static ObjectChange* box_move_handle(Box *box, Handle *handle, Point *to, ConnectionPoint *cp, HandleMoveReason reason, ModifierKeys modifiers) { assert(box!=NULL); assert(handle!=NULL); assert(to!=NULL); if (box->aspect != FREE_ASPECT){ double width, height; double new_width, new_height; double to_width, aspect_width; Point corner = box->element.corner; Point se_to; width = box->element.width; height = box->element.height; switch (handle->id) { case HANDLE_RESIZE_N: case HANDLE_RESIZE_S: new_height = fabs(to->y - corner.y); new_width = new_height / height * width; break; case HANDLE_RESIZE_W: case HANDLE_RESIZE_E: new_width = fabs(to->x - corner.x); new_height = new_width / width * height; break; case HANDLE_RESIZE_NW: case HANDLE_RESIZE_NE: case HANDLE_RESIZE_SW: case HANDLE_RESIZE_SE: to_width = fabs(to->x - corner.x); aspect_width = fabs(to->y - corner.y) / height * width; new_width = to_width > aspect_width ? to_width : aspect_width; new_height = new_width / width * height; break; default: new_width = width; new_height = height; break; } se_to.x = corner.x + new_width; se_to.y = corner.y + new_height; element_move_handle(&box->element, HANDLE_RESIZE_SE, &se_to, cp, reason, modifiers); } else { element_move_handle(&box->element, handle->id, to, cp, reason, modifiers); } box_update_data(box); return NULL; }
static ObjectChange* transition_move_handle(Transition *transition, Handle *handle, Point *to, ConnectionPoint *cp, HandleMoveReason reason, ModifierKeys modifiers) { g_assert(transition!=NULL); g_assert(handle!=NULL); g_assert(to!=NULL); switch(handle->id) { case HANDLE_NORTH: transition->north.pos = *to; if (transition->north.pos.y > transition->A.y) transition->north.pos.y = transition->A.y; break; case HANDLE_SOUTH: transition->south.pos = *to; if (transition->south.pos.y < transition->B.y) transition->south.pos.y = transition->B.y; break; default: element_move_handle(&transition->element, handle->id, to, cp, reason, modifiers); } transition_update_data(transition); return NULL; }
static ObjectChange* step_move_handle(Step *step, Handle *handle, Point *to, ConnectionPoint *cp, HandleMoveReason reason, ModifierKeys modifiers) { assert(step!=NULL); assert(handle!=NULL); assert(to!=NULL); switch(handle->id) { case HANDLE_NORTH: step->north.pos = *to; if (step->north.pos.y > step->A.y) step->north.pos.y = step->A.y; break; case HANDLE_SOUTH: step->south.pos = *to; if (step->south.pos.y < step->D.y) step->south.pos.y = step->D.y; break; default: element_move_handle(&step->element, handle->id, to, cp, reason, modifiers); } step_update_data(step); return NULL; }
static ObjectChange* chronoref_move_handle(Chronoref *chronoref, Handle *handle, Point *to, ConnectionPoint *cp, HandleMoveReason reason, ModifierKeys modifiers) { g_assert(chronoref!=NULL); g_assert(handle!=NULL); g_assert(to!=NULL); element_move_handle(&chronoref->element, handle->id, to, cp, reason, modifiers); chronoref_update_data(chronoref); return NULL; }
static ObjectChange* newgroup_move_handle(NewGroup *group, Handle *handle, Point *to, ConnectionPoint *cp, HandleMoveReason reason, ModifierKeys modifiers) { assert(group!=NULL); assert(handle!=NULL); assert(to!=NULL); element_move_handle(&group->element, handle->id, to, cp, reason, modifiers); newgroup_update_data(group); return NULL; }
static ObjectChange* grid_object_move_handle(Grid_Object *grid_object, Handle *handle, Point *to, ConnectionPoint *cp, HandleMoveReason reason, ModifierKeys modifiers) { g_assert(grid_object!=NULL); g_assert(handle!=NULL); g_assert(to!=NULL); element_move_handle(&grid_object->element, handle->id, to, cp, reason, modifiers); grid_object_update_data(grid_object); return NULL; }
