static Value *emit_array_nd_index(Value *a, size_t nd, jl_value_t **args, size_t nidxs, jl_codectx_t *ctx) { Value *i = ConstantInt::get(T_size, 0); Value *stride = ConstantInt::get(T_size, 1); #if CHECK_BOUNDS==1 BasicBlock *failBB = BasicBlock::Create(getGlobalContext(), "oob"); BasicBlock *endBB = BasicBlock::Create(getGlobalContext(), "idxend"); #endif for(size_t k=0; k < nidxs; k++) { Value *ii = emit_unbox(T_size, T_psize, emit_unboxed(args[k], ctx)); ii = builder.CreateSub(ii, ConstantInt::get(T_size, 1)); i = builder.CreateAdd(i, builder.CreateMul(ii, stride)); if (k < nidxs-1) { Value *d = k >= nd ? ConstantInt::get(T_size, 1) : emit_arraysize(a, k+1); #if CHECK_BOUNDS==1 BasicBlock *okBB = BasicBlock::Create(getGlobalContext(), "ib"); // if !(i < d) goto error builder.CreateCondBr(builder.CreateICmpULT(ii, d), okBB, failBB); ctx->f->getBasicBlockList().push_back(okBB); builder.SetInsertPoint(okBB); #endif stride = builder.CreateMul(stride, d); } } #if CHECK_BOUNDS==1 Value *alen = emit_arraylen(a); // if !(i < alen) goto error builder.CreateCondBr(builder.CreateICmpULT(i, alen), endBB, failBB); ctx->f->getBasicBlockList().push_back(failBB); builder.SetInsertPoint(failBB); builder.CreateCall2(jlthrow_line_func, builder.CreateLoad(jlboundserr_var), ConstantInt::get(T_int32, ctx->lineno)); builder.CreateUnreachable(); ctx->f->getBasicBlockList().push_back(endBB); builder.SetInsertPoint(endBB); #endif return i; }
// ccall(pointer, rettype, (argtypes...), args...) static Value *emit_ccall(jl_value_t **args, size_t nargs, jl_codectx_t *ctx) { JL_NARGSV(ccall, 3); jl_value_t *ptr=NULL, *rt=NULL, *at=NULL; Value *jl_ptr=NULL; JL_GC_PUSH(&ptr, &rt, &at); ptr = static_eval(args[1], ctx, true); if (ptr == NULL) { jl_value_t *ptr_ty = expr_type(args[1], ctx); Value *arg1 = emit_unboxed(args[1], ctx); if (!jl_is_cpointer_type(ptr_ty)) { emit_typecheck(arg1, (jl_value_t*)jl_voidpointer_type, "ccall: function argument not a pointer or valid constant", ctx); } jl_ptr = emit_unbox(T_size, T_psize, arg1); } rt = jl_interpret_toplevel_expr_in(ctx->module, args[2], &jl_tupleref(ctx->sp,0), jl_tuple_len(ctx->sp)/2); if (jl_is_tuple(rt)) { std::string msg = "in " + ctx->funcName + ": ccall: missing return type"; jl_error(msg.c_str()); } at = jl_interpret_toplevel_expr_in(ctx->module, args[3], &jl_tupleref(ctx->sp,0), jl_tuple_len(ctx->sp)/2); void *fptr=NULL; char *f_name=NULL, *f_lib=NULL; if (ptr != NULL) { if (jl_is_tuple(ptr) && jl_tuple_len(ptr)==1) { ptr = jl_tupleref(ptr,0); } if (jl_is_symbol(ptr)) f_name = ((jl_sym_t*)ptr)->name; else if (jl_is_byte_string(ptr)) f_name = jl_string_data(ptr); if (f_name != NULL) { // just symbol, default to JuliaDLHandle #ifdef __WIN32__ fptr = jl_dlsym_e(jl_dl_handle, f_name); if (!fptr) { //TODO: when one of these succeeds, store the f_lib name (and clear fptr) fptr = jl_dlsym_e(jl_kernel32_handle, f_name); if (!fptr) { fptr = jl_dlsym_e(jl_ntdll_handle, f_name); if (!fptr) { fptr = jl_dlsym_e(jl_crtdll_handle, f_name); if (!fptr) { fptr = jl_dlsym(jl_winsock_handle, f_name); } } } } else { // available in process symbol table fptr = NULL; } #else // will look in process symbol table #endif } else if (jl_is_cpointer_type(jl_typeof(ptr))) { fptr = *(void**)jl_bits_data(ptr); } else