 * Checks whether specload mode was invoked and if so, sends the specification over stdout
 * in the format expected by specload.
 * You MUST not output anything to stdout before invoking this function. Ideally invoking this
 * is the first thing you do in your main()-function.
 * This function will ONLY RETURN, if specload mode was NOT invoked. Otherwise it will call `exit()`.
 * @param argc pass the value of argc from main
 * @param argv pass the value of argv from main
void specloadCheck (int argc, const char ** argv)
	if (argc != 2 || strcmp (argv[1], "--elektra-spec") != 0)

	KeySet * spec = ksNew (6,
	keyNew("", KEY_META, "mountpoint", "tests_gen_elektra_context.ini", KEY_END),
	keyNew ("/mydouble", KEY_VALUE, "0.0", KEY_META, "default", "0.0", KEY_META, "type", "double", KEY_END),
	keyNew ("/myfloatarray/#", KEY_VALUE, "0.0", KEY_META, "default", "0.0", KEY_META, "type", "float", KEY_END),
	keyNew ("/myint", KEY_VALUE, "0", KEY_META, "default", "0", KEY_META, "type", "long", KEY_END),
	keyNew ("/mystring", KEY_META, "default", "", KEY_META, "type", "string", KEY_END),
	keyNew ("/print", KEY_VALUE, "0", KEY_META, "default", "0", KEY_META, "type", "boolean", KEY_END),

	Key * parentKey = keyNew ("spec/tests/script/gen/elektra/simple", KEY_END);

	KeySet * specloadConf = ksNew (1, keyNew ("system/sendspec", KEY_END), KS_END);
	ElektraInvokeHandle * specload = elektraInvokeOpen ("specload", specloadConf, parentKey);

	int result = elektraInvoke2Args (specload, "sendspec", spec, parentKey);

	elektraInvokeClose (specload, parentKey);
	keyDel (parentKey);
	ksDel (specloadConf);
	ksDel (spec);

Exemple #2
/** Call a plugin's function in a child process
 * This will wrap all the required information to execute the given
 * command in a keyset and send it over to the child process. Then
 * it waits for the child process's answer and copies the result
 * back into the original plugin keyset and plugin key.
 * Typically called like
 * @code
int elektraPluginSet (Plugin * handle, KeySet * returned, Key * parentKey)
	ElektraPluginProcess * pp = elektraPluginGetData (handle);
	if (elektraPluginProcessIsParent (pp)) return elektraPluginProcessSend (pp, ELEKTRA_PLUGINPROCESS_SET, returned, parentKey);

	// actual plugin functionality to be executed in a child process
 * @endcode
 * @param pp the data structure containing the plugin's process information
 * @param command the plugin command that should be executed, e.g. ELEKTRA_PLUGINPROCESS_GET
 * @param originalKeySet the original key set that the parent process receives
 * @param key the original key the parent process receives
 * @retval ELEKTRA_PLUGIN_STATUS_ERROR if the child process communication failed
 * @retval the called plugin's return value otherwise
 * @see elektraPluginProcessIsParent for checking if we are in the parent or child process
 * @ingroup processplugin
int elektraPluginProcessSend (const ElektraPluginProcess * pp, pluginprocess_t command, KeySet * originalKeySet, Key * key)
	// Ensure we have a keyset when trying to call GET SET and ERROR
	    originalKeySet == NULL)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (191, key,
				   "originalKeySet has to exist when calling GET SET and ERROR via pluginprocess; but it is NULL");

	// Construct the command set that controls the pluginprocess communication
	KeySet * commandKeySet = ksNew (6, KS_END);
	ksAppendKey (commandKeySet, keyNew ("/pluginprocess/parent/name", KEY_VALUE, keyName (key), KEY_END));
	Key * parentKey = keyDup (key);
	keySetName (parentKey, "/pluginprocess/parent");
	ksAppendKey (commandKeySet, parentKey);
	char * commandStr = longToStr (command);
	ksAppendKey (commandKeySet, keyNew ("/pluginprocess/command", KEY_VALUE, commandStr, KEY_END));
	elektraFree (commandStr);
	ksAppendKey (commandKeySet, keyNew ("/pluginprocess/version", KEY_VALUE, "1", KEY_END));

	// Some plugin functions don't use keysets, in that case don't send any actual payload, signal via flag
	KeySet * keySet = originalKeySet != NULL ? ksDup (originalKeySet) : NULL;
	char * payloadSizeStr = longToStr (ksGetSize (originalKeySet));
	ksAppendKey (commandKeySet,
		     keyNew ("/pluginprocess/payload/size", KEY_VALUE, originalKeySet == NULL ? "-1" : payloadSizeStr, KEY_END));
	elektraFree (payloadSizeStr);

	// Serialize, currently statically use dump as our default format, this already writes everything out to the pipe
	ELEKTRA_LOG ("Parent: Sending data to issue command %u it through pipe %s", command, keyString (pp->parentCommandPipeKey));
	elektraInvoke2Args (pp->dump, "set", commandKeySet, pp->parentCommandPipeKey);
	if (keySet != NULL)
		ELEKTRA_LOG ("Parent: Sending the payload keyset with %zd keys through the pipe %s", ksGetSize (keySet),
			     keyString (pp->parentPayloadPipeKey));
		elektraInvoke2Args (pp->dump, "set", keySet, pp->parentPayloadPipeKey);