static ObjectChange* analog_clock_move_handle(Analog_Clock *analog_clock, Handle *handle, Point *to, ConnectionPoint *cp, HandleMoveReason reason, ModifierKeys modifiers) { g_assert(analog_clock!=NULL); g_assert(handle!=NULL); g_assert(to!=NULL); element_move_handle(&analog_clock->element, handle->id, to, cp, reason, modifiers); analog_clock_update_data(analog_clock); return NULL; }
static ObjectChange* ellipse_move_handle(Ellipse *ellipse, Handle *handle, Point *to, ConnectionPoint *cp, HandleMoveReason reason, ModifierKeys modifiers) { AnchorShape horiz = ANCHOR_MIDDLE, vert = ANCHOR_MIDDLE; Point corner; real width, height; assert(ellipse!=NULL); assert(handle!=NULL); assert(to!=NULL); /* remember ... */ corner = ellipse->element.corner; width = ellipse->element.width; height = ellipse->element.height; element_move_handle(&ellipse->element, handle->id, to, cp, reason, modifiers); switch (handle->id) { case HANDLE_RESIZE_NW: horiz = ANCHOR_END; vert = ANCHOR_END; break; case HANDLE_RESIZE_N: vert = ANCHOR_END; break; case HANDLE_RESIZE_NE: horiz = ANCHOR_START; vert = ANCHOR_END; break; case HANDLE_RESIZE_E: horiz = ANCHOR_START; break; case HANDLE_RESIZE_SE: horiz = ANCHOR_START; vert = ANCHOR_START; break; case HANDLE_RESIZE_S: vert = ANCHOR_START; break; case HANDLE_RESIZE_SW: horiz = ANCHOR_END; vert = ANCHOR_START; break; case HANDLE_RESIZE_W: horiz = ANCHOR_END; break; default: break; } ellipse_update_data(ellipse, horiz, vert); if (width != ellipse->element.width && height != ellipse->element.height) return element_change_new (&corner, width, height, &ellipse->element); return NULL; }
static ObjectChange* node_move_handle(Node *node, Handle *handle, Point *to, ConnectionPoint *cp, HandleMoveReason reason, ModifierKeys modifiers) { assert(node!=NULL); assert(handle!=NULL); assert(to!=NULL); assert(handle->id < 8); element_move_handle(&node->element, handle->id, to, cp, reason, modifiers); node_update_data(node); return NULL; }
static ObjectChange* attribute_move_handle(Attribute *attribute, Handle *handle, Point *to, ConnectionPoint *cp, HandleMoveReason reason, ModifierKeys modifiers) { assert(attribute!=NULL); assert(handle!=NULL); assert(to!=NULL); assert(handle->id < 8); element_move_handle(&attribute->element, handle->id, to, cp, reason, modifiers); attribute_update_data(attribute); return NULL; }
static ObjectChange* largepackage_move_handle(LargePackage *pkg, Handle *handle, Point *to, ConnectionPoint *cp, HandleMoveReason reason, ModifierKeys modifiers) { assert(pkg!=NULL); assert(handle!=NULL); assert(to!=NULL); assert(handle->id < 8); element_move_handle(&pkg->element, handle->id, to, cp, reason, modifiers); largepackage_update_data(pkg); return NULL; }
static ObjectChange* basestation_move_handle(Basestation *basestation, Handle *handle, Point *to, ConnectionPoint *cp, HandleMoveReason reason, ModifierKeys modifiers) { ObjectChange* oc; assert(basestation!=NULL); assert(handle!=NULL); assert(to!=NULL); assert(handle->id < 8); if (handle->type == HANDLE_NON_MOVABLE) return NULL; oc = element_move_handle (&(basestation->element), handle->id, to, cp, reason, modifiers); return oc; }
static ObjectChange* goal_move_handle(Goal *goal, Handle *handle, Point *to, ConnectionPoint *cp, HandleMoveReason reason, ModifierKeys modifiers) { AnchorShape horiz = ANCHOR_MIDDLE, vert = ANCHOR_MIDDLE; assert(goal!=NULL); assert(handle!=NULL); assert(to!=NULL); element_move_handle(&goal->element, handle->id, to, cp, reason, modifiers); switch (handle->id) { case HANDLE_RESIZE_NW: horiz = ANCHOR_END; vert = ANCHOR_END; break; case HANDLE_RESIZE_N: vert = ANCHOR_END; break; case HANDLE_RESIZE_NE: horiz = ANCHOR_START; vert = ANCHOR_END; break; case HANDLE_RESIZE_E: horiz = ANCHOR_START; break; case HANDLE_RESIZE_SE: horiz = ANCHOR_START; vert = ANCHOR_START; break; case HANDLE_RESIZE_S: vert = ANCHOR_START; break; case HANDLE_RESIZE_SW: horiz = ANCHOR_END; vert = ANCHOR_START; break; case HANDLE_RESIZE_W: horiz = ANCHOR_END; break; default: break; } goal_update_data(goal, horiz, vert); return NULL; }
