Exemple #1
Path::toUTF8() const {
#ifdef OSX
    CFRange myRange = CFRangeMake(0, CFStringGetLength(_myString));
    CFIndex myBufferSize = 0;
    std::string myResult;
    CFIndex myCharCount = CFStringGetBytes(_myString, myRange, kCFStringEncodingUTF8, '?', FALSE, 0, 0, &myBufferSize);
    if (myCharCount) {
        CFIndex myExCharCount = CFStringGetBytes(_myString, myRange, kCFStringEncodingUTF8, '?',
                                                    FALSE, (UInt8*)&(*(myResult.begin())), myBufferSize, &myBufferSize);
        ASSURE_WITH(AssurePolicy::Throw, myExCharCount == myCharCount);
    return myResult;
#elif _WIN32
    if (_myLocaleChars == 0) {
        return std::string();
    // convert from active codepage to WideChars
    AC_SIZE_TYPE myWCharSize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, getMultibyteToWideCharFlags(), _myLocaleChars, -1, 0, 0);
    if (myWCharSize == 0) {
        throw UnicodeException(errorDescription(lastError()), PLUS_FILE_LINE);
    LPWSTR myWChars = new WCHAR[myWCharSize];
    MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, getMultibyteToWideCharFlags(), _myLocaleChars, -1, myWChars, myWCharSize);

    // convert from WideChars to UTF8
    AC_SIZE_TYPE myUTF8Size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, myWChars, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    if (myUTF8Size == 0) {
        throw UnicodeException(errorDescription(lastError()), PLUS_FILE_LINE);
    char * myUTF8Chars = new char[myUTF8Size];
    WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, myWChars, -1, myUTF8Chars, myUTF8Size, 0, 0);

    std::string myUTF8String(myUTF8Chars);
    delete [] myWChars;
    delete [] myUTF8Chars;
    return myUTF8String;
    if (_myLocaleChars == 0) {
        return std::string();
    gchar * myUTF = g_filename_to_utf8(_myLocaleChars, -1, 0, 0, 0);
    if ( ! myUTF) {
        throw UnicodeException(std::string("Failed to convert filename '") + _myLocaleChars  +
                "' to UTF8.", PLUS_FILE_LINE);
    std::string myUTF8String(myUTF);
   return myUTF8String;
int Maestro::throwIfError(int code) {
  if (code < 0) {
    // code is an error, throw
    T* err = new T(errorDescription(code));
    throw err;
  return code;
Exemple #3
Path::assign(const char * theString, StringEncoding theEncoding) {

    switch (theEncoding) {
        case UTF8:
#ifdef OSX
            _myString = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, theString, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
#elif _WIN32
                // convert from UTF8 to WideChars
                AC_SIZE_TYPE myWCharSize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, getMultibyteToWideCharFlags(), theString, -1, 0, 0);
                if (myWCharSize == 0) {
                    throw UnicodeException(errorDescription(lastError()), PLUS_FILE_LINE);
                LPWSTR myWChars = new WCHAR[myWCharSize];
                MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, getMultibyteToWideCharFlags(), theString, -1, myWChars, myWCharSize);

                // convert from WideChars to current codepage
                AC_SIZE_TYPE myLocaleSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, myWChars, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                if (myLocaleSize == 0) {
                    throw UnicodeException(errorDescription(lastError()), PLUS_FILE_LINE);
                _myLocaleChars = static_cast<char *>(malloc(myLocaleSize));
                WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, myWChars, -1, _myLocaleChars, myLocaleSize, 0, 0);

                delete [] myWChars;
            _myLocaleChars = g_filename_from_utf8(theString, -1, 0, 0, 0);
        case Locale:
#ifdef OSX
            _myString = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, theString, CFStringGetSystemEncoding());
#elif _WIN32
            _myLocaleChars = _strdup(theString);
            _myLocaleChars = g_strdup(theString);
Exemple #4
std::string &Formatter::format( const Message &message ) {
	if (!message.group().empty()) {
		_buffer.append( "[" );
		_buffer.append( message.group() );
		if (!message.category().empty()) {
			_buffer.append( "::" );
			_buffer.append( message.category() );
		_buffer.append( "] " );
	_buffer.append( errorDescription( message.level()) );
	_buffer.append( message.message() );
	_buffer.append( "\n" );
	return _buffer;
Exemple #5
static void proxyAutoConfigurationResultCallback(void *context, CFArrayRef proxies, CFErrorRef error)
    // We only expect a single result callback per invocation. Stop our runloop to unblock our caller.

