Exemple #1
 * Process the file that is not already in our local cache
 * @param main_struct : main structure of the program
 * @param meta is the meta data of the file to be processed (it does
 *             not contain any hashs at that point).
static void process_small_file_not_in_cache(main_struct_t *main_struct, meta_data_t *meta)
    GFile *a_file = NULL;
    gchar *answer = NULL;
    gint success = 0;      /** success returns a CURL Error status such as CURLE_OK for instance */
    a_clock_t *mesure_time = NULL;

    if (main_struct != NULL && main_struct->opt != NULL && meta != NULL)

        print_debug(_("Processing small file: %s\n"), meta->name);

        if (meta->file_type == G_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR)
            mesure_time = new_clock_t();

            /* Calculates hashs and takes care of data */
            a_file = g_file_new_for_path(meta->name);
            meta->hash_data_list = calculate_hash_data_list_for_file(a_file, meta->blocksize);
            a_file = free_object(a_file);

            end_clock(mesure_time, "calculate_hash_data_list");

        mesure_time = new_clock_t();
        answer = send_meta_data_to_server(main_struct, meta, FALSE);
        end_clock(mesure_time, "send_meta_data_to_server");

        mesure_time = new_clock_t();
        if (meta->size < meta->blocksize)
            /* Only one block to send (size is less than blocksize's value) */
            meta->hash_data_list = send_data_to_server(main_struct, meta->hash_data_list, answer);
            /* A least 2 blocks to send */
            meta->hash_data_list = send_all_data_to_server(main_struct, meta->hash_data_list, answer);
        end_clock(mesure_time, "send_(all)_data_to_server");

        free_variable(answer); /* Not used by now */

        if (success == CURLE_OK)
            /* Everything has been transmitted so we can save meta data into the local db cache */
            /* This is usefull for file carving to avoid sending too much things to the server  */
            mesure_time = new_clock_t();
            db_save_meta_data(main_struct->database, meta, TRUE);
            end_clock(mesure_time, "db_save_meta_data");
Exemple #2

	long long int i, n = 10000;
	struct item *t, *k, *l;
	k = malloc(sizeof(struct item) * n);
	l = malloc(sizeof(struct item) * n);

	for (t = k, i = 0; i<n; i+=2, t++) {
		t->key = i;
	        t->value = i;
		Sset_add(V, (void *)t);

	for (t = l, i = 1; i<=n; i+=2, t++) {
		t->key = i;
	        t->value = i;
		Sset_add(W, (void *)t);
	Sset_T p = Sset_xor(V, W);
	end_clock("Sset_xor: ");

	fail_unless(Sset_len(p) == n, "Sset_xor failed");


Exemple #3

	int i, n = 10000;
	struct item p, *t, *k;
	t = k = malloc(sizeof(struct item) * n);

	for (i = 0; i<n; i++, t++) {
		t->key = i;
	        t->value = rand();
		Sset_add(V, (void *)t);

	fail_unless(Sset_len(V) == n);

	memset(&p, 0, sizeof(struct item));
	for (i = 0; i<n; i++) {
		p.key = i;
		Sset_del(V, (void *)&p);
	end_clock("Sset_del: ");

	fail_unless(Sset_len(V) == 0, "sset still holds: [%d]:", Sset_len(V));
Exemple #4
 * This function gets meta data and data from a file and sends them
 * to the server in order to save the file located in the directory
 * 'directory' and represented by 'fileinfo' variable.
 * @param main_struct : main structure of the program
 * @param directory is the directory we are iterating over
 * @param fileinfo is a glib structure that contains all meta data and
 *        more for a file.
 * @note This function is not threadable as is. One may have problems
 *       when writing to the database for instance.
void save_one_file(main_struct_t *main_struct, file_event_t *file_event)
    meta_data_t *meta = NULL;
    a_clock_t *my_clock = NULL;
    gchar *message = NULL;
    gchar *another_dir = NULL;
    filter_file_t *filter = NULL;

    if (main_struct != NULL && file_event != NULL)
        my_clock = new_clock_t();

