Exemple #1
    int result=TagDialog::NOCHANGE;
    bool modified = false;
    modified |= !equalString( kComboBox_artist->lineEdit()->text(), m_bundle.artist() );
    modified |= !equalString( kComboBox_album->lineEdit()->text(), m_bundle.album() );
    modified |= !equalString( kComboBox_genre->lineEdit()->text(), m_bundle.genre() );
    modified |= kIntSpinBox_year->value()  != m_bundle.year();
    modified |= kIntSpinBox_discNumber->value()  != m_bundle.discNumber();
    modified |= !equalString( kComboBox_composer->lineEdit()->text(), m_bundle.composer() );

    modified |= !equalString( kTextEdit_comment->text(), m_bundle.comment() );

    if (!m_urlList.count() || m_perTrack) { //ignore these on MultipleTracksMode
        modified |= !equalString( kLineEdit_title->text(), m_bundle.title() );
        modified |= kIntSpinBox_track->value() != m_bundle.track();
    if (modified)
        result |= TagDialog::TAGSCHANGED;

    if (kIntSpinBox_score->value() != m_score)
        result |= TagDialog::SCORECHANGED;
    if (kComboBox_rating->currentItem() != ( m_bundle.rating() ? m_bundle.rating() - 1 : 0 ) )
        result |= TagDialog::RATINGCHANGED;
    if ( !equalString( kTextEdit_lyrics->text(), m_lyrics ) )
        result |= TagDialog::LYRICSCHANGED;

    return result;
Exemple #2
 * params:
 *   pBlockBodyStart -- pointer to first byte of block's body
 *   varsLocal -- list of agrument's names, level up variables
 * blocks:
 *   1) function(...) block end
 *   2) do block end
 *   3) for ... do block end
 *   4) while ... do block end
 *   5) if ... then block end
 *   6) function type, this is similar to function, see item 1)
 *  =============================
 *  obfuscate until not found "end" of current block
 * return:
 *   first byte after block's body
 * varsStackBlock  -- local variables in block
 * varsStackParent -- local variables in parent block
 * localModuleVars -- local variables in module
 * level           -- block level, for module == 0
char* obfuscateLocalVarsInBlock(StringStream& stream, char *pBlockBodyStart,
	LocalVarsStack& varsStackBlock, LocalVarsStack& localModuleVars, int &level)
	char *p = pBlockBodyStart;
	char wordBuffer[300];
	char *pWordBuffer = wordBuffer;
	size_t wordLen = 0;
	size_t blockVarsCount = varsStackBlock.count(); // Count of variables in the block
	size_t currentBlockVarsCount = 0;

	const char *pBlockStart = p;
	const char *pBlockEnd   = p + strlen(p) - 1;

	while (*p) {
		if (isStringStart(p)) {
			size_t size = skipStringAndMove(&p, NULL);
			stream.write(p - size, size);

		// "while loop" too
		if (*p == 'd') {
			if (equalString(p, "do", sizeof("do") - 1, pBlockStart, pBlockEnd)) {
				stream << "do" << *(p + 2);
				char *pBodyStart = p + 2 + 1;
				p = obfuscateLocalVarsInBlock(stream, pBodyStart, varsStackBlock,
					localModuleVars, level);
		else if (*p == 'r') { // TODO: repeat block
			if (equalString(p, "repeat", sizeof("repeat") - 1, pBlockStart, pBlockEnd)) {
				stream << "repeat" << *(p + 6);

		else if (*p == 'f') {
			// if found global function
			if (!strncmp(p, "function", 8) && !isAlphaFun(*(p + 8))) {
			//	LocalVarsStack localVarsStackBlock;

				stream << "function";
				p += 8;
				p = readFunctionName(stream, p);
				size_t argCount = varsStackBlock.count();
				p = readAndObfuscateFunctionArguments(stream, p, varsStackBlock);
				argCount = varsStackBlock.count() - argCount;
				p = obfuscateLocalVarsInBlock(stream, p, varsStackBlock, localModuleVars, level);
			if (equalString(p, "for", sizeof("for") - 1, pBlockStart, pBlockEnd)) {
				stream << "for ";
				char *pInitStart = p + 3 + 1;

				size_t varInitCount = varsStackBlock.count();
				p = readAndObfuscateForLocalVariables(stream, pInitStart, varsStackBlock, localModuleVars);
				varInitCount = varsStackBlock.count() - varInitCount;
				p = obfuscateLocalVarsInBlock(stream, p, varsStackBlock, localModuleVars, level);
		else if (*p == 't') {
			if (equalString(p, "then", sizeof("then") - 1, pBlockStart, pBlockEnd)) {
				stream << "then" << *(p + 4);
				char *pBodyStart = p + 4 + 1;
				p = obfuscateLocalVarsInBlock(stream, pBodyStart, varsStackBlock, localModuleVars, level);
		else if (*p == 'e') {
			if (equalString(p, "end", sizeof("end") - 1, pBlockStart, pBlockEnd)) {
				stream << "end";
				if (level)
				return p + 3;
			if (equalString(p, "elseif", sizeof("elseif") - 1, pBlockStart, pBlockEnd)) {
				stream << "elseif";
				if (level)
				return p + 6;
			if (equalString(p, "else", sizeof("else") - 1, pBlockStart, pBlockEnd)) {
			//	LocalVarsStack varsStackBlockNew;