    Vector<ProxyServer>* proxyServers = (Vector<ProxyServer>*)context;
    if (!proxies) {
        RetainPtr<CFStringRef> errorDescriptionCF(AdoptCF, CFErrorCopyDescription(error));
        String errorDescription(errorDescriptionCF.get());
        LOG(Network, "Failed to process proxy auto-configuration file with error: %s", errorDescription.utf8().data());

    processProxyServers(*proxyServers, proxies, 0);
Exemple #6
	void Plugin::Init (ICoreProxy_ptr)
		const auto& path = Util::GetSysPath (Util::SysPath::Share, "dlniwe/desc", "device.xml");
		if (path.isEmpty ())
			qWarning () << Q_FUNC_INFO
					<< "cannot find device description XML file.";

		XSD_.reset (new Util::XmlSettingsDialog);
		XSD_->RegisterObject (&XmlSettingsManager::Instance (), "dlniwesettings.xml");

		HU::HDeviceConfiguration devConf;
		devConf.setPathToDeviceDescription (path);

		HAV::HAvDeviceModelCreator avCreator;
		HAV::HMediaServerDeviceConfiguration msConfig;

		auto fsSource = new HAV::HFileSystemDataSource ({});
		HAV::HContentDirectoryServiceConfiguration cdsConfig;
		cdsConfig.setDataSource (fsSource, true);
		msConfig.setContentDirectoryConfiguration (cdsConfig);

		avCreator.setMediaServerConfiguration (msConfig);

		HU::HDeviceHostConfiguration hostConf (devConf);
		hostConf.setDeviceModelCreator (avCreator);

		auto host = new HU::HDeviceHost ();
		if (!host->init (hostConf))
			qWarning () << Q_FUNC_INFO
					<< host->errorDescription ();

		auto pathsMgr = new FSPathsManager (fsSource);
		XSD_->SetDataSource ("RootPathsView", pathsMgr->GetModel ());
Exemple #7
   * This method looks for any naif errors that might have occurred. It 
   * then compares the error to a list of known naif errors and converts
   * the error into an iException.
   * @param resetNaif True if the NAIF error status should be reset (naif calls valid)
  void NaifStatus::CheckErrors(bool resetNaif) {
    if(!initialized) {
      SpiceChar returnAct[32] = "RETURN";
      SpiceChar printAct[32] = "NONE";
      erract_c ( "SET", sizeof(returnAct), returnAct); // Reset action to return
      errprt_c ( "SET", sizeof(printAct), printAct);   // ... and print nothing
      initialized = true;

    // Do nothing if NAIF didn't fail
    //getmsg_c("", 0, NULL);
    if(!failed_c()) return;

    // This method has been documented with the information provided
    //   from the NAIF documentation at:
    //    naif/cspice61/packages/cspice/doc/html/req/error.html

    // This message is a character string containing a very terse, usually 
    // abbreviated, description of the problem. The message is a character 
    // string of length not more than 25 characters. It always has the form:
    // SPICE(...)
    // Short error messages used in CSPICE are CONSTANT, since they are 
    // intended to be used in code. That is, they don't contain any data which 
    // varies with the specific instance of the error they indicate.
    // Because of the brief format of the short error messages, it is practical 
    // to use them in a test to determine which type of error has occurred. 
    const int SHORT_DESC_LEN = 26;
    SpiceChar naifShort[SHORT_DESC_LEN];
    getmsg_c("SHORT", SHORT_DESC_LEN, naifShort);

    // This message may be up to 1840 characters long. The CSPICE error handling 
    // mechanism makes no use of its contents. Its purpose is to provide human-readable 
    // information about errors. Long error messages generated by CSPICE routines often 
    // contain data relevant to the specific error they describe.
    const int LONG_DESC_LEN = 1841;
    SpiceChar naifLong[LONG_DESC_LEN];
    getmsg_c("LONG", LONG_DESC_LEN, naifLong);

    // Search for known naif errors...
    iString errMsg;

    Pvl error;
    PvlGroup errorDescription("ErrorDescription");
    errorDescription.AddKeyword(PvlKeyword("ShortMessage", naifShort));
    errorDescription.AddKeyword(PvlKeyword("LongMessage", naifLong));

    PvlTranslationManager trans(error, "$base/translations/NaifErrors.trn");

    try {
      errMsg = trans.Translate("ShortMessage");
    catch(iException &e) {
      errMsg = "An unknown NAIF error has been encountered.";

    try {
      errMsg += " " + trans.Translate("LongMessage");
    catch(iException &e) {

