static void init(void) { if (ioctl(0, VT_GETACTIVE, &cur_info.active_vty) == -1) errc(1, errno, "getting active vty"); cur_info.console_info.size = sizeof(cur_info.console_info); if (ioctl(0, CONS_GETINFO, &cur_info.console_info) == -1) errc(1, errno, "getting console information"); if (ioctl(0, GIO_SCRNMAP, &cur_info.screen_map) == -1) errc(1, errno, "getting screen map"); if (ioctl(0, CONS_GET, &cur_info.video_mode_number) == -1) errc(1, errno, "getting video mode number"); cur_info.video_mode_info.vi_mode = cur_info.video_mode_number; if (ioctl(0, CONS_MODEINFO, &cur_info.video_mode_info) == -1) errc(1, errno, "getting video mode parameters"); normal_fore_color = cur_info.console_info.mv_norm.fore; normal_back_color = cur_info.console_info.mv_norm.back; revers_fore_color = cur_info.console_info.mv_rev.fore; revers_back_color = cur_info.console_info.mv_rev.back; }
void context::authenticate() { _M_code = pam_authenticate(_M_pamh, 0); if(errc(_M_code) != errc::success) throw auth_error(_M_pamh, _M_code); _M_code = pam_acct_mgmt(_M_pamh, 0); if(errc(_M_code) != errc::success) throw account_error(_M_pamh, _M_code); }
void context::close_session() { _M_code = pam_close_session(_M_pamh, 0); if(errc(_M_code) != errc::success) { rmcred(); throw session_error(_M_pamh, _M_code); } _M_code = rmcred(); if(errc(_M_code) != errc::success) throw cred_error(_M_pamh, _M_code); }
void context::open_session() { _M_code = setcred(); if(errc(_M_code) != errc::success) throw cred_error(_M_pamh, _M_code); _M_code = pam_open_session(_M_pamh, 0); if(errc(_M_code) != errc::success) { rmcred(); throw session_error(_M_pamh, _M_code); } }
void context::insert(pam::item item, const std::string& value) { if(item == pam::item::conv || item == pam::item::fail_delay) throw item_error(_M_pamh, errc::bad_item); _M_code = pam_set_item(_M_pamh, static_cast<int>(item),; if(errc(_M_code) != errc::success) throw item_error(_M_pamh, _M_code); }
static void show_adapter_info(void) { struct video_adapter_info ad; ad.va_index = 0; if (ioctl(0, CONS_ADPINFO, &ad) == -1) { revert(); errc(1, errno, "obtaining adapter information"); } printf("fb%d:\n", ad.va_index); printf(" %.*s%d, type:%s%s (%d), flags:0x%x\n", (int)sizeof(ad.va_name), ad.va_name, ad.va_unit, (ad.va_flags & V_ADP_VESA) ? "VESA " : "", adapter_name(ad.va_type), ad.va_type, ad.va_flags); printf(" initial mode:%d, current mode:%d, BIOS mode:%d\n", ad.va_initial_mode, ad.va_mode, ad.va_initial_bios_mode); printf(" frame buffer window:0x%x, buffer size:0x%zx\n", ad.va_window, ad.va_buffer_size); printf(" window size:0x%zx, origin:0x%x\n", ad.va_window_size, ad.va_window_orig); printf(" display start address (%d, %d), scan line width:%d\n", ad.va_disp_start.x, ad.va_disp_start.y, ad.va_line_width); printf(" reserved:0x%x\n", ad.va_unused0); }
wchar_t * prepkey(const char *string, wchar_t termchar) { const char *readp; wchar_t *key, *writep; wchar_t ch; size_t clen; /* * Reformat search string and convert to wide character representation * to avoid doing it multiple times later. */ if ((key = malloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * (strlen(string) + 1))) == NULL) err(2, NULL); readp = string; writep = key; while ((clen = mbrtowc(&ch, readp, MB_LEN_MAX, NULL)) != 0) { if (clen == (size_t)-1 || clen == (size_t)-2) errc(2, EILSEQ, NULL); if (fflag) ch = towlower(ch); if (!dflag || iswalnum(ch)) *writep++ = ch; readp += clen; } *writep = L'\0'; if (termchar != L'\0' && (writep = wcschr(key, termchar)) != NULL) *++writep = L'\0'; return (key); }