if (jl_is_tuple(ptr) && jl_tuple_len(ptr)>1) { jl_value_t *t0 = jl_tupleref(ptr,0); jl_value_t *t1 = jl_tupleref(ptr,1); if (jl_is_symbol(t0)) f_name = ((jl_sym_t*)t0)->name; else if (jl_is_byte_string(t0)) f_name = jl_string_data(t0); else JL_TYPECHK(ccall, symbol, t0); if (jl_is_symbol(t1)) f_lib = ((jl_sym_t*)t1)->name; else if (jl_is_byte_string(t1)) f_lib = jl_string_data(t1); else JL_TYPECHK(ccall, symbol, t1); } else { JL_TYPECHK(ccall, pointer, ptr); } } if (f_name == NULL && fptr == NULL && jl_ptr == NULL) { JL_GC_POP(); emit_error("ccall: null function pointer", ctx); return literal_pointer_val(jl_nothing); } JL_TYPECHK(ccall, type, rt); JL_TYPECHK(ccall, tuple, at); JL_TYPECHK(ccall, type, at); jl_tuple_t *tt = (jl_tuple_t*)at; std::vector<Type *> fargt(0); std::vector<Type *> fargt_sig(0); Type *lrt = julia_type_to_llvm(rt); if (lrt == NULL) { JL_GC_POP(); return literal_pointer_val(jl_nothing); } size_t i; bool haspointers = false; bool isVa = false; size_t nargt = jl_tuple_len(tt); std::vector<AttributeWithIndex> attrs; for(i=0; i < nargt; i++) { jl_value_t *tti = jl_tupleref(tt,i); if (jl_is_seq_type(tti)) { isVa = true; tti = jl_tparam0(tti); } if (jl_is_bits_type(tti)) { // see pull req #978. need to annotate signext/zeroext for // small integer arguments. jl_bits_type_t *bt = (jl_bits_type_t*)tti; if (bt->nbits < 32) { if (jl_signed_type == NULL) { jl_signed_type = jl_get_global(jl_core_module,jl_symbol("Signed")); } #ifdef LLVM32 Attributes::AttrVal av; if (jl_signed_type && jl_subtype(tti, jl_signed_type, 0)) av = Attributes::SExt; else av = Attributes::ZExt; attrs.push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(getGlobalContext(), i+1, ArrayRef<Attributes::AttrVal>(&av, 1))); #else Attribute::AttrConst av; if (jl_signed_type && jl_subtype(tti, jl_signed_type, 0)) av = Attribute::SExt; else av = Attribute::ZExt; attrs.push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(i+1, av)); #endif } } Type *t = julia_type_to_llvm(tti); if (t == NULL) { JL_GC_POP(); return literal_pointer_val(jl_nothing); } fargt.push_back(t); if (!isVa) fargt_sig.push_back(t); } // check for calling convention specifier CallingConv::ID cc = CallingConv::C; jl_value_t *last = args[nargs]; if (jl_is_expr(last)) { jl_sym_t *lhd = ((jl_expr_t*)last)->head; if (lhd == jl_symbol("stdcall")) { cc = CallingConv::X86_StdCall; nargs--; } else if (lhd == jl_symbol("cdecl")) { cc = CallingConv::C; nargs--; } else if (lhd == jl_symbol("fastcall")) { cc = CallingConv::X86_FastCall; nargs--; } else if (lhd == jl_symbol("thiscall")) { cc = CallingConv::X86_ThisCall; nargs--; } } if ((!isVa && jl_tuple_len(tt) != (nargs-2)/2) || ( isVa && jl_tuple_len(tt)-1 > (nargs-2)/2)) jl_error("ccall: wrong number of arguments to C function"); // some special functions if (fptr == &jl_array_ptr) { Value *ary = emit_expr(args[4], ctx); JL_GC_POP(); return mark_julia_type(builder.CreateBitCast(emit_arrayptr(ary),lrt), rt); } // see if there are & arguments for(i=4; i < nargs+1; i+=2) { jl_value_t *argi = args[i]; if (jl_is_expr(argi) && ((jl_expr_t*)argi)->head == amp_sym) { haspointers = true; break; } } // make LLVM function object for the target Value *llvmf; FunctionType *functype = FunctionType::get(lrt, fargt_sig, isVa); if (jl_ptr != NULL) { null_pointer_check(jl_ptr,ctx); Type *funcptype = PointerType::get(functype,0); llvmf = builder.CreateIntToPtr(jl_ptr, funcptype); } else if (fptr != NULL) { Type *funcptype = PointerType::get(functype,0); llvmf = literal_pointer_val(fptr, funcptype); } else { void *symaddr; if (f_lib != NULL) symaddr = add_library_sym(f_name, f_lib); else symaddr = sys::DynamicLibrary::SearchForAddressOfSymbol(f_name); if (symaddr == NULL) { JL_GC_POP(); std::stringstream msg; msg << "ccall: could not find function "; msg << f_name; if (f_lib != NULL) { msg << " in library "; msg << f_lib; } emit_error(msg.str(), ctx); return literal_pointer_val(jl_nothing); } llvmf = jl_Module->getOrInsertFunction(f_name, functype); } // save temp argument area stack pointer Value *saveloc=NULL; Value *stacksave=NULL; if (haspointers) { // TODO: inline this saveloc = builder.CreateCall(save_arg_area_loc_func); stacksave = builder.CreateCall(Intrinsic::getDeclaration(jl_Module, Intrinsic::stacksave)); } // emit arguments Value *argvals[(nargs-3)/2]; int last_depth = ctx->argDepth; int nargty = jl_tuple_len(tt); for(i=4; i < nargs+1; i+=2) { int ai = (i-4)/2; jl_value_t *argi = args[i]; bool addressOf = false; if (jl_is_expr(argi) && ((jl_expr_t*)argi)->head == amp_sym) { addressOf = true; argi = jl_exprarg(argi,0); } Type *largty; jl_value_t *jargty; if (isVa && ai >= nargty-1) { largty = fargt[nargty-1]; jargty = jl_tparam0(jl_tupleref(tt,nargty-1)); } else { largty = fargt[ai]; jargty = jl_tupleref(tt,ai); } Value *arg; if (largty == jl_pvalue_llvmt) { arg = emit_expr(argi, ctx, true); } else { arg = emit_unboxed(argi, ctx); if (jl_is_bits_type(expr_type(argi, ctx))) { if (addressOf) arg = emit_unbox(largty->getContainedType(0), largty, arg); else arg = emit_unbox(largty, PointerType::get(largty,0), arg); } } /* #ifdef JL_GC_MARKSWEEP // make sure args are rooted if (largty->isPointerTy() && (largty == jl_pvalue_llvmt || !jl_is_bits_type(expr_type(args[i], ctx)))) { make_gcroot(boxed(arg), ctx); } #endif */ argvals[ai] = julia_to_native(largty, jargty, arg, argi, addressOf, ai+1, ctx); } // the actual call Value *result = builder.CreateCall(llvmf, ArrayRef<Value*>(&argvals[0],(nargs-3)/2)); if (cc != CallingConv::C) ((CallInst*)result)->setCallingConv(cc); #ifdef LLVM32 ((CallInst*)result)->setAttributes(AttrListPtr::get(getGlobalContext(), ArrayRef<AttributeWithIndex>(attrs))); #else ((CallInst*)result)->setAttributes(AttrListPtr::get(,attrs.size())); #endif // restore temp argument area stack pointer if (haspointers) { assert(saveloc != NULL); builder.CreateCall(restore_arg_area_loc_func, saveloc); assert(stacksave != NULL); builder.CreateCall(Intrinsic::getDeclaration(jl_Module, Intrinsic::stackrestore), stacksave); } ctx->argDepth = last_depth; if (0) { // Enable this to turn on SSPREQ (-fstack-protector) on the function containing this ccall #ifdef LLVM32 ctx->f->addFnAttr(Attributes::StackProtectReq); #else ctx->f->addFnAttr(Attribute::StackProtectReq); #endif } JL_GC_POP(); if (lrt == T_void) return literal_pointer_val((jl_value_t*)jl_nothing); return mark_julia_type(result, rt); }
