Exemple #1
static int dev_acquisition_start(const struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, void *cb_data)
	struct dev_context *devc;
	struct drv_context *drvc = di->priv;

	if (sdi->status != SR_ST_ACTIVE)

	devc = sdi->priv;
	devc->cb_data = cb_data;

	if (configure_probes(sdi) != SR_OK) {
		sr_err("Failed to configure probes.");
		return SR_ERR;

	if (dso_init(sdi) != SR_OK)
		return SR_ERR;

	if (dso_capture_start(sdi) != SR_OK)
		return SR_ERR;

	devc->dev_state = CAPTURE;
	usb_source_add(drvc->sr_ctx, TICK, handle_event, (void *)sdi);

	/* Send header packet to the session bus. */
	std_session_send_df_header(cb_data, LOG_PREFIX);

	return SR_OK;
Exemple #2
static int hw_dev_acquisition_start(const struct sr_dev_inst *sdi,
				    void *cb_data)
	const struct libusb_pollfd **lupfd;
	struct sr_datafeed_packet packet;
	struct sr_datafeed_header header;
	struct dev_context *devc;
	struct drv_context *drvc = di->priv;
	int i;

	if (sdi->status != SR_ST_ACTIVE)
		return SR_ERR;

	devc = sdi->priv;
	devc->cb_data = cb_data;

	if (configure_probes(sdi) != SR_OK) {
		sr_err("Failed to configure probes.");
		return SR_ERR;

	if (dso_init(devc) != SR_OK)
		return SR_ERR;

	if (dso_capture_start(devc) != SR_OK)
		return SR_ERR;

	devc->dev_state = CAPTURE;
	lupfd = libusb_get_pollfds(drvc->sr_ctx->libusb_ctx);
	for (i = 0; lupfd[i]; i++)
		sr_source_add(lupfd[i]->fd, lupfd[i]->events, TICK,
			      handle_event, (void *)sdi);

	/* Send header packet to the session bus. */
	packet.type = SR_DF_HEADER;
	packet.payload = (unsigned char *)&header;
	header.feed_version = 1;
	gettimeofday(&header.starttime, NULL);
	sr_session_send(cb_data, &packet);

	return SR_OK;
Exemple #3
/* Initialize the JVM and its environment, loading libraries and all */
bool java_init(arg_data *args, home_data *data)
#ifdef OS_DARWIN
    dso_handle apph = NULL;
    char appf[1024];
    struct stat sb;
#endif /* ifdef OS_DARWIN */
    jvm_create_t symb = NULL;
    JNINativeMethod nativemethods[2];
    JavaVMOption *opt = NULL;
    dso_handle libh   = NULL;
    JavaVMInitArgs arg;
    char *libf = NULL;
    jint ret;
    int x;
    char loaderclass[]    = LOADER;
    char shutdownmethod[] = "shutdown";
    char shutdownparams[] = "(Z)V";
    char failedmethod[]   = "failed";
    char failedparams[]   = "(Ljava/lang/String;)V";
    char daemonprocid[64];
    /* Decide WHAT virtual machine we need to use */
    libf = java_library(args, data);
    if (libf == NULL) {
        log_error("Cannot locate JVM library file");
        return false;

    /* Initialize the DSO library */
    if (dso_init() != true) {
        log_error("Cannot initialize the dynamic library loader");
        return false;

    /* Load the JVM library */
#if !defined(OSD_POSIX)
    libh = dso_link(libf);
    if (libh == NULL) {
        log_error("Cannot dynamically link to %s", libf);
        log_error("%s", dso_error());
        return false;
    log_debug("JVM library %s loaded", libf);