	// Deserialize
	ELEKTRA_LOG_DEBUG ("Parent: Waiting for the result now on pipe %s", keyString (pp->childCommandPipeKey));
	elektraInvoke2Args (pp->dump, "get", commandKeySet, pp->childCommandPipeKey);

	if (keySet != NULL)
		// clear the keyset before to avoid memleaks caused by dump
		char * endPtr;
		int prevErrno = errno;
		errno = 0;
		long payloadSize =
			strtol (keyString (ksLookupByName (commandKeySet, "/pluginprocess/payload/size", KDB_O_NONE)), &endPtr, 10);
		// in case the payload size fails to be transferred, that it shouldn't, we simply assume the previous size
		if (*endPtr != '\0' || errno == ERANGE || payloadSize < 0) payloadSize = ksGetSize (keySet);
		errno = prevErrno;
		ksDel (keySet);
		keySet = ksNew (payloadSize, KS_END);
		elektraInvoke2Args (pp->dump, "get", keySet, pp->childPayloadPipeKey);
		ELEKTRA_LOG ("Parent: We received %zd keys in return", ksGetSize (keySet));

	// Bring everything back in order by removing our process-related keys
	Key * parentDeserializedKey = ksLookupByName (commandKeySet, "/pluginprocess/parent", KDB_O_NONE);
	Key * resultKey = ksLookupByName (commandKeySet, "/pluginprocess/result", KDB_O_NONE);

	// Parse the result value
	char * endPtr;
	int prevErrno = errno;
	errno = 0;
	long lresult = strtol (keyString (resultKey), &endPtr, 10);
	if (*endPtr != '\0' || errno == ERANGE || lresult > INT_MAX || lresult < INT_MIN)
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (191, key, "Received invalid return code or no KeySet: %s", keyString (resultKey));
	else // Copy everything back into the actual keysets
		Key * parentKeyInOriginalKeySet = keySet != NULL ? ksLookup (originalKeySet, key, KDB_O_NONE) : NULL;
		// maybe there are just 2 keys with the same name, can happen in theory, so compare memory
		int parentKeyExistsInOriginalKeySet = parentKeyInOriginalKeySet == key;
		// if the child added the parent key to the keyset pop it from the keyset
		// then reinsert key after we copied the data and delete this serialized copy
		Key * parentKeyInKeySet = keySet != NULL ? ksLookup (keySet, key, KDB_O_POP) : NULL;
		int childAddedParentKey = parentKeyInKeySet != NULL;

		// Unfortunately we can't use keyCopy here as ksAppendKey locks it so it will fail
		// This is the case if the parent key is also contained in the originalKeySet / has been appended
		// As an invariant we assume plugins don't change the parent key's name during a plugin call
		// This would interfere with keyset memberships
		keySetString (key, keyString (parentDeserializedKey));

		// Clear metadata before, we allow children to modify it
		keyRewindMeta (key);
		const Key * currentMeta;
		while ((currentMeta = keyNextMeta (key)) != NULL)
			keySetMeta (key, keyName (currentMeta), 0);
		keyCopyAllMeta (key, parentDeserializedKey);
		if (childAddedParentKey) keyCopyAllMeta (key, parentKeyInKeySet);

		if (keySet != NULL)
			// in case originalKeySet contains key this would make it stuck
			// thus remove it here and re-add it afterwards
			if (parentKeyExistsInOriginalKeySet) ksLookup (originalKeySet, parentKeyInOriginalKeySet, KDB_O_POP);
			ksCopy (originalKeySet, keySet);
			if (parentKeyExistsInOriginalKeySet || childAddedParentKey) ksAppendKey (originalKeySet, key);
			if (childAddedParentKey) keyDel (parentKeyInKeySet);
	errno = prevErrno;

	// Command finished, cleanup the remaining memory now
	ksDel (commandKeySet);
	if (keySet != NULL) ksDel (keySet);

	return lresult; // Safe, we had a bound check before, and plugins should return values in the int range
Exemple #3
/** Start the child process' command loop
 * This will make the child process wait for plugin commands
 * and execute them, returning the result to the parent. This
 * is typically called in a plugin's open function.
 * @param handle the plugin's handle
 * @param pp the data structure containing the plugin's process information
 * @see elektraPluginProcessInit how to use this function in a plugin
 * @ingroup processplugin
void elektraPluginProcessStart (Plugin * handle, ElektraPluginProcess * pp)
	int counter = 0;

		KeySet * commandKeySet = ksNew (6, KS_END);
		KeySet * keySet = NULL;
		ELEKTRA_LOG_DEBUG ("Child: Wait for commands on pipe %s", keyString (pp->parentCommandPipeKey));
		elektraInvoke2Args (pp->dump, "get", commandKeySet, pp->parentCommandPipeKey);

		if (ksGetSize (commandKeySet) == 0)
			ELEKTRA_LOG_DEBUG ("Child: Failed to read from parentCommandPipe, exiting");
			ksDel (commandKeySet);

