Exemple #1
bool PolygonPatch::
intersect(Ray& r) const
   bool intersectPlane = _plane->intersect(r);

   if (!intersectPlane)
      return false;
      Vector p = r.intersection;
      Vector n = r.normal;

      /* Determine i0, the dominant axis of the surface normal. */
      int i0 = -1;
      double max = -1;
      for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++)
         if (abs(n[a]) > max)
            i0 = a;
            max = abs(n[a]);

      /* Set i1 & i2 to the other two axes. */
      int i1 = (i0 + 1) % 3;
      int i2 = (i0 + 2) % 3;

      /* Project each triangle onto the plane i1 i2. */
      for (int a = 0; a < _vertexCount - 2; a++)
         Vector t0 = _vertices[a];
         Vector t1 = _vertices[a + 1];
         Vector t2 = _vertices[a + 2];

         double u0 = p[i1] - t0[i1];
         double v0 = p[i2] - t0[i2];
         double u1 = t1[i1] - t0[i1];
         double v1 = t1[i2] - t0[i2];
         double u2 = t2[i1] - t0[i1];
         double v2 = t2[i2] - t0[i2];

         /* Calculate alpha and beta and determine whether the point is a convex
          * combination of vector V0V1 and vector V0V2. */
         double alpha = (u0 * v2 - u2 * v0) / (u1 * v2 - u2 * v1);
         double beta = (u1 * v0 - u0 * v1) / (u1 * v2 - u2 * v1);

         if ((alpha >= 0) and (beta >= 0) and (alpha + beta <= 1))
            r.intersected = this;

            /* This normal is calculated by interpolating among the normals at
             * each vertex of the polygon patch. */
            Vector point = r.intersection;

            double distances[3];
            distances[0] = (_vertices[a] - point).getMagnitude();
            distances[1] = (_vertices[a + 1] - point).getMagnitude();
            distances[2] = (_vertices[a + 2] - point).getMagnitude();

            /* Find the point furthest from our intersection point. */
            int b0 = -1;
            double max = -1;
            for (int b = 0; b < 3; b++)
               if (distances[b] > max)
                  max = distances[b];
                  b0 = b;

            /* Set the other two points. */
            int j0 = a + b0;
            int j1 = a + ((b0 + 1) % 3);
            int j2 = a + ((b0 + 2) % 3);

            Vector edgePlaneNormal = (_vertices[j2] - _vertices[j1]).cross(n);
            edgePlaneNormal = edgePlaneNormal.normalise();
            double edgePlaneD = -edgePlaneNormal.dot(_vertices[j0]);

            Plane edgePlane(edgePlaneNormal, edgePlaneD);
            Ray temp(_vertices[j0], point - _vertices[j0]);

            Vector q = temp.intersection;

            double distanceBQ = (_vertices[j1] - q).getMagnitude();
            double distanceBC = (_vertices[j1] - _vertices[j2]).getMagnitude();
            Vector normalQ = _normals[j1] + (_normals[j2] - _normals[j1]) * (distanceBQ / distanceBC);

            double distanceQI = (q - point).getMagnitude();
            double distanceQA = (q - _vertices[j0]).getMagnitude();

            r.normal = (normalQ + (_normals[j0] - normalQ) * (distanceQI / distanceQA)).normalise();

            return true;

      return false;
Exemple #2
bool PolygonPatch::
intersect(Ray& r) const
   bool intersectPlane = _plane->intersect(r);

   if (!intersectPlane)
      return false;
      vec3 p = r.intersection;
      vec3 n = r.normal;

      /* Determine i0, the dominant axis of the surface normal. */
      int i0 = -1;
      float max = -1;
      for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++)
         if (abs(n[a]) > max)
            i0 = a;
            max = abs(n[a]);

      /* Set i1 & i2 to the other two axes. */
      int i1 = (i0 + 1) % 3;
      int i2 = (i0 + 2) % 3;

      /* Project each triangle onto the plane i1 i2. */
      for (int a = 0; a < _vertexCount - 2; a++)
         vec3 t0 = _vertices[a];
         vec3 t1 = _vertices[a + 1];
         vec3 t2 = _vertices[a + 2];

         float u0 = p[i1] - t0[i1];
         float v0 = p[i2] - t0[i2];
         float u1 = t1[i1] - t0[i1];
         float v1 = t1[i2] - t0[i2];
         float u2 = t2[i1] - t0[i1];
         float v2 = t2[i2] - t0[i2];

         /* Calculate alpha and beta and determine whether the point is a convex
          * combination of vector V0V1 and vector V0V2. */
         float alpha = (u0 * v2 - u2 * v0) / (u1 * v2 - u2 * v1);
         float beta = (u1 * v0 - u0 * v1) / (u1 * v2 - u2 * v1);

         if ((alpha >= 0) and (beta >= 0) and (alpha + beta <= 1))
            r.intersected = this;

            /* This normal is calculated by interpolating among the normals at
             * each vertex of the polygon patch. */
            vec3 point = r.intersection;

            float distances[3];
            distances[0] = length(_vertices[a] - point);
            distances[1] = length(_vertices[a + 1] - point);
            distances[2] = length(_vertices[a + 2] - point);

            /* Find the point furthest from our intersection point. */
            int b0 = -1;
            float max = -1;
            for (int b = 0; b < 3; b++)
               if (distances[b] > max)
                  max = distances[b];
                  b0 = b;

            /* Set the other two points. */
            int j0 = a + b0;
            int j1 = a + ((b0 + 1) % 3);
            int j2 = a + ((b0 + 2) % 3);

            vec3 edgePlaneNormal = cross(_vertices[j2] - _vertices[j1], n);
            edgePlaneNormal = normalize(edgePlaneNormal);
            float edgePlaneD = dot(-edgePlaneNormal, _vertices[j0]);

            Plane edgePlane(edgePlaneNormal, edgePlaneD);
            Ray temp(_vertices[j0], point - _vertices[j0]);

            vec3 q = temp.intersection;

            float distanceBQ = length(_vertices[j1] - q);
            float distanceBC = length(_vertices[j1] - _vertices[j2]);
            vec3 normalQ = _normals[j1] + (distanceBQ / distanceBC) * (_normals[j2] - _normals[j1]);

            float distanceQI = length(q - point);
            float distanceQA = length(q - _vertices[j0]);

            r.normal = normalize(normalQ + (distanceQI / distanceQA) * (_normals[j0] - normalQ));

            return true;

      return false;