// --- parse :sym or (:sym, :lib) argument into address info --- static native_sym_arg_t interpret_symbol_arg(jl_value_t *arg, jl_codectx_t *ctx, const char *fname) { jl_value_t *ptr = NULL; Value *jl_ptr=NULL; ptr = static_eval(arg, ctx, true); if (ptr == NULL) { jl_value_t *ptr_ty = expr_type(arg, ctx); Value *arg1 = emit_unboxed(arg, ctx); if (!jl_is_cpointer_type(ptr_ty)) { emit_cpointercheck(arg1, !strcmp(fname,"ccall") ? "ccall: first argument not a pointer or valid constant expression" : "cglobal: first argument not a pointer or valid constant expression", ctx); } jl_ptr = emit_unbox(T_size, arg1, (jl_value_t*)jl_voidpointer_type); } void *fptr=NULL; char *f_name=NULL, *f_lib=NULL; if (ptr != NULL) { if (jl_is_tuple(ptr) && jl_tuple_len(ptr)==1) { ptr = jl_tupleref(ptr,0); } if (jl_is_symbol(ptr)) f_name = ((jl_sym_t*)ptr)->name; else if (jl_is_byte_string(ptr)) f_name = jl_string_data(ptr); if (f_name != NULL) { // just symbol, default to JuliaDLHandle // will look in process symbol table #ifdef _OS_WINDOWS_ f_lib = jl_dlfind_win32(f_name); #endif } else if (jl_is_cpointer_type(jl_typeof(ptr))) { fptr = *(void**)jl_data_ptr(ptr); } else if (jl_is_tuple(ptr) && jl_tuple_len(ptr)>1) { jl_value_t *t0 = jl_tupleref(ptr,0); jl_value_t *t1 = jl_tupleref(ptr,1); if (jl_is_symbol(t0)) f_name = ((jl_sym_t*)t0)->name; else if (jl_is_byte_string(t0)) f_name = jl_string_data(t0); else JL_TYPECHKS(fname, symbol, t0); if (jl_is_symbol(t1)) f_lib = ((jl_sym_t*)t1)->name; else if (jl_is_byte_string(t1)) f_lib = jl_string_data(t1); else JL_TYPECHKS(fname, symbol, t1); } else { JL_TYPECHKS(fname, pointer, ptr); } } native_sym_arg_t r; r.jl_ptr = jl_ptr; r.fptr = fptr; r.f_name = f_name; r.f_lib = f_lib; return r; }
// ccall(pointer, rettype, (argtypes...), args...) static Value *emit_ccall(jl_value_t **args, size_t nargs, jl_codectx_t *ctx) { JL_NARGSV(ccall, 3); jl_value_t *ptr=NULL, *rt=NULL, *at=NULL; JL_GC_PUSH(&ptr, &rt, &at); ptr = jl_interpret_toplevel_expr_in(ctx->module, args[1], &jl_tupleref(ctx->sp,0), jl_tuple_len(ctx->sp)/2); rt = jl_interpret_toplevel_expr_in(ctx->module, args[2], &jl_tupleref(ctx->sp,0), jl_tuple_len(ctx->sp)/2); if (jl_is_tuple(rt)) { std::string msg = "in " + ctx->funcName + ": ccall: missing return type"; jl_error(msg.c_str()); } at = jl_interpret_toplevel_expr_in(ctx->module, args[3], &jl_tupleref(ctx->sp,0), jl_tuple_len(ctx->sp)/2); void *fptr=NULL; char *f_name=NULL, *f_lib=NULL; if (jl_is_tuple(ptr) && jl_tuple_len(ptr)==1) { ptr = jl_tupleref(ptr,0); } if (jl_is_symbol(ptr)) f_name = ((jl_sym_t*)ptr)->name; else if (jl_is_byte_string(ptr)) f_name = jl_string_data(ptr); if (f_name != NULL) { // just symbol, default to JuliaDLHandle #ifdef __WIN32__ fptr = jl_dlsym_e(jl_dl_handle, f_name); if (!fptr) { fptr = jl_dlsym_e(jl_kernel32_handle, f_name); if (!fptr) { fptr = jl_dlsym_e(jl_ntdll_handle, f_name); if (!fptr) { fptr = jl_dlsym_e(jl_crtdll_handle, f_name); if (!fptr) { fptr = jl_dlsym(jl_winsock_handle, f_name); } } } } else { // available in process symbol table fptr = NULL; } #else // will look in process symbol table #endif } else if (jl_is_cpointer_type(jl_typeof(ptr))) { fptr = *(void**)jl_bits_data(ptr); } else if (jl_is_tuple(ptr) && jl_tuple_len(ptr)>1) { jl_value_t *t0 = jl_tupleref(ptr,0); jl_value_t *t1 = jl_tupleref(ptr,1); if (jl_is_symbol(t0)) f_name = ((jl_sym_t*)t0)->name; else if (jl_is_byte_string(t0)) f_name = jl_string_data(t0); else JL_TYPECHK(ccall, symbol, t0); if (jl_is_symbol(t1)) f_lib = ((jl_sym_t*)t1)->name; else if (jl_is_byte_string(t1)) f_lib = jl_string_data(t1); else JL_TYPECHK(ccall, symbol, t1); } else { JL_TYPECHK(ccall, pointer, ptr); } if (f_name == NULL && fptr == NULL) { JL_GC_POP(); emit_error("ccall: null function pointer", ctx); return literal_pointer_val(jl_nothing); } JL_TYPECHK(ccall, type, rt); JL_TYPECHK(ccall, tuple, at); JL_TYPECHK(ccall, type, at); jl_tuple_t *tt = (jl_tuple_t*)at; std::vector<Type *> fargt(0); std::vector<Type *> fargt_sig(0); Type *lrt = julia_type_to_llvm(rt); if (lrt == NULL) { JL_GC_POP(); return literal_pointer_val(jl_nothing); } size_t i; bool haspointers = false; bool isVa = false; for(i=0; i < jl_tuple_len(tt); i++) { jl_value_t *tti = jl_tupleref(tt,i); if (jl_is_seq_type(tti)) { isVa = true; tti = jl_tparam0(tti); } Type *t = julia_type_to_llvm(tti); if (t == NULL) { JL_GC_POP(); return literal_pointer_val(jl_nothing); } fargt.push_back(t); if (!isVa) fargt_sig.push_back(t); } // check for calling convention specifier CallingConv::ID cc = CallingConv::C; jl_value_t *last = args[nargs]; if (jl_is_expr(last)) { jl_sym_t *lhd = ((jl_expr_t*)last)->head; if (lhd == jl_symbol("stdcall")) { cc = CallingConv::X86_StdCall; nargs--; } else if (lhd == jl_symbol("cdecl")) { cc = CallingConv::C; nargs--; } else if (lhd == jl_symbol("fastcall")) { cc = CallingConv::X86_FastCall; nargs--; } } if ((!isVa && jl_tuple_len(tt) != (nargs-2)/2) || ( isVa && jl_tuple_len(tt)-1 > (nargs-2)/2)) jl_error("ccall: wrong number of arguments to C function"); // some special functions if (fptr == &jl_array_ptr) { Value *ary = emit_expr(args[4], ctx); JL_GC_POP(); return mark_julia_type(builder.CreateBitCast(emit_arrayptr(ary),lrt), rt); } // see if there are & arguments for(i=4; i < nargs+1; i+=2) { jl_value_t *argi = args[i]; if (jl_is_expr(argi) && ((jl_expr_t*)argi)->head == amp_sym) { haspointers = true; break; } } // make LLVM function object for the target Constant *llvmf; FunctionType *functype = FunctionType::get(lrt, fargt_sig, isVa); if (fptr != NULL) { Type *funcptype = PointerType::get(functype,0); llvmf = ConstantExpr::getIntToPtr( ConstantInt::get(funcptype, (uint64_t)fptr), funcptype); } else { if (f_lib != NULL) add_library_sym(f_name, f_lib); llvmf = jl_Module->getOrInsertFunction(f_name, functype); } // save temp argument area stack pointer Value *saveloc=NULL; Value *stacksave=NULL; if (haspointers) { // TODO: inline this saveloc = builder.CreateCall(save_arg_area_loc_func); stacksave = builder.CreateCall(Intrinsic::getDeclaration(jl_Module, Intrinsic::stacksave)); } // emit arguments Value *argvals[(nargs-3)/2]; int last_depth = ctx->argDepth; int nargty = jl_tuple_len(tt); for(i=4; i < nargs+1; i+=2) { int ai = (i-4)/2; jl_value_t *argi = args[i]; bool addressOf = false; if (jl_is_expr(argi) && ((jl_expr_t*)argi)->head == amp_sym) { addressOf = true; argi = jl_exprarg(argi,0); } Type *largty; jl_value_t *jargty; if (isVa && ai >= nargty-1) { largty = fargt[nargty-1]; jargty = jl_tparam0(jl_tupleref(tt,nargty-1)); } else { largty = fargt[ai]; jargty = jl_tupleref(tt,ai); } Value *arg; if (largty == jl_pvalue_llvmt) { arg = emit_expr(argi, ctx, true); } else { arg = emit_unboxed(argi, ctx); if (jl_is_bits_type(expr_type(argi, ctx))) { if (addressOf) arg = emit_unbox(largty->getContainedType(0), largty, arg); else arg = emit_unbox(largty, PointerType::get(largty,0), arg); } } /* #ifdef JL_GC_MARKSWEEP // make sure args are rooted if (largty->isPointerTy() && (largty == jl_pvalue_llvmt || !jl_is_bits_type(expr_type(args[i], ctx)))) { make_gcroot(boxed(arg), ctx); } #endif */ argvals[ai] = julia_to_native(largty, jargty, arg, argi, addressOf, ai+1, ctx); } // the actual call Value *result = builder.CreateCall(llvmf, ArrayRef<Value*>(&argvals[0],(nargs-3)/2)); if (cc != CallingConv::C) ((CallInst*)result)->setCallingConv(cc); // restore temp argument area stack pointer if (haspointers) { assert(saveloc != NULL); builder.CreateCall(restore_arg_area_loc_func, saveloc); assert(stacksave != NULL); builder.CreateCall(Intrinsic::getDeclaration(jl_Module, Intrinsic::stackrestore), stacksave); } ctx->argDepth = last_depth; if (0) { // Enable this to turn on SSPREQ (-fstack-protector) on the function containing this ccall ctx->f->addFnAttr(Attribute::StackProtectReq); } JL_GC_POP(); if (lrt == T_void) return literal_pointer_val((jl_value_t*)jl_nothing); return mark_julia_type(result, rt); }
// ccall(pointer, rettype, (argtypes...), args...) static Value *emit_ccall(jl_value_t **args, size_t nargs, jl_codectx_t *ctx) { JL_NARGSV(ccall, 3); jl_value_t *rt=NULL, *at=NULL; JL_GC_PUSH2(&rt, &at); native_sym_arg_t symarg = interpret_symbol_arg(args[1], ctx, "ccall"); Value *jl_ptr=NULL; void *fptr = NULL; char *f_name = NULL, *f_lib = NULL; jl_ptr = symarg.jl_ptr; fptr = symarg.fptr; f_name = symarg.f_name; f_lib = symarg.f_lib; if (f_name == NULL && fptr == NULL && jl_ptr == NULL) { JL_GC_POP(); emit_error("ccall: null function pointer", ctx); return literal_pointer_val(jl_nothing); } rt = jl_interpret_toplevel_expr_in(ctx->module, args[2], &jl_tupleref(ctx->sp,0), jl_tuple_len(ctx->sp)/2); if (jl_is_tuple(rt)) { std::string msg = "in " + ctx->funcName + ": ccall: missing return type"; jl_error(msg.c_str()); } if (rt == (jl_value_t*)jl_pointer_type) jl_error("ccall: return type Ptr should have an element type, Ptr{T}"); at = jl_interpret_toplevel_expr_in(ctx->module, args[3], &jl_tupleref(ctx->sp,0), jl_tuple_len(ctx->sp)/2); JL_TYPECHK(ccall, type, rt); JL_TYPECHK(ccall, tuple, at); JL_TYPECHK(ccall, type, at); jl_tuple_t *tt = (jl_tuple_t*)at; std::vector<Type *> fargt(0); std::vector<Type *> fargt_sig(0); Type *lrt = julia_struct_to_llvm(rt); if (lrt == NULL) { JL_GC_POP(); emit_error("ccall: return type doesn't correspond to a C type", ctx); return literal_pointer_val(jl_nothing); } size_t i; bool isVa = false; size_t nargt = jl_tuple_len(tt); std::vector<AttributeWithIndex> attrs; for(i=0; i < nargt; i++) { jl_value_t *tti = jl_tupleref(tt,i); if (tti == (jl_value_t*)jl_pointer_type) jl_error("ccall: argument type Ptr should have an element type, Ptr{T}"); if (jl_is_vararg_type(tti)) { isVa = true; tti = jl_tparam0(tti); } if (jl_is_bitstype(tti)) { // see pull req #978. need to annotate signext/zeroext for // small integer arguments. jl_datatype_t *bt = (jl_datatype_t*)tti; if (bt->size < 4) { if (jl_signed_type == NULL) { jl_signed_type = jl_get_global(jl_core_module,jl_symbol("Signed")); } #ifdef LLVM32 Attributes::AttrVal av; if (jl_signed_type && jl_subtype(tti, jl_signed_type, 0)) av = Attributes::SExt; else av = Attributes::ZExt; attrs.push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(getGlobalContext(), i+1, ArrayRef<Attributes::AttrVal>(&av, 1))); #else Attribute::AttrConst av; if (jl_signed_type && jl_subtype(tti, jl_signed_type, 0)) av = Attribute::SExt; else av = Attribute::ZExt; attrs.push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(i+1, av)); #endif } } Type *t = julia_struct_to_llvm(tti); if (t == NULL) { JL_GC_POP(); std::stringstream msg; msg << "ccall: the type of argument "; msg << i+1; msg << " doesn't correspond to a C type"; emit_error(msg.str(), ctx); return literal_pointer_val(jl_nothing); } fargt.push_back(t); if (!isVa) fargt_sig.push_back(t); } // check for calling convention specifier CallingConv::ID cc = CallingConv::C; jl_value_t *last = args[nargs]; if (jl_is_expr(last)) { jl_sym_t *lhd = ((jl_expr_t*)last)->head; if (lhd == jl_symbol("stdcall")) { cc = CallingConv::X86_StdCall; nargs--; } else if (lhd == jl_symbol("cdecl")) { cc = CallingConv::C; nargs--; } else if (lhd == jl_symbol("fastcall")) { cc = CallingConv::X86_FastCall; nargs--; } else if (lhd == jl_symbol("thiscall")) { cc = CallingConv::X86_ThisCall; nargs--; } } if ((!isVa && jl_tuple_len(tt) != (nargs-2)/2) || ( isVa && jl_tuple_len(tt)-1 > (nargs-2)/2)) jl_error("ccall: wrong number of arguments to C function"); // some special functions if (fptr == &jl_array_ptr) { assert(lrt->isPointerTy()); Value *ary = emit_expr(args[4], ctx); JL_GC_POP(); return mark_julia_type(builder.CreateBitCast(emit_arrayptr(ary),lrt), rt); } if (fptr == &jl_value_ptr) { assert(lrt->isPointerTy()); jl_value_t *argi = args[4]; bool addressOf = false; if (jl_is_expr(argi) && ((jl_expr_t*)argi)->head == amp_sym) { addressOf = true; argi = jl_exprarg(argi,0); } Value *ary = boxed(emit_expr(argi, ctx)); JL_GC_POP(); return mark_julia_type( builder.CreateBitCast(emit_nthptr_addr(ary, addressOf?1:0),lrt), rt); } // make LLVM function object for the target Value *llvmf; FunctionType *functype = FunctionType::get(lrt, fargt_sig, isVa); if (jl_ptr != NULL) { null_pointer_check(jl_ptr,ctx); Type *funcptype = PointerType::get(functype,0); llvmf = builder.CreateIntToPtr(jl_ptr, funcptype); } else if (fptr != NULL) { Type *funcptype = PointerType::get(functype,0); llvmf = literal_pointer_val(fptr, funcptype); } else { void *symaddr; if (f_lib != NULL) symaddr = add_library_sym(f_name, f_lib); else symaddr = sys::DynamicLibrary::SearchForAddressOfSymbol(f_name); if (symaddr == NULL) { JL_GC_POP(); std::stringstream msg; msg << "ccall: could not find function "; msg << f_name; if (f_lib != NULL) { msg << " in library "; msg << f_lib; } emit_error(msg.str(), ctx); return literal_pointer_val(jl_nothing); } llvmf = jl_Module->getOrInsertFunction(f_name, functype); } // save place before arguments, for possible insertion of temp arg // area saving code. Value *saveloc=NULL; Value *stacksave=NULL; BasicBlock::InstListType &instList = builder.GetInsertBlock()->getInstList(); Instruction *savespot; if (instList.empty()) { savespot = NULL; } else { // hey C++, there's this thing called