int _init_xml_sax(void) { start_new_program(); ADD_STORAGE(sax_storage); set_init_callback(init_sax); set_exit_callback(exit_sax); ADD_FUNCTION("create", f_create, tFunc(tOr(tString, tObj) tObj tOr(tMapping, tVoid) tOr(tMixed, tVoid) tOr(tInt, tVoid), tVoid), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("parse", f_parse_xml, tFunc(tVoid, tInt), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("getLineNumber", f_getLineNumber, tFunc(tVoid, tInt), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("getColumnNumber", f_getColumnNumber, tFunc(tVoid, tInt), 0); xml_program = end_program(); add_program_constant("SAX", xml_program, 0); start_new_program(); ADD_STORAGE(sax_storage); set_init_callback(init_sax); set_exit_callback(exit_sax); ADD_FUNCTION("create", f_create, tFunc(tOr(tString, tObj) tObj tOr(tMapping, tVoid) tOr(tMixed, tVoid) tOr(tInt, tVoid), tVoid), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("parse", f_parse_html, tFunc(tOr(tString,tVoid), tInt), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("getLineNumber", f_getLineNumber, tFunc(tVoid, tInt), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("getColumnNumber", f_getColumnNumber, tFunc(tVoid, tInt), 0); html_program = end_program(); add_program_constant("HTML", html_program, 0); return 1; }
void cairo_mod_init_path(void) { /*! @decl constant CAIRO_PATH_MOVE_TO *! @decl constant CAIRO_PATH_LINE_TO *! @decl constant CAIRO_PATH_CURVE_TO *! @decl constant CAIRO_PATH_CLOSE_PATH *! *! The various types of path elements in an Cairo path */ ADD_INT_CONSTANT("CAIRO_PATH_MOVE_TO", CAIRO_PATH_MOVE_TO, 0); ADD_INT_CONSTANT("CAIRO_PATH_LINE_TO", CAIRO_PATH_LINE_TO, 0); ADD_INT_CONSTANT("CAIRO_PATH_CURVE_TO", CAIRO_PATH_CURVE_TO, 0); ADD_INT_CONSTANT("CAIRO_PATH_CLOSE_PATH", CAIRO_PATH_CLOSE_PATH, 0); /* Cairo.Path */ start_new_program(); { ADD_STORAGE(struct cairo_mod_path); ADD_FUNCTION("_get_iterator", f_path_get_iterator, tFunc(tVoid,tObj), ID_PUBLIC); set_init_callback(init_cairo_mod_path); set_exit_callback(exit_cairo_mod_path); } add_program_constant("Path", cairo_mod_path_program = end_program(), 0); /* Cairo.PathElement */ start_new_program(); { ADD_STORAGE(struct cairo_mod_path_element); ADD_FUNCTION("get_type", f_path_element_get_type, tFunc(tNone,tInt), ID_PUBLIC); ADD_FUNCTION("get_point", f_path_element_get_point, tFunc(tInt, tMapping), ID_PUBLIC); ADD_FUNCTION("_sprintf", f_path_element_sprintf, tFunc(tInt tMapping, tStr), ID_STATIC); set_init_callback(init_cairo_mod_path_element); set_exit_callback(exit_cairo_mod_path_element); } add_program_constant("PathElement", cairo_mod_path_element_program = end_program(), 0); /* Cairo.PathIterator */ start_new_program(); { ADD_STORAGE(struct cairo_mod_path_iterator); ADD_FUNCTION("`!", f_path_iterator_not_operator, tFunc(tVoid,tInt), ID_PUBLIC); ADD_FUNCTION("`+=", f_path_iterator_add_self, tFunc(tInt,tObj), ID_PUBLIC); ADD_FUNCTION("index", f_path_iterator_index, tFunc(tNone,tObj), ID_PUBLIC); ADD_FUNCTION("value", f_path_iterator_value, tFunc(tNone,tObj), ID_PUBLIC); ADD_FUNCTION("first", f_path_iterator_first, tFunc(tNone,tInt), ID_PUBLIC); ADD_FUNCTION("next", f_path_iterator_next, tFunc(tNone,tObj), ID_PUBLIC); set_init_callback(init_cairo_mod_path_iterator); set_exit_callback(exit_cairo_mod_path_iterator); } add_program_constant("PathIterator", cairo_mod_path_iterator_program = end_program(), 0); }
