Exemple #1
// This gets the next header if one is found
void ZipDirIteratorPrivate::advance()
    if ( !nextHeader )
        currentHeader = NULL;

    CentralDirFileHeader* header;
    while ( (header = zip.d_ptr->centralDir->getNextFile()) )
        if (!path.isEmpty() &&
                !header->sFileName.startsWith( path, (options & AbZip::CaseSensitive) ? Qt::CaseSensitive : Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
            break;  // reached the end of the 'path' we are searching for

        // Check our filters
        if (entryMatches( header->sFileName, header ))

    // no more items to iterate, take final 'nextHeader'
    if ( nextHeader )
        currentHeader = nextHeader;
    nextHeader = NULL;
void QDirIteratorPrivate::advance()
    if (engine) {
        while (!fileEngineIterators.isEmpty()) {
            // Find the next valid iterator that matches the filters.
            QAbstractFileEngineIterator *it;
            while (it = fileEngineIterators.top(), it->hasNext()) {
                if (entryMatches(it->currentFileName(), it->currentFileInfo()))

            delete it;
    } else {
        QFileSystemEntry nextEntry;
        QFileSystemMetaData nextMetaData;

        while (!nativeIterators.isEmpty()) {
            // Find the next valid iterator that matches the filters.
            QFileSystemIterator *it;
            while (it = nativeIterators.top(), it->advance(nextEntry, nextMetaData)) {
                QFileInfo info(new QFileInfoPrivate(nextEntry, nextMetaData));

                if (entryMatches(nextEntry.fileName(), info))

            delete it;

    currentFileInfo = nextFileInfo;
    nextFileInfo = QFileInfo();
Exemple #3
void ZipDirIteratorPrivate::findFirst()
    CentralDirFileHeader* header = zip.d_ptr->centralDir->getFirstFile();

    while ( header )
        if (path.isEmpty() ||
                header->sFileName.startsWith( path, (options & AbZip::CaseSensitive) ? Qt::CaseSensitive : Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
            // Check our filters
            if (entryMatches( header->sFileName, header ))
                currentHeader = nextHeader;

        // Try next file
        header = zip.d_ptr->centralDir->getNextFile();
Exemple #4
static APIRET storeNextFileInfo(
   CryptedVolume * pVolume,
   SearchData * pSearchData,
   PGEALIST pgeas,
   char * * ppData,
   ULONG * pcbData,
   ULONG ulLevel,
   ULONG flFlags)
   APIRET rc;
   IsoDirEntry * pEntry;
   while ((pEntry = pSearchData->pIsoNext)) {

     logMsg(L_DBG, "testing entry %ld, pEntry->flFlags=%x, flFlags=%x,  name=%s",
            pEntry->flFlags, flFlags, (char *) pEntry->chrName);

     /* OS/2 file info relevant to file matching is stored in the
        directory (file name and hidden flag) and in the file's info
        sector (read-only, system, and archive flags).  So we try to
        reject the file by first looking at pEntry (fast) and then at
        the corresponding file's info sector (slow).  The last step
        also gives us all the necessary file info. */

     /* Does the current directory entry match the search criteria? */
     if (entryMatches(pSearchData, pEntry)) {

       /* We must read the file's info sector to see whether the
          other flags (directory, read-only, archived) match with
          the criteria, and to return info about the file.  If
          the storage file no longer exists, however, we silently
          skip this entry.  Such a condition can occur when the file
          was deleted after the directory contents had been read.
          (It can also indicate an inconsistency (directory
          referring to non-existing file) but this should be handled
          by chkdsk). */

       if (fileMatches2(pSearchData, pEntry)) {
         /* Store the file information in the buffer. */
         if (!(pSearchData->flAttr & FILE_NON83))
           strupr((char *) pEntry->chrName); /* !!! codepage */

         rc = storeFileInfo(
                            pVolume, 0, pgeas,
                            (char *) pEntry->chrName,
                            pEntry->flFlags & CDF_HIDDEN,
                            ppData, pcbData,
                            ulLevel, flFlags, pSearchData->iNext,pEntry);
         if (rc) return rc;
         logMsg(L_DBG, "Ok, leaving storeNextFileInfo()");
         return NO_ERROR;
       }/* end of: if (fileMatches2(pSearchData, pEntry)) */

