void magnetic_field_estimator(vector v_B_o)
  float time_in_years = 2015 + (float)seconds_since_pivot / SECONDS_IN_YEAR;
  vector v_temp, v_r_lla, v_B_ned, v_B_eci;
  eci2ecef(v_r, v_temp);
  ecef2lla(v_temp, v_r_lla);// LLA is need
  ///* Save LLA vector for use in communications check routine
  copy_vector(v_r_lla, v_sat);// why is this required when ,lat long alt coming from GPS
  igrf(v_r_lla, time_in_years, 8, v_B_ned);// need to check at the end
  ned2ecef(v_B_ned, v_r_lla, v_temp);
  ecef2eci(v_temp, v_B_eci);
  eci2orbit(v_r, v_v, v_B_eci, v_B_o); 
  scalar_into_vector(v_B_o, 1e-9);     // igrf gives in nT
  int8_t sen,sen1;
  int16_t st;
  /*for (int i=0;i<3;i=i+1)
	  //sen = ((int8_t)((lambda))/2);
	  st =(int16_t)(v_B_eci[i]/10);
	  sen = (int8_t)st;
	  sen1 = (int8_t)(st>>8);
Exemple #2
void magnetic_field_estimator(vector v_B_o)
  float time_in_years = 2010 + (float)seconds_since_pivot / SECONDS_IN_YEAR;
  vector v_temp, v_r_lla, v_B_ned, v_B_eci;
  eci2ecef(v_r, v_temp);
  ecef2lla(v_temp, v_r_lla);
  igrf(v_r_lla, time_in_years, 8, v_B_ned);
  ned2ecef(v_B_ned, v_r_lla, v_temp);
  ecef2eci(v_temp, v_B_eci);
  eci2orbit(v_r, v_v, v_B_eci, v_B_o);
  scalar_into_vector(v_B_o, 1e-9);
Exemple #3
void magnetic_field_estimator(vector v_B_o)
  float time_in_years = 2010 + (float)seconds_since_pivot / SECONDS_IN_YEAR;
  vector v_temp, v_r_lla, v_B_ned, v_B_eci;
  eci2ecef(v_r, v_temp);
  ecef2lla(v_temp, v_r_lla);
  ///* Save LLA vector for use in communications check routine
  copy_vector(v_r_lla, v_sat);
  igrf(v_r_lla, time_in_years, 8, v_B_ned);
  ned2ecef(v_B_ned, v_r_lla, v_temp);
  ecef2eci(v_temp, v_B_eci);
  eci2orbit(v_r, v_v, v_B_eci, v_B_o);
  scalar_into_vector(v_B_o, 1e-9);
Exemple #4
static void parse_gps( struct gps *gpsData_ptr ){
	double old_GPS_TOW;
    double sig_X, sig_Y, sig_Z, sig_VX, sig_VY, sig_VZ;
    uint8_t finesteering_ok, solution_ok;
    MATRIX ecef_mat = mat_creat(3,1,ZERO_MATRIX);
    MATRIX lla_mat = mat_creat(3,1,ZERO_MATRIX);
    MATRIX ned_mat = mat_creat(3,1,ZERO_MATRIX);
    switch(localBuffer[5]*256 + localBuffer[4] ){

    case 241: // parse BESTXYZ
        endian_swap(localBuffer,14,2);     // GPS Week No
        endian_swap(localBuffer,16,4);     // GPS_TOW
        endian_swap(localBuffer,28,4);     // Solution Status
        endian_swap(localBuffer,28+8,8);   // X
        endian_swap(localBuffer,28+16,8);  // Y
        endian_swap(localBuffer,28+24,8);  // Z
        endian_swap(localBuffer,28+32,4);  // stdevXe
        endian_swap(localBuffer,28+36,4);  // stdevYe
        endian_swap(localBuffer,28+40,4);  // stdevZe
        endian_swap(localBuffer,28+52,8);  // Vx
        endian_swap(localBuffer,28+60,8);  // Vy
        endian_swap(localBuffer,28+68,8);  // Vz
        endian_swap(localBuffer,28+76,4);  // stdevVx
        endian_swap(localBuffer,28+80,4);  // stdevVy
        endian_swap(localBuffer,28+84,4);  // stdevVz
        gpsData_ptr->GPS_week = *((uint16_t *)(&localBuffer[14]));
        gpsData_ptr->satVisible = (uint16_t)(localBuffer[28+105]);
        old_GPS_TOW = gpsData_ptr->GPS_TOW;
		gpsData_ptr->GPS_TOW =  (double) *((uint32_t *)(&localBuffer[16])) / 1000.0;
        // convert positions from ECEF to LLA
        gpsData_ptr->Xe = *((double *)(&localBuffer[28+8]));
        gpsData_ptr->Ye = *((double *)(&localBuffer[28+16]));