void pike_module_init( void ) { STRS(data) = make_shared_string("data"); STRS(file) = make_shared_string("file"); STRS(method) = make_shared_string("method"); STRS(protocol) = make_shared_string("protocol"); STRS(query) = make_shared_string("query"); STRS(raw_url) = make_shared_string("raw_url"); SVAL(data)->type = T_STRING; SVAL(file)->type = T_STRING; SVAL(method)->type = T_STRING; SVAL(protocol)->type = T_STRING; SVAL(query)->type = T_STRING; SVAL(raw_url)->type = T_STRING; add_function_constant( "parse_headers", f_parse_headers, "function(string:mapping)", 0); add_function_constant( "parse_query_string", f_parse_query_string, "function(string,mapping:void)", OPT_SIDE_EFFECT); add_function_constant( "get_address", f_get_address, "function(string:string)", 0); start_new_program(); ADD_STORAGE( buffer ); add_function( "append", f_buf_append, "function(string:int)", OPT_SIDE_EFFECT ); add_function( "create", f_buf_create, "function(mapping,mapping:void)", 0 ); set_exit_callback(free_buf_struct); set_init_callback(alloc_buf_struct); parsehttp_program = end_program(); add_program_constant("ParseHTTP", parsehttp_program, 0); }
static void cleanup_compilation(void *ignored) { struct program *p = end_program(); if (p) { free_program(p); } }
void source_pikestream_init( ) { start_new_program(); ADD_STORAGE( struct callback_prog ); ADD_FUNCTION("`()", f_got_data, tFunc(tInt tStr,tVoid),0); callback_program = end_program(); }
void _ol_ldap_program_init(void) { start_new_program(); ADD_STORAGE(OLSTORAGE); set_init_callback(init_ldap); set_exit_callback(exit_ldap); ADD_FUNCTION("create", f_create, tFunc(tString, tVoid), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("bind", f_ldap_bind, tFunc(tOr(tString, tVoid) tOr(tString, tVoid) tOr(tInt, tVoid), tInt), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("unbind", f_ldap_unbind, tFunc(tVoid, tInt), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("enable_cache", f_ldap_enable_cache, tFunc(tOr(tInt, tVoid) tOr(tInt, tVoid), tInt), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("disable_cache", f_ldap_disable_cache, tFunc(tVoid, tVoid), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("destroy_cache", f_ldap_destroy_cache, tFunc(tVoid, tVoid), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("flush_cache", f_ldap_flush_cache, tFunc(tVoid, tVoid), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("uncache_entry", f_ldap_uncache_entry, tFunc(tString, tVoid), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("set_cache_options", f_ldap_set_cache_options, tFunc(tInt, tVoid), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("err2string", f_ldap_err2string, tFunc(tInt, tVoid), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("set_base_dn", f_set_base_dn, tFunc(tString, tString), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("set_basedn", f_set_base_dn, tFunc(tString, tString), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("set_scope", f_set_scope, tFunc(tInt, tVoid), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("dn2ufn", f_ldap_dn2ufn, tFunc(tString, tString), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("explode_dn", f_ldap_explode_dn, tFunc(tString tOr(tInt, tVoid), tArr(tString)), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("search", f_ldap_search, tFunc(tOr(tMapping, tString tOr(tArray, tVoid) tOr(tInt, tVoid) tOr(tInt, tVoid)), tOr(tObj, tInt)), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("modify", f_ldap_modify, tFunc(tString tArr(tMap(tString, tMixed)), tVoid), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("add", f_ldap_add, tFunc(tString tArr(tMap(tString, tMixed)), tVoid), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("delete", f_ldap_delete, tFunc(tString, tVoid), 0); _ol_result_program_init(); ldap_program = end_program(); add_program_constant("Client", ldap_program, 0); add_program_constant("client", ldap_program, 0); }
