ecl_rft_file_type * ecl_rft_file_alloc(const char * filename) {
  ecl_rft_file_type * rft_vector = ecl_rft_file_alloc_empty( filename );
  ecl_file_type * ecl_file       = ecl_file_open( filename , 0);
  int global_index = 0;
  int block_nr = 0;

  while (true) {
    if (ecl_file_select_block( ecl_file , TIME_KW , block_nr)) {
      ecl_rft_node_type * rft_node = ecl_rft_node_alloc( ecl_file );
      if (rft_node != NULL) {
        const char * well_name = ecl_rft_node_get_well_name( rft_node );
        ecl_rft_file_add_node(rft_vector , rft_node);
        if (!hash_has_key( rft_vector->well_index , well_name))
          hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( rft_vector->well_index , well_name , int_vector_alloc( 0 , 0 ) , int_vector_free__);
          int_vector_type * index_list = hash_get( rft_vector->well_index , well_name );
          int_vector_append(index_list , global_index);
    } else
  ecl_file_close( ecl_file );
  return rft_vector;
void ecl_rft_file_update(const char * rft_file_name, ecl_rft_node_type ** nodes,int num_nodes, ert_ecl_unit_enum unit_set){
    ecl_rft_file_type * rft_file;

      int node_index;
      rft_file = ecl_rft_file_alloc( rft_file_name );
      for(node_index = 0; node_index < num_nodes; node_index++) {
        ecl_rft_node_type * new_node = nodes[node_index];
        int storage_index = ecl_rft_file_get_node_index_time_rft(rft_file, ecl_rft_node_get_well_name(new_node), ecl_rft_node_get_date(new_node));
        if (storage_index == -1) {
          ecl_rft_file_add_node(rft_file, new_node);
        } else {
          vector_iset_owned_ref(rft_file->data, storage_index, new_node,ecl_rft_node_free__);
      int node_index;
      rft_file = ecl_rft_file_alloc_empty( rft_file_name );
      for(node_index = 0; node_index < num_nodes; node_index++) {
        ecl_rft_file_add_node(rft_file, nodes[node_index]);

      bool fmt_file = false;
      fortio_type * fortio = fortio_open_writer( rft_file_name , fmt_file , ECL_ENDIAN_FLIP );
      int node_index;

         The sorting here works directly on the internal node storage
         rft_file->data; that might in principle ruin the indexing of
         the ecl_file object - it is therefor absolutely essential
         that this ecl_rft_file object does not live beyond this
         function, and also that the ecl_rft_file api functions are
         avoided for the rest of this function.

      vector_sort(rft_file->data,(vector_cmp_ftype *) ecl_rft_node_cmp);
      for(node_index=0; node_index < vector_get_size( rft_file->data ); node_index++) {
        const ecl_rft_node_type *new_node = vector_iget_const(rft_file->data, node_index);
        ecl_rft_node_fwrite(new_node, fortio, unit_set);

      fortio_fclose( fortio );
int ecl_rft_file_get_size__( const ecl_rft_file_type * rft_file, const char * well_pattern , time_t recording_time) {
  if ((well_pattern == NULL) && (recording_time < 0))
    return vector_get_size( rft_file->data );
  else {
    int match_count = 0;
    int i;
    for ( i=0; i < vector_get_size( rft_file->data ); i++) {
      const ecl_rft_node_type * rft = vector_iget_const( rft_file->data , i);

      if (well_pattern) {
        if (util_fnmatch( well_pattern , ecl_rft_node_get_well_name( rft )) != 0)

