Exemple #1
PFEMElement2D::displaySelf(Renderer &theViewer, int displayMode, float fact, const char **displayModes, int numModes) 

  static Vector values(3);

    // now  determine the end points of the Tri31 based on
    // the display factor (a measure of the distorted image)
    // store this information in 3 3d vectors v1 through v3
    const Vector &end1Crd = nodes[0]->getCrds();
    const Vector &end2Crd = nodes[2]->getCrds();	
    const Vector &end3Crd = nodes[4]->getCrds();	

    const int numnodes = 3;
    static Matrix coords(numnodes,3);

    if (displayMode >= 0) {  

        const Vector &end1Disp = nodes[0]->getDisp();
        const Vector &end2Disp = nodes[2]->getDisp();
        const Vector &end3Disp = nodes[4]->getDisp();

        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i) + end1Disp(i)*fact;
            coords(1,i) = end2Crd(i) + end2Disp(i)*fact;    
            coords(2,i) = end3Crd(i) + end3Disp(i)*fact;    
    } else {
        int mode = displayMode * -1;
        const Matrix &eigen1 = nodes[0]->getEigenvectors();
        const Matrix &eigen2 = nodes[2]->getEigenvectors();
        const Matrix &eigen3 = nodes[4]->getEigenvectors();
        if (eigen1.noCols() >= mode) {
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i) + eigen1(i,mode-1)*fact;
                coords(1,i) = end2Crd(i) + eigen2(i,mode-1)*fact;
                coords(2,i) = end3Crd(i) + eigen3(i,mode-1)*fact;
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i);
                coords(1,i) = end2Crd(i);
                coords(2,i) = end3Crd(i);
    int error = 0;

    // finally we draw the element using drawPolygon
    error += theViewer.drawPolygon (coords, values);

    return error;
FourNodeQuadUP::displaySelf(Renderer &theViewer, int displayMode, float fact, const char **argv, int numModes)
    // first set the quantity to be displayed at the nodes;
    // if displayMode is 1 through 3 we will plot material stresses otherwise 0.0

    static Vector values(4);

    for (int j=0; j<4; j++)
        values(j) = 0.0;

    if (displayMode < 4 && displayMode > 0) {
        for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
            const Vector &stress = theMaterial[i]->getStress();
            values(i) = stress(displayMode-1);

    // now  determine the end points of the quad based on
    // the display factor (a measure of the distorted image)
    // store this information in 4 3d vectors v1 through v4
    const Vector &end1Crd = nd1Ptr->getCrds();
    const Vector &end2Crd = nd2Ptr->getCrds();
    const Vector &end3Crd = nd3Ptr->getCrds();
    const Vector &end4Crd = nd4Ptr->getCrds();

    const Vector &end1Disp = nd1Ptr->getDisp();
    const Vector &end2Disp = nd2Ptr->getDisp();
    const Vector &end3Disp = nd3Ptr->getDisp();
    const Vector &end4Disp = nd4Ptr->getDisp();

    static Matrix coords(4,3);

    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i) + end1Disp(i)*fact;
        coords(1,i) = end2Crd(i) + end2Disp(i)*fact;
        coords(2,i) = end3Crd(i) + end3Disp(i)*fact;
        coords(3,i) = end4Crd(i) + end4Disp(i)*fact;

    int error = 0;

    // finally we draw the element using drawPolygon
    error += theViewer.drawPolygon (coords, values);

    return error;
FourNodeQuadWithSensitivity::displaySelf(Renderer &theViewer, int displayMode, float fact)

    // first set the quantity to be displayed at the nodes;
    // if displayMode is 1 through 3 we will plot material stresses otherwise 0.0

    static Vector values(4);

    for (int j=0; j<4; j++)
	   values(j) = 0.0;

    if (displayMode < 4 && displayMode > 0) {
	for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
	  const Vector &stress = theMaterial[i]->getStress();
	  values(i) = stress(displayMode-1);

