int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const tal_t *ctx = tal_arr(NULL, char, 0); OpenAnchorScriptsigs *s; struct pkt *pkt; err_set_progname(argv[0]); opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit, "<open-anchor-sig-file>\n" "Create LeakAnchorSigsAndPretendWeDidnt to stdout", "Print this message."); opt_register_version(); opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit); if (argc != 2) opt_usage_exit_fail("Expected 1 argument"); s = pkt_from_file(argv[1], PKT__PKT_OPEN_ANCHOR_SCRIPTSIGS) ->open_anchor_scriptsigs; pkt = leak_anchor_sigs_and_pretend_we_didnt_pkt(ctx, s); if (!write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, pkt, pkt_totlen(pkt))) err(1, "Writing out packet"); tal_free(ctx); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const tal_t *ctx = tal_arr(NULL, char, 0); struct bitcoin_tx *tx; struct sha256_double txid; char str[hex_str_size(sizeof(txid))]; err_set_progname(argv[0]); /* FIXME: Take update.pbs to adjust channel */ opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit, "<tx>\n" "Print txid of the transaction in the file", "Print this message."); opt_register_version(); opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit); if (argc != 2) opt_usage_exit_fail("Expected 1 argument"); tx = bitcoin_tx_from_file(ctx, argv[1]); bitcoin_txid(tx, &txid); if (!bitcoin_txid_to_hex(&txid, str, sizeof(str))) abort(); /* Print it out. */ if (!write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, str, strlen(str))) err(1, "Writing out txid"); tal_free(ctx); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const tal_t *ctx = tal_arr(NULL, char, 0); OpenChannel *o1, *o2; OpenAnchorScriptsigs *ss1, *ss2; struct bitcoin_tx *anchor; struct sha256_double txid; u8 *tx_arr; size_t *inmap, *outmap; char *tx_hex; err_set_progname(argv[0]); opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit, "<open-channel-file1> <open-channel-file2> <anchor-sig2-1> <anchor-sigs2>\n" "Output the anchor transaction by merging the scriptsigs", "Print this message."); opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit); if (argc != 5) opt_usage_exit_fail("Expected 6 arguments"); o1 = pkt_from_file(argv[1], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open; o2 = pkt_from_file(argv[2], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open; ss1 = pkt_from_file(argv[3], PKT__PKT_OPEN_ANCHOR_SCRIPTSIGS) ->open_anchor_scriptsigs; ss2 = pkt_from_file(argv[4], PKT__PKT_OPEN_ANCHOR_SCRIPTSIGS) ->open_anchor_scriptsigs; anchor = anchor_tx_create(ctx, o1, o2, &inmap, &outmap); if (!anchor) errx(1, "Failed transaction merge"); if (!anchor_add_scriptsigs(anchor, ss1, ss2, inmap)) errx(1, "Wrong number of scriptsigs"); bitcoin_txid(anchor, &txid); /* Print it out in hex. */ tx_arr = linearize_tx(ctx, anchor); tx_hex = tal_arr(tx_arr, char, hex_str_size(tal_count(tx_arr))); hex_encode(tx_arr, tal_count(tx_arr), tx_hex, tal_count(tx_hex)); if (!write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, tx_hex, strlen(tx_hex))) err(1, "Writing out anchor transaction"); tal_free(ctx); return 0; }
/* Simple test code to create a gateway transaction */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *ret; struct protocol_address addr; bool testnet; err_set_progname(argv[0]); if (argc != 2) errx(1, "Usage: %s <address>", argv[0]); if (!pettycoin_from_base58(&testnet, &addr, argv[1], strlen(argv[1]))) errx(1, "Address '%s' not valid", argv[1]); ret = pettycoin_to_base58(NULL, testnet, &addr, !strstarts(argv[1], "P-")); printf("%s\n", ret); tal_free(ret); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const tal_t *ctx = tal_arr(NULL, char, 0); struct sha256 seed, revocation_hash, rval; struct pkt *pkt; unsigned update_num; err_set_progname(argv[0]); opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit, "<seed> <update-number> <r-value>\n" "Create a new HTLC complete message", "Print this message."); opt_register_version(); opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit); if (argc != 4) opt_usage_exit_fail("Expected 3 arguments"); if (!hex_decode(argv[1], strlen(argv[1]), &seed, sizeof(seed))) errx(1, "Invalid seed '%s' - need 256 hex bits", argv[1]); update_num = atoi(argv[2]); if (!update_num) errx(1, "Update number %s