task main()

	//waitForStart(); // Wait for the beginning of autonomous phase.

  ////                                                   ////
  ////    Add your robot specific autonomous code here.  ////
  ////                                                   ////



nMotorEncoder[leftFront] = 0;//nMotorEncoder is just to let the it know we are beginniung to program with an encoder
nMotorEncoder[leftBack] = 0;//motors are being set to 0 before the while loop just in case
nMotorEncoder[rightFront] = 0;
nMotorEncoder[rightBack] = 0;

wait1Msec (50);//after reading some blogs we thought that it was neccessary to wait between functions

while((nMotorEncoder[leftFront] < degreeRotation) && (nMotorEncoder[leftBack] < degreeRotation) && (nMotorEncoder[rightFront] < degreeRotation) && (nMotorEncoder[rightBack] < degreeRotation))//this while loop only lets the following code run when motor A and B have not rotated more than
motor[leftFront] = 100;
motor[leftBack] = 100;
motor[rightFront] = 100;
motor[rightBack] = 100;
motor[leftFront] = 0;
motor[leftBack] = 0;
motor[rightFront] = 0;
motor[rightBack] = 0;

wait1Msec (50);
  // I believe the purose of this infinite while loop is to
  // put the robot in an idle state until the Field Control
  // system switches to teleop mode.  As such, this loop
  // should stay here.
  while (true)
void simple_autonomous(){
// on close edge of tile drive_inches(14.5); // works
// touching wall drive_inches(28.5); // works

	rotate_degrees_right(90); // works

	reverse_until_bumpers(); // WOULD BE F*****G AWESOME IF ROBOTC HAD FUNCTION POINTERS!
	// stay put for 4 seconds while the hook lowers!
	// drive_inches_slow(2);

	motor_set(0, 0);

	// do nothing; mission accomplised
	// print to LCD for bonus points?