int ept_alloc_static(epte_t *eptrt, struct VmxGuestInfo *ginfo) {
    physaddr_t i;
    for(i=0x0; i < 0xA0000; i+=PGSIZE) {
        struct PageInfo *p = page_alloc(0);
        p->pp_ref += 1;
        int r = ept_map_hva2gpa(eptrt, page2kva(p), (void *)i, __EPTE_FULL, 0);

    for(i=0x100000; i < ginfo->phys_sz; i+=PGSIZE) {
        struct PageInfo *p = page_alloc(0);
        p->pp_ref += 1;
        int r = ept_map_hva2gpa(eptrt, page2kva(p), (void *)i, __EPTE_FULL, 0);
    return 0;
handle_eptviolation(uint64_t *eptrt, struct VmxGuestInfo *ginfo) {
    uint64_t gpa = vmcs_read64(VMCS_64BIT_GUEST_PHYSICAL_ADDR);
    int r;
    if(gpa < 0xA0000 || (gpa >= 0x100000 && gpa < ginfo->phys_sz)) {
        // Allocate a new page to the guest.
        struct Page *p = page_alloc(0);
            return false;
        p->pp_ref += 1;
        r = ept_map_hva2gpa(eptrt, 
                page2kva(p), (void *)ROUNDDOWN(gpa, PGSIZE), __EPTE_FULL, 0);
        assert(r >= 0);
        //         cprintf("EPT violation for gpa:%x mapped KVA:%x\n", gpa, page2kva(p));
        return true;
    } else if (gpa >= CGA_BUF && gpa < CGA_BUF + PGSIZE) {
        // FIXME: This give direct access to VGA MMIO region.
        r = ept_map_hva2gpa(eptrt, 
                (void *)(KERNBASE + CGA_BUF), (void *)CGA_BUF, __EPTE_FULL, 0);
        //         cprintf("EPT violation for gpa:%x mapped KVA:%x\n", gpa,(KERNBASE + CGA_BUF));
        assert(r >= 0);
        return true;
    } else if (gpa >= 0xF0000  && gpa < 0xF0000 + 0x10000) {
        r = ept_map_hva2gpa(eptrt, 
                (void *)(KERNBASE + gpa), (void *)gpa, __EPTE_FULL, 0);
        assert(r >= 0);
        return true;
    } else if (gpa >= 0xfee00000) {
        r = ept_map_hva2gpa(eptrt, 
                (void *)(KERNBASE + gpa), (void *)gpa, __EPTE_FULL, 0);
        assert(r >= 0);
        return true;

    return false;
int test_ept_map(void)
	struct Env *srcenv, *dstenv;
	struct PageInfo *pp;
	epte_t *epte;
	int r;
	int pp_ref;
	int i;
	epte_t* dir;
	/* Initialize source env */
	if ((r = env_alloc(&srcenv, 0)) < 0)
		panic("Failed to allocate env (%d)\n", r);
	if (!(pp = page_alloc(ALLOC_ZERO)))
		panic("Failed to allocate page (%d)\n", r);
	if ((r = page_insert(srcenv->env_pml4e, pp, UTEMP, 0)) < 0)
		panic("Failed to insert page (%d)\n", r);
	curenv = srcenv;

	/* Check if sys_ept_map correctly verify the target env */
	if ((r = env_alloc(&dstenv, srcenv->env_id)) < 0)
		panic("Failed to allocate env (%d)\n", r);
	if ((r = _export_sys_ept_map(srcenv->env_id, UTEMP, dstenv->env_id, UTEMP, __EPTE_READ)) < 0)
		cprintf("EPT map to non-guest env failed as expected (%d).\n", r);
		panic("sys_ept_map success on non-guest env.\n");


	if ((r = env_guest_alloc(&dstenv, srcenv->env_id)) < 0)
		panic("Failed to allocate guest env (%d)\n", r);
	dstenv->env_vmxinfo.phys_sz = (uint64_t)UTEMP + PGSIZE;
	/* Check if sys_ept_map can verify srcva correctly */
	if ((r = _export_sys_ept_map(srcenv->env_id, (void *)UTOP, dstenv->env_id, UTEMP, __EPTE_READ)) < 0)
		cprintf("EPT map from above UTOP area failed as expected (%d).\n", r);
		panic("sys_ept_map from above UTOP area success\n");
	if ((r = _export_sys_ept_map(srcenv->env_id, UTEMP+1, dstenv->env_id, UTEMP, __EPTE_READ)) < 0)
		cprintf("EPT map from unaligned srcva failed as expected (%d).\n", r);
		panic("sys_ept_map from unaligned srcva success\n");

	/* Check if sys_ept_map can verify guest_pa correctly */
	if ((r = _export_sys_ept_map(srcenv->env_id, UTEMP, dstenv->env_id, UTEMP + PGSIZE, __EPTE_READ)) < 0)
		cprintf("EPT map to out-of-boundary area failed as expected (%d).\n", r);
		panic("sys_ept_map success on out-of-boundary area\n");
	if ((r = _export_sys_ept_map(srcenv->env_id, UTEMP, dstenv->env_id, UTEMP-1, __EPTE_READ)) < 0)
		cprintf("EPT map to unaligned guest_pa failed as expected (%d).\n", r);
		panic("sys_ept_map success on unaligned guest_pa\n");