int open_score_file(void) { mode_t old_mode; char *home; char scorefile[PATH_MAX]; int ret; int score_fd; home = getenv("HOME"); if (home == NULL || *home == '\0') err(1, "getenv"); ret = snprintf(scorefile, sizeof(scorefile), "%s/%s", home, ".atc.scores"); if (ret < 0 || ret >= PATH_MAX) errc(1, ENAMETOOLONG, "%s/%s", home, ".atc.scores"); old_mode = umask(0); score_fd = open(scorefile, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0644); if (score_fd < 0) err(1, "open"); /* * This is done to take advantage of stdio, while still * allowing a O_CREAT during the open(2) of the log file. */ score_fp = fdopen(score_fd, "r+"); if (score_fp == NULL) err(1, "fdopen"); umask(old_mode); return (0); }
int main(void) { char sfn[24]; FILE *sfp; int fd, i; strlcpy(sfn, "/tmp/barnacles.XXXXXXXX", sizeof(sfn)); if ((fd = mkstemp(sfn)) == -1 || (sfp = fdopen(fd, "w+")) == NULL) { int saved_errno = errno; if (fd != -1) { unlink(sfn); close(fd); } errc(1, saved_errno, "could not open temporary file"); } for (i = 0; i < 4096 * THREAD_COUNT; i++) if (fwrite(TEXT_N, sizeof(char), strlen(TEXT_N), sfp) == 0) err(1, "Could not populate test file"); run_threads(fgetln_thread, sfp); unlink(sfn); close(fd); exit(0); }
void *work(void *arg) { int count = (int)(intptr_t)arg; int i; int ret; pid_t pid; for (i=0; i < count; i++) { ret = posix_spawn(&pid, newargv[0], NULL, NULL, newargv, environ); if (ret != 0) { errc(1, ret, "posix_spawn(%s)", newargv[0]); } while (-1 == waitpid(pid, &ret, 0)) { if (errno != EINTR) { err(1, "waitpid(%d)", pid); } } if (WIFSIGNALED(ret)) { errx(1, "process exited with signal %d", WTERMSIG(ret)); } else if (WIFSTOPPED(ret)) { errx(1, "process stopped with signal %d", WSTOPSIG(ret)); } else if (WIFEXITED(ret)) { if (WEXITSTATUS(ret) != 42) { errx(1, "process exited with unexpected exit code %d", WEXITSTATUS(ret)); } } else { errx(1, "unknown exit condition %x", ret); } } return NULL; }
static char * mbssep(char **stringp, const wchar_t *delim) { char *s, *tok; const wchar_t *spanp; wchar_t c, sc; size_t n; if ((s = *stringp) == NULL) return (NULL); for (tok = s;;) { n = mbrtowc(&c, s, MB_LEN_MAX, NULL); if (n == (size_t)-1 || n == (size_t)-2) errc(1, EILSEQ, NULL); /* XXX */ s += n; spanp = delim; do { if ((sc = *spanp++) == c) { if (c == 0) s = NULL; else s[-n] = '\0'; *stringp = s; return (tok); } } while (sc != 0); } }
int main(void) { char sfn[24]; char buf[sizeof(TEXT)]; FILE *sfp; int fd; strlcpy(sfn, "/tmp/barnacles.XXXXXXXX", sizeof(sfn)); if ((fd = mkstemp(sfn)) == -1 || (sfp = fdopen(fd, "w+")) == NULL) { int saved_errno = errno; if (fd != -1) { unlink(sfn); close(fd); } errc(1, saved_errno, "could not open temporary file"); } run_threads(fwrite_thread, sfp); while (fread(buf, sizeof(char), strlen(TEXT), sfp)) /* verify */ if (strncmp(buf, TEXT, sizeof(TEXT))) err(1, "Thread writes were not atomic!!!"); unlink(sfn); close(fd); exit(0); }
void context::erase(pam::item item) { if(item == pam::item::conv || item == pam::item::fail_delay) throw item_error(_M_pamh, errc::bad_item); _M_code = pam_set_item(_M_pamh, static_cast<int>(item), nullptr); if(errc(_M_code) != errc::success) throw item_error(_M_pamh, _M_code); }
int fcopy(char *src, char *dst, mode_t mode) { int ifd, ofd; u_int8_t buf[BUFSIZ]; ssize_t r; if ((ifd = open(src, O_RDONLY)) == -1) err(1, "open %s", src); if ((ofd = open(dst, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, mode)) == -1) { int saved_errno = errno; close(ifd); errc(1, saved_errno, "open %s", dst); } while ((r = read(ifd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) { write(ofd, buf, r); } close(ofd); close(ifd); return (r == -1); }
