void mitk::XMLSerializable::FromXMLFile(const std::string& file
                                          , const std::string& elemName)
    endodebug( "Trying to read from " << file )

    TiXmlDocument doc( file.c_str() );
    bool loadOkay = doc.LoadFile();
      std::ostringstream s; s << "File " << file
          << " could not be loaded!";
      throw std::logic_error(s.str().c_str());

    m_XMLFileName = file;

    TiXmlElement* elem = doc.FirstChildElement();
    endoAssertMsg( elem, "No root element found" );

    // determine element to read from
    std::string elementName = elemName;
      elementName = this->GetNameOfClass();
    // try again with the first element
    if(strcmp(elem->Value(), elementName.c_str()) != 0)
      elem = elem->FirstChildElement(elementName.c_str());

    endoAssertMsg( elem, "No child element \"" << elementName <<
                 "\" found in " << file );

    // if theres an attribute as file reference try to load the class
    // from that file
    std::string filename;
    if(elem->QueryStringAttribute(FILE_REFERENCE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME.c_str(), &filename)
      if( !itksys::SystemTools::FileIsFullPath(filename.c_str()) )
        filename = itksys::SystemTools::GetFilenamePath(file) + "/" + filename;
      return; // exit!

    this->FromXML( elem );
void mitk::CameraIntrinsics::SetIntrinsics( const cv::Mat& _CameraMatrix
                        , const cv::Mat& _DistorsionCoeffs)
    itk::MutexLockHolder<itk::FastMutexLock> lock(*m_Mutex);
    if( _CameraMatrix.cols != 3 || _CameraMatrix.rows != 3)
      throw std::invalid_argument("Wrong format of camera matrix. Should be 3x3"
                                  " double.");

    endoAssertMsg( (_DistorsionCoeffs.cols == 5) &&
      _DistorsionCoeffs.rows == 1, "Wrong format of distorsion coefficients"
                                  " vector. Should be 5x1 double.");

    m_CameraMatrix = _CameraMatrix.clone();
    m_DistorsionCoeffs = _DistorsionCoeffs.clone();

    m_Valid = true;
  void mitk::XMLSerializable::ToXMLFile(const std::string& file
                                        , const std::string& elemName)
    TiXmlElement * rootElem=0;
    TiXmlElement * element=0;

    // determine element to write to
    std::string elementName = elemName;
      elementName = this->GetNameOfClass();

    TiXmlDocument doc( file.c_str() );
    bool loadOkay = doc.LoadFile();
    // if the document already exists ...
      // try to identify the XML element of this class as the root
      // or as the child of the root
      rootElem = doc.RootElement();
      endoAssertMsg( rootElem, "No root element found in " << file );

      // if root element represents this element remove the root
      if( rootElem->ValueStr() == elementName )
        rootElem = 0;
        // if it is a child of the root remove it too
        element = rootElem->FirstChildElement(elementName);
      // document did not exist, create new one with declration
      TiXmlDeclaration * decl = new TiXmlDeclaration( "1.0", "", "" );
      doc.LinkEndChild( decl );

    m_XMLFileName = file;

    // create element (if the document already exists this element was removed)
    element = new TiXmlElement( elementName );
    this->ToXML( element );

    // if we do not have a root element create a new one
      rootElem = new TiXmlElement( ROOT_NAME );
    // add the element node as child

    // if no root element exists, add it now
    if(doc.RootElement() == 0)
      doc.LinkEndChild( rootElem );

    if(!doc.SaveFile( file ))
      std::ostringstream s; s << "File " << file
          << " could not be written. Please check permissions.";
      throw std::logic_error(s.str());