Exemple #1
bool saveImageData(const char* pFilename, ImageData& id)
   fipImage dst_image(FIT_BITMAP, (WORD)id.width, (WORD)id.height, 32);
   for (uint y = 0; y < id.height; y++)
		int idx = y* id.width * 4;
      for (uint x = 0; x < id.width; x++, idx+=4)
         RGBAColor c;
         RGBQUAD quad;
         quad.rgbRed = id.pImgData[idx +0];
         quad.rgbGreen = id.pImgData[idx +1];
         quad.rgbBlue = id.pImgData[idx +2];
         quad.rgbReserved = id.pImgData[idx +3];
         dst_image.setPixelColor(x, id.height - 1 - y, &quad);
   if (!dst_image.save(pFilename, 0))
      return false; 

   return true;
Exemple #2
int normal_process(const char* argv[])
    const std::string src_path {argv[1]};
    const std::string dst_path {argv[2]};
    const int dst_width {atoi(argv[3])};
    const int dst_height {atoi(argv[4])};
    // load a source image
    const cv::Mat src_image {cv::imread(src_path)};
    if (src_image.empty())
        std::cout << "file not found\n";
        return 1;
    std::cout << boost::format("(src_width, src_height) = (%1%, %2%)") % src_image.cols % src_image.rows << std::endl;
    // make buffer for output image
    cv::Mat dst_image(dst_height, dst_width, CV_8UC3);
    std::cout << boost::format("(dst_width, dst_height) = (%1%, %2%)") % dst_image.cols % dst_image.rows << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;

    // use raw pointer
    constexpr int NUM {10};
    for (auto i = 0; i < NUM; ++i)
        auto start {std::chrono::system_clock::now()};
        resize_with_raw_access(src_image, dst_image);
        auto end {std::chrono::system_clock::now()};
        std::cout << boost::format("raw access[%1%]: %2% msec\n")
            % i
            % std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end - start).count();
    std::cout << std::endl;
    // save the dst image
    cv::imwrite(dst_path, dst_image);
    return 0;
Exemple #3
int main(int arg_c, char** arg_v)
   if (arg_c != 5)
      printf("Usage: input_image output_image.tga width height\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
   const char* pSrc_filename = arg_v[1];
   const char* pDst_filename = arg_v[2];
   const int dst_width = atoi(arg_v[3]);
   const int dst_height = atoi(arg_v[4]);
   if ((std::min(dst_width, dst_height) < 1) || (std::max(dst_width, dst_height) > RESAMPLER_MAX_DIMENSION))
      printf("Invalid output width/height!\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
   printf("Loading image: %s\n", pSrc_filename);
   int src_width, src_height, n;
   unsigned char* pSrc_image = stbi_load(pSrc_filename, &src_width, &src_height, &n, 0);
   if (!pSrc_image)
      printf("Failed loading image!\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
   printf("Resolution: %ux%u, Channels: %u\n", src_width, src_height, n);
   const int max_components = 4;   
   if ((std::max(src_width, src_height) > RESAMPLER_MAX_DIMENSION) || (n > max_components))
      printf("Image is too large!\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
   // Partial gamma correction looks better on mips. Set to 1.0 to disable gamma correction. 
   const float source_gamma = 1.75f;
   // Filter scale - values < 1.0 cause aliasing, but create sharper looking mips.
   const float filter_scale = 1.0f;//.75f;
   const char* pFilter = "blackman";//RESAMPLER_DEFAULT_FILTER;
   float srgb_to_linear[256];
   for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
      srgb_to_linear[i] = (float)pow(i * 1.0f/255.0f, source_gamma);

   const int linear_to_srgb_table_size = 4096;
   unsigned char linear_to_srgb[linear_to_srgb_table_size];
   const float inv_linear_to_srgb_table_size = 1.0f / linear_to_srgb_table_size;
   const float inv_source_gamma = 1.0f / source_gamma;

   for (int i = 0; i < linear_to_srgb_table_size; ++i)
      int k = (int)(255.0f * pow(i * inv_linear_to_srgb_table_size, inv_source_gamma) + .5f);
      if (k < 0) k = 0; else if (k > 255) k = 255;
      linear_to_srgb[i] = (unsigned char)k;
   Resampler* resamplers[max_components];
   std::vector<float> samples[max_components];
   // Now create a Resampler instance for each component to process. The first instance will create new contributor tables, which are shared by the resamplers 
   // used for the other components (a memory and slight cache efficiency optimization).
   resamplers[0] = new Resampler(src_width, src_height, dst_width, dst_height, Resampler::BOUNDARY_CLAMP, 0.0f, 1.0f, pFilter, NULL, NULL, filter_scale, filter_scale);
   for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
      resamplers[i] = new Resampler(src_width, src_height, dst_width, dst_height, Resampler::BOUNDARY_CLAMP, 0.0f, 1.0f, pFilter, resamplers[0]->get_clist_x(), resamplers[0]->get_clist_y(), filter_scale, filter_scale);
   std::vector<unsigned char> dst_image(dst_width * n * dst_height);
   const int src_pitch = src_width * n;
   const int dst_pitch = dst_width * n;
   int dst_y = 0;
   printf("Resampling to %ux%u\n", dst_width, dst_height);
   for (int src_y = 0; src_y < src_height; src_y++)
      const unsigned char* pSrc = &pSrc_image[src_y * src_pitch];
      for (int x = 0; x < src_width; x++)
         for (int c = 0; c < n; c++)
            if ((c == 3) || ((n == 2) && (c == 1)))
               samples[c][x] = *pSrc++ * (1.0f/255.0f);
               samples[c][x] = srgb_to_linear[*pSrc++];        
      for (int c = 0; c < n; c++)         
         if (!resamplers[c]->put_line(&samples[c][0]))
            printf("Out of memory!\n");
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
      for ( ; ; )
         int comp_index;
         for (comp_index = 0; comp_index < n; comp_index++)
            const float* pOutput_samples = resamplers[comp_index]->get_line();
            if (!pOutput_samples)
            const bool alpha_channel = (comp_index == 3) || ((n == 2) && (comp_index == 1));
            assert(dst_y < dst_height);
            unsigned char* pDst = &dst_image[dst_y * dst_pitch + comp_index];
            for (int x = 0; x < dst_width; x++)
               if (alpha_channel)
                  int c = (int)(255.0f * pOutput_samples[x] + .5f);
                  if (c < 0) c = 0; else if (c > 255) c = 255;
                  *pDst = (unsigned char)c;
                  int j = (int)(linear_to_srgb_table_size * pOutput_samples[x] + .5f);
                  if (j < 0) j = 0; else if (j >= linear_to_srgb_table_size) j = linear_to_srgb_table_size - 1;
                  *pDst = linear_to_srgb[j];
               pDst += n;
         if (comp_index < n)
   printf("Writing TGA file: %s\n", pDst_filename);
   if (!stbi_write_tga(pDst_filename, dst_width, dst_height, n, &dst_image[0]))
      printf("Failed writing output image!\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

   // Delete the resamplers.
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      delete resamplers[i];
   return EXIT_SUCCESS;