    // now  determine the end points of the quad based on
    // the display factor (a measure of the distorted image)
    // store this information in 4 3d vectors v1 through v4
    const Vector &end1Crd = theNodes[0]->getCrds();
    const Vector &end2Crd = theNodes[1]->getCrds();	
    const Vector &end3Crd = theNodes[2]->getCrds();	
    const Vector &end4Crd = theNodes[3]->getCrds();	

    static Matrix coords(4,3);

    if (displayMode >= 0) {    
      const Vector &end1Disp = theNodes[0]->getDisp();
      const Vector &end2Disp = theNodes[1]->getDisp();
      const Vector &end3Disp = theNodes[2]->getDisp();
      const Vector &end4Disp = theNodes[3]->getDisp();

      for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
	coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i) + end1Disp(i)*fact;
	coords(1,i) = end2Crd(i) + end2Disp(i)*fact;    
	coords(2,i) = end3Crd(i) + end3Disp(i)*fact;    
	coords(3,i) = end4Crd(i) + end4Disp(i)*fact;    
    } else {
      int mode = displayMode * -1;
      const Matrix &eigen1 = theNodes[0]->getEigenvectors();
      const Matrix &eigen2 = theNodes[1]->getEigenvectors();
      const Matrix &eigen3 = theNodes[2]->getEigenvectors();
      const Matrix &eigen4 = theNodes[3]->getEigenvectors();
      if (eigen1.noCols() >= mode) {
	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
	  coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i) + eigen1(i,mode-1)*fact;
	  coords(1,i) = end2Crd(i) + eigen2(i,mode-1)*fact;
	  coords(2,i) = end3Crd(i) + eigen3(i,mode-1)*fact;
	  coords(3,i) = end4Crd(i) + eigen4(i,mode-1)*fact;
      } else {
	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
	  coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i);
	  coords(1,i) = end2Crd(i);
	  coords(2,i) = end3Crd(i);
	  coords(3,i) = end4Crd(i);
    int error = 0;

    // finally we draw the element using drawPolygon
    error += theViewer.drawPolygon (coords, values);

    return error;
PFEMElement2DBubble::displaySelf(Renderer &theViewer, int displayMode, float fact, const char **displayModes, int numModes)

    // first set the quantity to be displayed at the nodes;
    // if displayMode is 1 through 3 we will plot material stresses otherwise 0.0

  static Vector values(numgp);

    for (int j=0; j<numgp; j++) values(j) = 0.0;

    if (displayMode < numgp && displayMode > 0) {
		for (int i=0; i<numgp; i++) {
			const Vector &stress = theMaterial[i]->getStress();
	        values(i) = stress(displayMode-1);

  static Vector values(3);

    // now  determine the end points of the Tri31 based on
    // the display factor (a measure of the distorted image)
    // store this information in 3 3d vectors v1 through v3
    const Vector &end1Crd = nodes[0]->getCrds();
    const Vector &end2Crd = nodes[2]->getCrds();	
    const Vector &end3Crd = nodes[4]->getCrds();	

    const int numnodes = 3;
    static Matrix coords(numnodes,3);

    if (displayMode >= 0) {  

        const Vector &end1Disp = nodes[0]->getDisp();
        const Vector &end2Disp = nodes[2]->getDisp();
        const Vector &end3Disp = nodes[4]->getDisp();

        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i) + end1Disp(i)*fact;
            coords(1,i) = end2Crd(i) + end2Disp(i)*fact;    
            coords(2,i) = end3Crd(i) + end3Disp(i)*fact;    
    } else {
        int mode = displayMode * -1;
        const Matrix &eigen1 = nodes[0]->getEigenvectors();
        const Matrix &eigen2 = nodes[2]->getEigenvectors();
        const Matrix &eigen3 = nodes[4]->getEigenvectors();
        if (eigen1.noCols() >= mode) {
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i) + eigen1(i,mode-1)*fact;
                coords(1,i) = end2Crd(i) + eigen2(i,mode-1)*fact;
                coords(2,i) = end3Crd(i) + eigen3(i,mode-1)*fact;
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i);
                coords(1,i) = end2Crd(i);
                coords(2,i) = end3Crd(i);
    int error = 0;

