/* * Collect the garbage. This is a mark and sweep over all possible objects. If an object is not referenced, it and * all contained properties will be freed. Collection is done in generations. */ void ejsCollectGarbage(Ejs *ejs, int gen) { EjsGC *gc; gc = &ejs->gc; if (!gc->enabled || gc->collecting || !ejs->initialized) { return; } gc->collecting = 1; mark(ejs, gen); sweep(ejs, gen); if (!memoryUsageOk(ejs)) { pruneTypePools(ejs); } ejs->workDone = 0; ejs->gcRequired = 0; gc->collecting = 0; #if BLD_DEBUG gc->totalSweeps++; #if REPORT ejsPrintAllocReport(ejs); mprPrintAllocReport(ejs, "Memory Report"); #endif #endif }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { Mpr *mpr; EcCompiler *cp; EjsService *vmService; Ejs *ejs; MprList *useModules, *files; cchar *cmd, *className, *methodName; char *argp, *searchPath, *modules, *name, *tok, *extraFiles, *spec; int nextArg, err, ejsFlags, ecFlags, stats, run, merge, bind, noout, debug, optimizeLevel, nobind, warnLevel; int compilerMode, lang; /* * Create the Embedthis Portable Runtime (MPR) and setup a memory failure handler */ mpr = mprCreate(argc, argv, ejsMemoryFailure); mprSetAppName(mpr, argv[0], 0, 0); if (mprStart(mpr, 0) < 0) { mprError(mpr, "Can't start mpr services"); return EJS_ERR; } err = 0; className = 0; cmd = 0; methodName = 0; searchPath = 0; stats = 0; run = 1; merge = 0; bind = 1; nobind = 0; noout = 1; debug = 1; warnLevel = 1; optimizeLevel = 9; compilerMode = PRAGMA_MODE_STANDARD; lang = BLD_FEATURE_EJS_LANG; useModules = mprCreateList(mpr); files = mprCreateList(mpr); ejsFlags = EJS_FLAG_COMPILER; for (nextArg = 1; nextArg < argc; nextArg++) { argp = argv[nextArg]; if (*argp != '-') { break; } if (strcmp(argp, "--bind") == 0) { /* Ignore. Not required and only here for compatibility with ec */ } else if (strcmp(argp, "--class") == 0) { if (nextArg >= argc) { err++; } else { className = argv[++nextArg]; } } else if (strcmp(argp, "--cmd") == 0 || strcmp(argp, "-c") == 0) { if (nextArg >= argc) { err++; } else { cmd = argv[++nextArg]; } } else if (strcmp(argp, "--debug") == 0) { debug = 1; } else if (strcmp(argp, "--lang") == 0) { if (nextArg >= argc) { err++; } else { spec = argv[++nextArg]; if (mprStrcmpAnyCase(spec, "ecma") == 0) { lang = EJS_SPEC_ECMA; } else if (mprStrcmpAnyCase(spec, "plus") == 0) { lang = EJS_SPEC_PLUS; } else if (mprStrcmpAnyCase(spec, "fixed") == 0) { lang = EJS_SPEC_FIXED; } } } else if (strcmp(argp, "--files") == 0 || strcmp(argp, "-f") == 0) { if (nextArg >= argc) { err++; } else { extraFiles = mprStrdup(mpr, argv[++nextArg]); name = mprStrTok(extraFiles, " \t", &tok); while (name != NULL) { mprAddItem(files, name); name = mprStrTok(NULL, " \t", &tok); } } } else if (strcmp(argp, "--log") == 0) { if (nextArg >= argc) { err++; } else { ejsStartLogging(mpr, argv[++nextArg]); } } else if (strcmp(argp, "--method") == 0) { if (nextArg >= argc) { err++; } else { methodName = argv[++nextArg]; } } else if (strcmp(argp, "--nobind") == 0) { /* * This is a hidden switch just for the compiler developers */ nobind = 1; bind = 0; } else if (strcmp(argp, "--nodebug") == 0) { debug = 0; } else if (strcmp(argp, "--optimize") == 0) { if (nextArg >= argc) { err++; } else { optimizeLevel = atoi(argv[++nextArg]); } } else if (strcmp(argp, "--searchpath") == 0) { if (nextArg >= argc) { err++; } else { searchPath = argv[++nextArg]; } } else if (strcmp(argp, "--standard") == 0) { compilerMode = PRAGMA_MODE_STANDARD; } else if (strcmp(argp, "--stats") == 0) { stats = 1; } else if (strcmp(argp, "--strict") == 0) { compilerMode = PRAGMA_MODE_STRICT; } else if (strcmp(argp, "--use") == 0) { if (nextArg >= argc) { err++; } else { modules = mprStrdup(mpr, argv[++nextArg]); name = mprStrTok(modules, " \t", &tok); while (name != NULL) { mprAddItem(useModules, name); name = mprStrTok(NULL, " \t", &tok); } } } else if (strcmp(argp, "--version") == 0 || strcmp(argp, "-V") == 0) { mprErrorPrintf(mpr, "%s %s\n" "Copyright (C) Embedthis Software 2003-2009\n" "Copyright (C) Michael O'Brien 2003-2009\n", BLD_NAME, BLD_VERSION); exit(0); } else if (strcmp(argp, "--warn") == 0) { if (nextArg >= argc) { err++; } else { warnLevel = atoi(argv[++nextArg]); } } else { err++; break; } } if (err) { /* * If --method or --class is specified, then the named class.method will be run (method defaults to "main", class * defaults to first class with a "main"). * * Examples: * ejs * ejs script.es arg1 arg2 arg3 * ejs --class "Customer" --method "start" --files "script1.es script2.es" main.es */ mprErrorPrintf(mpr, "Usage: %s [options] script.es [arguments] ...\n" " Ejscript shell program options:\n" " --class className # Name of class containing method to run\n" " --cmd ejscriptCode # Literal ejscript statements to execute\n" " --debug # Include symbolic debugging information in output\n" " --lang # Language compliance (ecma|plus|fixed)\n" " --files \"files..\" # Extra source to compile\n" " --log logSpec # Internal compiler diagnostics logging\n" " --method methodName # Name of method to run. Defaults to main\n" " --nodebug # Omit symbolic debugging information in output\n" " --optimize level # Set the optimization level (0-9 default is 9)\n" " --searchpath ejsPath # Module search path\n" " --standard # Default compilation mode to standard (default)\n" " --stats # Print stats on exit\n" " --strict # Default compilation mode to strict\n" " --use 'module, ...' # List of modules to pre-load\n" " --version # Emit the compiler version information\n" " --warn level # Set the warning message level (0-9 default is 0)\n\n", mpr->name); return -1; } vmService = ejsCreateService(mpr); if (vmService == 0) { return MPR_ERR_NO_MEMORY; } if (searchPath) { ejsSetSearchPath(vmService, searchPath); } ejs = ejsCreate(vmService, 0, ejsFlags); if (ejs == 0) { return MPR_ERR_NO_MEMORY; } ecFlags = 0; ecFlags |= (run) ? EC_FLAGS_RUN: 0; ecFlags |= (merge) ? EC_FLAGS_MERGE: 0; ecFlags |= (bind) ? EC_FLAGS_BIND_GLOBALS: 0; ecFlags |= (nobind) ? EC_FLAGS_NO_BIND: 0; ecFlags |= (noout) ? EC_FLAGS_NO_OUT: 0; ecFlags |= (debug) ? EC_FLAGS_DEBUG: 0; cp = ecCreateCompiler(ejs, ecFlags, lang); if (cp == 0) { return MPR_ERR_NO_MEMORY; } ecSetOptimizeLevel(cp, optimizeLevel); ecSetWarnLevel(cp, warnLevel); ecSetDefaultMode(cp, compilerMode); if (preloadModules(cp, useModules) < 0) { return EJS_ERR; } if (cmd) { if (interpretCommands(cp, cmd) < 0) { err++; } } else if (nextArg < argc) { name = argv[nextArg]; mprAddItem(files, argv[nextArg]); if (interpretFiles(cp, files, argc - nextArg, &argv[nextArg], className, methodName) < 0) { err++; } } else { /* * No args - run as an interactive shell */ if (interpretCommands(cp, NULL) < 0) { err++; } } #if BLD_DEBUG if (stats) { mprSetLogLevel(ejs, 1); ejsPrintAllocReport(ejs); } #endif mprFree(mpr); return err; }
/* * native static function stats(): Void */ static EjsVar *printStats(Ejs *ejs, EjsVar *thisObj, int argc, EjsVar **argv) { ejsPrintAllocReport(ejs); mprPrintAllocReport(ejs, "Memory Report"); return 0; }