      /*OK - we either do not care about the well, or alternatively the well matches. */
      if (recording_time >= 0) {
        if (recording_time != ecl_rft_node_get_date( rft ))
    return match_count;
Exemple #4
void ecl_rft_node_fwrite(const ecl_rft_node_type * rft_node, fortio_type * fortio, ert_ecl_unit_enum unit_set){
  ecl_rft_enum type = ecl_rft_node_get_type(rft_node);
  if (type != RFT)
    util_abort("%s: sorry - only writing of simple RFT is currently implemented",__func__);
    ecl_kw_type * time = ecl_kw_alloc(TIME_KW, 1, ECL_FLOAT_TYPE);
    ecl_kw_iset_float(time, 0, ecl_rft_node_get_days(rft_node));
    ecl_kw_fwrite(time, fortio);

    ecl_kw_type * datevalue = ecl_kw_alloc(DATE_KW, 3, ECL_INT_TYPE);
    time_t date = ecl_rft_node_get_date(rft_node);
    int day;
    int month;
    int year;
    ecl_util_set_date_values(date , &day , &month , &year);
    ecl_kw_iset_int(datevalue, 0, day);
    ecl_kw_iset_int(datevalue, 1, month);
    ecl_kw_iset_int(datevalue, 2, year);
    ecl_kw_fwrite(datevalue, fortio);

    ecl_kw_type * welletc = ecl_kw_alloc(WELLETC_KW, 16, ECL_CHAR_TYPE);
    ecl_rft_enum type = ecl_rft_node_get_type(rft_node);

    ecl_kw_iset_string8(welletc, 1, ecl_rft_node_get_well_name(rft_node));

    if(type == PLT) {
      ecl_kw_iset_string8(welletc, 5, "P");
    }else if(type == RFT){
      ecl_kw_iset_string8(welletc, 5, "R");
    }else if(type == SEGMENT){
      ecl_kw_iset_string8(welletc, 5, "S");
    ecl_rft_node_fill_welletc(welletc, unit_set);
    ecl_kw_fwrite(welletc, fortio);

    int size_cells = ecl_rft_node_get_size(rft_node);
    ecl_kw_type * conipos = ecl_kw_alloc(CONIPOS_KW, size_cells, ECL_INT_TYPE);
    ecl_kw_type * conjpos = ecl_kw_alloc(CONJPOS_KW, size_cells, ECL_INT_TYPE);
    ecl_kw_type * conkpos = ecl_kw_alloc(CONKPOS_KW, size_cells, ECL_INT_TYPE);
    ecl_kw_type * hostgrid = ecl_kw_alloc(HOSTGRID_KW, size_cells, ECL_CHAR_TYPE);
    ecl_kw_type * depth = ecl_kw_alloc(DEPTH_KW, size_cells, ECL_FLOAT_TYPE);
    ecl_kw_type * pressure = ecl_kw_alloc(PRESSURE_KW, size_cells, ECL_FLOAT_TYPE);
    ecl_kw_type * swat = ecl_kw_alloc(SWAT_KW, size_cells, ECL_FLOAT_TYPE);
    ecl_kw_type * sgas = ecl_kw_alloc(SGAS_KW, size_cells, ECL_FLOAT_TYPE);
    int i;

    for(i =0;i<size_cells;i++){
      const ecl_rft_cell_type * cell = vector_iget_const( rft_node->cells , i);
      ecl_kw_iset_int(conipos, i, ecl_rft_cell_get_i(cell)+1);
      ecl_kw_iset_int(conjpos, i, ecl_rft_cell_get_j(cell)+1);
      ecl_kw_iset_int(conkpos, i, ecl_rft_cell_get_k(cell)+1);
      ecl_kw_iset_float(depth, i, ecl_rft_cell_get_depth(cell));
      ecl_kw_iset_float(pressure, i, ecl_rft_cell_get_pressure(cell));
      ecl_kw_iset_float(swat, i, ecl_rft_cell_get_swat(cell));
      ecl_kw_iset_float(sgas, i, ecl_rft_cell_get_sgas(cell));
    ecl_kw_fwrite(conipos, fortio);
    ecl_kw_fwrite(conjpos, fortio);
    ecl_kw_fwrite(conkpos, fortio);
    ecl_kw_fwrite(hostgrid, fortio);
    ecl_kw_fwrite(depth, fortio);
    ecl_kw_fwrite(pressure, fortio);
    ecl_kw_fwrite(swat, fortio);
    ecl_kw_fwrite(sgas, fortio);