        /* Get data and meta_data for a file. */
        filter = new_filter_t(main_struct->database, main_struct->regex_exclude_list, FALSE);
        meta = get_meta_data_from_fileinfo(file_event, filter, main_struct->opt);

        /* We want to save all files that are not excluded ie filter->excluded not TRUE */
        if (meta != NULL && filter != NULL && filter->excluded == FALSE)
            if (meta->in_cache == FALSE)
                /* File is not in cache thus unknown thus we need to save it */
                if (meta->size < CLIENT_SMALL_FILE_SIZE)
                    process_small_file_not_in_cache(main_struct, meta);
                    process_big_file_not_in_cache(main_struct, meta);

            if (meta->file_type == G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY)
                /* This is a recursive call */
                another_dir = g_strdup(meta->name);
                g_async_queue_push(main_struct->dir_queue, another_dir);

            message = g_strdup_printf(_("processing file %s"), meta->name);
            free_meta_data_t(meta, FALSE);
        else if (meta != NULL && filter != NULL && filter->excluded == TRUE)
            message = g_strdup_printf(_("processing excluded file %s"), meta->name);
            free_meta_data_t(meta, FALSE);
            message = g_strdup_printf(_("Error with meta (%p) or filter (%p) structures\n"), meta, filter);
            print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, message);

        end_clock(my_clock, message);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numtasks);
    numworkers = numtasks - 1;
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &taskid);


    if(taskid == MASTER) { // This code fragment runs in the master porcesses
        printf("This is the Master.\n");
        //***********main solver loop**********************************************//
        for (t = 1; t <= tsteps; t++) {
            //**********File output routine********************************************//
            if(t%savet == 0) {
                //receive from worker and print
            printf("iteration no. %d \n",t);
    } else { // This code fragment runs in the worker processes
        printf("This is worker no. :%d with rows:%d\n", taskid, rows);

        //************main solver loop*********************************************//
        for (t = 1; t <= tsteps; t++) {

            // phi_solver();
            //**********File output routine**************************************************//
            if(t%savet == 0) {
                //send to master

Exemple #6
void benchmark_key_calc_2gb (const int kht_depth,
			     const int branching_factor)
  int i;

  int fd;
  char test_block_data[HORUS_BLOCK_SIZE];
  size_t test_file_size = 2*1024*1024*1024L;
  int *kht_branching_factor;
  // generate branching factor arrays on-the-fly from branching_factor
  kht_branching_factor = malloc (sizeof (int) * (kht_depth-1));
  if (kht_branching_factor == NULL)
      perror (__func__);
      abort ();
  for (i = 0; i < kht_depth-1; ++i)
      kht_branching_factor[i] = branching_factor;

  // init, generate some data for test_block_data
  for (i = 0; i < HORUS_BLOCK_SIZE; ++i)
    test_block_data[i] = (char)('0' + i % 10);

  // open the file, set a master key
  unlink (test_file);
  fd = open (test_file, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0644);
  if (fd < 0)
    abort ();
  horus_set_kht (fd, kht_depth, HORUS_BLOCK_SIZE, kht_branching_factor); 
  horus_add_key (fd, master_key, strnlen (master_key, HORUS_KEY_LEN), 0, 0);

  start_clock ();

  // write 2GB data
  for (i = 0; i < test_file_size / HORUS_BLOCK_SIZE; ++i)
      if (unlikely (HORUS_BLOCK_SIZE !=
		    horus_write (fd, (void*)test_block_data, HORUS_BLOCK_SIZE)))
	  perror (__func__);
	  abort ();

  end_clock ();
  printf ("write_2gb,%d,%d,", kht_depth, branching_factor);
  print_last_clock_diff ();
  printf ("\n");
  close (fd);

