int32_t fs_opr_t::eval(const char* key, char* val, uint32_t val_len) { FUNC_BEGIN(); snprintf(szcmd, LEN_512, "api eval %s\n\n", key); TRACE_LOG("eval, (%s)", szcmd); if (esl_send_recv(&_handle, szcmd) == ESL_SUCCESS && (fs_resp = esl_event_get_body(_handle.last_sr_event))) { strncpy(val, fs_resp, val_len); fs_resp = val; while (fs_resp && *fs_resp && (fs_resp - val) < val_len) { if ('\n' == *fs_resp || '\r' == *fs_resp) { val[fs_resp - val] = '\0'; break; } ++fs_resp; } ret = IMS_SUCCESS; } else { WARNING_LOG("fs_eval(%s) failed", key); } FUNC_END(); }
int32_t fs_opr_t::record(const char* uuid, const char* file, uint32_t time_s) { FUNC_BEGIN(); std::string full_file = _recordbase; full_file += "/"; full_file += file; TRACE_LOG("fs::record(%s) start.", full_file.c_str()); //set_channel_attribute(uuid,"playback_terminators=none"); //set_channel_attribute(uuid,"RECORD_HANGUP_ON_ERROR=false");//1.0.7的fs才有 //set_channel_attribute(uuid,"RECORD_MIN_SEC=0"); //TRACE_LOG("fs::record(%s) middle.",full_file.c_str()); snprintf(szcmd, LEN_512, CMD_RECORD_FMT, uuid, full_file.c_str(), time_s); //if(esl_send_recv(&_handle,szcmd)==ESL_SUCCESS){ // if(is_result_ok(fs_resp=esl_event_get_body(_handle.last_sr_event))){ // ret=IMS_SUCCESS; // } // else{ // WARNING_LOG("fs:record(%s,%s,%u);ret(%s)",uuid,full_file.c_str(),time_s,fs_resp); // } //} if (esl_send_recv(&_handle, szcmd) == ESL_SUCCESS && is_result_ok(fs_resp = esl_event_get_header(_handle.last_sr_event, "Reply-Text"))) { ret = IMS_SUCCESS; } else { WARNING_LOG("fs:record(%s,%s,%u) esl_send_recv != ESL_SUCCESS", uuid, full_file.c_str(), time_s); } //TRACE_LOG("fs::record(%s) done.",full_file.c_str()); FUNC_END(); }
ESLevent *ESLconnection::bgapi(const char *cmd, const char *arg) { size_t len; char *cmd_buf; if (!cmd) { return NULL; } len = strlen(cmd) + (arg ? strlen(arg) : 0) + 10; cmd_buf = (char *) malloc(len + 1); assert(cmd_buf); snprintf(cmd_buf, len, "bgapi %s %s", cmd, arg ? arg : ""); *(cmd_buf + (len)) = '\0'; if (esl_send_recv(&handle, cmd_buf) == ESL_SUCCESS) { esl_event_t *event; esl_event_dup(&event, handle.last_sr_event); return new ESLevent(event, 1); } free(cmd_buf); return NULL; }
ESLevent *ESLconnection::sendRecv(const char *cmd) { if (esl_send_recv(&handle, cmd) == ESL_SUCCESS) { esl_event_t *event; esl_event_dup(&event, handle.last_sr_event); return new ESLevent(event, 1); } return NULL; }
static void mycallback(esl_socket_t server_sock, esl_socket_t client_sock, struct sockaddr_in *addr, void *user_data) { esl_handle_t handle = {{0}}; int done = 0; esl_status_t status; time_t exp = 0; if (fork()) { return; } if (esl_attach_handle(&handle, client_sock, addr) != ESL_SUCCESS) { return; } esl_log(ESL_LOG_INFO, "Connected! %d\n", handle.sock); esl_filter(&handle, "unique-id", esl_event_get_header(handle.info_event, "caller-unique-id")); esl_events(&handle, ESL_EVENT_TYPE_PLAIN, "SESSION_HEARTBEAT CHANNEL_ANSWER CHANNEL_ORIGINATE CHANNEL_PROGRESS CHANNEL_HANGUP " "CHANNEL_BRIDGE CHANNEL_UNBRIDGE CHANNEL_OUTGOING CHANNEL_EXECUTE CHANNEL_EXECUTE_COMPLETE DTMF CUSTOM conference::maintenance"); esl_send_recv(&handle, "linger"); esl_execute(&handle, "answer", NULL, NULL); esl_execute(&handle, "conference", "3000@default", NULL); while((status = esl_recv_timed(&handle, 1000)) != ESL_FAIL) { if (done) { if (time(NULL) >= exp) { break; } } else if (status == ESL_SUCCESS) { const char *type = esl_event_get_header(handle.last_event, "content-type"); if (type && !strcasecmp(type, "text/disconnect-notice")) { const char *dispo = esl_event_get_header(handle.last_event, "content-disposition"); esl_log(ESL_LOG_INFO, "Got a disconnection notice dispostion: [%s]\n", dispo ? dispo : ""); if (dispo && !strcmp(dispo, "linger")) { done = 1; esl_log(ESL_LOG_INFO, "Waiting 5 seconds for any remaining events.