context::context(const std::string& service, const std::string& username) { auto s = app::clone(service), u = username.size() ? app::clone(username) : nullptr; pam_conv conv = { despatch, this }; _M_code = pam_start(s.get(), u.get(), &conv, &_M_pamh); if(errc(_M_code) != errc::success) throw pam_error(_M_code); }
static void clear_history(void) { if (ioctl(0, CONS_CLRHIST) == -1) { revert(); errc(1, errno, "clearing history buffer"); } }
static void load_default_vt4font(void) { if (ioctl(0, PIO_VFONT_DEFAULT) == -1) { revert(); errc(1, errno, "loading default vt font"); } }
char ccom(char c){ if( c == '*' ) return cBlockComment(); if( c == '/' ) return cLineComment(); else errc("not a comment start /", c); return c; }
char cquotes(char q){ if( q == '\'' ) return cCharConst(); if( q == '\"' ) return cString(); else errc("not a quotes start", q); return q; }
void context::set_conv() { if(_M_pamh) { pam_conv conv = { despatch, this }; _M_code = pam_set_item(_M_pamh, static_cast<int>(item::conv), &conv); if(errc(_M_code) != errc::success) throw item_error(_M_pamh, _M_code); } }
void reorder_syms(Elf_Ehdr * ehdr, Elf_Shdr * symsect, Elf_Sym * symtab, int symtabsize, int symtabsecnum) { int i; int nsyms; int cursym; Elf_Sym *tmpsymtab; Symmap *symmap; nsyms = symtabsize / sizeof(Elf_Sym); tmpsymtab = (Elf_Sym *) calloc(1, symtabsize); symmap = (Symmap *) calloc(nsyms, sizeof(Symmap)); if (!tmpsymtab || !symmap) errc(5, ENOMEM, "calloc"); bcopy(symtab, tmpsymtab, symtabsize); cursym = 1; for (i = 1; i < nsyms; i++) { if ((tmpsymtab[i].st_info & 0xf0) == 0x00) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("copying l o%d n%d <%s>\n", i, cursym, get_str(tmpsymtab[i].st_name)); #endif bcopy(&(tmpsymtab[i]), &(symtab[cursym]), sizeof(Elf_Sym)); symmap[i] = cursym; cursym++; } } symsect->sh_info = cursym; for (i = 1; i < nsyms; i++) { if ((tmpsymtab[i].st_info & 0xf0) != 0x00) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("copying nl o%d n%d <%s>\n", i, cursym, get_str(tmpsymtab[i].st_name)); #endif bcopy(&(tmpsymtab[i]), &(symtab[cursym]), sizeof(Elf_Sym)); symmap[i] = cursym; cursym++; } } if (cursym != nsyms) { printf("miscounted symbols somewhere c %d n %d \n", cursym, nsyms); exit(5); } renum_reloc_syms(ehdr, symmap, symtabsecnum); free(tmpsymtab); free(symmap); }
char cBlockComment(){ char e, f; e = gc(); if( e == EOF ) return e; if( e == '*' ){ f = gc(); if( f == EOF || f == '/') return f; }else{ while ( (f = gc() ) != EOF) { if ( e == '*' && f == '/'){ return f; }else { if( e =='/' && f == '*' ) printf("%ld:%ld: warning: /* in block comment\n", crow, ccol ); e = f; } } return EOF; } while ( ( e = gc() ) != EOF && e != '*') ; if ( e == '*'){ if((f = gc()) != EOF){ if ( f == '/') return '/'; else return cBlockComment(); }else{ errc("\tbroken block comment at EOF", ' '); return EOF; } }else{ errc("\tbroken block comment at EOF", ' '); return EOF; } }
std::string context::get(pam::item item, bool* found) { if(item == pam::item::conv || item == pam::item::fail_delay) throw item_error(_M_pamh, errc::bad_item); const void* x = nullptr; _M_code = pam_get_item(_M_pamh, static_cast<int>(item), &x); if(errc(_M_code) != errc::success) throw item_error(_M_pamh, _M_code); if(found) *found = x; return x ? std::string(static_cast<const char*>(x)) : std::string(); }
