &hts, 1, datum);
        lats[0] *= R2D;
        lons[0] *= R2D;

        CU_ASSERT(double_equals(lats[0], lat, 5));
        CU_ASSERT(double_equals(lons[0], lon, 5));

        if (double_equals(lats[0], lat, 5) &&
            double_equals(lons[0], lon, 5))
            //asfPrintStatus("%s Array (rev): %f, %f ... OK\n",
            //               proj_name, projX, projY);
        } else {
            asfPrintStatus("%s Array (rev): %f, %f ... ERROR\n",
                           proj_name, projX, projY);
            asfPrintStatus("Result:   %.10f %.10f (%.10f)\n",
                           lats[0], lons[0], hts[0]);
            asfPrintStatus("Expected: %.10f %.10f\n", lat, lon);


    // another array version test, this time caller allocates the memory
    // just do the forward transform on this one
        double x[1], y[1], z[1];
        double lats[1], lons[1], hts[1];
        lats[0] = lat*D2R;
        lons[0] = lon*D2R;
        hts[0] = height;

        double *px = x;  double **xx = &px;
        double *py = y;  double **yy = &py;
        double *pz = z;  double **zz = &pz;

        project_fwd_arr(pps, lats, lons, hts, xx, yy, zz, 1, datum);

        CU_ASSERT(double_equals(x[0], projX, 5));
        CU_ASSERT(double_equals(y[0], projY, 5));

        if (double_equals(x[0], projX, 5) && double_equals(y[0], projY, 5)) {
            //asfPrintStatus("%s Array 2 (fwd): %f, %f ... OK\n",
            //               proj_name, lat, lon);
        } else {
            asfPrintStatus("%s Array 2 (fwd): %f, %f ... ERROR\n",
                           proj_name, lat, lon);
            asfPrintStatus("Result:   %.10f %.10f (%.10f)\n",
                           x[0], y[0], z[0]);
            asfPrintStatus("Expected: %.10f %.10f\n", projX, projY);
Exemple #14
void INode::renderTree(Context& ctx) const {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < _states.size(); i++) {
    // start point
    vec3 startpoint = ctx.getCurrentOrigin();

    // calculate end point of joint
    vec3 endpoint = _states[i]->getEndpoint(ctx);

    // draw the link
    //  glColor3d(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
    //  glVertex3d(startpoint[0], startpoint[1], startpoint[2]);
    //  glVertex3d(endpoint[0], endpoint[1], endpoint[2]);

    // calculate orthonormal basis for cylinder on joint
    vec3 u, v, n;
    _states[i]->getBasis(ctx, u, v, n);

    // check if basis is really orthonormal
    assert(double_equals(dot(u, v), 0));
    assert(double_equals(dot(u, n), 0));
    assert(double_equals(dot(v, n), 0));

    assert(double_equals(norm(u, 2), 1));
    assert(double_equals(norm(v, 2), 1));
    assert(double_equals(norm(n, 2), 1));

    //cout << "pos:" << endl << pos << endl;

    //cout << "u:" << endl << u << endl;
    //cout << "v:" << endl << v << endl;
    //cout << "n:" << endl << n << endl;

    vec3 x = makeVec3(1, 0, 0); 
    vec3 y = makeVec3(0, 1, 0);
    vec3 z = makeVec3(0, 0, 1);

    double ux = dot(x, u);
    double uy = dot(y, u);
    double uz = dot(z, u);

    double vx = dot(x, v);
    double vy = dot(y, v);
    double vz = dot(z, v);

    double nx = dot(x, n);
    double ny = dot(y, n);
    double nz = dot(z, n);

    // change of orthonormal basis from uvn -> xyz
    GLdouble m[16];
    m[0]  = ux;
    m[1]  = uy;
    m[2]  = uz;
    m[3]  = 0;
    m[4]  = vx; 
    m[5]  = vy;
    m[6]  = vz;
    m[7]  = 0;

    m[8]  = nx;
    m[9]  = ny;
    m[10] = nz;
    m[11] = 0;

    m[12] = 0; m[13] = 0; m[14] = 0; m[15] = 1;

    mat44 A; 
    A << ux << vx << nx << 0 << endr 
      << uy << vy << ny << 0 << endr
      << uz << vz << nz << 0 << endr 
      << 0  << 0  << 0  << 1 << endr;

    //if (!double_equals(det(A), 1))
    //  cout << "A is: " << endl << A << endl;

    //cout << "det(A): " << det(A) << endl;
    const double dA = det(A);
    if (!double_equals(dA, 1)) {
      cerr << "ERROR: det(A) = " << dA << endl; 
      throw runtime_error("determinant not 1 for rotation matrix");