int transition_current_machine_with_token(int machine_token_type) { if(machine_token_type == MTTYPE_END_OF_FILE || machine_token_type == -1) { if (current_machine_is_in_final_state()) { if (!spa_stack_is_empty(spa_stack)) { return_machine(); return transition_current_machine_with_token(machine_token_type); } else { end_program(); did_finish = 1; return 1; } } } else { int next_state = current_machine.state_transition_table[current_machine.current_state][machine_token_type]; /* transition is valid */ if (next_state != MACHINE_INVALID_STATE) { transition_to_next_state(next_state); return 1; } /* transition was not valid -> check if can call another machine */ int next_machine = machine_call_for_current_machine(machine_token_type); /* can call another machine */ if (next_machine != MTYPE_INVALID) { call_machine(next_machine); return transition_current_machine_with_token(machine_token_type); } /* cannot call another machine -> check if can pop a machine */ if (current_machine_is_in_final_state()) { if (!spa_stack_is_empty(spa_stack)) { return_machine(); return transition_current_machine_with_token(machine_token_type); } else { end_program(); did_finish = 1; return 1; } } } throw_semantic_exception(ERR_SINTATIC, "source code could not be correctly parsed"); did_finish = 1; return 0; }
//Reads and writes one character at a time to the respective file descriptors //taking care of whether the command is from the socket or to the socket, while //allowing for encryption and corresponding decryption of data void read_write(int read_fd, int write_fd, int from_sock) { int w_flag = 0, byte_offset = 0; char buffer[BUFF_LIMIT]; ssize_t num_bytes = read(read_fd, buffer, 1); if(num_bytes == 0) { end_program(from_sock); } while(num_bytes) { if(crypt_flag && from_sock) { decrypt(buffer, BUFF_LIMIT); } if(*(buffer + byte_offset) == 4) { end_program(from_sock); } w_flag = 0; //Runs all the time with buffer of size one, but allows for flexibility //of increasing the buffer size if(num_bytes + byte_offset >= BUFF_LIMIT) { while(byte_offset < BUFF_LIMIT) { if(crypt_flag && !from_sock) { encrypt(buffer, BUFF_LIMIT); } write(write_fd, buffer + byte_offset, 1); byte_offset++; w_flag = 1; } if(!w_flag) { if(crypt_flag && !from_sock) { encrypt(buffer, BUFF_LIMIT); } write(write_fd, buffer+byte_offset,1); } num_bytes = read(read_fd, buffer,1); if(num_bytes == 0) { end_program(from_sock); } byte_offset = 0; continue; } //Runs if buffer size > 1 if(crypt_flag && !from_sock) { encrypt(buffer, BUFF_LIMIT); } write(write_fd,buffer+byte_offset,1); byte_offset++; num_bytes = read(read_fd, buffer + byte_offset,1); if(num_bytes == 0) { end_program(from_sock); } } }
void init_stdio_port(void) { ptrdiff_t offset; START_NEW_PROGRAM_ID (STDIO_PORT); offset = ADD_STORAGE(struct port); PIKE_MAP_VARIABLE("_accept_callback", offset + OFFSETOF(port, accept_callback), tMix, PIKE_T_MIXED, 0); PIKE_MAP_VARIABLE("_id", offset + OFFSETOF(port, id), tMix, PIKE_T_MIXED, 0); /* function(int|string,void|mixed,void|string:int) */ ADD_FUNCTION("bind", port_bind, tFunc(tOr(tInt,tStr) tOr(tVoid,tMix) tOr(tVoid,tStr) tOr(tVoid,tInt),tInt), 0); #ifdef HAVE_SYS_UN_H /* function(int|string,void|mixed,void|string:int) */ ADD_FUNCTION("bind_unix", bind_unix, tFunc(tStr tOr(tVoid,tMix),tInt), ID_OPTIONAL); #endif /* HAVE_SYS_UN_H */ ADD_FUNCTION("close",port_close,tFunc(tNone,tVoid),0); /* function(int,void|mixed:int) */ ADD_FUNCTION("listen_fd",port_listen_fd,tFunc(tInt tOr(tVoid,tMix),tInt),0); /* function(mixed:mixed) */ ADD_FUNCTION("set_id",port_set_id,tFunc(tMix,tMix),0); /* function(:mixed) */ ADD_FUNCTION("query_id",port_query_id,tFunc(tNone,tMix),0); /* function(:string) */ ADD_FUNCTION("query_address",socket_query_address,tFunc(tNone,tStr),0); /* function(:int) */ ADD_FUNCTION("errno",port_errno,tFunc(tNone,tInt),0); /* function(:object) */ port_fd_factory_fun_num = ADD_FUNCTION("fd_factory", port_fd_factory, tFunc(tNone,tObjIs_STDIO_FD), ID_PROTECTED); ADD_FUNCTION("accept",port_accept,tFunc(tNone,tObjIs_STDIO_FD),0); /* function(void|string|int,void|mixed,void|string:void) */ ADD_FUNCTION("create", port_create, tFunc(tOr3(tVoid,tStr,tInt) tOr(tVoid,tMix) tOr(tVoid,tStr), tVoid), 0); ADD_FUNCTION ("set_backend", port_set_backend, tFunc(tObj,tVoid), 0); ADD_FUNCTION ("query_backend", port_query_backend, tFunc(tVoid,tObj), 0); ADD_FUNCTION ("query_fd", port_query_fd, tFunc(tVoid,tInt), 0); #ifdef SO_REUSEPORT ADD_INT_CONSTANT( "SO_REUSEPORT_SUPPORT", SO_REUSEPORT, ID_OPTIONAL ); #endif #ifdef TCP_FASTOPEN ADD_INT_CONSTANT( "TCP_FASTOPEN_SUPPORT", TCP_FASTOPEN, ID_OPTIONAL ); #endif set_init_callback(init_port_struct); set_exit_callback(exit_port_struct); port_program = end_program(); add_program_constant( "_port", port_program, 0 ); }
void init_pike_searching(void) { start_new_program(); pike_search_struct_offset=ADD_STORAGE(struct pike_mem_searcher); MAP_VARIABLE("__s", tStr, 0, pike_search_struct_offset + OFFSETOF(pike_mem_searcher,s), PIKE_T_STRING); pike_search_program=end_program(); add_program_constant("Search",pike_search_program,ID_STATIC); memsearch_cache=allocate_mapping(10); memsearch_cache->data->flags |= MAPPING_FLAG_WEAK; }
void pike_module_init(void) { #ifdef PEXTS_VERSION pexts_init(); #endif /* Compression program */ start_new_program(); ADD_STORAGE(bz_stream); set_init_callback(init_deflate); set_exit_callback(exit_deflate); ADD_FUNCTION("create", f_deflate_create, tFunc( tOr(tVoid, tInt), tVoid), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("deflate", f_deflate_deflate, tFunc(tString tOr(tInt, tVoid), tString), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("compress_file", f_deflate_file, tFunc(tString tOr(tString, tVoid), tVoid), 0); deflate_program = end_program(); add_program_constant("deflate", deflate_program, 0); /* Decompression program */ start_new_program(); ADD_STORAGE(bz_stream); ADD_FUNCTION("create", f_inflate_create, tFunc(tOr(tInt, tVoid), tVoid), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("inflate", f_inflate_inflate, tFunc(tString, tString), 0); set_init_callback(init_inflate); set_exit_callback(exit_inflate); inflate_program = end_program(); add_program_constant("inflate", inflate_program, 0); }
main() { int nprocs = 4; //tempo struct timeval iniciotmp, finaltmp; int tempogasto; int pidf,id_wait; void dt_shareG(); mc_var_inic (); def_task (0, "inicializa_matriz", sizeof (__inicializa_matriz__)); def_task (1, "multiplica_matriz", sizeof (__multiplica_matriz__)); id_wait=sem_wait_inic(2); alloc_proc(nprocs); pidf = exec_task (0, nprocs); /* --- rs30() - create --- */ if (pidf == 0) { inicializa_matriz(); end_task(); /* --- rs31() - create --- */ } wait_all(); gettimeofday(&iniciotmp, NULL); pidf = exec_task (1, nprocs); /* --- rs30() - create --- */ if (pidf == 0) { multiplica_matriz(); end_task(); /* --- rs31() - create --- */ } wait_all(); gettimeofday(&finaltmp, NULL); tempogasto = (int) (1000 * (finaltmp.tv_sec - iniciotmp.tv_sec) + (finaltmp.tv_usec - iniciotmp.tv_usec) / 1000); printf("Tempo decorrido: %d\n", tempogasto); wait_all(); /* --- rs307() */ end_program(); remove_semaforo(id_wait); return 0; }