    // Now process the error
    if(resetNaif) {

    errMsg += " The short explanation ";
    errMsg += "provided by NAIF is [" + iString(naifShort) + "]. "; 
    errMsg += "The Naif error is [" + iString(naifLong) + "]";

    throw iException::Message(iException::Spice, errMsg, _FILEINFO_);
Exemple #8
void Scanner::scan(const ScanArguments &arguments, QString &error) const
	struct RAROpenArchiveDataEx archiveData;
	memset(&archiveData, 0, sizeof(struct RAROpenArchiveDataEx));

	archiveData.ArcName = const_cast<char *>(m_filePath.data());
	archiveData.OpenMode = RAR_OM_LIST;

	if (void *archive = RAROpenArchiveEx(&archiveData))
		QMap<QString, SnapshotItem *> parents;
	    IFileContainer::Holder container;
		struct RARHeaderDataEx fileInfo;
	    SnapshotItem *parent;
	    SnapshotItem *entry;
	    QString fileName;
	    Location fileNameLocation;
	    const wchar_t *path;
	    wchar_t *sep;
		int res;

	    while ((res = RARReadHeaderEx(archive, &fileInfo)) == 0 && !arguments.aborted)
			path = fileInfo.FileNameW;

			if ((sep = wcschr(const_cast<wchar_t *>(path), L'/')) != NULL)
				(*sep) = 0;
				SnapshotItem *&p = parents[fileName = QString::fromWCharArray(path)];
				(*sep) = L'/';

				if (p == NULL)
					fileNameLocation = Info::location(fileName);
					arguments.snapshot.insert(fileNameLocation, p = parent = new SnapshotItem(m_container, fileNameLocation, fileInfo, NULL));
					parent = p;

				path = (++sep);

				while ((sep = wcschr(const_cast<wchar_t *>(path), L'/')) != NULL)
					(*sep) = 0;

					if (entry = parent->find(fileName = QString::fromWCharArray(path)))
						parent = entry;
						parent->insert(fileName, entry = new SnapshotItem(m_container, Info::location(fileName), fileInfo, parent));
						parent = entry;

					(*sep) = L'/';
					path = (++sep);

				if (!(fileName = QString::fromWCharArray(path)).isEmpty() &&
					parent->find(fileName) == NULL)
					parent->insert(fileName, new SnapshotItem(m_container, Info::location(fileName), fileInfo, parent));
				SnapshotItem *&p = parents[fileName = QString::fromWCharArray(path)];

				if (p == NULL)
					fileNameLocation = Info::location(fileName);
					arguments.snapshot.insert(fileNameLocation, p = new SnapshotItem(m_container, fileNameLocation, fileInfo, NULL));

			RARProcessFile(archive, RAR_SKIP, NULL, NULL);

		if (!arguments.aborted)
	    	if (res == ERAR_END_ARCHIVE)
				for (Snapshot::const_iterator i = arguments.snapshot.begin(), end = arguments.snapshot.end(); i != end; ++i)
					static_cast<SnapshotItem *>((*i).second)->populateInfo();
	    		error = errorDescription(res);

Exemple #9
WMTouchPlugin::onTouch(HWND hWnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
    BOOL bHandled = FALSE;
    UINT cInputs = LOWORD(wParam);
    PTOUCHINPUT pInputs = new TOUCHINPUT[cInputs];
    if (GetTouchInputInfo((HTOUCHINPUT)lParam, cInputs, pInputs, sizeof(TOUCHINPUT))){
        AC_DEBUG << "found " << cInputs << " Cursors!";
        for (UINT i=0; i < cInputs; i++){
            const TOUCHINPUT & ti = pInputs[i];
            // create a y60 event for each InputInfo
            GenericEventPtr myEvent(new GenericEvent("onWMTouch", _myEventSchemaDocument, _myEventValueFactory));
            NodePtr myNode = myEvent->getNode();

            asl::Vector2f myPosition = product(Vector2f(static_cast<float>(ti.x), static_cast<float>(ti.y)), 0.01f);
            asl::Vector2f myCalibratedRelativePosition = asl::Vector2f(0.0, 0.0);
            float myWidth = _calibrationPositionTopRight[0] - _calibrationPositionBottomLeft[0];
            float myHeight = _calibrationPositionTopRight[1] - _calibrationPositionBottomLeft[1];
            if (myWidth != 0) {
                myCalibratedRelativePosition[0] = (myPosition[0] - _calibrationPositionBottomLeft[0]) / myWidth;
            if (myHeight != 0) {
                myCalibratedRelativePosition[1] = (myPosition[1] - _calibrationPositionBottomLeft[1]) / myHeight;