static ObjectChange* image_move_handle(EImage *image, Handle *handle, Point *to, ConnectionPoint *cp, HandleMoveReason reason, ModifierKeys modifiers) { Element *elem = &image->element; assert(image!=NULL); assert(handle!=NULL); assert(to!=NULL); if (image->keep_aspect) { float width, height; float new_width, new_height; width = image->element.width; height = image->element.height; switch (handle->id) { case HANDLE_RESIZE_NW: new_width = -(to->x-image->element.corner.x)+width; new_height = -(to->y-image->element.corner.y)+height; if (new_height == 0 || new_width/new_height > width/height) { new_height = new_width*height/width; } else { new_width = new_height*width/height; } to->x = image->element.corner.x+(image->element.width-new_width); to->y = image->element.corner.y+(image->element.height-new_height); element_move_handle(elem, HANDLE_RESIZE_NW, to, cp, reason, modifiers); break; case HANDLE_RESIZE_N: new_width = (-(to->y-image->element.corner.y)+height)*width/height; to->x = image->element.corner.x+new_width; element_move_handle(elem, HANDLE_RESIZE_NE, to, cp, reason, modifiers); break; case HANDLE_RESIZE_NE: new_width = to->x-image->element.corner.x; new_height = -(to->y-image->element.corner.y)+height; if (new_height == 0 || new_width/new_height > width/height) { new_height = new_width*height/width; } else { new_width = new_height*width/height; } to->x = image->element.corner.x+new_width; to->y = image->element.corner.y+(image->element.height-new_height); element_move_handle(elem, HANDLE_RESIZE_NE, to, cp, reason, modifiers); break; case HANDLE_RESIZE_E: new_height = (to->x-image->element.corner.x)*height/width; to->y = image->element.corner.y+new_height; element_move_handle(elem, HANDLE_RESIZE_SE, to, cp, reason, modifiers); break; case HANDLE_RESIZE_SE: new_width = to->x-image->element.corner.x; new_height = to->y-image->element.corner.y; if (new_height == 0 || new_width/new_height > width/height) { new_height = new_width*height/width; } else { new_width = new_height*width/height; } to->x = image->element.corner.x+new_width; to->y = image->element.corner.y+new_height; element_move_handle(elem, HANDLE_RESIZE_SE, to, cp, reason, modifiers); break; case HANDLE_RESIZE_S: new_width = (to->y-image->element.corner.y)*width/height; to->x = image->element.corner.x+new_width; element_move_handle(elem, HANDLE_RESIZE_SE, to, cp, reason, modifiers); break; case HANDLE_RESIZE_SW: new_width = -(to->x-image->element.corner.x)+width; new_height = to->y-image->element.corner.y; if (new_height == 0 || new_width/new_height > width/height) { new_height = new_width*height/width; } else { new_width = new_height*width/height; } to->x = image->element.corner.x+(image->element.width-new_width); to->y = image->element.corner.y+new_height; element_move_handle(elem, HANDLE_RESIZE_SW, to, cp, reason, modifiers); break; case HANDLE_RESIZE_W: new_height = (-(to->x-image->element.corner.x)+width)*height/width; to->y = image->element.corner.y+new_height; element_move_handle(elem, HANDLE_RESIZE_SW, to, cp, reason, modifiers); break; default: message_warning("Unforeseen handle in image_move_handle: %d\n", handle->id); } } else { element_move_handle(elem, handle->id, to, cp, reason, modifiers); } image_update_data(image); return NULL; }