  // Now read it back
  fd = open (test_file, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0644);
  if (fd < 0)
    abort ();
  horus_set_kht (fd, kht_depth, HORUS_BLOCK_SIZE, kht_branching_factor); 
  horus_add_key (fd, master_key, strnlen (master_key, HORUS_KEY_LEN), 0, 0);

  start_clock ();
  // run it again
  for (i = 0; i < test_file_size / HORUS_BLOCK_SIZE; ++i)
      if (unlikely (HORUS_BLOCK_SIZE !=
		    horus_read (fd, (void*)test_block_data, HORUS_BLOCK_SIZE)))
	  perror (__func__);
	  abort ();
  end_clock ();
  printf ("read_2gb,%d,%d,", kht_depth, branching_factor);
  print_last_clock_diff ();
  printf ("\n");
Exemple #7
 * Process the file that is not already in our local cache
 * @param main_struct : main structure of the program
 * @param meta is the meta data of the file to be processed (it does
 *             not contain any hashs at that point).
static void process_big_file_not_in_cache(main_struct_t *main_struct, meta_data_t *meta)
    GFile *a_file = NULL;
    gchar *answer = NULL;
    GFileInputStream *stream = NULL;
    GError *error = NULL;
    GList *hash_data_list = NULL;
    GList *hdl_copy = NULL;
    GList *saved_list = NULL;
    hash_data_t *hash_data = NULL;
    gssize read = 0;
    guchar *buffer = NULL;
    GChecksum *checksum = NULL;
    guint8 *a_hash = NULL;
    gsize digest_len = HASH_LEN;
    gsize read_bytes = 0;
    a_clock_t *elapsed = NULL;

    if (main_struct != NULL && main_struct->opt != NULL && meta != NULL)
        a_file = g_file_new_for_path(meta->name);
        print_debug(_("Processing file: %s\n"), meta->name);

        if (a_file != NULL)
            stream = g_file_read(a_file, NULL, &error);

            if (stream != NULL && error == NULL)

                checksum = g_checksum_new(G_CHECKSUM_SHA256);
                buffer = (guchar *) g_malloc(meta->blocksize);
                a_hash = (guint8 *) g_malloc(digest_len);

                read = g_input_stream_read((GInputStream *) stream, buffer, meta->blocksize, NULL, &error);
                read_bytes = read_bytes + read;

                while (read != 0 && error == NULL)
                    g_checksum_update(checksum, buffer, read);
                    g_checksum_get_digest(checksum, a_hash, &digest_len);

                    /* Need to save 'data', 'read' and digest hash in an hash_data_t structure */
                    hash_data = new_hash_data_t(buffer, read, a_hash);
                    hash_data_list = g_list_prepend(hash_data_list, hash_data);

                    digest_len = HASH_LEN;

                    if (read_bytes >= main_struct->opt->buffersize)
                        elapsed = new_clock_t();
                        print_debug(_("Sending data: %d bytes\n"), read_bytes);
                        /* 0. Save the list in order to keep hashs for meta-data */
                        hdl_copy = g_list_copy_deep(hash_data_list, copy_only_hash, NULL);
                        saved_list = g_list_concat(hdl_copy, saved_list);

                        /* 1. Send an array of hashs to Hash_Array.json server url */
                        answer = send_hash_array_to_server(main_struct->comm, hash_data_list);

                        /* 2. Keep only hashs that are needed (answer from the server) */
                        hash_data_list = send_all_data_to_server(main_struct, hash_data_list, answer);

                        /* 3. free memory of this list if any is left */
                        g_list_free_full(hash_data_list, free_hdt_struct);
                        hash_data_list = NULL;
                        read_bytes = 0;