    //cout << "--" << endl;
    //for (int iii = 0; iii < 16; iii++) {
    //  cout << m[iii] << endl;
    //cout << "--" << endl;

    if (isRootNode())
      glColor3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.8);
    else if (isFixed())
      glColor3d(0.0, 1.0, 1.0); 
      glColor3d(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

      glTranslated(startpoint[0], startpoint[1], startpoint[2]);
      if (isRootNode())
        glutSolidSphere(0.1, 20, 20);
        glutSolidSphere(0.08, 20, 20);

    GLUquadricObj *quadric = gluNewQuadric();

      glColor3d(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
      glTranslated(startpoint[0], startpoint[1], startpoint[2]);
      gluCylinder(quadric, 0.05, 0.05, _states[i]->getLength(), 32, 32);


    // recurse into child
Exemple #15
int insect(Circle c1,Circle c2)
    double d,a,b,c,p,q,r;
    double cos_value[2], sin_value[2];
    if (double_equals(c1.p.x, c2.p.x)&& double_equals(c1.p.y,c2.p.y)&& double_equals(c1.r, c2.r))
        return 0;
    d = distance(c1.p, c2.p);
    if (d > c1.r + c2.r||d < fabs(c1.r - c2.r))
        return 0;

    a = 2.0 * c1.r * (c1.p.x - c2.p.x);
    b = 2.0 * c1.r * (c1.p.y - c2.p.y);
    c = c2.r * c2.r - c1.r * c1.r- distance_sqr(c1.p,c2.p);
    p = a * a + b * b;
    q = -2.0 * a * c;
    if(p==0)return 0;
    if (double_equals(d,c1.r +c2.r)|| double_equals(d, fabs(c1.r - c2.r)))
        cos_value[0] = -q / p / 2.0;
        sin_value[0] = sqrt(1 - cos_value[0] * cos_value[0]);

        I0->x = c1.r * cos_value[0] + c1.p.x;
        I0->y = c1.r * sin_value[0] + c1.p.y;

        if (!double_equals(distance_sqr(*I0, c2.p),c2.r * c2.r))
            I0->y = c1.p.y - c1.r * sin_value[0];
        return 1;

    r = c * c - b * b;
    cos_value[0] = (sqrt(q * q - 4.0 * p * r) - q) / p / 2.0;
    cos_value[1] = (-sqrt(q * q - 4.0 * p * r) - q) / p / 2.0;
    sin_value[0] = sqrt(1 - cos_value[0] * cos_value[0]);
    sin_value[1] = sqrt(1 - cos_value[1] * cos_value[1]);

    I0->x = c1.r * cos_value[0] + c1.p.x;
    I1->x = c1.r * cos_value[1] + c1.p.x;
    I0->y = c1.r * sin_value[0] + c1.p.y;
    I1->y = c1.r * sin_value[1] + c1.p.y;

    if (!double_equals(distance_sqr(*I0, c2.p),c2.r * c2.r))
        I0->y = c1.p.y - c1.r * sin_value[0];
    if (!double_equals(distance_sqr(*I1, c2.p),c2.r * c2.r))
        I1->y = c1.p.y - c1.r * sin_value[1];
    if (double_equals(I0->y, I1->y)&& double_equals(I0->x, I1->x))
        if (I0->y > 0)
            I1->y = -I1->y;
        } else
            I0->y = -I0->y;
    return 2;
 * Run this Test
void PWMBoardTest::spin()
  double rate = 5.0d;
  ros::Rate loop_rate(rate); //herz;

  double pwmSpeed = 0.0d;

  //Increment of each speed step
  double stepSize = 0.25;

  //Scale factor for setting speed at a lower rate
  //then the loop
  double modStepRate = 0.2;
  //For determining how many times the
  //loop has "looped"
  double cntRate = 0.0d;

  //Positive incrementing first
  if (maxPWM > 0)
    //First, climb to max value
    bool toMax = true;

    //Set initial speed
    setSpeed(0, 0);

    while (ros::ok())
      //Set speed to pwm speed
      setSpeed(pwmSpeed, pwmSpeed);
      ROS_DEBUG("Current PWM/SPEED value %f",pwmSpeed);

      //Check for errors

      //Check if it is time for setting new speed
      if (double_equals(cntRate, rate))
        //Check if max is not reached
        if (!(double_equals(pwmSpeed, maxPWM)) && (toMax)){
        pwmSpeed += stepSize;
        printf("Stepping up Speed, new value: %f till %f \n: ", pwmSpeed, maxPWM);
      //Max is reached
        //Dont go to max value anymore
        toMax = false;