invalid", argv[2]); if (!hex_decode(argv[3], strlen(argv[3]), &rval, sizeof(rval))) errx(1, "Invalid rvalue '%s' - need 256 hex bits", argv[3]); /* Get next revocation hash. */ shachain_from_seed(&seed, update_num, &revocation_hash); sha256(&revocation_hash, revocation_hash.u.u8, sizeof(revocation_hash.u.u8)); pkt = update_htlc_complete_pkt(ctx, &revocation_hash, &rval); if (!write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, pkt, pkt_totlen(pkt))) err(1, "Writing out packet"); tal_free(ctx); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const tal_t *ctx = tal_arr(NULL, char, 0); OpenChannel *o1, *o2; OpenAnchor *a; struct bitcoin_tx *close_tx; struct bitcoin_signature sig1, sig2; struct pubkey pubkey1, pubkey2; u8 *redeemscript; CloseChannel *close; CloseChannelComplete *closecomplete; uint64_t our_amount, their_amount; err_set_progname(argv[0]); /* FIXME: Take update.pbs to adjust channel */ opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit, "<open-channel-file1> <open-channel-file2> <open-anchor-file> <close-protobuf> <close-complete-protobuf> [update-protobuf]...\n" "Create the close transaction from the signatures", "Print this message."); opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit); if (argc < 6) opt_usage_exit_fail("Expected 5+ arguments"); o1 = pkt_from_file(argv[1], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open; o2 = pkt_from_file(argv[2], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open; a = pkt_from_file(argv[3], PKT__PKT_OPEN_ANCHOR)->open_anchor; close = pkt_from_file(argv[4], PKT__PKT_CLOSE)->close; closecomplete = pkt_from_file(argv[5], PKT__PKT_CLOSE_COMPLETE)->close_complete; /* Pubkeys well-formed? */ if (!proto_to_pubkey(o1->commit_key, &pubkey1)) errx(1, "Invalid o1 commit_key"); if (!proto_to_pubkey(o2->commit_key, &pubkey2)) errx(1, "Invalid o2 commit_key"); /* Get delta by accumulting all the updates. */ gather_updates(o1, o2, a, close->close_fee, argv + 6, &our_amount, &their_amount, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* This is what the anchor pays to; figure out which output. */ redeemscript = bitcoin_redeem_2of2(ctx, &pubkey1, &pubkey2); /* Now create the close tx to spend 2/2 output of anchor. */ close_tx = create_close_tx(ctx, o1, o2, a, our_amount, their_amount); /* Signatures well-formed? */ sig1.stype = sig2.stype = SIGHASH_ALL; if (!proto_to_signature(close->sig, &sig1.sig)) errx(1, "Invalid close-packet"); if (!proto_to_signature(closecomplete->sig, &sig2.sig)) errx(1, "Invalid closecomplete-packet"); /* Combined signatures must validate correctly. */ if (!check_2of2_sig(close_tx, 0, redeemscript, tal_count(redeemscript), &pubkey1, &pubkey2, &sig1, &sig2)) errx(1, "Signature failed"); /* Create p2sh input for close_tx */ close_tx->input[0].script = scriptsig_p2sh_2of2(close_tx, &sig1, &sig2, &pubkey1, &pubkey2); close_tx->input[0].script_length = tal_count(close_tx->input[0].script); /* Print it out in hex. */ if (!bitcoin_tx_write(STDOUT_FILENO, close_tx)) err(1, "Writing out transaction"); tal_free(ctx); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const tal_t *ctx = tal_arr(NULL, char, 0); struct sha256 seed, revocation_hash, their_rhash; OpenChannel *o1, *o2; Update *update; struct bitcoin_tx *anchor, *commit; struct sha256_double anchor_txid; struct pkt *pkt; struct bitcoin_signature sig; EC_KEY *privkey; bool testnet; struct pubkey pubkey1, pubkey2; u8 *redeemscript; int64_t delta; size_t i, p2sh_out; err_set_progname(argv[0]); opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit, "<seed> <anchor-tx> <open-channel-file1> <open-channel-file2> <commit-privkey> <update-protobuf> [previous-updates]\n" "Accept a new update message", "Print this message."); opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit); if (argc < 6) opt_usage_exit_fail("Expected 5+ arguments"); if (!hex_decode(argv[1], strlen(argv[1]), &seed, sizeof(seed))) errx(1, "Invalid seed '%s' - need 256 hex bits", argv[1]); anchor = bitcoin_tx_from_file(ctx, argv[2]); bitcoin_txid(anchor, &anchor_txid); o1 = pkt_from_file(argv[3], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open; o2 = pkt_from_file(argv[4], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open; privkey = key_from_base58(argv[5], strlen(argv[5]), &testnet, &pubkey1); if (!privkey) errx(1, "Invalid private key '%s'", argv[5]); if (!testnet) errx(1, "Private key '%s' not on testnet!", argv[5]); update = pkt_from_file(argv[6], PKT__PKT_UPDATE)->update; /* Figure out cumulative delta since anchor. */ delta = update->delta; for (i = 7; i < argc; i++) { Update *u = pkt_from_file(argv[i], PKT__PKT_UPDATE)->update; delta += u->delta; } /* Get next revocation hash. */ shachain_from_seed(&seed, argc - 6, &revocation_hash); sha256(&revocation_hash, revocation_hash.u.u8, sizeof(revocation_hash.u.u8)); /* Get pubkeys */ if (!proto_to_pubkey(o1->anchor->pubkey, &pubkey2)) errx(1, "Invalid o1 commit pubkey"); if (pubkey_len(&pubkey1) != pubkey_len(&pubkey2) || memcmp(pubkey1.key, pubkey2.key, pubkey_len(&pubkey2)) != 0) errx(1, "o1 pubkey != this privkey"); if (!proto_to_pubkey(o2->anchor->pubkey, &pubkey2)) errx(1, "Invalid o2 final pubkey"); /* This is what the anchor pays to; figure out whick output. */ redeemscript = bitcoin_redeem_2of2(ctx, &pubkey1, &pubkey2); p2sh_out = find_p2sh_out(anchor, redeemscript); /* Now create THEIR new commitment tx to spend 2/2 output of anchor. */ proto_to_sha256(update->revocation_hash, &their_rhash); commit = create_commit_tx(ctx, o2, o1, &their_rhash, delta, &anchor_txid, p2sh_out); /* If contributions don't exceed fees, this fails. */ if (!commit) errx(1, "Delta too large"); /* Sign it for them. */ sign_tx_input(ctx, commit, 0, redeemscript, tal_count(redeemscript), privkey, &pubkey1, &sig.sig); pkt = update_accept_pkt(ctx, &sig.sig, &revocation_hash); if (!write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, pkt, pkt_totlen(pkt))) err(1, "Writing out packet"); tal_free(ctx); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { OpenChannel *o1, *o2; struct bitcoin_tx *anchor; const tal_t *ctx = tal_arr(NULL, char, 0); u64 anchor_fee, amount, total_in, change; struct input *in; u8 *redeemscript; size_t i; struct pubkey pubkey1, pubkey2; err_set_progname(argv[0]); anchor_fee = 10000; opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit, "<open-channel-file1> <open-channel-file2> <amount> <changepubkey> <txid>/<outnum>/<satoshis>/<script-in-hex>/<privkey>...\n" "A test program to create an anchor tx on stdout.", "Print this message."); opt_register_arg("--anchor-fee=<bits>", opt_set_bits, opt_show_bits, &anchor_fee, "100's of satoshi to pay for anchor"); opt_register_version(); opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit); if (argc < 6) opt_usage_exit_fail("Expected 5 or more arguments"); o1 = pkt_from_file(argv[1], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open; o2 = pkt_from_file(argv[2], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open; if (!proto_to_pubkey(o1->commit_key, &pubkey1)) errx(1, "Invalid o1 commit_key"); if (!proto_to_pubkey(o2->commit_key, &pubkey2)) errx(1, "Invalid o2 commit_key"); amount = atol(argv[3]); if (!amount) errx(1, "Invalid total: must be > 0"); in = tal_arr(ctx, struct input, argc - 5); total_in = 0; for (i = 0; i < tal_count(in); i++) { parse_anchor_input(argv[5+i], &in[i]); total_in += in[i].in.input_amount; } if (total_in < amount + anchor_fee) errx(1, "Only %llu satoshi in, and %llu out (+%llu fee)", (unsigned long long)total_in, (unsigned long long)amount, (unsigned long long)anchor_fee); change = total_in - (amount + anchor_fee); /* If there's change, we have an extra output. */ anchor = bitcoin_tx(ctx, tal_count(in), change ? 2 : 1); anchor->fee = anchor_fee; /* Commitment redeems this via 2 of 2 payment. */ redeemscript = bitcoin_redeem_2of2(ctx, &pubkey1, &pubkey2); /* Set up outputs. */ anchor->output[0].amount = amount; anchor->output[0].script = scriptpubkey_p2sh(anchor, redeemscript); anchor->output[0].script_length = tal_count(anchor->output[0].script); if (change) { struct pubkey change_key; if (!pubkey_from_hexstr(argv[4], &change_key)) errx(1, "Invalid change key %s", argv[3]); redeemscript = bitcoin_redeem_single(anchor, &change_key); anchor->output[1].amount = change; anchor->output[1].script = scriptpubkey_p2sh(anchor, redeemscript); anchor->output[1].script_length = tal_count(anchor->output[1].script); } /* Set up inputs (leaving scripts empty for signing) */ for (i = 0; i < tal_count(in); i++) { anchor->input[i].input_amount = in[i].in.input_amount; anchor->input[i].txid = in[i].in.txid; anchor->input[i].index = in[i].in.index; } /* Now, sign each input. */ for (i = 0; i < tal_count(in); i++) { in[i].sig.stype = SIGHASH_ALL; if (!sign_tx_input(ctx, anchor, i, in[i].in.script, in[i].in.script_length, &in[i].privkey, &in[i].pubkey, &in[i].sig.sig)) errx(1, "Error signing input %zi", i); } /* Finally, complete inputs using signatures. */ for (i = 0; i < tal_count(in); i++) { if (!is_pay_to_pubkey_hash(in[i].in.script, in[i].in.script_length)) errx(1, "FIXME: Don't know how to handle input %zi", i); anchor->input[i].script = scriptsig_pay_to_pubkeyhash(anchor, &in[i].pubkey, &in[i].sig); anchor->input[i].script_length = tal_count(anchor->input[i].script); } /* Print it out in hex. */ if (!bitcoin_tx_write(STDOUT_FILENO, anchor)) err(1, "Writing out transaction"); tal_free(ctx); return 0; }
/* Simple test code to create a gateway transaction */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fd, i, off; const char *method; char *cmd, *resp, *idstr, *rpc_filename; char *result_end; struct sockaddr_un addr; jsmntok_t *toks; const jsmntok_t *result, *error, *id; char *pettycoin_dir; const tal_t *ctx = tal(NULL, char); size_t num_opens, num_closes; bool valid; err_set_progname(argv[0]); opt_set_alloc(opt_allocfn, tal_reallocfn, tal_freefn); pettycoin_dir_register_opts(ctx, &pettycoin_dir, &rpc_filename); opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit, "<command> [<params>...]", "Show this message"); opt_register_noarg("--version|-V", opt_version_and_exit, VERSION, "Display version and exit"); opt_early_parse(argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit); opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit); method = argv[1]; if (!method) errx(ERROR_USAGE, "Need at least one argument\n%s", opt_usage(argv[0], NULL)); if (chdir(pettycoin_dir) != 0) err(ERROR_TALKING_TO_PETTYCOIN, "Moving into '%s'", pettycoin_dir); fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (strlen(rpc_filename) + 1 > sizeof(addr.sun_path)) errx(ERROR_USAGE, "rpc filename '%s' too long", rpc_filename); strcpy(addr.sun_path, rpc_filename); addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)) != 0) err(ERROR_TALKING_TO_PETTYCOIN, "Connecting to '%s'", rpc_filename); idstr = tal_fmt(ctx, "pettycoin_query-%i", getpid()); cmd = tal_fmt(ctx, "{ \"method\" : \"%s\", \"id\" : \"%s\", \"params\" : [ ", method, idstr); for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) { /* Numbers are left unquoted, and quoted things left alone. */ if (strspn(argv[i], "0123456789") == strlen(argv[i]) || argv[i][0] == '"') tal_append_fmt(&cmd, "%s", argv[i]); else tal_append_fmt(&cmd, "\"%s\"", argv[i]); if (i != argc - 1) tal_append_fmt(&cmd, ", "); } tal_append_fmt(&cmd, "] }"); if (!write_all(fd, cmd, strlen(cmd))) err(ERROR_TALKING_TO_PETTYCOIN, "Writing command"); resp = tal_arr(cmd, char, 100); off = 0; num_opens = num_closes = 0; while ((i = read(fd, resp + off, tal_count(resp) - 1 - off)) > 0) { resp[off + i] = '\0'; num_opens += strcount(resp + off, "{"); num_closes += strcount(resp + off, "}"); off += i; if (off == tal_count(resp) - 1) tal_resize(&resp, tal_count(resp) * 2); /* parsing huge outputs is slow: do quick check first. */ if (num_opens == num_closes && strstr(resp, "\"result\"")) break; } if (i < 0) err(ERROR_TALKING_TO_PETTYCOIN, "reading response"); /* Parsing huge results is too slow, so hack fastpath common case */ result_end = tal_fmt(ctx, ", \"error\" : null, \"id\" : \"%s\" }\n", idstr); if (strstarts(resp, "{ \"result\" : ") && strends(resp, result_end)) { /* Result is OK, so dump it */ resp += strlen("{ \"result\" : "); printf("%.*s\n", (int)(strlen(resp) - strlen(result_end)), resp); tal_free(ctx); return 0; } toks = json_parse_input(resp, off, &valid); if (!toks || !valid) errx(ERROR_TALKING_TO_PETTYCOIN, "Malformed response '%s'", resp); result = json_get_member(resp, toks, "result"); if (!result) errx(ERROR_TALKING_TO_PETTYCOIN, "Missing 'result' in response '%s'", resp); error = json_get_member(resp, toks, "error"); if (!error) errx(ERROR_TALKING_TO_PETTYCOIN, "Missing 'error' in response '%s'", resp); id = json_get_member(resp, toks, "id"); if (!id) errx(ERROR_TALKING_TO_PETTYCOIN, "Missing 'id' in response '%s'", resp); if (!json_tok_streq(resp, id, idstr)) errx(ERROR_TALKING_TO_PETTYCOIN, "Incorrect 'id' in response: %.