int main() { pthread_t tid; pid_t pid, rpid; int r, status; if (signal(SIGHUP, dohup) == SIG_ERR) err(1, "signal"); /* make sure the thread library is fully active */ if ((r = pthread_create(&tid, NULL, tmain, NULL))) errc(1, r, "pthread_create"); pthread_join(tid, NULL); /* make sure kill() and all the symbols in fork() are bound */ kill(0, 0); if ((pid = fork()) <= 0) { if (pid == -1) err(1, "fork"); _exit(0); } if (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) == -1) err(1, "waitpid"); switch(pid = fork()) { case -1: err(1, "fork"); break; case 0: sleep(2); _exit(0); default: kill(pid, SIGHUP); sleep(3); if ((rpid = waitpid(pid, &status, WNOHANG)) == -1) err(1, "waitpid"); if (rpid == 0) { /* took too long */ kill(pid, SIGKILL); if (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) == -1) err(1, "waitpid"); } if (WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0) exit(0); else if (WIFEXITED(status)) errx(1, "child exited with status %d", WEXITSTATUS(status)); else if (WTERMSIG(status) == SIGKILL) errx(1, "failed: child hung"); errx(1, "child killed by signal %d", WTERMSIG(status)); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char line[LINE_LENGTH]; char *p; int i, s, s6; s = -1; s6 = -1; #ifdef INET s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (s == -1 && errno != EAFNOSUPPORT) err(1, "can't open IPv4 socket"); #endif #ifdef INET6 s6 = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (s6 == -1 && errno != EAFNOSUPPORT) err(1, "can't open IPv6 socket"); #endif if (s == -1 && s6 == -1) errc(1, EPROTONOSUPPORT, "can't open socket"); if (argc < 2) { if (isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) { printf("multicast membership test program; " "enter ? for list of commands\n"); } do { if (fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin) != NULL) { if (line[0] != 'f') process_cmd(line, s, s6, stdin); else { /* Get the filename */ for (i = 1; isblank(line[i]); i++); if ((p = (char*)strchr(line, '\n')) != NULL) *p = '\0'; process_file(&line[i], s, s6); } } } while (!feof(stdin)); } else { for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { process_file(argv[i], s, s6); } } if (s != -1) close(s); if (s6 != -1) close(s6); exit (0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct stat sb; int ch, fd, termchar; char *back, *file, *front, *string, *p; file = _PATH_WORDS; termchar = '\0'; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "dft:")) != -1) switch(ch) { case 'd': dflag = 1; break; case 'f': fflag = 1; break; case 't': termchar = *optarg; break; case '?': default: usage(); } argc -= optind; argv += optind; switch (argc) { case 2: /* Don't set -df for user. */ string = *argv++; file = *argv; break; case 1: /* But set -df by default. */ dflag = fflag = 1; string = *argv; break; default: usage(); } if (termchar != '\0' && (p = strchr(string, termchar)) != NULL) *++p = '\0'; if ((fd = open(file, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0 || fstat(fd, &sb)) err(2, "%s", file); if (sb.st_size > SIZE_T_MAX) errc(2, EFBIG, "%s", file); if ((front = mmap(NULL, (size_t)sb.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, (off_t)0)) == MAP_FAILED) err(2, "%s", file); back = front + sb.st_size; exit(look(string, front, back)); }
