void run(char* dirname) { int ch, x, y, i; curs_set(0); draw_chara(dirname); draw_stats(dirname); draw_skill(dirname); x = 0; y = 0; for(;;) { draw_controls(0); move_cursor(y); cbreak(); noecho(); ch = getch(); for(i = 0; i < COLS; ++i) mvaddch(LINES - 1, i, ' '); mvaddch(LINES - 1, COLS - 1, ch); if(ch == 'q') break; if(ch == 'j') y = move_cursor(y + 1) ? y + 1 : y; if(ch == 'k') y = move_cursor(y - 1) ? y - 1 : y; if(ch == 'h') change_hp(); if(ch == 'm') change_mp(); if(ch == 'f') change_fate(); if(ch == 'd') ndice(); if(ch == '?') draw_help(); } return; }
/** * The main loop of the jukebox. Waits for the end of the song (while updating * the timer) and then returns an indicator that we need the next song. * Also waits for keypresses; the user can press ESC, left arrow or right arrow * to trigger appropriate return codes. */ int jukebox_loop() { int key_p; while (TRUE) { while (keypressed()) { key_p = readkey() >> 8; if (key_p == KEY_ESC) { return JUKEBOX_EXIT; } if (key_p == KEY_LEFT) { return JUKEBOX_PREV_SONG; } if (key_p == KEY_RIGHT) { return JUKEBOX_NEXT_SONG; } } clear_bitmap(buffer); update_starfield(buffer); update_track_data(); update_song_data(); draw_help(); vsync(); blit(buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); // When we're at the end of the file, midi_pos will be set to // the negative number of beats in the song. if (midi_pos < 0) { rest(TRACK_CHANGE_WAIT); return JUKEBOX_NEXT_SONG; } } }
void Renderer::Pass2(const Pipeline &pipeline, const PipelineContext &pipelineContext) { //BEGIN PASS 2 // //end of texture rendering //now we copy the texture from the FBO or framebuffer to //video texture memory and render fullscreen. /** Reset the viewport size */ #ifdef USE_FBO if (renderTarget->renderToTexture) { glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, this->renderTarget->fbuffer[1]); glViewport(0, 0, this->renderTarget->texsize, this->renderTarget->texsize); } else #endif glViewport(0, 0, this->vw, this->vh); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, this->renderTarget->textureID[0]); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); #ifdef USE_GLES1 glOrthof(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -40, 40); #else glOrtho(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -40, 40); #endif glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glLineWidth(this->renderTarget->texsize < 512 ? 1 : this->renderTarget->texsize / 512.0); CompositeOutput(pipeline, pipelineContext); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glTranslatef(-0.5, -0.5, 0); // When console refreshes, there is a chance the preset has been changed by the user refreshConsole(); draw_title_to_screen(false); if (this->showhelp % 2) draw_help(); if (this->showtitle % 2) draw_title(); if (this->showfps % 2) draw_fps(this->realfps); if (this->showpreset % 2) draw_preset(); if (this->showstats % 2) draw_stats(); glTranslatef(0.5, 0.5, 0); #ifdef USE_FBO if (renderTarget->renderToTexture) glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0); #endif }
//Handles input from ipod static int handle_event(GR_EVENT *event) { switch (event->type) { case GR_EVENT_TYPE_KEY_UP: switch (event->keystroke.ch) { case 'h': /* Hold switch */ draw_window(); break; } break; case GR_EVENT_TYPE_KEY_DOWN: switch (event->keystroke.ch) { case 'h': /* Hold switch */ draw_help(); break; case 'm': /* Menu button */ writePot(); reset(); pz_close_window (blackjack_wid); break; case 'l': /* Wheel left */ dec_bid(); break; case 'r': /* Wheel right */ inc_bid(); break; case 'w': /* Prev track */ dec_bid(); break; case 'f': /* Next track */ inc_bid(); break; case 'd': /* Play */ play_stay(); break; case '\r': /* Action */ hit_me(); break; } break; } return 0; }
