Exemple #1
void usArc2nsArc( FA *fa )
    UNIFYARC *uptr;
    UNIFYARC *disused_uptr;
    ARC *nptr;
    ARC *newarc;

    uptr = fa->usList;
    while( uptr != NULL ){
	if( (newarc = calloc( 1, sizeof(ARC) )) == NULL ){
	    errMes( "Can't alloc forward arc buffer of finite automaton." );
	connectFA( fa, uptr->inp, uptr->us, uptr->accpt, uptr->start );
	uptr = uptr->next;
    uptr = fa->usList;
    while( uptr != NULL ){
	if( uptr->reserved ){
	    uptr->us->accpt |= fa->accpt;
	    nptr = fa->nsList;
	    while( nptr != NULL ){
		connectFA( uptr->us, nptr->inp, nptr->fa, nptr->accpt, nptr->start );
		nptr = nptr->next;
	disused_uptr = uptr;
	uptr = uptr->next;
	free( disused_uptr );
Exemple #2
void makeTriplet( void )
    FILE *fp_fa;
    FA *fa;

    FAprocessed = 0;
    if( (fp_fa = fopen( FAfile, "w" )) == NULL ){
	errMes( "Can't open dfa File for writting\"%s\"", FAfile );
    getNewStatNo( FAlist );
    if( !SW_Quiet ){
	fprintf( stderr, "Now making triplet list" );
	NoNewLine = 1;
    while( 1 ){
	if( (fa = processTripletQueue( NULL )) == NULL ) break;
	r_makeTriplet( fa, fp_fa );
    fclose( fp_fa );
    if( !SW_Quiet ){
	fprintf( stderr, "\rNow making triplet list[%d/%d]\n", FAprocessed, FAtotal );
	NoNewLine = 0;
    if( SW_Verbose ){
	verboseMes( "r_makeTriplet: %d/%d(%d%%)",
		TFAtravSuccess, TFAtravTotal, 100*TFAtravSuccess/TFAtravTotal);
Exemple #3
BODY *appendTerm( BODY *list, char *name )
    BODY *newTerm;

    if( (newTerm = malloc( sizeof(BODY) )) == NULL ){
	errMes( "Can't alloc term list buffer" );
    strcpy( newTerm->name, name );
    newTerm->abort = 0;
    newTerm->next = list;
    return( newTerm );
Exemple #4
void setVoca( void )
    char token1[ SYMBOL_LEN ];
    char token2[ SYMBOL_LEN ];

    int virgin = 1;
    int bodynum = 0;
    BODY *bodyList = NULL;

    FILE *fp;
    char identifier[ SYMBOL_LEN ] = "";

    if( (fp = fopen( VocaFile, "r" )) == NULL ){
	errMes( "Can't open vocabulary file\"%s\"", VocaFile );
    if( !SW_Quiet ){
	fputs( "Now parsing vocabulary file\n", stderr );

    while( 1 ){
	static char line[ 1000 ];
	char *ptr = line;
	if( fgets( line, 1000, fp ) == NULL ){
	    entryTerm( identifier, bodyList, bodynum );
	if( line[ 0 ] == '\0' ) continue;
	if( line[ 0 ] == '#' ){
	    if( (ptr = gettoken( ptr, token1 )) == NULL ) continue;
	    if( !virgin ){
		entryTerm( identifier, bodyList, bodynum );
		bodyList = NULL;
		bodynum = 0;
	    } else {
		virgin = 0;
	    strcpy( identifier, token1 + 1 );
	} else {
	    ptr = gettoken( ptr, token1 );
	    if( ptr == NULL ) continue;
	    ptr = gettoken( ptr, token2 );
	    if( ptr == NULL ){
		bodyList = appendTerm( bodyList, token1 );
	    } else {
		bodyList = appendTerm( bodyList, token2 );
Exemple #5
FALIST *volatileFA( FALIST *volatileList, FA *fa )
    FALIST *atom;

    if( (atom = malloc( sizeof(FALIST) )) == NULL ){
	errMes( "Can't alloc FA list buffer." );
    fa->volatiled = 1;

    atom->fa = fa;
    atom->next = volatileList;
    return( atom );
Exemple #6
DirectionSensor::DirectionSensor(::gazebo::physics::ModelPtr model, sdf::ElementPtr sensor,
                                 std::string partId, std::string sensorId):
    Sensor(model, sensor, partId, sensorId, 1) // last parameter is the number of input neurons this sensor generates


    this->sensor_ = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<::gz::sensors::DirectionSensorDummy>(this->sensor_);
    if (!this->sensor_)
        auto errmsg = "DirectionSensor requires a DirectionSensorDummy as its parent.";
        std::cerr << errmsg << std::endl;
        throw std::invalid_argument(errmsg);

    this->output_ = 0.0;
    // Create transport node
    node_.reset(new gz::transport::Node());