static int genrange(STR *s, int was_octal) { int stopval, octal; char *savestart; int n, cnt, *p; size_t clen; wchar_t wc; octal = 0; savestart = s->str; if (*++s->str == '\\') stopval = backslash(s, &octal); else { clen = mbrtowc(&wc, s->str, MB_LEN_MAX, NULL); if (clen == (size_t)-1 || clen == (size_t)-2) errc(1, EILSEQ, NULL); stopval = wc; s->str += clen; } /* * XXX Characters are not ordered according to collating sequence in * multibyte locales. */ if (octal || was_octal || MB_CUR_MAX > 1) { if (stopval < s->lastch) { s->str = savestart; return (0); } s->cnt = stopval - s->lastch + 1; s->state = RANGE; --s->lastch; return (1); } if (charcoll((const void *)&stopval, (const void *)&(s->lastch)) < 0) { s->str = savestart; return (0); } if ((s->set = p = malloc((NCHARS_SB + 1) * sizeof(int))) == NULL) err(1, "genrange() malloc"); for (cnt = 0; cnt < NCHARS_SB; cnt++) if (charcoll((const void *)&cnt, (const void *)&(s->lastch)) >= 0 && charcoll((const void *)&cnt, (const void *)&stopval) <= 0) *p++ = cnt; *p = OOBCH; n = p - s->set; s->cnt = 0; s->state = SET; if (n > 1) mergesort(s->set, n, sizeof(*(s->set)), charcoll); return (1); }
int readscores(int create) { const char *home; const char *name; const char *modstr; int modint; int ret; if (create == 0) { modint = O_RDONLY; modstr = "r"; } else { modint = O_RDWR | O_CREAT; modstr = "r+"; } home = getenv("HOME"); if (home == NULL || *home == '\0') err(1, "getenv"); ret = snprintf(scorepath, sizeof(scorepath), "%s/%s", home, ".snake.scores"); if (ret < 0 || ret >= PATH_MAX) errc(1, ENAMETOOLONG, "%s/%s", home, ".snake.scores"); rawscores = open(scorepath, modint, 0666); if (rawscores < 0) { if (create == 0) return 0; err(1, "cannot open %s", scorepath); } if ((sf = fdopen(rawscores, modstr)) == NULL) err(1, "cannot fdopen %s", scorepath); nscores = fread(scores, sizeof(scores[0]), TOPN, sf); if (ferror(sf)) err(1, "error reading %s", scorepath); name = getenv("LOGNAME"); if (name == NULL || *name == '\0') name = getenv("USER"); if (name == NULL || *name == '\0') name = getlogin(); if (name == NULL || *name == '\0') name = " ???"; if (nscores > TOPN) nscores = TOPN; strlcpy(scores[nscores].name, name, sizeof(scores[nscores].name)); scores[nscores].score = 0; return 1; }
static void f_count(char *arg) { uintmax_t res; res = get_num(arg); if (res == UINTMAX_MAX) errc(1, ERANGE, "%s", oper); if (res == 0) cpy_cnt = UINTMAX_MAX; else cpy_cnt = res; }
/* * Read the score file. Can be called from savescore (before showscores) * or showscores (if savescore will not be called). If the given pointer * is not NULL, sets *fpp to an open file pointer that corresponds to a * read/write score file that is locked with LOCK_EX. Otherwise, the * file is locked with LOCK_SH for the read and closed before return. * * Note, we assume closing the stdio file releases the lock. */ static void getscores(FILE **fpp) { int sd, mint, i, ret; char *mstr, *human, *home; char scorepath[PATH_MAX]; FILE *sf; if (fpp != NULL) { mint = O_RDWR | O_CREAT; mstr = "r+"; human = "read/write"; *fpp = NULL; } else { mint = O_RDONLY; mstr = "r"; human = "reading"; } home = getenv("HOME"); if (home == NULL || *home == '\0') err(1, "getenv"); ret = snprintf(scorepath, sizeof(scorepath), "%s/%s", home, ".tetris.scores"); if (ret < 0 || ret >= PATH_MAX) errc(1, ENAMETOOLONG, "%s/%s", home, ".tetris.scores"); sd = open(scorepath, mint, 0666); if (sd < 0) { if (fpp == NULL) { nscores = 0; return; } err(1, "cannot open %s for %s", scorepath, human); } if ((sf = fdopen(sd, mstr)) == NULL) err(1, "cannot fdopen %s for %s", scorepath, human); nscores = fread(scores, sizeof(scores[0]), MAXHISCORES, sf); if (ferror(sf)) err(1, "error reading %s", scorepath); for (i = 0; i < nscores; i++) if (scores[i].hs_level < MINLEVEL || scores[i].hs_level > MAXLEVEL) errx(1, "scorefile %s corrupt", scorepath); if (fpp) *fpp = sf; else (void)fclose(sf); }