/* * Name: net_setup * Description: Инициализируются все настройки для сетевой игры * */ void net_setup( const char typeConnection ) { echo(); // Включаем отображение вводимых символов if ( typeConnection == NET_CLIENT ) { // Настройка клиента draw_netClientIPEnter(); draw_help( "Enter server IP address(" ); WINDOW *input = NULL; // Создаем окно для ввода input = subwin( stdscr, 1, 16, 1, 1 ); // Инициализируем его while ( wgetstr( input, ip ) || net_checkIP() ) { // Проверяем IP на правильность ввода draw_netClientIPEnter(); draw_help( "Wrong input, try again. Enter server IP address(" ); } delwin( input ); draw_netClientPortEnter( ip ); draw_help( "Input port(1025-10000)" ); while ( ( !scanw( "%d", &port ) ) || port < 1025 || port > 10000 ) { // Считываем порт draw_netClientPortEnter( ip ); draw_help( "Wrong input, try again. Input port(1025-10000)" ); } } else if ( typeConnection == NET_SERVER ) { // Настройка сервера draw_netServerPortEnter(); draw_help( "Input port(1025-10000)" ); while ( ( !scanw( "%d", &port ) ) || port < 1025 || port > 10000 ) { // Считываем порт draw_netServerPortEnter(); draw_help( "Wrong input, try again. Input port(1025-10000)" ); } } else { draw_ERROR( "net_setup", "Wrong argument typeConnection" ); } noecho(); // Отключаем отображение символов }
int snake_start() { restart: score = 0; init_snake(); init_map(); clear(); refresh(); draw_score(); draw_help(); draw_box(0, 1, LINES-2, COLS-2); draw_snake(); draw_map(); gen_food(); if ((pthread_create(&thread_input, NULL, get_input, NULL)) != 0) exit(1); while (1) { usleep(speed); check_input(); if (exit_flag) { pthread_cancel(thread_input); exit_snake(); break; } if (pause_flag) { pthread_cancel(thread_input); getch(); pause_flag = 0; if ((pthread_create(&thread_input, NULL, get_input, NULL)) != 0) exit(1); } move_snake(); if (check_dead()) { pthread_cancel(thread_input); if (snake_dead_exit()) { exit_snake(); break; } goto restart; } if (check_food()) { inc_score(); draw_score(); snake_grow_one(); gen_food(); } }; return 0; }
void View::pre_display() { //info("display: lock"); view_sync.enter(); //begin time measuring double time_start = get_tick_count(); //antialising is supported through accumulation buffer (FIXME: use ARB_MULTISAMPLE if available) if (!hq_frame) { clear_background(); on_display(); } else { display_antialiased(); hq_frame = false; } if (b_help) draw_help(); else if (b_scale) scale_dispatch(); //draw current rendring time # ifdef _DEBUG draw_fps(); # endif //wait to finish glFinish(); //calculate statistics rendering_frames[rendering_frames_top] = get_tick_count() - time_start; rendering_frames_top = (rendering_frames_top + 1) % FPS_FRAME_SIZE; if (want_screenshot) { glReadBuffer(GL_BACK_LEFT); save_screenshot_internal(screenshot_filename.c_str()); want_screenshot = false; } glutSwapBuffers(); //frame synchronization frame_ready = true; view_sync.signal_drawing_finished(); view_sync.leave(); }
static void curses_draw(void) { if (NULL == get_current_node()) { first_node(); first_intf(); } row = 0; move(0,0); getmaxyx(stdscr, rows, cols); if (cols < 80) { clear(); putl("Screen must be at least 80 columns wide"); refresh(); return; } if (c_use_colors) attrset(COLOR_PAIR(LAYOUT_STATUSBAR) | layout[LAYOUT_STATUSBAR].attr); else attrset(A_REVERSE); if (get_current_node() && get_current_intf()) { putl(" interface: %s at %s", get_current_intf()->i_name, get_current_node()->n_name); } move(row, COLS - strlen(PACKAGE_STRING) - 1); putl("%s", PACKAGE_STRING); move(row, 0); if (c_use_colors) attrset(COLOR_PAIR(LAYOUT_DEFAULT) | layout[LAYOUT_DEFAULT].attr); else attroff(A_REVERSE); print_content(); if (quit_mode) print_quit(); else if (print_help) draw_help(); for (; row < rows-2;) { move(++row, 0); putl(""); } row = rows-1; move(row, 0); if (c_use_colors) attrset(COLOR_PAIR(LAYOUT_STATUSBAR) | layout[LAYOUT_STATUSBAR].attr); else attrset(A_REVERSE); putl(" ^ prev interface, v next interface, <- prev node, -> next node, ? help"); attrset(0); refresh(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int mode = 0; initscr(); /* Start curses mode */ start_color(); /* Start color functionality */ init_pair(10,COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_WHITE); init_pair(11,COLOR_YELLOW,COLOR_YELLOW); init_pair(12,COLOR_MAGENTA,COLOR_MAGENTA); init_pair(13,COLOR_CYAN,COLOR_CYAN); init_pair(14,COLOR_GREEN,COLOR_GREEN); init_pair(15,COLOR_RED,COLOR_RED); init_pair(16,COLOR_BLUE,COLOR_BLUE); init_pair(17,COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_WHITE); init_pair(18,COLOR_YELLOW,COLOR_YELLOW); init_pair(19,COLOR_MAGENTA,COLOR_MAGENTA); init_pair(20,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_WHITE); init_pair(21,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_YELLOW); init_pair(22,COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_MAGENTA); init_pair(23,COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_CYAN); init_pair(24,COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_GREEN); init_pair(25,COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_RED); init_pair(26,COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLUE); curs_set(0); noecho(); keypad(stdscr,TRUE); refresh(); WINDOW **logo; WINDOW **menu; int i = 0; int score = 0; while (i == 0) { logo = draw_logo(); menu = draw_menu(); if (score > 0 ) { mode = 1; } else { mode = scroll_menu(menu); } switch (mode) { case 0: delete_menu(menu,5); delete_menu(logo,169); score = tetris_init(); break; case 1: delete_menu(menu,5); if (score > 0) { draw_hiscores(1,score); } else { draw_hiscores(0,score); } score = 0; break; case 2: delete_menu(menu,5); draw_help(); break; case 3: delete_menu(menu,5); delete_menu(logo,169); i = 1; break; } } /*getch();*/ endwin(); /* End curses mode */ }
static void curses_draw(void) { if (NULL == get_current_node()) { first_node(); first_item(); } row = 0; move(0,0); getmaxyx(stdscr, rows, cols); if (cols < 80) { clear(); putl("Screen must be at least 80 columns wide"); refresh(); return; } if (c_use_colors) attrset(COLOR_PAIR(LAYOUT_STATUSBAR) | layout[LAYOUT_STATUSBAR].attr); else attrset(A_REVERSE); if (get_current_node() && get_current_item()) { putl(" %s on %s", get_current_item()->i_name, get_current_node()->n_name); } move(row, COLS - strlen(PACKAGE_STRING) - 1); putl("%s", PACKAGE_STRING); move(row, 0); if (c_use_colors) attrset(COLOR_PAIR(LAYOUT_DEFAULT) | layout[LAYOUT_DEFAULT].attr); else attroff(A_REVERSE); print_content(); if (quit_mode) print_quit(); else if (print_help) { if (help_page == 0) draw_help(); else draw_help_2(); } for (; row < rows-2;) { move(++row, 0); putl(""); } row = rows-1; move(row, 0); if (c_use_colors) attrset(COLOR_PAIR(LAYOUT_STATUSBAR) | layout[LAYOUT_STATUSBAR].attr); else attrset(A_REVERSE); if (1) { char s[27]; time_t t = time(0); double d; int h, m; asctime_r(localtime(&t), s); s[strlen(s) - 1] = '\0'; d = difftime(time(0), start_time); if (d / 3600) { h = (int) d / 3600; m = (int) d % 3600; m /= 60; } else { h = 0; m = (int) d / 60; } putl(" %s (%dh/%dm)", s, h, m); move(row, COLS - strlen("Press ? for help") - 1); putl("%s", "Press ? for help"); move(row, 0); } attrset(0); refresh(); }