\n"); exp = time(NULL) + 5; } } } } esl_log(ESL_LOG_INFO, "Disconnected! %d\n", handle.sock); esl_disconnect(&handle); }
int32_t fs_opr_t::unbridge(const char* uuid) { FUNC_BEGIN(); snprintf(szcmd, LEN_512, CMD_UNBRIDGE_FMT, uuid); TRACE_LOG("unbridge(%s)", szcmd); if (esl_send_recv(&_handle, szcmd) == ESL_SUCCESS) { if (is_result_ok(fs_resp = esl_event_get_body(_handle.last_sr_event))) { ret = IMS_SUCCESS; } else { WARNING_LOG("fs:unbridge(%s);ret(%s)", uuid, fs_resp); } } FUNC_END(); }
int32_t fs_opr_t::conference_mute(const char* name, const char* member) { FUNC_BEGIN(); snprintf(szcmd, LEN_512, "api conference %s mute %s\n\n", name, member); TRACE_LOG("conference_mute(%s)", szcmd); if (esl_send_recv(&_handle, szcmd) == ESL_SUCCESS) { if (is_result_ok(fs_resp = esl_event_get_body(_handle.last_sr_event))) { ret = IMS_SUCCESS; } else { WARNING_LOG("fs:conference_mute (%s,%s);ret(%s)", name, member, fs_resp); } } FUNC_END(); }
bool get_uuid(esl_handle_t * pHandle, char * uuid) { esl_send_recv(pHandle, "api create_uuid\n\n"); if (pHandle->last_sr_event && pHandle->last_sr_event->body) { //disp_msg("uuid:[%s]****************************************************\n", pHandle->last_sr_event->body); strcpy(uuid, pHandle->last_sr_event->body); return true; //strcpy(uuid,(handle.last_sr_event->body)+strlen("+OK Job-UUID: ")); } else { //disp_msg("[%s] last_sr_reply\n", pHandle->last_sr_reply); return false; } return false; }
int32_t fs_opr_t::join_conference(const char* name, const char* dest_disp, const char* destno, CONF_MODE mode, uint64_t sessionid) { FUNC_BEGIN(); snprintf(szcmd, LEN_512, CMD_JOINCONFERENCE_FMT, dest_disp, dest_disp, sessionid, destno, name, ((CONF_LISTEN == mode) ? "+flags{mute}" : "")); TRACE_LOG("join_conference(%s)", szcmd); if (esl_send_recv(&_handle, szcmd) == ESL_SUCCESS) { if (is_result_ok(fs_resp = esl_event_get_header(_handle.last_sr_event, "Reply-Text"))) { ret = IMS_SUCCESS; } else { WARNING_LOG("fs:join_conference(%s,%s,%s,%u,%lu);ret(%s)", name, dest_disp, destno, mode, sessionid, fs_resp); } } FUNC_END(); }
bool nway_bridge(esl_handle_t* pHandle, const char * a_uuid, const char * b_uuid) { char szCmd[2048] = { 0 }; sprintf(szCmd, "bgapi uuid_bridge %s %s\n\n", a_uuid, b_uuid); esl_send_recv(pHandle, szCmd);// // uuid[0]=0; if (pHandle->last_sr_event && pHandle->last_sr_event->body) { printf("[%s]\n", pHandle->last_sr_event->body); // strcpy(uuid,(handle.last_sr_event->body)+strlen("+OK Job-UUID: ")); return true; } else { printf("[%s] last_sr_reply\n", pHandle->last_sr_reply); return false; } }
bool nway_hangup(esl_handle_t * pHandle, const char * uuid) { char szCmd[2048] = { 0 }; sprintf(szCmd, "bgapi uuid_kill %s\n\n", uuid); esl_send_recv(pHandle, szCmd);// "bgapi originate {originate_timeout=30}sofia/internal/1005% &park()\n\n"); // uuid[0]=0; if (pHandle->last_sr_event && pHandle->last_sr_event->body) { printf("[%s]\n", pHandle->last_sr_event->body); // strcpy(uuid,(handle.last_sr_event->body)+strlen("+OK Job-UUID: ")); return true; } else { printf("[%s] last_sr_reply\n", pHandle->last_sr_reply); return false; } }