void task_end() { debug("Main waiting for pthreads to arrive here"); int i; end_program(); debug("End in pthread %d", (int) pthread_self()); for (i = 0; i < schedulers_nr; ++i) { debug("Waiting for thread %d", i); //pthread_cond_broadcast(&wake_up_threads); pthread_join(schedulers[i].thread, NULL); } for (i = 0; i < schedulers_nr; ++i) { pthread_mutex_destroy(&schedulers[i].ready.lock); pthread_mutex_destroy(&schedulers[i].lock); } SAFE_FREE(schedulers); debug("End reached"); }
board *dup_board(board *src, board *dest) { int x, y; board *dest; dest = malloc(sizeof(*dest)); if (!dest) { end_program(); } for (y = 0; y < brd_h; y++) { for (x = 0; x < brd_w; x++) { (*dest)[y][x] = (*src)[y][x]; } } return dest; }
int main() { int key; init_display(); play_again: reset_game(); display_board(&grid); play_game(); movecur(15, 9 + brd_h * 2); textcolour(12); strout("Game Over! Press ESCAPE to exit or ENTER to play again."); do { key = os_wait_for_key(); } while (key != ESC_KEY && key != ENTER_KEY); if (key == ENTER_KEY) goto play_again; end_program(); }
void init_avs_search_program(void) { // start building the AVS.Search program start_new_program(); // request space for the per-object private data ADD_STORAGE(struct private_search_data); // add the program methods add_function("create", f_create, "function(object:void)", ID_PUBLIC); add_function("destroy", f_destroy, "function(void:void)", ID_PUBLIC); add_function("docsfound", f_docsfound, "function(void:int)", ID_PUBLIC); add_function("docsreturned", f_docsreturned, "function(void:int)", ID_PUBLIC); add_function("termcount", f_termcount, "function(void:int)", ID_PUBLIC); add_function("get_result", f_get_result, "function(int:void)", ID_PUBLIC); add_function("get_term", f_get_term, "function(int:array)", ID_PUBLIC); add_function("get_version", f_get_version, "function(void:string)", ID_PUBLIC); add_function("get_date", f_get_date, "function(void:array)", ID_PUBLIC); add_function("get_data", f_get_data, "function(void:string)", ID_PUBLIC); add_function("get_docid", f_get_docid, "function(void:string)", ID_PUBLIC); add_function("get_relevance", f_get_relevance, "function(void:float)", ID_PUBLIC); // finish and add the AVS.Search program search_program = end_program(); add_program_constant("Search", search_program, 0); }
/* Initialized the sender */ void init_nbio(void) { start_new_program(); ADD_STORAGE( nbio_storage ); set_init_callback(alloc_nb_struct); set_exit_callback(free_nb_struct); ADD_FUNCTION("start", f_nbio_start, tFunc(tVoid, tVoid), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("nbio_status", f_nbio_status, tFunc(tVoid, tArray), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("input", f_input, tFunc(tObj tOr(tInt, tVoid), tVoid), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("write", f_write, tFunc(tStr, tVoid), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("output", f_output, tFunc(tObj, tVoid), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("_output_write_cb", f__output_write_cb, tFunc(tInt, tVoid), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("_input_read_cb", f__input_read_cb, tFunc(tInt tStr, tVoid), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("_input_close_cb", f__input_close_cb, tFunc(tInt, tVoid), 0); ADD_FUNCTION("set_done_callback", f_set_done_callback, tFunc(tOr(tVoid,tFunc(tMix, tMix)) tOr(tVoid,tMix),tVoid),0); ADD_FUNCTION("bytes_sent", f_bytes_sent, tFunc(tNone,tInt), 0); nbio_program = end_program(); add_program_constant("nbio", nbio_program, 0); output_write_cb_off = find_identifier("_output_write_cb", nbio_program); input_read_cb_off = find_identifier("_input_read_cb", nbio_program); input_close_cb_off = find_identifier("_input_close_cb", nbio_program); }
