Exemple #1
static lpret_enum do_lp (lpprob_struct *lp,
			 lptols_struct *lptols,
			 lpopts_struct *lpopts,
			 int printlvl)
  This routine is a convenience wrapper which handles statistics and timing.
  It also allows for easy adjustment of the print level by making a local copy
  of the options.

    lp:		lp problem to be solved
    lptols:	tolerances
    lpopts:	options
    printlvl:	desired output level

  Returns: lp status code; lpINV is used in the event of a fatal error that's
	   not really dylp's fault.

{ lpret_enum lpret ;
  lpopts_struct *local_lpopts ;
  lpstats_struct *local_lpstats ;

  consys_struct *sys ;

# if MALLOC_DEBUG == 2
  const char *rtnnme = "do_lp" ;
# endif

  lpret = lpINV ;
  sys = lp->consys ;

  Set up options and statistics.
  local_lpopts = (lpopts_struct *) MALLOC(sizeof(lpopts_struct)) ;
  memcpy(local_lpopts,lpopts,sizeof(lpopts_struct)) ;
  dy_setprintopts(printlvl,local_lpopts) ;

  local_lpstats = NULL ;
  dy_initstats(&local_lpstats,sys) ;
# else
  local_lpstats = NULL ;
# endif
  Let dylp know we're not done, and make the call to solve the lp.
  lp->phase = dyINV ;
  lpret = dylp(lp,local_lpopts,lptols,local_lpstats) ;
  Dump the statistics and free the dylp statistics structure.
  /* stats_lp(outpath,FALSE,lp,&diff,local_lpstats) ; */
  dy_freestats(&local_lpstats) ;
# endif
  if (local_lpopts != NULL) FREE(local_lpopts) ;

  return (lpret) ; }
Exemple #2
static lpret_enum do_lp (struct timeval *elapsed, int printlvl)

  This routine is a wrapper which makes up the difference between the setup
  completed in the main program and the setup expected by dylp.  Structures
  are created for the lp problem, options, tolerances, and statistics, and
  passed to dylp. Once the lp completes, the stats are printed and the
  statistics structure is released. Other cleanup is handled in main.

  Returns: lp status code; lpINV is used in the event of a fatal error that's
	   not really dylp's fault.

{ int ndx,i,flips ;
  bool *flipped ;

  lpret_enum lpret ;
  lpopts_struct *initial_lpopts ;
  lpstats_struct *initial_lpstats ;
  basis_struct *basis ;

  struct timeval diff,before,after ;

  const char *rtnnme = "do_lp" ;

  lpret = lpINV ;

  Create and initialise the main_lp structure to pass the problem in to dylp.
  main_lp = (lpprob_struct *) CALLOC(1,sizeof(lpprob_struct)) ;
  main_lp->phase = dyINV ;
  main_lp->consys = main_sys ;
  main_lp->rowsze = main_sys->rowsze ;
  main_lp->colsze = main_sys->colsze ;
  Set up options, statistics, and solve the lp. After we're done, dump the
  statistics and free the dylp statistics structure. The options specified in
  the main routine (cold start using a logical basis and the full constraint
  system) are appropriate for the initial solution of an LP.

  In particular, if you're modifying this driver to do more than just solve
  the LP (for example, if you want access to tableau information after dylp
  returns with an answer) you really want to set the lpctlNOFREE flag in
  main_lp->ctlopts. See the comments in dylp.h for the available flags.
  initial_lpopts = (lpopts_struct *) MALLOC(sizeof(lpopts_struct)) ;
  memcpy(initial_lpopts,main_lpopts,sizeof(lpopts_struct)) ;

  dy_setprintopts(printlvl,initial_lpopts) ;

  initial_lpstats = NULL ;
  dy_initstats(&initial_lpstats,main_sys) ;
# else
  initial_lpstats = NULL ;
# endif

  get_timeval(&before) ;
  lpret = dylp(main_lp,initial_lpopts,main_lptols,initial_lpstats) ;
  get_timeval(&after) ;
  sub_timevals(&diff,&after,&before) ;
  if (elapsed != NULL) (*elapsed) = diff ;

  stats_lp(outpath,FALSE,main_lp,&diff,initial_lpstats) ;
  dy_freestats(&initial_lpstats) ;
# endif

  if (initial_lpopts != NULL) FREE(initial_lpopts) ;

  return (lpret) ;