                        end_clock(elapsed, "process_big_file_not_in_cache");

                    buffer = (guchar *) g_malloc(meta->blocksize);
                    a_hash = (guint8 *) g_malloc(digest_len);
                    read = g_input_stream_read((GInputStream *) stream, buffer, meta->blocksize, NULL, &error);
                    read_bytes = read_bytes + read;

                if (error != NULL)
                    print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, _("Error while reading file: %s\n"), error->message);
                    error = free_error(error);
                    g_list_free_full(hash_data_list, free_hdt_struct);
                    hash_data_list =  NULL;
                    if (read_bytes > 0)
                        elapsed = new_clock_t();
                        print_debug(_("Sending data: %d bytes\n"), read_bytes);
                        /* 0. Save the list in order to keep hashs for meta-data */
                        hdl_copy = g_list_copy_deep(hash_data_list, copy_only_hash, NULL);
                        saved_list = g_list_concat(hdl_copy, saved_list);

                        /* 1. Send an array of hashs to Hash_Array.json server url */
                        answer = send_hash_array_to_server(main_struct->comm, hash_data_list);

                        /* 2. Keep only hashs that are needed (answer from the server) */
                        hash_data_list = send_all_data_to_server(main_struct, hash_data_list, answer);

                        /* 3. free memory of this list if any is left */
                        g_list_free_full(hash_data_list, free_hdt_struct);
                        hash_data_list = NULL;
                        read_bytes = 0;

                        end_clock(elapsed, "process_big_file_not_in_cache");

                    /* get the list in correct order (because we prepended the hashs to get speed when inserting hashs in the list) */
                    saved_list = g_list_reverse(saved_list);

                g_input_stream_close((GInputStream *) stream, NULL, NULL);
                print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, _("Unable to open file for reading: %s\n"), error->message);
                error = free_error(error);

            meta->hash_data_list = saved_list;
            answer = send_meta_data_to_server(main_struct, meta, TRUE);

            if (answer != NULL)
            {   /** @todo may be we should check that answer is something that tells that everything went Ok. */
                /* Everything has been transmitted so we can save meta data into the local db cache */
                /* This is usefull for file carving to avoid sending too much things to the server  */
                elapsed = new_clock_t();
                db_save_meta_data(main_struct->database, meta, TRUE);
                end_clock(elapsed, "db_save_meta_data");

            a_file = free_object(a_file);
Exemple #8
 * Sends data as requested by the server 'cdpfglserver' in a buffered way.
 * @param main_struct : main structure of the program.
 * @param hash_data_list : list of hash_data_t * pointers containing
 *                          all the data to be saved.
 * @param answer is the request sent back by server when we had send
 *        meta data.
 * @note using directly main_struct->comm->buffer -> not threadable as is.
static GList *send_all_data_to_server(main_struct_t *main_struct, GList *hash_data_list, gchar *answer)
    json_t *root = NULL;
    json_t *array = NULL;
    GList *hash_list = NULL;      /** hash_list is local to this function and contains the needed hashs as answer by server */
    GList *head = NULL;
    GList *iter = NULL;
    hash_data_t *found = NULL;
    hash_data_t *hash_data = NULL;
    gint bytes = 0;
    json_t *to_insert = NULL;
    gint64 limit = 0;
    a_clock_t *elapsed = NULL;

    if (answer != NULL && hash_data_list != NULL && main_struct != NULL && main_struct->opt != NULL)
        root = load_json(answer);

        limit = main_struct->opt->buffersize;

        if (root != NULL)
            /* This hash_list is the needed hashs from server */
            hash_list = extract_glist_from_array(root, "hash_list", TRUE);

            array = json_array();

            head = hash_list;

            while (hash_list != NULL)
                hash_data = hash_list->data;
                /* hash_data_list contains all hashs and their associated data for the file
                 * being processed */
                iter = find_hash_in_list(hash_data_list, hash_data->hash);
                found = iter->data;

                to_insert = convert_hash_data_t_to_json(found);
                json_array_append_new(array, to_insert);

                bytes = bytes + found->read;

                hash_data_list = g_list_remove_link(hash_data_list, iter);
                /* iter is now a single element list and we can delete
                 * data in this element and then remove this single element list
                g_list_free_full(iter, free_hdt_struct);