        gpsData_ptr->Ze = *((double *)(&localBuffer[28+24]));
        ecef_mat[0][0] = gpsData_ptr->Xe;
        ecef_mat[1][0] = gpsData_ptr->Ye;
        ecef_mat[2][0] = gpsData_ptr->Ze;
		if(sqrt(gpsData_ptr->Xe*gpsData_ptr->Xe + gpsData_ptr->Ye*gpsData_ptr->Ye + gpsData_ptr->Ze*gpsData_ptr->Ze) < 1e-3) {
			lla_mat[0][0] = 0.0;
			lla_mat[1][0] = 0.0;
			lla_mat[2][0] = 0.0;
		} else {
			lla_mat = ecef2lla(ecef_mat,lla_mat);
        gpsData_ptr->lat = lla_mat[0][0]*R2D;
        gpsData_ptr->lon = lla_mat[1][0]*R2D;
        gpsData_ptr->alt = lla_mat[2][0];
        // convert velocities from ECEF to NED
        gpsData_ptr->Ue = *((double *)(&localBuffer[28+52]));
        gpsData_ptr->Ve = *((double *)(&localBuffer[28+60]));
        gpsData_ptr->We = *((double *)(&localBuffer[28+68]));
        ecef_mat[0][0] = gpsData_ptr->Ue;
        ecef_mat[1][0] = gpsData_ptr->Ve;
        ecef_mat[2][0] = gpsData_ptr->We;
        ned_mat = ecef2ned(ecef_mat,ned_mat,lla_mat);
        gpsData_ptr->vn = ned_mat[0][0];
        gpsData_ptr->ve = ned_mat[1][0];
        gpsData_ptr->vd = ned_mat[2][0];
        // convert stdev position from ECEF to NED
        sig_X = (double) *((float *)(&localBuffer[28+32]));
        sig_Y = (double) *((float *)(&localBuffer[28+36]));
        sig_Z = (double) *((float *)(&localBuffer[28+40]));
        ecef_mat[0][0] = sig_X;
        ecef_mat[1][0] = sig_Y;
        ecef_mat[2][0] = sig_Z;
        ned_mat = ecef2ned(ecef_mat,ned_mat,lla_mat);
        gpsData_ptr->sig_N = ned_mat[0][0];
        gpsData_ptr->sig_E = ned_mat[1][0];
        gpsData_ptr->sig_D = ned_mat[2][0];
        // convert stdev velocities from ECEF to NED
        sig_VX = (double) *((float *)(&localBuffer[28+76]));
        sig_VY = (double) *((float *)(&localBuffer[28+80]));
        sig_VZ = (double) *((float *)(&localBuffer[28+84]));
        ecef_mat[0][0] = sig_VX;
        ecef_mat[1][0] = sig_VY;
        ecef_mat[2][0] = sig_VZ;
        ned_mat = ecef2ned(ecef_mat,ned_mat,lla_mat);
        gpsData_ptr->sig_vn = ned_mat[0][0];
        gpsData_ptr->sig_ve = ned_mat[1][0];
        gpsData_ptr->sig_vd = ned_mat[2][0];
		//fprintf(stderr,"Stat:%d \n",(*((uint32_t *)(&localBuffer[28]))));
        //fprintf(stderr,"Time:%d \n",(*((uint8_t *)(&localBuffer[13]))));
		//fprintf(stderr,"Rx:%08X \n",(*((uint32_t *)(&localBuffer[20]))));
        solution_ok = ((*((uint32_t *)(&localBuffer[28]))) == 0);
        //finesteering_ok = ( (*((uint8_t *)(&localBuffer[13]))) == 160 ) || ( (*((uint8_t *)(&localBuffer[13]))) == 170 ) || ( (*((uint8_t *)(&localBuffer[13]))) == 180 );
        if(solution_ok & finesteering_ok) {
            if(fabs(gpsData_ptr->GPS_TOW - old_GPS_TOW) > 1e-3) {
                // Check that this is a new data (no GPS outage)
                gpsData_ptr->navValid = 0; // Light the GPS LOCK in Ground Station
                gpsData_ptr->newData = 1;  // Execute measurement update
			else gpsData_ptr->navValid = 1; // Turn off the GPS LOCK light in Ground station
        }								   // Also, no measurement update will occur since newData is not set to 1
        else gpsData_ptr->navValid = 1; // Turn off the GPS LOCK light in Ground station
                                        // Also, no measurement update will occur since newData is not set to 1