    // finally we draw the element using drawPolygon
    error += theViewer.drawPolygon (coords, values);

    return error;
Exemple #5
NineNodeMixedQuad::displaySelf(Renderer &theViewer, int displayMode, float fact)
    // first determine the end points of the quad based on
    // the display factor (a measure of the distorted image)
    // store this information in 4 3d vectors v1 through v4
    const Vector &end1Crd = nodePointers[0]->getCrds();
    const Vector &end2Crd = nodePointers[4]->getCrds();	
    const Vector &end3Crd = nodePointers[1]->getCrds();	
    const Vector &end4Crd = nodePointers[5]->getCrds();	
    const Vector &end5Crd = nodePointers[2]->getCrds();
    const Vector &end6Crd = nodePointers[6]->getCrds();	
    const Vector &end7Crd = nodePointers[3]->getCrds();	
    const Vector &end8Crd = nodePointers[7]->getCrds();	

    const Vector &end1Disp = nodePointers[0]->getDisp();
    const Vector &end2Disp = nodePointers[4]->getDisp();
    const Vector &end3Disp = nodePointers[1]->getDisp();
    const Vector &end4Disp = nodePointers[5]->getDisp();
    const Vector &end5Disp = nodePointers[2]->getDisp();
    const Vector &end6Disp = nodePointers[6]->getDisp();
    const Vector &end7Disp = nodePointers[3]->getDisp();
    const Vector &end8Disp = nodePointers[7]->getDisp();

    static Matrix coords(8,3) ;
    static Vector values(8) ;
    static Vector P(8) ;

    coords.Zero( ) ;

    values(0) = 1 ;
    values(1) = 1 ;
    values(2) = 1 ;
    values(3) = 1 ;
    values(4) = 1 ;
    values(5) = 1 ;
    values(6) = 1 ;
    values(7) = 1 ;

    if (displayMode < 3 && displayMode > 0)
      P = this->getResistingForce();

    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
      coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i) + end1Disp(i)*fact;
      coords(1,i) = end2Crd(i) + end2Disp(i)*fact;    
      coords(2,i) = end3Crd(i) + end3Disp(i)*fact;    
      coords(3,i) = end4Crd(i) + end4Disp(i)*fact;    
      coords(4,i) = end5Crd(i) + end5Disp(i)*fact;
      coords(5,i) = end6Crd(i) + end6Disp(i)*fact;    
      coords(6,i) = end7Crd(i) + end7Disp(i)*fact;    
      coords(7,i) = end8Crd(i) + end8Disp(i)*fact;    
      /*      if (displayMode < 3 && displayMode > 0)
	values(i) = P(displayMode*2+i);
      values(i) = 1;  */

    //opserr << coords;
    int error = 0;

    error += theViewer.drawPolygon (coords, values);

    return error;
Exemple #6
ShellMITC9::displaySelf(Renderer &theViewer, int displayMode, float fact, const char **modes, int numMode)
  // first determine the end points of the quad based on
  // the display factor (a measure of the distorted image)
  // store this information in 4 3d vectors v1 through v4
  const Vector &end1Crd = nodePointers[0]->getCrds();
  const Vector &end2Crd = nodePointers[1]->getCrds();	
  const Vector &end3Crd = nodePointers[2]->getCrds();	
  const Vector &end4Crd = nodePointers[3]->getCrds();
  static Matrix coords(4,3);
  static Vector values(4);
  static Vector P(54) ;

  for (int j=0; j<9; j++)
    values(j) = 0.0;

  if (displayMode >= 0) {
    const Vector &end1Disp = nodePointers[0]->getDisp();
    const Vector &end2Disp = nodePointers[1]->getDisp();
    const Vector &end3Disp = nodePointers[2]->getDisp();
    const Vector &end4Disp = nodePointers[3]->getDisp();

    if (displayMode < 8 && displayMode > 0) {
      for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
        const Vector &stress = materialPointers[i]->getStressResultant();
        values(i) = stress(displayMode-1);