				stream << "else" << *(p + 4);
				char *pBodyStart = p + 4 + 1;
				p = obfuscateLocalVarsInBlock(stream, pBodyStart, varsStackBlock, localModuleVars, level);
		else if (*p == 'u') {
			if (equalString(p, "until", sizeof("until") - 1, pBlockStart, pBlockEnd)) {
				stream << "until";
				return p + 5;
		else if (*p == 'l') {
			if (equalString(p, "local", sizeof("local") - 1, pBlockStart, pBlockEnd)) {
				stream << "local ";
				p += 6;
				bool bFunction = !strncmp(p, "function", sizeof("function") - 1) && !isAlphaFun(p[8]);
				if (bFunction && !isAlphaFun(p[8])) {
					LocalVarsStack localVarsStackBlock;

					stream << "function";
					p += 8;
					p = readFunctionName(stream, p);
					p = readAndObfuscateFunctionArguments(stream, p, localVarsStackBlock);
					p = obfuscateLocalVarsInBlock(stream, p, localVarsStackBlock, localModuleVars, level);
				else {
					size_t tmpCount = varsStackBlock.count();
					p = readAndObfuscateLocalVariables(stream, p, varsStackBlock, localModuleVars, level);
					blockVarsCount += varsStackBlock.count() - tmpCount; // TODO: compare blockVarsCount and currentBlockVarsCount
					currentBlockVarsCount += varsStackBlock.count() - tmpCount;

		if (isAlphaFun(*p)) {
			*pWordBuffer = *p;
		else {
			*pWordBuffer = 0;
			char *pBefore = p - wordLen - 1;
			if (wordLen > 0) {
				// skip table's fields
				if (*pBefore == '.' &&  *(pBefore - 1) != '.') {
					stream << wordBuffer << *p;
					pWordBuffer = wordBuffer;
					wordLen = 0;
				std::string str(wordBuffer);
				stObfuscatedName var;
				var.name = str;
				bool bFind = false;
				if (level)
					bFind = varsStackBlock.find(var);
				if (!bFind)
					bFind = localModuleVars.find(var);

				if (bFind) {
					stream << var.fake_name;
				else {
					stream << wordBuffer;
			wordLen = 0;
			pWordBuffer = wordBuffer;

		if (*p) { // HACK:
			stream << *p;

	return p;
Exemple #3
int main( int argc, char **argv)
/*  sample command lines
-i bdv.bshort -o junk.bshort -V -# 16
	OSErr   error = noErr;
	static  char id[] = "$Revision: 1.2 $$Date: 2002/09/10 22:06:02 $";
	char    headerName[ NAME_SIZE ];
	char    *extension;
	char    ofName[ NAME_SIZE ];
	int     OutOrder;

	error = ProcessCommandLine( argc, argv );
	ILError( error, "error in command line" );

	extension = strrchr( u.InFileName, '.' );
	if( !strlen(extension) ) {
		printf( "Input file name error\n" );
		return 0;
	if( !equalString( extension, ".bfloat" )) {
		printf( "This utility works only on bfloat images!\n" );
		return 0;

//	strcpy( headerName, u.InFileName, NAME_SIZE );
	strcpy( headerName, u.InFileName ); //zrinka 09/10/02
	extension = strrchr( headerName, '.' );
	if( !strlen(extension) ) {
		printf( "Input file name error\n" );
		return 0;
	sprintf( extension, ".hdr" );
	u.inFile = errfopen( headerName, "r" );
	fscanf( u.inFile, "%d%d%d%d", &u.id.ys, &u.id.xs, &u.id.zs, &u.id.ByteOrder );
//	error = ck_fclose( u.inFile, "input header" );
	error = ck_fclose( u.inFile ); //zrinka 09/10/02
	u.inFile  =  errfopen( u.InFileName,  "rb" );

	strcpy( ofName, u.OutFileName );
	strcat( ofName, ".bfloat" );
	u.outFile =  errfopen( ofName, "wb" );

	error = DoSwap( u.inFile, u.outFile );
	ILError( error, argv[0] );

	error = ck_fclose( u.inFile );
	ILError( error, "infile" );

	error = ck_fclose( u.outFile );
	ILError( error, "infile" );

	strcpy( ofName, u.OutFileName );
	strcat( ofName, ".hdr" );
	u.outFile = errfopen( ofName, "w" );
	if( u.id.ByteOrder == 1 ) {	// pc-dec bytOrder
		OutOrder = 0;
	} else {
		OutOrder = 1;

	fprintf( u.outFile, "%d %d %d %d", u.id.ys, u.id.xs, u.id.zs, OutOrder );
	error = ck_fclose( u.outFile );
	ILError( error, "main" );