*s", json_tok_len(id), json_tok_contents(resp, id)); if (json_tok_is_null(resp, error)) { printf("%.*s\n", json_tok_len(result), json_tok_contents(resp, result)); tal_free(ctx); return 0; } printf("%.*s\n", json_tok_len(error), json_tok_contents(resp, error)); tal_free(ctx); return 1; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const tal_t *ctx = tal_arr(NULL, char, 0); OpenChannel *o1, *o2; struct bitcoin_tx *anchor, *close_tx; struct sha256_double anchor_txid; struct bitcoin_signature sig1, sig2; struct pubkey pubkey1, pubkey2; u8 *redeemscript, *tx_arr; char *tx_hex; CloseChannel *close; CloseChannelComplete *closecomplete; size_t i; int64_t delta; err_set_progname(argv[0]); /* FIXME: Take update.pbs to adjust channel */ opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit, "<anchor-tx> <open-channel-file1> <open-channel-file2> <close-protobuf> <close-complete-protobuf> [update-protobuf]...\n" "Create the close transaction from the signatures", "Print this message."); opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit); if (argc < 6) opt_usage_exit_fail("Expected 5+ arguments"); anchor = bitcoin_tx_from_file(ctx, argv[1]); o1 = pkt_from_file(argv[2], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open; o2 = pkt_from_file(argv[3], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open; close = pkt_from_file(argv[4], PKT__PKT_CLOSE)->close; closecomplete = pkt_from_file(argv[5], PKT__PKT_CLOSE_COMPLETE)->close_complete; bitcoin_txid(anchor, &anchor_txid); /* Pubkeys well-formed? */ if (!proto_to_pubkey(o1->anchor->pubkey, &pubkey1)) errx(1, "Invalid anchor-1 key"); if (!proto_to_pubkey(o2->anchor->pubkey, &pubkey2)) errx(1, "Invalid anchor-2 key"); /* Get delta by accumulting all the updates. */ delta = 0; for (i = 6; i < argc; i++) { Update *u = pkt_from_file(argv[i], PKT__PKT_UPDATE)->update; delta += u->delta; } /* This is what the anchor pays to; figure out which output. */ redeemscript = bitcoin_redeem_2of2(ctx, &pubkey1, &pubkey2); /* Now create the close tx to spend 2/2 output of anchor. */ close_tx = create_close_tx(ctx, o1, o2, delta, &anchor_txid, find_p2sh_out(anchor, redeemscript)); /* Signatures well-formed? */ sig1.stype = sig2.stype = SIGHASH_ALL; if (!proto_to_signature(close->sig, &sig1.sig)) errx(1, "Invalid close-packet"); if (!proto_to_signature(closecomplete->sig, &sig2.sig)) errx(1, "Invalid closecomplete-packet"); /* Combined signatures must validate correctly. */ if (!check_2of2_sig(close_tx, 0, redeemscript, tal_count(redeemscript), &pubkey1, &pubkey2, &sig1, &sig2)) errx(1, "Signature failed"); /* Create p2sh input for close_tx */ close_tx->input[0].script = scriptsig_p2sh_2of2(close_tx, &sig1, &sig2, &pubkey1, &pubkey2); close_tx->input[0].script_length = tal_count(close_tx->input[0].script); /* Print it out in hex. */ tx_arr = linearize_tx(ctx, close_tx); tx_hex = tal_arr(tx_arr, char, hex_str_size(tal_count(tx_arr))); hex_encode(tx_arr, tal_count(tx_arr), tx_hex, tal_count(tx_hex)); if (!write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, tx_hex, strlen(tx_hex))) err(1, "Writing out transaction"); tal_free(ctx); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const tal_t *ctx = tal_arr(NULL, char, 0); OpenChannel *o1, *o2; OpenAnchor *a; struct bitcoin_tx *commit, *tx; struct bitcoin_signature sig; struct privkey privkey; bool testnet; struct pubkey pubkey1, pubkey2, outpubkey; u8 *redeemscript; struct sha256 rhash; size_t p2sh_out; u64 fee = 10000; u32 locktime; err_set_progname(argv[0]); /* FIXME: If we've updated channel since, we need the final * revocation hash we sent (either update_accept or update_complete) */ opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit, "<commitment-tx> <open-channel-file1> <open-channel-file2> <open-anchor-file> <my-privoutkey> <someaddress> [previous-updates]\n" "Create the transaction to spend our commit transaction", "Print this message."); opt_register_arg("--fee=<bits>", opt_set_bits, opt_show_bits, &fee, "100's of satoshi to pay in transaction fee"); opt_register_version(); opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit); if (argc < 6) opt_usage_exit_fail("Expected 