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	  coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i) + end1Disp(i)*fact;
	  coords(1,i) = end2Crd(i) + end2Disp(i)*fact;    
	  coords(2,i) = end3Crd(i) + end3Disp(i)*fact;    
	  coords(3,i) = end4Crd(i) + end4Disp(i)*fact;
  } else {
    int mode = displayMode * -1;
    const Matrix &eigen1 = nodePointers[0]->getEigenvectors();
    const Matrix &eigen2 = nodePointers[1]->getEigenvectors();
    const Matrix &eigen3 = nodePointers[2]->getEigenvectors();
    const Matrix &eigen4 = nodePointers[3]->getEigenvectors();
	if (eigen1.noCols() >= mode) {
	  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	    coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i) + eigen1(i,mode-1)*fact;
	    coords(1,i) = end2Crd(i) + eigen2(i,mode-1)*fact;
	    coords(2,i) = end3Crd(i) + eigen3(i,mode-1)*fact;
	    coords(3,i) = end4Crd(i) + eigen4(i,mode-1)*fact;
	} else {
	  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	    coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i);
	    coords(1,i) = end2Crd(i);
	    coords(2,i) = end3Crd(i);
	    coords(3,i) = end4Crd(i);
  int error = 0;
  error += theViewer.drawPolygon (coords, values);
  return error;
ConstantPressureVolumeQuad::displaySelf(Renderer &theViewer, int displayMode, float fact, const char **mode, int numModes)
    // first determine the end points of the quad based on
    // the display factor (a measure of the distorted image)
    // store this information in 4 3d vectors v1 through v4
    const Vector &end1Crd = nodePointers[0]->getCrds();
    const Vector &end2Crd = nodePointers[1]->getCrds();	
    const Vector &end3Crd = nodePointers[2]->getCrds();	
    const Vector &end4Crd = nodePointers[3]->getCrds();	

    static Matrix coords(4,3) ;
    static Vector values(4) ;

    coords.Zero( ) ;

    values(0) = 1 ;
    values(1) = 1 ;
    values(2) = 1 ;
    values(3) = 1 ;

    if (displayMode >= 0) {    
      const Vector &end1Disp = nodePointers[0]->getDisp();
      const Vector &end2Disp = nodePointers[1]->getDisp();
      const Vector &end3Disp = nodePointers[2]->getDisp();
      const Vector &end4Disp = nodePointers[3]->getDisp();

      for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
	coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i) + end1Disp(i)*fact;
	coords(1,i) = end2Crd(i) + end2Disp(i)*fact;    
	coords(2,i) = end3Crd(i) + end3Disp(i)*fact;    
	coords(3,i) = end4Crd(i) + end4Disp(i)*fact;    
    } else {
      int mode = displayMode  *  -1;
      const Matrix &eigen1 = nodePointers[0]->getEigenvectors();
      const Matrix &eigen2 = nodePointers[1]->getEigenvectors();
      const Matrix &eigen3 = nodePointers[2]->getEigenvectors();
      const Matrix &eigen4 = nodePointers[3]->getEigenvectors();
      if (eigen1.noCols() >= mode) {
	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
	  coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i) + eigen1(i,mode-1)*fact;
	  coords(1,i) = end2Crd(i) + eigen2(i,mode-1)*fact;
	  coords(2,i) = end3Crd(i) + eigen3(i,mode-1)*fact;
	  coords(3,i) = end4Crd(i) + eigen4(i,mode-1)*fact;
      } else {
	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
	  coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i);
	  coords(1,i) = end2Crd(i);
	  coords(2,i) = end3Crd(i);
	  coords(3,i) = end4Crd(i);

