Exemple #1
 * Allocate storage on the GC heap.  We guarantee 8-byte alignment.
 * The new storage is zeroed out.
 * Note that, in rare cases, this could get called while a GC is in
 * progress.  If a non-VM thread tries to attach itself through JNI,
 * it will need to allocate some objects.  If this becomes annoying to
 * deal with, we can block it at the source, but holding the allocation
 * mutex should be enough.
 * In rare circumstances (JNI AttachCurrentThread) we can be called
 * from a non-VM thread.
 * Use ALLOC_DONT_TRACK when we either don't want to track an allocation
 * (because it's being done for the interpreter "new" operation and will
 * be part of the root set immediately) or we can't (because this allocation
 * is for a brand new thread).
 * Returns NULL and throws an exception on failure.
 * TODO: don't do a GC if the debugger thinks all threads are suspended
void* dvmMalloc(size_t size, int flags)
    void *ptr;


    /* Try as hard as possible to allocate some memory.
    ptr = tryMalloc(size);
    if (ptr != NULL) {
        /* We've got the memory.
        if (gDvm.allocProf.enabled) {
            Thread* self = dvmThreadSelf();
            gDvm.allocProf.allocSize += size;
            if (self != NULL) {
                self->allocProf.allocSize += size;
    } else {
        /* The allocation failed.

        if (gDvm.allocProf.enabled) {
            Thread* self = dvmThreadSelf();
            gDvm.allocProf.failedAllocSize += size;
            if (self != NULL) {
                self->allocProf.failedAllocSize += size;


    if (ptr != NULL) {
         * If caller hasn't asked us not to track it, add it to the
         * internal tracking list.
        if ((flags & ALLOC_DONT_TRACK) == 0) {
            dvmAddTrackedAlloc((Object*)ptr, NULL);
    } else {
         * The allocation failed; throw an OutOfMemoryError.

    return ptr;
 * Find a class by name, initializing it if requested.
ClassObject* dvmFindClassByName(StringObject* nameObj, Object* loader,
    bool doInit)
    ClassObject* clazz = NULL;
    char* name = NULL;
    char* descriptor = NULL;

    if (nameObj == NULL) {
        dvmThrowException("Ljava/lang/NullPointerException;", NULL);
        goto bail;
    name = dvmCreateCstrFromString(nameObj);

     * We need to validate and convert the name (from x.y.z to x/y/z).  This
     * is especially handy for array types, since we want to avoid
     * auto-generating bogus array classes.
    if (!validateClassName(name)) {
        LOGW("dvmFindClassByName rejecting '%s'\n", name);
        dvmThrowException("Ljava/lang/ClassNotFoundException;", name);
        goto bail;

    descriptor = dvmDotToDescriptor(name);
    if (descriptor == NULL) {
        goto bail;

    if (doInit)
        clazz = dvmFindClass(descriptor, loader);
        clazz = dvmFindClassNoInit(descriptor, loader);

    if (clazz == NULL) {
        LOGVV("FAIL: load %s (%d)\n", descriptor, doInit);
        Thread* self = dvmThreadSelf();
        Object* oldExcep = dvmGetException(self);
        dvmAddTrackedAlloc(oldExcep, self);     /* don't let this be GCed */
            name, oldExcep);
        dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc(oldExcep, self);
    } else {
        LOGVV("GOOD: load %s (%d) --> %p ldr=%p\n",
            descriptor, doInit, clazz, clazz->classLoader);

    return clazz;
 * Wrap the now-pending exception in a different exception.  This is useful
 * for reflection stuff that wants to hand a checked exception back from a
 * method that doesn't declare it.
 * If something fails, an (unchecked) exception related to that failure
 * will be pending instead.
void dvmWrapException(const char* newExcepStr)
    Thread* self = dvmThreadSelf();
    Object* origExcep;
    ClassObject* iteClass;

    origExcep = dvmGetException(self);
    dvmAddTrackedAlloc(origExcep, self);    // don't let the GC free it

    dvmClearException(self);                // clear before class lookup
    iteClass = dvmFindSystemClass(newExcepStr);
    if (iteClass != NULL) {
        Object* iteExcep;
        Method* initMethod;

        iteExcep = dvmAllocObject(iteClass, ALLOC_DEFAULT);
        if (iteExcep != NULL) {
            initMethod = dvmFindDirectMethodByDescriptor(iteClass, "<init>",
            if (initMethod != NULL) {
                JValue unused;
                dvmCallMethod(self, initMethod, iteExcep, &unused,