5+ arguments"); commit = bitcoin_tx_from_file(ctx, argv[1]); o1 = pkt_from_file(argv[2], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open; o2 = pkt_from_file(argv[3], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open; a = pkt_from_file(argv[4], PKT__PKT_OPEN_ANCHOR)->open_anchor; if (!proto_to_rel_locktime(o2->delay, &locktime)) errx(1, "Invalid locktime in o2"); /* We need our private key to spend commit output. */ if (!key_from_base58(argv[5], strlen(argv[5]), &testnet, &privkey, &pubkey1)) errx(1, "Invalid private key '%s'", argv[5]); if (!testnet) errx(1, "Private key '%s' not on testnet!", argv[5]); if (!pubkey_from_hexstr(argv[6], &outpubkey)) errx(1, "Invalid bitcoin pubkey '%s'", argv[6]); /* Get pubkeys */ if (!proto_to_pubkey(o1->final_key, &pubkey2)) errx(1, "Invalid o1 final pubkey"); if (!pubkey_eq(&pubkey1, &pubkey2)) errx(1, "o1 pubkey != this privkey"); if (!proto_to_pubkey(o2->final_key, &pubkey2)) errx(1, "Invalid o2 final pubkey"); /* We use this simply to get final revocation hash. */ gather_updates(ctx, o1, o2, a, commit_fee(o1, o2), argv + 7, NULL, &rhash, NULL, NULL); /* Create redeem script */ redeemscript = bitcoin_redeem_secret_or_delay(ctx, &pubkey1, locktime, &pubkey2, &rhash); /* Now, create transaction to spend it. */ tx = bitcoin_tx(ctx, 1, 1); bitcoin_txid(commit, &tx->input[0].txid); p2sh_out = find_p2sh_out(commit, redeemscript); tx->input[0].index = p2sh_out; tx->input[0].input_amount = commit->output[p2sh_out].amount; tx->fee = fee; tx->input[0].sequence_number = bitcoin_nsequence(locktime); if (commit->output[p2sh_out].amount <= fee) errx(1, "Amount of %llu won't exceed fee", (unsigned long long)commit->output[p2sh_out].amount); tx->output[0].amount = commit->output[p2sh_out].amount - fee; tx->output[0].script = scriptpubkey_p2sh(tx, bitcoin_redeem_single(tx, &outpubkey)); tx->output[0].script_length = tal_count(tx->output[0].script); /* Now get signature, to set up input script. */ if (!sign_tx_input(tx, tx, 0, redeemscript, tal_count(redeemscript), &privkey, &pubkey1, &sig.sig)) errx(1, "Could not sign tx"); sig.stype = SIGHASH_ALL; tx->input[0].script = scriptsig_p2sh_secret(tx, NULL, 0, &sig, redeemscript, tal_count(redeemscript)); tx->input[0].script_length = tal_count(tx->input[0].script); /* Print it out in hex. */ if (!bitcoin_tx_write(STDOUT_FILENO, tx)) err(1, "Writing out transaction"); tal_free(ctx); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const tal_t *ctx = tal_arr(NULL, char, 0); struct sha256 seed, preimage, our_rhash, their_rhash; OpenChannel *o1, *o2; OpenAnchor *a; struct bitcoin_tx *commit; struct pkt *pkt; struct bitcoin_signature sig; struct privkey privkey; bool testnet; struct pubkey pubkey1, pubkey2; u8 *redeemscript; size_t num_updates; struct channel_state *cstate; err_set_progname(argv[0]); opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit, "<seed> <open-channel-file1> <open-channel-file2> <open-anchor-file> <commit-privkey> <all-previous-updates>...\n" "Create a new update-channel-signature message", "Print this message."); opt_register_version(); opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit); if (argc < 8) opt_usage_exit_fail("Expected 7+ arguments"); if (!hex_decode(argv[1], strlen(argv[1]), &seed, sizeof(seed))) errx(1, "Invalid seed '%s' - need 256 hex bits", argv[1]); o1 = pkt_from_file(argv[2], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open; o2 = pkt_from_file(argv[3], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open; a = pkt_from_file(argv[4], PKT__PKT_OPEN_ANCHOR)->open_anchor; if (!key_from_base58(argv[5], strlen(argv[5]), &testnet, &privkey, &pubkey1)) errx(1, "Invalid private key '%s'", argv[5]); if (!testnet) errx(1, "Private key '%s' not on testnet!", argv[5]); sig.stype = SIGHASH_ALL; /* Figure out cumulative delta since anchor. */ cstate = gather_updates(ctx, o1, o2, a, commit_fee(o1, o2), argv + 6, &num_updates, &our_rhash, &their_rhash, &sig.sig); if (num_updates < 1) errx(1, "Expected at least one update!"); /* Give up revocation preimage for old tx. */ shachain_from_seed(&seed, num_updates - 1, &preimage); /* Get pubkeys */ if (!proto_to_pubkey(o1->commit_key, &pubkey2)) errx(1, "Invalid o1 commit pubkey"); if (!pubkey_eq(&pubkey1, &pubkey2)) errx(1, "o1 