	/* Check if the sys_ept_map can verify the permission correctly */
	if ((r = _export_sys_ept_map(srcenv->env_id, UTEMP, dstenv->env_id, UTEMP, 0)) < 0)
		cprintf("EPT map with empty perm parameter failed as expected (%d).\n", r);
		panic("sys_ept_map success on empty perm\n");
	if ((r = _export_sys_ept_map(srcenv->env_id, UTEMP, dstenv->env_id, UTEMP, __EPTE_WRITE)) < 0)
		cprintf("EPT map with write perm parameter failed as expected (%d).\n", r);
		panic("sys_ept_map success on write perm\n");
	pp_ref = pp->pp_ref;	
	/* Check if the sys_ept_map can succeed on correct setup */
	if ((r = _export_sys_ept_map(srcenv->env_id, UTEMP, dstenv->env_id, UTEMP, __EPTE_READ)) < 0)
		panic("Failed to do sys_ept_map (%d)\n", r);
		cprintf("sys_ept_map finished normally.\n");
	if (pp->pp_ref != pp_ref + 1) 
		panic("Failed on checking pp_ref[%d]\n",pp_ref);
		cprintf("pp_ref incremented correctly\n");		
	/* Check if the sys_ept_map can handle remapping correctly */
	pp_ref = pp->pp_ref;
	if ((r = _export_sys_ept_map(srcenv->env_id, UTEMP, dstenv->env_id, UTEMP, __EPTE_READ)) < 0)
		cprintf("sys_ept_map finished normally.\n");
		panic("sys_ept_map success on remapping the same page\n");
	/* Check if the sys_ept_map reset the pp_ref after failed on remapping the same page */
	if (pp->pp_ref == pp_ref)
		cprintf("sys_ept_map handled pp_ref correctly.\n");
		panic("sys_ept_map failed to handle pp_ref.\n");
	/* Check if ept_lookup_gpa can handle empty eptrt correctly */
	if ((r = ept_lookup_gpa(NULL, UTEMP, 0, &epte)) < 0)
		cprintf("EPT lookup with a null eptrt failed as expected\n");
		panic ("ept_lookup_gpa success on null eptrt\n");
	/* Check if the mapping is valid */
	if ((r = ept_lookup_gpa(dstenv->env_pml4e, UTEMP, 0, &epte)) < 0)
		panic("Failed on ept_lookup_gpa (%d)\n", r);
	if (page2pa(pp) != (epte_addr(*epte)))
		panic("EPT mapping address mismatching (%x vs %x).\n",
				page2pa(pp), epte_addr(*epte));
		cprintf("EPT mapping address looks good: %x vs %x.\n",
				page2pa(pp), epte_addr(*epte));
	/* Check if the map_hva2gpa handle the overwrite correctly */
	if ((r = ept_map_hva2gpa(dstenv->env_pml4e, page2kva(pp), UTEMP, __EPTE_READ, 0)) < 0)
		cprintf("map_hva2gpa handle not overwriting correctly\n");
		panic("map_hva2gpa success on overwriting with non-overwrite parameter\n");
	/* Check if the map_hva2gpa can map a page */
	if ((r = ept_map_hva2gpa(dstenv->env_pml4e, page2kva(pp), UTEMP, __EPTE_READ, 1)) < 0)
		panic ("Failed on mapping a page from kva to gpa\n");
		cprintf("map_hva2gpa success on mapping a page\n");
	/* Check if the map_hva2gpa set permission correctly */
	if ((r = ept_lookup_gpa(dstenv->env_pml4e, UTEMP, 0, &epte)) < 0)
		panic("Failed on ept_lookup_gpa (%d)\n", r);
	if (((uint64_t)*epte & (~EPTE_ADDR)) == (__EPTE_READ | __EPTE_TYPE( EPTE_TYPE_WB ) | __EPTE_IPAT))
		cprintf("map_hva2gpa success on perm check\n");
		panic("map_hva2gpa didn't set permission correctly\n");	
	/* Go through the extended page table to check if the immediate mappings are correct */
	dir = dstenv->env_pml4e;
	for ( i = EPT_LEVELS - 1; i > 0; --i ) {
        	int idx = ADDR_TO_IDX(UTEMP, i);
        	if (!epte_present(dir[idx])) {
        		panic("Failed to find page table item at the immediate level %d.", i);
		if (!(dir[idx] & __EPTE_FULL)) {
			panic("Permission check failed at immediate level %d.", i);
		dir = (epte_t *) epte_page_vaddr(dir[idx]);
	cprintf("EPT immediate mapping check passed\n");
	/* stop running after test, as this is just a test run. */
	panic("Cheers! sys_ept_map seems to work correctly.\n");

	return 0;