                /* if <init> succeeded, replace the old exception */
                if (!dvmCheckException(self))
                    dvmSetException(self, iteExcep);
            dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc(iteExcep, NULL);

            /* if initMethod doesn't exist, or failed... */
            if (!dvmCheckException(self))
                dvmSetException(self, origExcep);
        } else {
            /* leave OutOfMemoryError pending */
    } else {
        /* leave ClassNotFoundException pending */

    dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc(origExcep, self);
 * Create a wrapper object for a primitive data type.  If "returnType" is
 * not primitive, this just casts "value" to an object and returns it.
 * We could invoke the "toValue" method on the box types to take
 * advantage of pre-created values, but running that through the
 * interpreter is probably less efficient than just allocating storage here.
 * The caller must call dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc on the result.
DataObject* dvmBoxPrimitive(JValue value, ClassObject* returnType)
    ClassObject* wrapperClass;
    DataObject* wrapperObj;
    s4* dataPtr;
    PrimitiveType typeIndex = returnType->primitiveType;
    const char* classDescriptor;

    if (typeIndex == PRIM_NOT) {
        /* add to tracking table so return value is always in table */
        if (value.l != NULL)
            dvmAddTrackedAlloc((Object*)value.l, NULL);
        return (DataObject*) value.l;

    classDescriptor = dexGetBoxedTypeDescriptor(typeIndex);
    if (classDescriptor == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    wrapperClass = dvmFindSystemClass(classDescriptor);
    if (wrapperClass == NULL) {
        ALOGW("Unable to find '%s'", classDescriptor);
        return NULL;

    wrapperObj = (DataObject*) dvmAllocObject(wrapperClass, ALLOC_DEFAULT);
    if (wrapperObj == NULL)
        return NULL;
    dataPtr = (s4*) wrapperObj->instanceData;

    /* assumes value is stored in first instance field */
    /* (see dvmValidateBoxClasses) */
    if (typeIndex == PRIM_LONG || typeIndex == PRIM_DOUBLE)
        *(s8*)dataPtr = value.j;
        *dataPtr = value.i;

    return wrapperObj;
Exemple #5
void* fastiva_dvmMalloc(size_t size, int flags, ClassObject* clazz)

    void *ptr;


    /* Try as hard as possible to allocate some memory.
    ptr = tryMalloc(size);
    if (ptr != NULL) {
        /* We've got the memory.
        if (gDvm.allocProf.enabled) {
            Thread* self = dvmThreadSelf();
            gDvm.allocProf.allocSize += size;
            if (self != NULL) {
                self->allocProf.allocSize += size;
    } else {
        /* The allocation failed.

        if (gDvm.allocProf.enabled) {
            Thread* self = dvmThreadSelf();
            gDvm.allocProf.failedAllocSize += size;
            if (self != NULL) {
                self->allocProf.failedAllocSize += size;

#ifdef FASTIVA 
	if (clazz != NULL && ptr != NULL) {
		// for suspend-by-signal it must be in HeapLocked scope.
	    DVM_OBJECT_INIT((Object*)ptr, clazz);
		d2f_initObject((Object*)ptr, clazz);

    if (ptr != NULL) {
         * If caller hasn't asked us not to track it, add it to the
         * internal tracking list.
        if ((flags & ALLOC_DONT_TRACK) == 0) {
            dvmAddTrackedAlloc((Object*)ptr, NULL);
    } else {
         * The allocation failed; throw an OutOfMemoryError.

    return ptr;