pubkey != this privkey"); if (!proto_to_pubkey(o2->commit_key, &pubkey2)) errx(1, "Invalid o2 commit pubkey"); /* This is what the anchor pays to. */ redeemscript = bitcoin_redeem_2of2(ctx, &pubkey1, &pubkey2); /* Check our new commit is signed correctly by them. */ commit = create_commit_tx(ctx, o1, o2, a, &our_rhash, cstate); if (!commit) errx(1, "Invalid packets"); /* Check their signature signs this input correctly. */ if (!check_tx_sig(commit, 0, redeemscript, tal_count(redeemscript), &pubkey2, &sig)) errx(1, "Invalid signature."); /* Now create THEIR new commitment tx to spend 2/2 output of anchor. */ invert_cstate(cstate); commit = create_commit_tx(ctx, o2, o1, a, &their_rhash, cstate); if (!commit) errx(1, "Invalid packets"); /* Their pubkey must be valid */ if (!proto_to_pubkey(o2->commit_key, &pubkey2)) errx(1, "Invalid public open-channel-file2"); /* Sign it for them. */ sign_tx_input(ctx, commit, 0, redeemscript, tal_count(redeemscript), &privkey, &pubkey1, &sig.sig); pkt = update_signature_pkt(ctx, &sig.sig, &preimage); if (!write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, pkt, pkt_totlen(pkt))) err(1, "Writing out packet"); tal_free(ctx); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const tal_t *ctx = tal_arr(NULL, char, 0); struct sha256 seed, revocation_hash, their_rhash; OpenChannel *o1, *o2; OpenAnchor *a; struct bitcoin_tx *commit; struct pkt *pkt; struct bitcoin_signature sig; struct privkey privkey; bool testnet; size_t num_updates; struct pubkey pubkey1, pubkey2; u8 *redeemscript; struct channel_state *cstate; err_set_progname(argv[0]); opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit, "<seed> <open-channel-file1> <open-channel-file2> <open-anchor-file> <commit-privkey> <all-updates...>\n" "Accept a new update message", "Print this message."); opt_register_version(); opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit); if (argc < 7) opt_usage_exit_fail("Expected 6+ arguments"); if (!hex_decode(argv[1], strlen(argv[1]), &seed, sizeof(seed))) errx(1, "Invalid seed '%s' - need 256 hex bits", argv[1]); o1 = pkt_from_file(argv[2], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open; o2 = pkt_from_file(argv[3], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open; a = pkt_from_file(argv[4], PKT__PKT_OPEN_ANCHOR)->open_anchor; if (!key_from_base58(argv[5], strlen(argv[5]), &testnet, &privkey, &pubkey1)) errx(1, "Invalid private key '%s'", argv[5]); if (!testnet) errx(1, "Private key '%s' not on testnet!", argv[5]); /* Figure out cumulative delta since anchor. */ cstate = gather_updates(ctx, o1, o2, a, commit_fee(o1, o2), argv + 6, &num_updates, NULL, &their_rhash, NULL); /* Get next revocation hash. */ shachain_from_seed(&seed, num_updates, &revocation_hash); sha256(&revocation_hash, revocation_hash.u.u8, sizeof(revocation_hash.u.u8)); /* Get pubkeys */ if (!proto_to_pubkey(o1->commit_key, &pubkey2)) errx(1, "Invalid o1 commit pubkey"); if (!pubkey_eq(&pubkey1, &pubkey2)) errx(1, "o1 pubkey != this privkey"); if (!proto_to_pubkey(o2->commit_key, &pubkey2)) errx(1, "Invalid o2 commit pubkey"); /* This is what the anchor pays to; figure out whick output. */ redeemscript = bitcoin_redeem_2of2(ctx, &pubkey1, &pubkey2); /* Now create THEIR new commitment tx to spend 2/2 output of anchor. */ invert_cstate(cstate); commit = create_commit_tx(ctx, o2, o1, a, &their_rhash, cstate); /* If contributions don't exceed fees, this fails. */ if (!commit) errx(1, "Delta too large"); /* Sign it for them. */ sign_tx_input(ctx, commit, 0, redeemscript, tal_count(redeemscript), &privkey, &pubkey1, &sig.sig); pkt = update_accept_pkt(ctx, &sig.sig, &revocation_hash); if (!write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, pkt, pkt_totlen(pkt))) err(1, "Writing out packet"); tal_free(ctx); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const tal_t *ctx = tal_arr(NULL, char, 0); struct sha256 seed, our_rhash, their_rhash, preimage; OpenChannel *o1, *o2; OpenAnchor *a; struct pkt *pkt; struct bitcoin_tx *commit; struct pubkey pubkey1, pubkey2; size_t num_updates; struct bitcoin_signature sig; u8 *redeemscript; struct channel_state *cstate; err_set_progname(argv[0]); opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit, "<seed> <open-channel-file1> <open-channel-file2> <open-anchor-file> <all-previous-updates>\n" "Create