pointers... Instruction &_savespot = builder.GetInsertBlock()->back(); savespot = &_savespot; } // emit arguments Value *argvals[(nargs-3)/2]; int last_depth = ctx->argDepth; int nargty = jl_tuple_len(tt); bool needTempSpace = false; for(i=4; i < nargs+1; i+=2) { int ai = (i-4)/2; jl_value_t *argi = args[i]; bool addressOf = false; if (jl_is_expr(argi) && ((jl_expr_t*)argi)->head == amp_sym) { addressOf = true; argi = jl_exprarg(argi,0); } Type *largty; jl_value_t *jargty; if (isVa && ai >= nargty-1) { largty = fargt[nargty-1]; jargty = jl_tparam0(jl_tupleref(tt,nargty-1)); } else { largty = fargt[ai]; jargty = jl_tupleref(tt,ai); } Value *arg; if (largty == jl_pvalue_llvmt || largty->isStructTy()) { arg = emit_expr(argi, ctx, true); } else { arg = emit_unboxed(argi, ctx); if (jl_is_bitstype(expr_type(argi, ctx))) { if (addressOf) arg = emit_unbox(largty->getContainedType(0), largty, arg); else arg = emit_unbox(largty, PointerType::get(largty,0), arg); } } /* #ifdef JL_GC_MARKSWEEP // make sure args are rooted if (largty->isPointerTy() && (largty == jl_pvalue_llvmt || !jl_is_bits_type(expr_type(args[i], ctx)))) { make_gcroot(boxed(arg), ctx); } #endif */ bool mightNeed=false; argvals[ai] = julia_to_native(largty, jargty, arg, argi, addressOf, ai+1, ctx, &mightNeed); needTempSpace |= mightNeed; } if (needTempSpace) { // save temp argument area stack pointer // TODO: inline this saveloc = CallInst::Create(save_arg_area_loc_func); stacksave = CallInst::Create(Intrinsic::getDeclaration(jl_Module, Intrinsic::stacksave)); if (savespot) instList.insertAfter(savespot, (Instruction*)saveloc); else instList.push_front((Instruction*)saveloc); instList.insertAfter((Instruction*)saveloc, (Instruction*)stacksave); } // the actual call Value *result = builder.CreateCall(llvmf, ArrayRef<Value*>(&argvals[0],(nargs-3)/2)); if (cc != CallingConv::C) ((CallInst*)result)->setCallingConv(cc); #ifdef LLVM32 ((CallInst*)result)->setAttributes(AttrListPtr::get(getGlobalContext(), ArrayRef<AttributeWithIndex>(attrs))); #else ((CallInst*)result)->setAttributes(AttrListPtr::get(,attrs.size())); #endif if (needTempSpace) { // restore temp argument area stack pointer assert(saveloc != NULL); builder.CreateCall(restore_arg_area_loc_func, saveloc); assert(stacksave != NULL); builder.CreateCall(Intrinsic::getDeclaration(jl_Module, Intrinsic::stackrestore), stacksave); } ctx->argDepth = last_depth; if (0) { // Enable this to turn on SSPREQ (-fstack-protector) on the function containing this ccall #ifdef LLVM32 ctx->f->addFnAttr(Attributes::StackProtectReq); #else ctx->f->addFnAttr(Attribute::StackProtectReq); #endif } JL_GC_POP(); if (lrt == T_void) return literal_pointer_val((jl_value_t*)jl_nothing); if (lrt->isStructTy()) { //fprintf(stderr, "ccall rt: %s -> %s\n", f_name, ((jl_tag_type_t*)rt)->name->name->name); assert(jl_is_structtype(rt)); Value *strct = builder.CreateCall(jlallocobj_func, ConstantInt::get(T_size, sizeof(void*)+((jl_datatype_t*)rt)->size)); builder.CreateStore(literal_pointer_val((jl_value_t*)rt), emit_nthptr_addr(strct, (size_t)0)); builder.CreateStore(result, builder.CreateBitCast( emit_nthptr_addr(strct, (size_t)1), PointerType::get(lrt,0))); return mark_julia_type(strct, rt); } return mark_julia_type(result, rt); }