PFC::PFC(int s) { int t,u,v,b,words,mod_bits; if (s!=80 && s!=128) { cout << "No suitable curve available" << endl; exit(0); } if (s==80) mod_bits=379; if (s==128) mod_bits=1223; words=(mod_bits/MIRACL)+1; #ifdef MR_SIMPLE_BASE miracl *mip=mirsys((MIRACL/4)*words,16); #else miracl *mip=mirsys(words,0); mip->IOBASE=16; #endif ord=new Big; S=s; M=mod_bits; if (s==80) { t=253; u=251; v=59; B=1; CF=1; *ord=pow((Big)2,M)+pow((Big)2,(M+1)/2)+1; //TYPE=1 } if (s==128) { t=255; u=0; v=0; B=0; CF=5; *ord=pow((Big)2,M)+pow((Big)2,(M+1)/2)+1; //TYPE=1 } *ord/=CF; #ifdef MR_AFFINE_ONLY ecurve2(-M,t,u,v,(Big)1,(Big)B,TRUE,MR_AFFINE); #else ecurve2(-M,t,u,v,(Big)1,(Big)B,TRUE,MR_PROJECTIVE); #endif }
int main() { ifstream common("common2.ecs"); /* construct file I/O streams */ ifstream private_key("private.ecs"); ifstream message; ofstream signature; char ifname[13],ofname[13]; EC2 G; Big a2,a6,q,x,y,h,r,s,d,k; long seed; int m,a,b,c,cf; miracl *mip=&precision; /* randomise */ cout << "Enter 9 digit random number seed = "; cin >> seed; irand(seed); /* get common data */ common >> m; mip->IOBASE=16; common >> a2 >> a6 >> q >> x >> y; mip->IOBASE=10; common >> a >> b >> c; /* calculate r - this can be done off-line, and hence amortized to almost nothing */ ecurve2(m,a,b,c,a2,a6,FALSE,MR_PROJECTIVE); G=EC2(x,y); k=rand(q); G*=k; /* see brick.cpp for technique to speed this up */ G.get(r); r%=q; /* get private key of recipient */ private_key >> d; /* get message */ cout << "file to be signed = " ; cin >> ifname; strcpy(ofname,ifname); strip(ofname); strcat(ofname,".ecs");,ios::binary|ios::in|ios::nocreate); if (!message) { cout << "Unable to open file " << ifname << "\n"; return 0; } h=hash(message); /* calculate s */ k=inverse(k,q); s=((h+d*r)*k)%q;; mip->IOBASE=10; signature << r << endl; signature << s << endl; return 0; }