            myNode->appendAttribute<int>("id", ti.dwID);
            myNode->appendAttribute<Vector2f>("position", myPosition);
            myNode->appendAttribute<Vector2f>("calibrated_relative_position", myCalibratedRelativePosition);
            if (ti.dwMask & TOUCHINPUTMASKF_CONTACTAREA) {
                myNode->appendAttribute<Vector2f>("contactarea", product(Vector2f(static_cast<float>(ti.cxContact), static_cast<float>(ti.cyContact)), 0.01f));
            myNode->appendAttribute<bool>("inrange", (ti.dwFlags & TOUCHEVENTF_INRANGE) != 0);
            myNode->appendAttribute<bool>("primary", (ti.dwFlags & TOUCHEVENTF_PRIMARY) != 0);
            myNode->appendAttribute<bool>("nocoalesce", (ti.dwFlags & TOUCHEVENTF_NOCOALESCE) != 0);
            myNode->appendAttribute<bool>("palm", (ti.dwFlags & TOUCHEVENTF_PALM) != 0);
            // Note: we seem to be getting duplicate events, probably due to the way we are hooking the msg queue.
            // So we filter the events here. Only queue a DOWN event if the cursor wasn't down yet,
            // and only queue an UP or MOVE event if the cursor was down.
            if ((ti.dwFlags & TOUCHEVENTF_DOWN) != 0 && _downCursors.find(ti.dwID) == _downCursors.end()) {
                myNode->appendAttribute<DOMString>("type", "down");
            } else if ((ti.dwFlags & TOUCHEVENTF_UP) != 0 && _downCursors.find(ti.dwID) != _downCursors.end()) {
                myNode->appendAttribute<DOMString>("type", "up");
            } else if ((ti.dwFlags & TOUCHEVENTF_MOVE) != 0 && _downCursors.find(ti.dwID) != _downCursors.end()) {
                myNode->appendAttribute<DOMString>("type", "move");
        bHandled = TRUE;
        /* handle the error here */
        AC_ERROR << errorDescription(lastError());
    // clean up
    delete [] pInputs;

    if (bHandled){
        // if you handled the message, close the touch input handle and return
Exemple #10
bool DkUpnpDeviceHost::startDevicehost(QString pathToConfig) {
	qDebug() << "pathToConfig:" << pathToConfig;
	qDebug() << "starting DeviceHost";
	QFile f(pathToConfig);
	if (!f.exists()) {
		qDebug() << "DkUpnpDeviceHost: config file not found";
		return false;

	QUuid uuid = QUuid::createUuid();
	QString uuidString = uuid.toString();
	QString newXMLpath = QDir::tempPath() + QDir::separator() + uuidString + ".xml";

	QByteArray fileData;
	fileData = f.readAll();
	QString fileText(fileData);
	fileText.replace("insert-new-uuid-here", uuidString);
#ifdef WIN32
	fileText.replace("nomacs-service.xml", QDir::temp().dirName()+"/nomacs-service.xml");
	fileText.replace("nomacs-service.xml", "/nomacs-service.xml");
#endif // WIN32
	QFile newDescriptorFile(newXMLpath);
	qDebug() << "writing file:" << newXMLpath;

	QFileInfo fileInfo = QFileInfo(f);
	QFile serviceXML(fileInfo.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + "nomacs-service.xml");
	if (!serviceXML.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
		qDebug() << "nomacs-service.xml file does not exist";
	// copy the resource file to the user tmp folder
	QString newServiceXMLPath = QDir::tempPath()+ QDir::separator() + "nomacs-service.xml";
	QFile tmpServiceXmlFile(newServiceXMLPath);
	//if(!QFile::exists(newServiceXMLPath)) {
	//	if (!serviceXML.copy(newServiceXMLPath))
	//		qDebug() << "unable to copy nomacs-service.xml to " << newServiceXMLPath << ", perhaps files already exists";
	QFile newServiceXMLFile(QDir::tempPath()+ QDir::separator() + "nomacs-service.xml");
	DkUpnpDeviceModelCreator creator;

	Herqq::Upnp::HDeviceHostConfiguration hostConfig;
	Herqq::Upnp::HDeviceConfiguration config;
	bool retVal = init(hostConfig);
	if (!retVal) {
		qDebug() << "error while initializing device host:\n" << errorDescription();

		qDebug() << "unable to remove upnp device.xml file";
	// this->serviceXMLPath = newServiceXMLPath;

	if (!tmpServiceXmlFile.remove())
		qDebug() << tmpServiceXmlFile.errorString();

	//qDebug() << "newServiceXMLPath" << newServiceXMLPath;
		//qDebug() << "unable to remove upnp service.xml file";
	return retVal;