    //opserr << coords;
    int error = 0;

    error += theViewer.drawPolygon (coords, values);

    return error;
Exemple #8
BbarBrick::displaySelf(Renderer &theViewer, int displayMode, float fact)

    const Vector &end1Crd = nodePointers[0]->getCrds();
    const Vector &end2Crd = nodePointers[1]->getCrds();
    const Vector &end3Crd = nodePointers[2]->getCrds();
    const Vector &end4Crd = nodePointers[3]->getCrds();

    const Vector &end5Crd = nodePointers[4]->getCrds();
    const Vector &end6Crd = nodePointers[5]->getCrds();
    const Vector &end7Crd = nodePointers[6]->getCrds();
    const Vector &end8Crd = nodePointers[7]->getCrds();

    static Matrix coords(4,3);
    static Vector values(4);
    static Vector P(24) ;

    values(0) = 1 ;
    values(1) = 1 ;
    values(2) = 1 ;
    values(3) = 1 ;

    int error = 0;
    int i;

    if (displayMode >= 0) {
      const Vector &end1Disp = nodePointers[0]->getDisp();
      const Vector &end2Disp = nodePointers[1]->getDisp();
      const Vector &end3Disp = nodePointers[2]->getDisp();
      const Vector &end4Disp = nodePointers[3]->getDisp();

      const Vector &end5Disp = nodePointers[4]->getDisp();
      const Vector &end6Disp = nodePointers[5]->getDisp();
      const Vector &end7Disp = nodePointers[6]->getDisp();
      const Vector &end8Disp = nodePointers[7]->getDisp();

      if (displayMode < 3 && displayMode > 0)
	P = this->getResistingForce();

      for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i) + end1Disp(i)*fact;
	coords(1,i) = end2Crd(i) + end2Disp(i)*fact;
	coords(2,i) = end3Crd(i) + end3Disp(i)*fact;
	coords(3,i) = end4Crd(i) + end4Disp(i)*fact;
      error += theViewer.drawPolygon (coords, values);

      for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	coords(0,i) = end5Crd(i) + end5Disp(i)*fact;
	coords(1,i) = end6Crd(i) + end6Disp(i)*fact;
	coords(2,i) = end7Crd(i) + end7Disp(i)*fact;
	coords(3,i) = end8Crd(i) + end8Disp(i)*fact;
      error += theViewer.drawPolygon (coords, values);

      for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i) + end1Disp(i)*fact;
	coords(1,i) = end4Crd(i) + end4Disp(i)*fact;
	coords(2,i) = end8Crd(i) + end8Disp(i)*fact;
	coords(3,i) = end5Crd(i) + end5Disp(i)*fact;
      error += theViewer.drawPolygon (coords, values);

      for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	coords(0,i) = end2Crd(i) + end2Disp(i)*fact;
	coords(1,i) = end3Crd(i) + end3Disp(i)*fact;
	coords(2,i) = end7Crd(i) + end7Disp(i)*fact;
	coords(3,i) = end6Crd(i) + end6Disp(i)*fact;
      error += theViewer.drawPolygon (coords, values);

      for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i) + end1Disp(i)*fact;
	coords(1,i) = end2Crd(i) + end2Disp(i)*fact;
	coords(2,i) = end6Crd(i) + end6Disp(i)*fact;
	coords(3,i) = end5Crd(i) + end5Disp(i)*fact;
      error += theViewer.drawPolygon (coords, values);

      for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	coords(0,i) = end4Crd(i) + end4Disp(i)*fact;
	coords(1,i) = end3Crd(i) + end3Disp(i)*fact;
	coords(2,i) = end7Crd(i) + end7Disp(i)*fact;
	coords(3,i) = end8Crd(i) + end8Disp(i)*fact;
      error += theViewer.drawPolygon (coords, values);