void init_avs_count_program(void) { // start building the AVS.Search program start_new_program(); // request space for the per-object private data ADD_STORAGE(struct private_count_data); // add the program methods add_function("create", f_create, "function(object:void)", ID_PUBLIC); add_function("destroy", f_destroy, "function(void:void)", ID_PUBLIC); add_function("get_count", f_get_count, "function(void:int)", ID_PUBLIC); add_function("next", f_next, "function(void:void)", ID_PUBLIC); add_function("get_word", f_get_word, "function(void:string)", ID_PUBLIC); // finish and add the AVS.Search program count_program = end_program(); add_program_constant("Count", count_program, 0); }
/*! @decl program load_module(string module_name) *! *! Load a binary module. *! *! This function loads a module written in C or some other language *! into Pike. The module is initialized and any programs or constants *! defined will immediately be available. *! *! When a module is loaded the C function @tt{pike_module_init()@} will *! be called to initialize it. When Pike exits @tt{pike_module_exit()@} *! will be called. These two functions @b{must@} be available in the module. *! *! @note *! The current working directory is normally not searched for *! dynamic modules. Please use @expr{"./"@} instead of just *! @expr{""@} to load modules from the current directory. */ void f_load_module(INT32 args) { extern int global_callable_flags; void *module; modfun init, exit; struct module_list *new_module; struct pike_string *module_name; ONERROR err; module_name = Pike_sp[-args].u.string; if((Pike_sp[-args].type != T_STRING) || (module_name->size_shift) || string_has_null(module_name)) { Pike_error("Bad argument 1 to load_module()\n"); } { struct module_list *mp; for (mp = dynamic_module_list; mp; mp = mp->next) if (mp->name == module_name && mp->module_prog) { pop_n_elems(args); ref_push_program(mp->module_prog); return; } } /* Removing RTLD_GLOBAL breaks some PiGTK themes - Hubbe */ /* Using RTLD_LAZY is faster, but makes it impossible to * detect linking problems at runtime.. */ module=dlopen(module_name->str, RTLD_NOW /*|RTLD_GLOBAL*/ ); if(!module) { struct object *err_obj = low_clone (module_load_error_program); #define LOADERR_STRUCT(OBJ) \ ((struct module_load_error_struct *) (err_obj->storage + module_load_error_offset)) const char *err = dlerror(); if (err) { if (err[strlen (err) - 1] == '\n') push_string (make_shared_binary_string (err, strlen (err) - 1)); else push_text (err); } else push_constant_text ("Unknown reason"); add_ref (LOADERR_STRUCT (err_obj)->path = Pike_sp[-args - 1].u.string); add_ref (LOADERR_STRUCT (err_obj)->reason = Pike_sp[-1].u.string); if (Pike_sp[-args].u.string->len < 1024) { throw_error_object (err_obj, "load_module", Pike_sp - args - 1, args, "load_module(\"%s\") failed: %s\n", module_name->str, Pike_sp[-1].u.string->str); } else { throw_error_object (err_obj, "load_module", Pike_sp - args - 1, args, "load_module() failed: %s\n", Pike_sp[-1].u.string->str); } } #ifdef PIKE_DEBUG { struct module_list *mp; for (mp = dynamic_module_list; mp; mp = mp->next) if (mp->module == module && mp->module_prog) { fprintf(stderr, "load_module(): Module loaded twice:\n" "Old name: %s\n" "New name: %s\n", mp->name->str, module_name->str); pop_n_elems(args); ref_push_program(mp->module_prog); return; } } #endif /* PIKE_DEBUG */ init = CAST_TO_FUN(dlsym(module, "pike_module_init")); if (!init) { init = CAST_TO_FUN(dlsym(module, "_pike_module_init")); if (!init) { dlclose(module); Pike_error("pike_module_init missing in dynamic module \"%S\".