static ObjectChange* ellipse_move_handle(Ellipse *ellipse, Handle *handle, Point *to, ConnectionPoint *cp, HandleMoveReason reason, ModifierKeys modifiers) { Element *elem = &ellipse->element; Point nw_to, se_to; assert(ellipse!=NULL); assert(handle!=NULL); assert(to!=NULL); assert(handle->id < 8 || handle->id == HANDLE_CUSTOM1); if (handle->id == HANDLE_CUSTOM1) { Point delta, corner_to; delta.x = to->x - (elem->corner.x + elem->width/2); delta.y = to->y - (elem->corner.y + elem->height/2); corner_to.x = elem->corner.x + delta.x; corner_to.y = elem->corner.y + delta.y; return ellipse_move(ellipse, &corner_to); } else { if (ellipse->aspect != FREE_ASPECT){ float width, height; float new_width, new_height; float to_width, aspect_width; Point center; width = ellipse->element.width; height = ellipse->element.height; center.x = elem->corner.x + width/2; center.y = elem->corner.y + height/2; switch (handle->id) { case HANDLE_RESIZE_E: case HANDLE_RESIZE_W: new_width = 2 * fabs(to->x - center.x); new_height = new_width / width * height; break; case HANDLE_RESIZE_N: case HANDLE_RESIZE_S: new_height = 2 * fabs(to->y - center.y); new_width = new_height / height * width; break; case HANDLE_RESIZE_NW: case HANDLE_RESIZE_NE: case HANDLE_RESIZE_SW: case HANDLE_RESIZE_SE: to_width = 2 * fabs(to->x - center.x); aspect_width = 2 * fabs(to->y - center.y) / height * width; new_width = to_width < aspect_width ? to_width : aspect_width; new_height = new_width / width * height; break; default: new_width = width; new_height = height; break; } nw_to.x = center.x - new_width/2; nw_to.y = center.y - new_height/2; se_to.x = center.x + new_width/2; se_to.y = center.y + new_height/2; element_move_handle(&ellipse->element, HANDLE_RESIZE_NW, &nw_to, cp, reason, modifiers); element_move_handle(&ellipse->element, HANDLE_RESIZE_SE, &se_to, cp, reason, modifiers); } else { Point center; Point opposite_to; center.x = elem->corner.x + elem->width/2; center.y = elem->corner.y + elem->height/2; opposite_to.x = center.x - (to->x-center.x); opposite_to.y = center.y - (to->y-center.y); element_move_handle(&ellipse->element, handle->id, to, cp, reason, modifiers); /* this second move screws the intended object size, e.g. from * but without it the 'centered' behaviour during edit is screwed */ element_move_handle(&ellipse->element, 7-handle->id, &opposite_to, cp, reason, modifiers); } ellipse_update_data(ellipse); return NULL; } }
ObjectChange* aadlbox_move_handle(Aadlbox *aadlbox, Handle *handle, Point *to, ConnectionPoint *cp, HandleMoveReason reason, ModifierKeys modifiers) { assert(aadlbox!=NULL); assert(handle!=NULL); assert(to!=NULL); if (handle->id < 8) { /* box resizing */ Element *element = &aadlbox->element; Point oldcorner, newcorner; real oldw, neww, oldh, newh; real w_factor, h_factor; Aadlport *p; ConnectionPoint *c; int i; point_copy(&oldcorner, &element->corner); oldw = element->width; oldh = element->height; element_move_handle( &aadlbox->element, handle->id, to, cp, reason, modifiers); point_copy(&newcorner, &element->corner); neww = element->width; newh = element->height; /* update ports positions proportionally */ for (i=0; i < aadlbox->num_ports; i++) { p = aadlbox->ports[i]; w_factor = (p->handle->pos.x - oldcorner.x) / oldw; h_factor = (p->handle->pos.y - oldcorner.y) / oldh; p->handle->pos.x = newcorner.x + w_factor * neww; p->handle->pos.y = newcorner.y + h_factor * newh; } /* update connection points proportionally */ for (i=0; i < aadlbox->num_connections; i++) { c = aadlbox->connections[i]; w_factor = (c->pos.x - oldcorner.x) / oldw; h_factor = (c->pos.y - oldcorner.y) / oldh; c->pos.x = newcorner.x + w_factor * neww; c->pos.y = newcorner.y + h_factor * newh; } } else { /* port handles */ handle->pos.x = to->x; handle->pos.y = to->y; } aadlbox_update_data(aadlbox); /* FIXME !! Should I free the given structures (to, ...) ? */ return NULL; }