		Key * payloadSizeKey = ksLookupByName (commandKeySet, "/pluginprocess/payload/size", KDB_O_NONE);
		char * endPtr;
		// We'll always write some int value into it, so this should be fine
		int prevErrno = errno;
		errno = 0;
		long payloadSize = strtol (keyString (payloadSizeKey), &endPtr, 10);
		// in case the payload size fails to be transferred, that it shouldn't, we can only assume no payload
		if (*endPtr == '\0' && errno != ERANGE && payloadSize >= 0)
			keySet = ksNew (payloadSize, KS_END);
			elektraInvoke2Args (pp->dump, "get", keySet, pp->parentPayloadPipeKey);
			ELEKTRA_LOG_DEBUG ("Child: We received a KeySet with %zd keys in it", ksGetSize (keySet));
		errno = prevErrno;

		Key * commandKey = ksLookupByName (commandKeySet, "/pluginprocess/command", KDB_O_NONE);
		Key * parentNameKey = ksLookupByName (commandKeySet, "/pluginprocess/parent/name", KDB_O_NONE);
		Key * parentKey = ksLookupByName (commandKeySet, "/pluginprocess/parent", KDB_O_POP);
		Key * key = keyDup (parentKey);
		keySetName (key, keyString (parentNameKey));

		// We'll always write some int value into it, so this should be fine
		prevErrno = errno;
		errno = 0;
		long command = strtol (keyString (commandKey), &endPtr, 10);
		if (*endPtr == '\0' && errno != ERANGE)
			ELEKTRA_LOG ("Child: We want to execute the command with the value %ld now", command);
			// Its hard to figure out the enum size in a portable way but for this comparison it should be ok
			switch (command)
				result = handle->kdbOpen (handle, key);
				result = handle->kdbClose (handle, key);
				result = handle->kdbGet (handle, keySet, key);
				result = handle->kdbSet (handle, keySet, key);
				result = handle->kdbError (handle, keySet, key);
			ELEKTRA_LOG_DEBUG ("Child: Command executed with return value %d", result);
			ELEKTRA_LOG_DEBUG ("Child: Unrecognized command %s", keyString (commandKey));
			ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (191, key, "Received invalid command code or no KeySet: %s", keyString (commandKey));
		errno = prevErrno;
		char * resultStr = longToStr (result);
		ksAppendKey (commandKeySet, keyNew ("/pluginprocess/result", KEY_VALUE, resultStr, KEY_END));
		elektraFree (resultStr);
		keySetName (key, "/pluginprocess/parent");
		ksAppendKey (commandKeySet, key);
		keyDel (parentKey);

		ELEKTRA_LOG_DEBUG ("Child: Writing the results back to the parent");
		elektraInvoke2Args (pp->dump, "set", commandKeySet, pp->childCommandPipeKey);
		if (keySet != NULL)
			char * resultPayloadSize = longToStr (ksGetSize (keySet));
			keySetString (payloadSizeKey, resultPayloadSize);
			elektraFree (resultPayloadSize);
			elektraInvoke2Args (pp->dump, "set", keySet, pp->childPayloadPipeKey);
			ksDel (keySet);
		ksDel (commandKeySet);
		ELEKTRA_LOG ("Child: Command handled, startup counter is at %d", counter);
	} while (counter);

	// Final Cleanup
	ELEKTRA_LOG_DEBUG ("Child: All done, exiting the child process now");
	cleanupPluginData (pp, 0, 1);
	// All done, exit the child process so it won't do any actual effects in elektra
 * @param spec      The specification to send.
 * @param parentKey The parent key under which the target specload instance was mounted. Value unused.
 * @retval #ELEKTRA_PLUGIN_STATUS_SUCCESS on success
 * @retval #ELEKTRA_PLUGIN_STATUS_ERROR on error
int elektraSpecloadSendSpec (Plugin * handle ELEKTRA_UNUSED, KeySet * spec, Key * parentKey)
	Key * errorKey = keyNew (0, KEY_END);

	KeySet * quickDumpConf = ksNew (0, KS_END);
	ElektraInvokeHandle * quickDump = elektraInvokeOpen ("quickdump", quickDumpConf, errorKey);

	Key * quickDumpParent = keyNew (keyName (parentKey), KEY_VALUE, STDOUT_FILENAME, KEY_END);

	int result = elektraInvoke2Args (quickDump, "set", spec, quickDumpParent);

	elektraInvokeClose (quickDump, errorKey);
	keyDel (errorKey);
	keyDel (quickDumpParent);
	ksDel (quickDumpConf);


int elektraSpecloadGet (Plugin * handle, KeySet * returned, Key * parentKey)
	if (!elektraStrCmp (keyName (parentKey), "system/elektra/modules/specload"))
		KeySet * contract =
			ksNew (30, keyNew ("system/elektra/modules/specload", KEY_VALUE, "specload plugin waits for your orders", KEY_END),