a new update-complete message", "Print this message."); opt_register_version(); opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit); if (argc < 7) opt_usage_exit_fail("Expected 6+ arguments"); if (!hex_decode(argv[1], strlen(argv[1]), &seed, sizeof(seed))) errx(1, "Invalid seed '%s' - need 256 hex bits", argv[1]); o1 = pkt_from_file(argv[2], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open; o2 = pkt_from_file(argv[3], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open; a = pkt_from_file(argv[4], PKT__PKT_OPEN_ANCHOR)->open_anchor; sig.stype = SIGHASH_ALL; /* This also checks that preimage is correct! */ cstate = gather_updates(ctx, o1, o2, a, commit_fee(o1, o2), argv + 5, &num_updates, &our_rhash, &their_rhash, &sig.sig); if (num_updates < 1) errx(1, "Expected at least one update!"); /* Get pubkeys */ if (!proto_to_pubkey(o1->commit_key, &pubkey1)) errx(1, "Invalid o1 commit pubkey"); if (!proto_to_pubkey(o2->commit_key, &pubkey2)) errx(1, "Invalid o2 commit pubkey"); /* This is what the anchor pays to. */ redeemscript = bitcoin_redeem_2of2(ctx, &pubkey1, &pubkey2); /* Check their signature signs our new commit tx correctly. */ commit = create_commit_tx(ctx, o1, o2, a, &our_rhash, cstate); if (!commit) errx(1, "Delta too large"); if (!check_tx_sig(commit, 0, redeemscript, tal_count(redeemscript), &pubkey2, &sig)) errx(1, "Invalid signature."); /* Hand over our preimage for previous tx. */ shachain_from_seed(&seed, num_updates - 1, &preimage); pkt = update_complete_pkt(ctx, &preimage); if (!write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, pkt, pkt_totlen(pkt))) err(1, "Writing out packet"); tal_free(ctx); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const tal_t *ctx = tal_arr(NULL, char, 0); OpenChannel *o1, *o2; OpenAnchor *a; struct bitcoin_tx *close_tx; struct pkt *pkt; struct signature sig; struct privkey privkey; bool testnet; struct pubkey pubkey1, pubkey2; u8 *redeemscript; char *close_file = NULL; u64 close_fee = 10000; struct channel_state *cstate; err_set_progname(argv[0]); opt_register_arg("--complete=<close-msg-file>", opt_set_charp, NULL, &close_file, "Create a close_transaction_complete msg instead"); opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit, "<open-channel-file1> <open-channel-file2> <anchor-file> <commit-privkey> [{+/-}update-protobuf]...\n" "Create the signature needed for the close transaction", "Print this message."); opt_register_arg("--close-fee=<bits>", opt_set_bits, opt_show_bits, &close_fee, "100's of satoshi to pay for close tx"); opt_register_version(); opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit); if (argc < 5) opt_usage_exit_fail("Expected 4+ arguments"); o1 = pkt_from_file(argv[1], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open; o2 = pkt_from_file(argv[2], PKT__PKT_OPEN)->open; a = pkt_from_file(argv[3], PKT__PKT_OPEN_ANCHOR)->open_anchor; if (!key_from_base58(argv[4], strlen(argv[4]), &testnet, &privkey, &pubkey1)) errx(1, "Invalid private key '%s'", argv[4]); if (!testnet) errx(1, "Private key '%s' not on testnet!", argv[4]); if (close_file) { CloseChannel *c; c = pkt_from_file(close_file, PKT__PKT_CLOSE)->close; close_fee = c->close_fee; } cstate = gather_updates(ctx, o1, o2, a, close_fee, argv + 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* Get pubkeys */ if (!proto_to_pubkey(o1->commit_key, &pubkey2)) errx(1, "Invalid o1 commit pubkey"); if (pubkey_len(&pubkey1) != pubkey_len(&pubkey2) || memcmp(pubkey1.key, pubkey2.key, pubkey_len(&pubkey2)) != 0) errx(1, "o1 pubkey != this privkey"); if (!proto_to_pubkey(o2->commit_key, &pubkey2)) errx(1, "Invalid o2 commit pubkey"); /* This is what the anchor pays to. */ redeemscript = bitcoin_redeem_2of2(ctx, &pubkey1, &pubkey2); close_tx = create_close_tx(ctx, o1, o2, a, cstate->, cstate->; /* Sign it for them. */ sign_tx_input(ctx, close_tx, 0, redeemscript, tal_count(redeemscript), &privkey, &pubkey1, &sig); if (close_file) pkt = close_channel_complete_pkt(ctx, &sig); else pkt = close_channel_pkt(ctx, close_fee, &sig); if (!write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, pkt, pkt_totlen(pkt))) err(1, "Writing out packet"); tal_free(ctx); return 0; }