int32_t fs_opr_t::unjoin_conference(const char* name, const char* uuid) { FUNC_BEGIN(); snprintf(szcmd, LEN_512, "api uuid_transfer %s -aleg 'set:hangup_after_bridge=false,set:park_after_bridge=true,park:' inline \n\n", uuid); TRACE_LOG("unjoin_conference(%s)", szcmd); if (esl_send_recv(&_handle, szcmd) == ESL_SUCCESS) { if (is_result_ok(fs_resp = esl_event_get_body(_handle.last_sr_event))) { ret = IMS_SUCCESS; } else { WARNING_LOG("fs:unjoin_conference(%s,%s);ret(%s)", name, uuid, fs_resp); } } FUNC_END(); }
int32_t fs_opr_t::uuid_exists(const char* uuid) { FUNC_BEGIN(); const char* uuid_exists = "api uuid_exists %s"; snprintf(szcmd, LEN_512, uuid_exists, uuid); TRACE_LOG("uuid_exists(%s)", szcmd); if (esl_send_recv(&_handle, szcmd) == ESL_SUCCESS) { fs_resp = esl_event_get_body(_handle.last_sr_event); if (fs_resp && strncasecmp(fs_resp, "true", 4) == 0) { TRACE_LOG("uuid=%s exists.", uuid); ret = IMS_SUCCESS; } else { WARNING_LOG("fs:uuid=%s not exists;ret(%s)", uuid, fs_resp); } } FUNC_END(); }
///////////////////////////////////// 呼叫 START ///////////////////////////////////////////////// int32_t fs_opr_t::originate(const char* ani, const char* dnis, const char* caller_disp, const char* called_disp, uint64_t sessionid, uint32_t timeout) { FUNC_BEGIN(); snprintf(szcmd, LEN_512, CMD_ORIGINATE_FMT, caller_disp, caller_disp, sessionid, ani, called_disp, called_disp, timeout, sessionid, dnis); TRACE_LOG("originate(%s)", szcmd); if (esl_send_recv(&_handle, szcmd) == ESL_SUCCESS && is_result_ok(fs_resp = esl_event_get_header(_handle.last_sr_event, "Reply-Text"))) { ret = IMS_SUCCESS; break; } else { WARNING_LOG("fs:originate(%s,%s,%s,%s,%u,%lu);ret(%s)", ani, dnis, caller_disp, called_disp, timeout, sessionid, fs_resp); } FUNC_END(); }
int32_t fs_opr_t::uuid_bridge(const char* uuid1, const char* uuid2, char* uuid_output, uint32_t output_len) { FUNC_BEGIN(); snprintf(szcmd, LEN_512, CMD_UUIDBRIDGE_FMT, uuid1, uuid2); TRACE_LOG("uuid_bridge(%s)", szcmd); if (set_channel_attribute(uuid1, "bypass_media=false") && set_channel_attribute(uuid2, "bypass_media=false")) { if (esl_send_recv(&_handle, szcmd) == ESL_SUCCESS) { if (is_result_ok(fs_resp = esl_event_get_body(_handle.last_sr_event))) { fs_resp += 3; while (*fs_resp && ' ' == *fs_resp) { fs_resp++; } if (*fs_resp && uuid_output && output_len > 0) { strncpy(uuid_output, fs_resp, output_len); uint32_t idx = 0; do { if ('\n' == uuid_output[idx]) { uuid_output[idx] = '\0'; break; } ++idx; } while (uuid_output[idx]); } ret = IMS_SUCCESS; } else { WARNING_LOG("fs:uuid_bridge(%s,%s,%s);ret(%s)", uuid1, uuid2, uuid_output, fs_resp); } } } else { WARNING_LOG("fs:uuid_bridge(%s,%s) failed(set channel attribute err)", uuid1, uuid2); } FUNC_END(); }
static int process_command(esl_handle_t *handle, const char *cmd) { while (*cmd == ' ') cmd++; if ((*cmd == '/' && cmd++) || !strncasecmp(cmd, "...", 3)) { if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "help")) { output_printf("%s", cli_usage); goto end; } if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "exit") || !strcasecmp(cmd, "quit") || !strcasecmp(cmd, "...") || !strcasecmp(cmd, "bye") ) { esl_log(ESL_LOG_INFO, "Goodbye!