    } else {
      int mode = displayMode  *  -1;

      const Matrix &eigen1 = nodePointers[0]->getEigenvectors();
      const Matrix &eigen2 = nodePointers[1]->getEigenvectors();
      const Matrix &eigen3 = nodePointers[2]->getEigenvectors();
      const Matrix &eigen4 = nodePointers[3]->getEigenvectors();
      const Matrix &eigen5 = nodePointers[4]->getEigenvectors();
      const Matrix &eigen6 = nodePointers[5]->getEigenvectors();
      const Matrix &eigen7 = nodePointers[6]->getEigenvectors();
      const Matrix &eigen8 = nodePointers[7]->getEigenvectors();

      if (eigen1.noCols() >= mode) {

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	  coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i) + eigen1(i,mode-1)*fact;
	  coords(1,i) = end2Crd(i) + eigen2(i,mode-1)*fact;
	  coords(2,i) = end3Crd(i) + eigen3(i,mode-1)*fact;
	  coords(3,i) = end4Crd(i) + eigen4(i,mode-1)*fact;

	error += theViewer.drawPolygon (coords, values);

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	  coords(0,i) = end5Crd(i) + eigen5(i,mode-1)*fact;
	  coords(1,i) = end6Crd(i) + eigen6(i,mode-1)*fact;
	  coords(2,i) = end7Crd(i) + eigen7(i,mode-1)*fact;
	  coords(3,i) = end8Crd(i) + eigen8(i,mode-1)*fact;

	error += theViewer.drawPolygon (coords, values);

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	  coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i) + eigen1(i,mode-1)*fact;
	  coords(1,i) = end4Crd(i) + eigen4(i,mode-1)*fact;
	  coords(2,i) = end8Crd(i) + eigen8(i,mode-1)*fact;
	  coords(3,i) = end5Crd(i) + eigen5(i,mode-1)*fact;

	error += theViewer.drawPolygon (coords, values);

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	  coords(0,i) = end2Crd(i) + eigen2(i,mode-1)*fact;
	  coords(1,i) = end3Crd(i) + eigen3(i,mode-1)*fact;
	  coords(2,i) = end7Crd(i) + eigen7(i,mode-1)*fact;
	  coords(3,i) = end6Crd(i) + eigen6(i,mode-1)*fact;

	error += theViewer.drawPolygon (coords, values);

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	  coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i) + eigen1(i,mode-1)*fact;
	  coords(1,i) = end2Crd(i) + eigen2(i,mode-1)*fact;
	  coords(2,i) = end6Crd(i) + eigen6(i,mode-1)*fact;
	  coords(3,i) = end5Crd(i) + eigen5(i,mode-1)*fact;

	error += theViewer.drawPolygon (coords, values);

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	  coords(0,i) = end4Crd(i) + eigen4(i,mode-1)*fact;
	  coords(1,i) = end3Crd(i) + eigen3(i,mode-1)*fact;
	  coords(2,i) = end7Crd(i) + eigen7(i,mode-1)*fact;
	  coords(3,i) = end8Crd(i) + eigen8(i,mode-1)*fact;

	error += theViewer.drawPolygon (coords, values);
      } else {
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	  coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i);
	  coords(1,i) = end2Crd(i);
	  coords(2,i) = end3Crd(i);
	  coords(3,i) = end4Crd(i);

	error += theViewer.drawPolygon (coords, values);

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	  coords(0,i) = end5Crd(i);
	  coords(1,i) = end6Crd(i);
	  coords(2,i) = end7Crd(i);
	  coords(3,i) = end8Crd(i);

	error += theViewer.drawPolygon (coords, values);

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	  coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i);
	  coords(1,i) = end4Crd(i);
	  coords(2,i) = end8Crd(i);
	  coords(3,i) = end5Crd(i);

	error += theViewer.drawPolygon (coords, values);

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	  coords(0,i) = end2Crd(i);
	  coords(1,i) = end3Crd(i);
	  coords(2,i) = end7Crd(i);
	  coords(3,i) = end6Crd(i);

	error += theViewer.drawPolygon (coords, values);