\n", module_name); } } exit = CAST_TO_FUN(dlsym(module, "pike_module_exit")); if (!exit) { exit = CAST_TO_FUN(dlsym(module, "_pike_module_exit")); if (!exit) { dlclose(module); Pike_error("pike_module_exit missing in dynamic module \"%S\".\n", module_name); } } #if defined(__NT__) && defined(_M_IA64) { fprintf(stderr, "pike_module_init: 0x%p\n" " func: 0x%p\n" " gp: 0x%p\n", init, ((void **)init)[0], ((void **)init)[1]); fprintf(stderr, "pike_module_exit: 0x%p\n" " func: 0x%p\n" " gp: 0x%p\n", exit, ((void **)exit)[0], ((void **)exit)[1]); } #endif /* __NT__ && _M_IA64 */ new_module=ALLOC_STRUCT(module_list); new_module->next=dynamic_module_list; dynamic_module_list=new_module; new_module->module=module; copy_shared_string(new_module->name, Pike_sp[-args].u.string); new_module->module_prog = NULL; new_module->init=init; new_module->exit=exit; enter_compiler(new_module->name, 1); start_new_program(); global_callable_flags|=CALLABLE_DYNAMIC; #ifdef PIKE_DEBUG { struct svalue *save_sp=Pike_sp; #endif SET_ONERROR(err, cleanup_compilation, NULL); #if defined(__NT__) && defined(_M_IA64) fprintf(stderr, "Calling pike_module_init()...\n"); #endif /* __NT__ && _M_IA64 */ (*(modfun)init)(); #if defined(__NT__) && defined(_M_IA64) fprintf(stderr, "pike_module_init() done.\n"); #endif /* __NT__ && _M_IA64 */ UNSET_ONERROR(err); #ifdef PIKE_DEBUG if(Pike_sp != save_sp) Pike_fatal("load_module(%s) left %ld droppings on stack!\n", module_name->str, PTRDIFF_T_TO_LONG(Pike_sp - save_sp)); } #endif pop_n_elems(args); { struct program *p = end_program(); exit_compiler(); if (p) { if ( #if 0 p->num_identifier_references #else /* !0 */ 1 #endif /* 0 */ ) { push_program(p); add_ref(new_module->module_prog = Pike_sp[-1].u.program); } else { /* No identifier references -- Disabled module. */ free_program(p); push_undefined(); } } else { /* Initialization failed. */ new_module->exit(); dlclose(module); dynamic_module_list = new_module->next; free_string(new_module->name); free(new_module); Pike_error("Failed to initialize dynamic module \"%S\".\n", module_name); } } }
int main() { int i, j; int pidf,id_wait; void dt_shareG(); mc_var_inic (); def_task (0, "multiplicarAB", sizeof (__multiplicarAB__)); def_task (1, "multiplicarCD", sizeof (__multiplicarCD__)); def_task (2, "sumar", sizeof (__sumar__)); def_task (3, "print", sizeof (__print__)); id_wait=sem_wait_inic(4); for (i=0; i<100; i++){ for (j = 0; j < 100; j++) { /*A[i][j] = i + j; B[i][j] = i + 2*j; C[i][j] = i*2 + j*3; D[i][j] = i*2 + j;*/ sharedG->A[i][j] = 1; sharedG->B[i][j] = 1; sharedG->C[i][j] = 1; sharedG->D[i][j] = 1; } } alloc_proc(4); pidf = exec_task (0, 1); /* --- rs30() - create --- */ if (pidf == 0) { multiplicarAB(); end_task(); /* --- rs31() - create --- */ } pidf = exec_task (1, 1); /* --- rs30() - create --- */ if (pidf == 0) { multiplicarCD(); end_task(); /* --- rs31() - create --- */ } wait_all(); pidf = exec_task (2, 1); /* --- rs30() - create --- */ if (pidf == 0) { sumar(); end_task(); /* --- rs31() - create --- */ } wait_proc (2); /* --- wait_proc() --- */ pidf = exec_task (3, 1); /* --- rs30() - create --- */ if (pidf == 0) { print(); end_task(); /* --- rs31() - create --- */ } wait_all(); /* --- rs307() */ end_program(); remove_semaforo(id_wait); return 0; }
void CPhantomContextView::EndProgram() { end_program(); }