    // subscribe to sound plugin messages
    soundPluginSub_ = node_->Subscribe("~/revolve/drive_direction_update", &DirectionSensor::OnDirUpdate, this);

    // connect to the update signal
    this->updateConnection_ = this->sensor_->ConnectUpdated(
                                  boost::bind(&DirectionSensor::OnUpdate, this, this->sensor_));

    // this is the vector that represents the drive direction
    this->driveDirection_ = ::gz::math::Vector3(0, 0, 0);

    // this is the relative pose of this sensor in the coordinate system of the parent link (never changes)
    this->sensorPose_ = this->sensor_->GetPose();

    // this is the sensor axis in the link coordinate system (never changes)
    this->sensorAxis_ = this->sensorPose_.rot.RotateVector(::gz::math::Vector3(0, 0, 1));

    // name of the parent link
    std::string parentLinkName = this->sensor_->GetParentName();

    // ptr to the parent link
    this->linkPtr_ = this->model_->GetLink( parentLinkName );
    if (!(this->linkPtr_)) {
        std::string errMes("Sound sensor: could not find the link: ");
        throw std::runtime_error(errMes);
Exemple #7
FALIST *insertFAlist( FALIST *top, FALIST *preAtom, FALIST *nextAtom, FA *fa )
    FALIST *atom;

    if( (atom = malloc( sizeof(FALIST) )) == NULL ){
	errMes( "Can't alloc group buffer for unifying FA" );
    atom->fa = fa;
    if( preAtom == NULL ){
	atom->next = nextAtom;
	return( atom );
    } else {
	preAtom->next = atom;
	atom->next = nextAtom;
	return( top );
Exemple #8
FA *processTripletQueue( FA *fa )
    /* NULL:pop, !NULL:push */

    typedef struct _FAQ{
	FA *fa;
	struct _FAQ *next;
    } FAQ;

    static FAQ *queueTop = NULL;
    static FAQ *queuqTail = NULL;
    FAQ *newFAQ;

    if( fa != NULL ){
	if( (newFAQ = malloc( sizeof(newFAQ) )) == NULL ){
	    errMes( "Can't malloc queue for breadth-first search of triplet list" );
	newFAQ->fa = fa;
	newFAQ->next = NULL;

	if( queueTop == NULL ){
	    queueTop = queuqTail = newFAQ;
	    return( NULL );
	} else {
	    queuqTail->next = newFAQ;
	    queuqTail = newFAQ;
	    return( NULL );
    } else {
	if( queueTop != NULL ){
	    FAQ *popedFAQ = queueTop;
	    FA *popedFA = queueTop->fa;
	    queueTop = queueTop->next;
	    free( popedFAQ );
	    return( popedFA );
	} else {
	    return( NULL );
Exemple #9
void connectUnifyFA( FA *fa, int inp, FA *nextFA, FLAG reserved,
		    CLASSFLAGS accpt, CLASSFLAGS start )
    /* unifyFAへのアークのリストに入力の辞書順で適切位置に挿入
       また同じものがある場合登録しない */
    /* nextFA のpsNumをインクリメントしない */
    UNIFYARC *newArc;
    UNIFYARC *curArc = NULL;
    UNIFYARC *nextArc;
    UNIFYARC *top = fa->usList;

    if( (newArc = calloc( 1, sizeof(UNIFYARC) )) == NULL ){
	errMes( "Can't alloc forward arc buffer of finite automaton." );
    newArc->inp = inp;
    newArc->us = nextFA;
    newArc->reserved = reserved;
    newArc->accpt = accpt;
    newArc->start = start;

    if( (nextArc = top) != NULL ){
	while( 1 ){
	    if( nextArc->inp > inp ) break;
	    if( nextArc->inp == inp && nextArc->us == nextFA ) return;
	    curArc = nextArc;
	    if( (nextArc = nextArc->next) == NULL ) break;
    if( curArc == NULL ){
	newArc->next = top;
	fa->usList = newArc;
    } else {
	newArc->next = nextArc;
	curArc->next = newArc;