                if (bytes >= limit)
                    /* when we've got opt->buffersize bytes of data send them ! */
                    elapsed = new_clock_t();
                    insert_array_in_root_and_send(main_struct, array);
                    array = json_array();
                    bytes = 0;
                    end_clock(elapsed, "insert_array_in_root_and_send");

                hash_list = g_list_next(hash_list);

            if (bytes > 0)
                /* Send the rest of the data (less than opt->buffersize bytes) */
                elapsed = new_clock_t();
                insert_array_in_root_and_send(main_struct, array);
                end_clock(elapsed, "insert_array_in_root_and_send");

            if (head != NULL)
                g_list_free_full(head, free_hdt_struct);
            print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, _("Error while loading JSON answer from server\n"));

    return hash_data_list;
Exemple #9
 * Function that process the received data from the POST command and
 * answers to the client.
 * Here we may do something with this data (we may want to store it
 * somewhere).
 * @param server_struct is the main structure for the server.
 * @param connection is the connection in MHD
 * @param url is the requested url
 * @param received_data is a gchar * string to the data that was received
 *        by the POST request.
static int process_received_data(server_struct_t *server_struct, struct MHD_Connection *connection, const char *url, gchar *received_data)
    gchar *answer = NULL;                   /** gchar *answer : Do not free answer variable as MHD will do it for us ! */
    int success = MHD_NO;
    gboolean debug = FALSE;
    hash_data_t *hash_data = NULL;
    json_t *root = NULL;
    GList *hash_data_list = NULL;
    GList *head = NULL;
    a_clock_t *elapsed = NULL;

    if (g_strcmp0(url, "/Meta.json") == 0 && received_data != NULL)
            success = answer_meta_json_post_request(server_struct, connection, received_data);
    else if (g_strcmp0(url, "/Hash_Array.json") == 0 && received_data != NULL)
            success = answer_hash_array_post_request(server_struct, connection, received_data);
            /* Here we will try to answer which hashs are needed and then
             * send thoses hashs back in the answer
    else if (g_strcmp0(url, "/Data.json") == 0 && received_data != NULL)

            hash_data = convert_string_to_hash_data(received_data);

            if (get_debug_mode() == TRUE)
                    print_received_data_for_hash(hash_data->hash, hash_data->read);

             * Sending received_data into the queue in order to be treated by
             * the corresponding thread. hash_data is freed by data_thread
             * and should not be used after this "call" here.
            g_async_queue_push(server_struct->data_queue, hash_data);

             * creating an answer for the client to say that everything went Ok!
            answer = g_strdup_printf(_("Ok!"));
            success = create_MHD_response(connection, answer);
    else if (g_strcmp0(url, "/Data_Array.json") == 0 && received_data != NULL)
            /* print_debug("/Data_Array.json: %s\n", received_data); */
            elapsed = new_clock_t();
            root = load_json(received_data);
            end_clock(elapsed, "load_json");
            hash_data_list = extract_glist_from_array(root, "data_array", FALSE);
            head = hash_data_list;
            debug = get_debug_mode();

            while (hash_data_list != NULL)
                    hash_data = hash_data_list->data;

                    if (debug == TRUE)
                            /* Only for debbugging ! */
                            print_received_data_for_hash(hash_data->hash, hash_data->read);

                    /** Sending hash_data into the queue. */
                    g_async_queue_push(server_struct->data_queue, hash_data);
                    hash_data_list = g_list_next(hash_data_list);


             * creating an answer for the client to say that everything went Ok!

            answer = g_strdup_printf(_("Ok!"));
            success = create_MHD_response(connection, answer);
            /* The url is unknown to the server and we can not process the request ! */
            print_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Error: invalid url: %s\n", url);
            answer = g_strdup_printf(_("Error: invalid url!\n"));
            success = create_MHD_response(connection, answer);

    return success;