#ifdef OS_DARWIN
       MacOS/X actually has two libraries, one with the REAL vm, and one for
       the VM startup.
       before JVM 1.4.1 The first one (libappshell.dyld) contains CreateVM
       JVM 1.4.1 through 1.5.* The library name is libjvm_compat.dylib
       starting with JVM 1.6 on OS X 10.6 the library name is libverify.dylib.
    if (replace(appf, 1024, "$JAVA_HOME/../Libraries/libappshell.dylib",
                "$JAVA_HOME", data->path) != 0) {
        log_error("Cannot replace values in loader library");
        return false;
    if (stat(appf, &sb)) {
        if (replace(appf, 1024, "$JAVA_HOME/../Libraries/libjvm_compat.dylib",
                    "$JAVA_HOME", data->path) != 0) {
            log_error("Cannot replace values in loader library");
            return false;
    if (stat(appf, &sb)) {
        if (replace(appf, 1024, "$JAVA_HOME/../Libraries/libverify.dylib",
                    "$JAVA_HOME", data->path) != 0) {
            log_error("Cannot replace values in loader library");
            return false;
    apph = dso_link(appf);
    if (apph == NULL) {
        log_error("Cannot load required shell library %s", appf);
        return false;
    log_debug("Shell library %s loaded", appf);
#endif /* ifdef OS_DARWIN */
#if defined(OSD_POSIX)
    /* BS2000 does not allow to call JNI_CreateJavaVM indirectly */
    symb = (jvm_create_t)dso_symbol(libh, "JNI_CreateJavaVM");
    if (symb == NULL) {
#ifdef OS_DARWIN
        symb = (jvm_create_t)dso_symbol(apph, "JNI_CreateJavaVM");
        if (symb == NULL) {
#endif /* ifdef OS_DARWIN */
            log_error("Cannot find JVM library entry point");
            return false;
#ifdef OS_DARWIN
#endif /* ifdef OS_DARWIN */
    log_debug("JVM library entry point found (0x%08X)", symb);

    /* Prepare the VM initialization arguments */

     * Mac OS X Java will load JVM 1.3.1 instead of 1.4.2 if JNI_VERSION_1_2
     * is specified. So use JNI_VERSION_1_4 if we can.
#if defined(JNI_VERSION_1_4)
    arg.version = JNI_VERSION_1_4;
    arg.version = JNI_VERSION_1_2;
#if defined(OSD_POSIX)
    if (JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs(&arg) < 0) {
        log_error("Cannot init default JVM default args");
        return false;
    arg.ignoreUnrecognized = FALSE;
    arg.nOptions = args->onum + 4; /* pid, ppid and abort */
    opt = (JavaVMOption *) malloc(arg.nOptions * sizeof(JavaVMOption));
    for (x = 0; x < args->onum; x++) {
        opt[x].optionString = strdup(args->opts[x]);
        opt[x].extraInfo = NULL;
    /* Add our daemon process id */
    snprintf(daemonprocid, sizeof(daemonprocid),
             "-Dcommons.daemon.process.id=%d", (int)getpid());
    opt[x].optionString = strdup(daemonprocid);
    opt[x++].extraInfo  = NULL;
    snprintf(daemonprocid, sizeof(daemonprocid),
             "-Dcommons.daemon.process.parent=%d", (int)getppid());
    opt[x].optionString = strdup(daemonprocid);
    opt[x++].extraInfo  = NULL;
    snprintf(daemonprocid, sizeof(daemonprocid),
             "-Dcommons.daemon.version=%s", JSVC_VERSION_STRING);
    opt[x].optionString = strdup(daemonprocid);
    opt[x++].extraInfo  = NULL;
    opt[x].optionString = strdup("abort");
    opt[x].extraInfo = (void *)java_abort123;
    arg.options = opt;

    /* Do some debugging */
    if (log_debug_flag == true) {
        log_debug("+-- DUMPING JAVA VM CREATION ARGUMENTS -----------------");
        log_debug("| Version:                       %#08x", arg.version);
        log_debug("| Ignore Unrecognized Arguments: %s",
                  arg.ignoreUnrecognized == TRUE ? "True" : "False");
        log_debug("| Extra options:                 %d", args->onum);

        for (x = 0; x < args->onum; x++) {
            log_debug("|   \"%s\" (0x%08x)", opt[x].optionString,
        log_debug("| Internal options:              %d", arg.nOptions - args->onum);

        for (; x < arg.nOptions; x++) {
            log_debug("|   \"%s\" (0x%08x)", opt[x].optionString,

    /* And finally create the Java VM */
#if defined(OSD_POSIX)
    ret = JNI_CreateJavaVM(&jvm, &env, &arg);
    ret = (*symb) (&jvm, &env, &arg);
    if (ret < 0) {
        log_error("Cannot create Java VM");
        return false;
    log_debug("Java VM created successfully");

    cls = (*env)->FindClass(env, loaderclass);
    if (cls == NULL) {
        log_error("Cannot find daemon loader %s", loaderclass);
        return false;
    log_debug("Class %s found", loaderclass);

    nativemethods[0].name = shutdownmethod;
    nativemethods[0].signature = shutdownparams;
    nativemethods[0].fnPtr = (void *)shutdown;
    nativemethods[1].name = failedmethod;
    nativemethods[1].signature = failedparams;
    nativemethods[1].fnPtr = (void *)failed;

    if ((*env)->RegisterNatives(env, cls, nativemethods, 2) != 0) {
        log_error("Cannot register native methods");
        return false;
    log_debug("Native methods registered");

    return true;