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	  coords(0,i) = end1Crd(i);
	  coords(1,i) = end2Crd(i);
	  coords(2,i) = end6Crd(i);
	  coords(3,i) = end5Crd(i);

	error += theViewer.drawPolygon (coords, values);

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	  coords(0,i) = end4Crd(i);
	  coords(1,i) = end3Crd(i);
	  coords(2,i) = end7Crd(i);
	  coords(3,i) = end8Crd(i);

	error += theViewer.drawPolygon (coords, values);

    return error;
Exemple #9
N4BiaxialTruss::displaySelf(Renderer &theViewer, int displayMode, float fact)
	// ensure setDomain() worked
	if (L == 0.0)
	return 0;

	// first determine the two end points of the N4BiaxialTruss based on
	// the display factor (a measure of the distorted image)
	// store this information in 2 3d vectors v1 and v2
	const Vector &end1Crd = theNodes[0]->getCrds();
	const Vector &end2Crd = theNodes[1]->getCrds();	
	const Vector &end3Crd = theNodes[3]->getCrds();	
	const Vector &end4Crd = theNodes[4]->getCrds();	

	static Vector v1(3);
	static Vector v2(3);
	static Vector v3(3);
	static Vector v4(3);
	int retVal = 0;

	if (displayMode == 1 || displayMode == 2) {
		const Vector &end1Disp = theNodes[0]->getDisp();
		const Vector &end2Disp = theNodes[1]->getDisp();    
		const Vector &end3Disp = theNodes[3]->getDisp();   
		const Vector &end4Disp = theNodes[4]->getDisp();   

		for (int i=0; i<dimension; i++) {
			v1(i) = end1Crd(i)+end1Disp(i)*fact;
			v2(i) = end2Crd(i)+end2Disp(i)*fact;    
			v3(i) = end3Crd(i)+end3Disp(i)*fact;    
			v4(i) = end4Crd(i)+end4Disp(i)*fact;    
		// compute the strain and axial force in the member
		double force1, force2;
		if (L == 0.0) {
			strain_1 = 0.0;
			strain_2 = 0.0;
			force1 = 0.0;
			force2 = 0.0;
		} else {
			force1 = A*theMaterial_1->getStress();    
			force2 = A*theMaterial_2->getStress();    
		if (displayMode == 2) {// use the strain as the drawing measure
			retVal += theViewer.drawLine(v1, v2, (float)strain_1, (float)strain_1);	
			retVal += theViewer.drawLine(v3, v4, (float)strain_2, (float)strain_2);	
		} else { // otherwise use the axial force as measure
			retVal += theViewer.drawLine(v1, v2, (float)force1, (float)force1);	
			retVal += theViewer.drawLine(v3, v4, (float)force2, (float)force2);	
		return retVal;
	} else if (displayMode < 0) {
		int mode = displayMode  *  -1;
		const Matrix &eigen1 = theNodes[0]->getEigenvectors();
		const Matrix &eigen2 = theNodes[1]->getEigenvectors();
		const Matrix &eigen3 = theNodes[3]->getEigenvectors();
		const Matrix &eigen4 = theNodes[4]->getEigenvectors();
		if (eigen1.noCols() >= mode) {
			for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
				v1(i) = end1Crd(i) + eigen1(i,mode-1)*fact;
				v2(i) = end2Crd(i) + eigen2(i,mode-1)*fact;    
				v3(i) = end3Crd(i) + eigen3(i,mode-1)*fact;    
				v4(i) = end4Crd(i) + eigen4(i,mode-1)*fact;    
		} else {
			for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
				v1(i) = end1Crd(i);
				v2(i) = end2Crd(i);
				v3(i) = end3Crd(i);
				v4(i) = end4Crd(i);
		retVal += theViewer.drawLine(v1, v2, 1.0, 1.0);	
		retVal += theViewer.drawLine(v3, v4, 1.0, 1.0);	
		return retVal;
	return 0;