        //Check if 0 is not reached
        if (!double_equals(pwmSpeed, 0.0))

          pwmSpeed -= stepSize;
          printf("Stepping down Speed from here: %f %f \n", pwmSpeed, 0.0);
        //0 is reached, done
          printf("Done \n");

      //Reset countrate
      cntRate = 0.0d;
      std::cout << "cntrate " << cntRate << std::endl;

    //Now it not the time for changing speed
      //Increment times loop has looped
      cntRate += modStepRate;
      std::cout << "cntrate " << cntRate << std::endl;



  //Negative incrementing(decrementing) first
    //First go to low value
    bool toMin = true;

    //Set initial speed
    setSpeed(0, 0);
    ROS_DEBUG("Current PWM/SPEED value %f",pwmSpeed);

    while (ros::ok())
      //Set speed to pwm speed
      setSpeed(pwmSpeed, pwmSpeed);
      ROS_DEBUG("Current PWM/SPEED value %f",pwmSpeed);

      //Check for errors

      //Check if it is time for setting new speed
      if (double_equals(cntRate, rate))
        //Check if min is not reached
        if (!(double_equals(pwmSpeed, maxPWM)) && toMin){
        pwmSpeed -= stepSize;
        printf("Stepping down Speed, new value: %f till %f \n: ", pwmSpeed, maxPWM);
      //Min is reached
        //Go only up now
        toMin = false;

        //Check if 0 is not reached
        if (!double_equals(pwmSpeed, 0.0))

          pwmSpeed += stepSize;
          printf("Stepping up Speed from here: %f %f \n", pwmSpeed, 0.0);
        //0 is reached, done
          printf("Done \n");


      //Reset countrate
      cntRate = 0.0d;
      std::cout << "cntrate " << cntRate << std::endl;

    //Now it not the time for changing speed
      //Increment times loop has looped
      cntRate += modStepRate;
      std::cout << "cntrate " << cntRate << std::endl;



  setSpeed(0, 0);
  ROS_DEBUG("Current PWM/SPEED value %f",pwmSpeed);

Exemple #17
void generic_update_actions_state_lazy(double now, double delta, surf_model_t model)
  surf_action_lmm_t action;
  while ((xbt_heap_size(model->model_private->action_heap) > 0)
         && (double_equals(xbt_heap_maxkey(model->model_private->action_heap), now))) {
    action = xbt_heap_pop(model->model_private->action_heap);
    XBT_DEBUG("Something happened to action %p", action);
    if (TRACE_is_enabled()) {
      if(model == surf_cpu_model){
      surf_resource_t cpu =
                             action->variable, 0));
                                      now - action->last_update);
        int n = lmm_get_number_of_cnst_from_var(model->model_private->maxmin_system, action->variable);
        unsigned int i;
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
          lmm_constraint_t constraint = lmm_get_cnst_from_var(model->model_private->maxmin_system,
          link_CM02_t link = lmm_constraint_id(constraint);
                                          now - action->last_update);

    if(model == surf_cpu_model){
      action->generic_action.finish = surf_get_clock();

      update_resource_energy(model, action);

      /* set the remains to 0 due to precision problems when updating the remaining amount */
      action->generic_action.remains = 0;
      surf_action_state_set((surf_action_t) action, SURF_ACTION_DONE);
      surf_action_lmm_heap_remove(model->model_private->action_heap,action); //FIXME: strange call since action was already popped
      // if I am wearing a latency hat
      if (action->hat == LATENCY) {
        XBT_DEBUG("Latency paid for action %p. Activating", action);
        lmm_update_variable_weight(model->model_private->maxmin_system, action->variable,
        action->last_update = surf_get_clock();

        // if I am wearing a max_duration or normal hat
      } else if (action->hat == MAX_DURATION ||
          action->hat == NORMAL) {
        // no need to communicate anymore
        // assume that flows that reached max_duration have remaining of 0
      	action->generic_action.finish = surf_get_clock();
     	XBT_DEBUG("Action %p finished", action);
  	action->generic_action.remains = 0;
        ((surf_action_t)action)->finish = surf_get_clock();
        model->action_state_set((surf_action_t) action,

        if (model->gap_remove && model == surf_network_model)
  if (TRACE_is_enabled() && model == surf_cpu_model) {
    //defining the last timestamp that we can safely dump to trace file
    //without losing the event ascending order (considering all CPU's)
    double smaller = -1;
    xbt_swag_t running_actions = model->states.running_action_set;
    xbt_swag_foreach(action, running_actions) {
        if (smaller < 0) {
          smaller = action->last_update;
        if (action->last_update < smaller) {
          smaller = action->last_update;
    if (smaller > 0) {
      TRACE_last_timestamp_to_dump = smaller;