// Reruns this program through callgrind, storing callgrind result files in the
// current directory.
// Returns \c true upon success, otherwise false.
bool QBenchmarkValgrindUtils::runCallgrindSubProcess(const QStringList &origAppArgs, int &exitCode)
    const QString execFile(origAppArgs.at(0));
    QStringList args;
    args << QLatin1String("--tool=callgrind") << QLatin1String("--instr-atstart=yes")
         << QLatin1String("--quiet")
         << execFile << QLatin1String("-callgrindchild");

    // pass on original arguments that make sense (e.g. avoid wasting time producing output
    // that will be ignored anyway) ...
    for (int i = 1; i < origAppArgs.size(); ++i) {
        const QString arg(origAppArgs.at(i));
        if (arg == QLatin1String("-callgrind"))
        args << arg; // ok to pass on

    QProcess process;
    process.start(QLatin1String("valgrind"), args);
    QBenchmarkGlobalData::current->callgrindOutFileBase =
    const bool finishedOk = process.waitForFinished(-1);
    exitCode = process.exitCode();

    dumpOutput(process.readAllStandardOutput(), stdout);
    dumpOutput(process.readAllStandardError(), stderr);

    return finishedOk;
Exemple #2
// Reruns this program through callgrind, storing callgrind result files in the
// current directory.
// Returns true upon success, otherwise false.
bool QBenchmarkValgrindUtils::runCallgrindSubProcess(const QStringList &origAppArgs, int &exitCode)
    const QString execFile(origAppArgs.at(0));
    QStringList args;
    args << QLatin1String("--tool=callgrind") << QLatin1String("--instr-atstart=yes")
         << QLatin1String("--quiet")
         << execFile << QLatin1String("-callgrindchild");

#if (defined Q_WS_QWS)
    // While running the child process, we aren't processing events, and hence aren't
    // acting as the QWS server. Therefore it's necessary to tell the child to act
    // as its own server instead of connecting to us.
    args << QLatin1String("-qws");

    // pass on original arguments that make sense (e.g. avoid wasting time producing output
    // that will be ignored anyway) ...
    for (int i = 1; i < origAppArgs.size(); ++i) {
        const QString arg(origAppArgs.at(i));
        if (arg == QLatin1String("-callgrind"))
        args << arg; // ok to pass on

    QProcess process;
    process.start(QLatin1String("valgrind"), args);
    QBenchmarkGlobalData::current->callgrindOutFileBase =
    const bool finishedOk = process.waitForFinished(-1);
    exitCode = process.exitCode();

    dumpOutput(process.readAllStandardOutput(), stdout);
    dumpOutput(process.readAllStandardError(), stderr);

    return finishedOk;
Exemple #3
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jogamp_newt_driver_x11_RandR13_dumpInfo0
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong display, jint screen_idx, jlong screenResources)
    Display * dpy = (Display *) (intptr_t) display;
    Window root = RootWindow(dpy, (int)screen_idx);
    XRRScreenResources *resources = (XRRScreenResources *) (intptr_t) screenResources;
    int pos[] = { 0, 0 } ;
    int i, j, minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight;

    int vs_width = DisplayWidth(dpy, screen_idx);
    int vs_height = DisplayHeight(dpy, screen_idx);
    int vs_width_mm = DisplayWidthMM(dpy, screen_idx);
    int vs_height_mm = DisplayHeightMM(dpy, screen_idx);
    fprintf(stderr, "ScreenVirtualSize: %dx%d %dx%d mm\n", vs_width, vs_height, vs_width_mm, vs_height_mm);

    XRRGetScreenSizeRange (dpy, root, &minWidth, &minHeight, &maxWidth, &maxHeight);
    fprintf(stderr, "XRRGetScreenSizeRange: %dx%d .. %dx%d\n", minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight);

    if( NULL == resources ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "XRRScreenResources NULL\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "XRRScreenResources %p: Crtc count %d\n", resources, resources->ncrtc);
    for(i=0; i<resources->ncrtc; i++) {
        RRCrtc crtc = resources->crtcs[i];
        XRRCrtcInfo *xrrCrtcInfo = XRRGetCrtcInfo (dpy, resources, crtc);
        fprintf(stderr, "Crtc[%d] %#lx: %d/%d %dx%d, rot 0x%X, mode.id %#lx\n", 
            i, crtc, xrrCrtcInfo->x, xrrCrtcInfo->y, xrrCrtcInfo->width, xrrCrtcInfo->height, xrrCrtcInfo->rotations, xrrCrtcInfo->mode);
        for(j=0; j<xrrCrtcInfo->noutput; j++) {
            fprintf(stderr, "    Crtc[%d].Output[%d].id %#lx\n", i, j, xrrCrtcInfo->outputs[j]);
            dumpOutput("        ", dpy, screen_idx, resources, j, xrrCrtcInfo->outputs[j]);

    dumpOutputs("XRRScreenResources.outputs", dpy, (int)screen_idx, resources, resources->noutput, resources->outputs);

    fprintf(stderr, "XRRScreenResources %p: Mode count %d\n", resources, resources->nmode);
    for(i=0; i<resources->nmode; i++) {
        XRRModeInfo *mode = &resources->modes[i];

        unsigned int dots = mode->hTotal * mode->vTotal;
        float refresh = getVRefresh(mode);
        fprintf(stderr, "Mode[%d, id %#lx]: %ux%u@%f, name %s\n", i, mode->id, mode->width, mode->height, refresh, SAFE_STRING(mode->name));
Exemple #4
static void dumpOutputs(const char *prefix, Display *dpy, int screen_idx, XRRScreenResources *resources, int noutput, RROutput * outputs) {
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<noutput; i++) {
        dumpOutput(prefix, dpy, screen_idx, resources, i, outputs[i]);