 * Function object creation operation.
 * See also: ECMA-262 v5, 13.2
 * @return pointer to newly created Function object
ecma_object_t *
ecma_op_create_function_object (ecma_object_t *scope_p, /**< function's scope */
                                const ecma_compiled_code_t *bytecode_data_p) /**< byte-code array */
  /* 1., 4., 13. */
  ecma_object_t *prototype_obj_p = ecma_builtin_get (ECMA_BUILTIN_ID_FUNCTION_PROTOTYPE);

  ecma_object_t *func_p = ecma_create_object (prototype_obj_p,
                                              sizeof (ecma_extended_object_t),

  ecma_deref_object (prototype_obj_p);

  /* 2., 6., 7., 8. */
   * We don't setup [[Get]], [[Call]], [[Construct]], [[HasInstance]] for each function object.
   * Instead we set the object's type to ECMA_OBJECT_TYPE_FUNCTION
   * that defines which version of the routine should be used on demand.

  /* 3. */
   * [[Class]] property is not stored explicitly for objects of ECMA_OBJECT_TYPE_FUNCTION type.
   * See also: ecma_object_get_class_name

  ecma_extended_object_t *ext_func_p = (ecma_extended_object_t *) func_p;

  /* 9. */
  ECMA_SET_INTERNAL_VALUE_POINTER (ext_func_p->u.function.scope_cp, scope_p);

  /* 10., 11., 12. */
  ECMA_SET_INTERNAL_VALUE_POINTER (ext_func_p->u.function.bytecode_cp, bytecode_data_p);
  ecma_bytecode_ref ((ecma_compiled_code_t *) bytecode_data_p);

  /* 14., 15., 16., 17., 18. */
   * 'length' and 'prototype' properties are instantiated lazily
   * See also: ecma_op_function_try_to_lazy_instantiate_property

  return func_p;
} /* ecma_op_create_function_object */
 * Function object creation operation.
 * See also: ECMA-262 v5, 13.2
 * @return pointer to newly created Function object
ecma_object_t *
ecma_op_create_function_object (ecma_object_t *scope_p, /**< function's scope */
                                bool is_decl_in_strict_mode, /**< is function declared in strict mode code? */
                                const ecma_compiled_code_t *bytecode_data_p) /**< byte-code array */
  bool is_strict_mode_code = is_decl_in_strict_mode;

  if (bytecode_data_p->status_flags & CBC_CODE_FLAGS_STRICT_MODE)
    is_strict_mode_code = true;

  // 1., 4., 13.
  ecma_object_t *prototype_obj_p = ecma_builtin_get (ECMA_BUILTIN_ID_FUNCTION_PROTOTYPE);

  ecma_object_t *func_p = ecma_create_object (prototype_obj_p,
                                              sizeof (ecma_extended_object_t),

  ecma_deref_object (prototype_obj_p);

  // 2., 6., 7., 8.
   * We don't setup [[Get]], [[Call]], [[Construct]], [[HasInstance]] for each function object.
   * Instead we set the object's type to ECMA_OBJECT_TYPE_FUNCTION
   * that defines which version of the routine should be used on demand.

  // 3.
   * [[Class]] property is not stored explicitly for objects of ECMA_OBJECT_TYPE_FUNCTION type.
   * See also: ecma_object_get_class_name

  ecma_extended_object_t *ext_func_p = (ecma_extended_object_t *) func_p;

  // 9.
  ECMA_SET_INTERNAL_VALUE_POINTER (ext_func_p->u.function.scope_cp, scope_p);

  // 10., 11., 12.
  ECMA_SET_INTERNAL_VALUE_POINTER (ext_func_p->u.function.bytecode_cp, bytecode_data_p);
  ecma_bytecode_ref ((ecma_compiled_code_t *) bytecode_data_p);

  // 14., 15., 16., 17., 18.
   * 'length' and 'prototype' properties are instantiated lazily
   * See also: ecma_op_function_try_lazy_instantiate_property

  // 19.
  if (is_strict_mode_code)
    ecma_object_t *thrower_p = ecma_builtin_get (ECMA_BUILTIN_ID_TYPE_ERROR_THROWER);

    ecma_property_descriptor_t prop_desc = ecma_make_empty_property_descriptor ();
      prop_desc.is_enumerable_defined = true;
      prop_desc.is_enumerable = false;

      prop_desc.is_configurable_defined = true;
      prop_desc.is_configurable = false;

      prop_desc.is_get_defined = true;
      prop_desc.get_p = thrower_p;

      prop_desc.is_set_defined = true;
      prop_desc.set_p = thrower_p;

    ecma_string_t *magic_string_caller_p = ecma_get_magic_string (LIT_MAGIC_STRING_CALLER);
    ecma_op_object_define_own_property (func_p,
    ecma_deref_ecma_string (magic_string_caller_p);

    ecma_string_t *magic_string_arguments_p = ecma_get_magic_string (LIT_MAGIC_STRING_ARGUMENTS);
    ecma_op_object_define_own_property (func_p,
    ecma_deref_ecma_string (magic_string_arguments_p);

    ecma_deref_object (thrower_p);

  return func_p;
} /* ecma_op_create_function_object */