\nSee you at ClueCon\n"); return -1; } else if (!strncasecmp(cmd, "logfilter", 9)) { cmd += 9; while (*cmd && *cmd == ' ') { cmd++; } if (!esl_strlen_zero(cmd)) { esl_safe_free(logfilter); logfilter = strdup(cmd); } else { esl_safe_free(logfilter); } output_printf("Logfilter %s\n", logfilter ? "enabled" : "disabled"); } else if (!strncasecmp(cmd, "uuid", 4)) { cmd += 4; while (*cmd && *cmd == ' ') { cmd++; } if (!esl_strlen_zero(cmd)) { filter_uuid = strdup(cmd); } else { esl_safe_free(filter_uuid); } output_printf("UUID filtering %s\n", filter_uuid ? "enabled" : "disabled"); } else if (!strncasecmp(cmd, "event", 5) || !strncasecmp(cmd, "noevents", 8) || !strncasecmp(cmd, "nixevent", 8) || !strncasecmp(cmd, "log", 3) || !strncasecmp(cmd, "nolog", 5) || !strncasecmp(cmd, "filter", 6) ) { esl_send_recv(handle, cmd); printf("%s\n", handle->last_sr_reply); } else if (!strncasecmp(cmd, "debug", 5)) { int tmp_debug = atoi(cmd+6); if (tmp_debug > -1 && tmp_debug < 8) { esl_global_set_default_logger(tmp_debug); output_printf("fs_cli debug level set to %d\n", tmp_debug); } else { output_printf("fs_cli debug level must be 0 - 7\n"); } } else { output_printf("Unknown command [%s]\n", cmd); } } else { char cmd_str[1024] = ""; const char *err = NULL; if (!strncasecmp(cmd, "console loglevel ", 17)) { snprintf(cmd_str, sizeof(cmd_str), "log %s", cmd + 17); esl_send_recv(handle, cmd_str); printf("%s\n", handle->last_sr_reply); } snprintf(cmd_str, sizeof(cmd_str), "api %s\nconsole_execute: true\n\n", cmd); if (esl_send_recv(handle, cmd_str)) { output_printf("Socket interrupted, bye!\n"); return -1; } if (handle->last_sr_event) { if (handle->last_sr_event->body) { output_printf("%s\n", handle->last_sr_event->body); } else if ((err = esl_event_get_header(handle->last_sr_event, "reply-text")) && !strncasecmp(err, "-err", 3)) { output_printf("Error: %s!\n", err + 4); } } } end: return 0; }
static int process_command(esl_handle_t *handle, const char *cmd) { if ((*cmd == '/' && cmd++) || !strncasecmp(cmd, "...", 3)) { if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "help")) { printf( "Command \tDescription\n" "-----------------------------------------------\n" "/help \tHelp\n" "/exit, /quit, /bye, ... \tExit the program.\n" "/event, /noevent, /nixevent\tEvent commands.\n" "/log, /nolog \tLog commands.\n" "/uuid \tFilter logs for a single call uuid\n" "/filter \tFilter commands.\n" "/debug [0-7] \tSet debug level.\n" "\n" ); goto end; } if ( !strcasecmp(cmd, "exit") || !strcasecmp(cmd, "quit") || !strcasecmp(cmd, "...") || !strcasecmp(cmd, "bye") ) { esl_log(ESL_LOG_INFO, "Goodbye!\nSee you at ClueCon\n"); return -1; } else if (!strncasecmp(cmd, "uuid", 4)) { cmd += 4; while (*cmd && *cmd == ' ') { cmd++; } if (!esl_strlen_zero(cmd)) { filter_uuid = strdup(cmd); } else { esl_safe_free(filter_uuid); } printf("UUID filtering %s\n", filter_uuid ? "enabled" : "disabled"); } else if ( !strncasecmp(cmd, "event", 5) || !strncasecmp(cmd, "noevent", 7) || !strncasecmp(cmd, "nixevent", 8) || !strncasecmp(cmd, "log", 3) || !strncasecmp(cmd, "nolog", 5) || !strncasecmp(cmd, "filter", 6) ) { esl_send_recv(handle, cmd); printf("%s\n", handle->last_sr_reply); } else if (!strncasecmp(cmd, "debug", 5)){ int tmp_debug = atoi(cmd+6); if (tmp_debug > -1 && tmp_debug < 8){ esl_global_set_default_logger(tmp_debug); printf("fs_cli debug level set to %d\n", tmp_debug); } else { printf("fs_cli debug level must be 0 - 7\n"); } } else { printf("Unknown command [%s]\n", cmd); } } else { char cmd_str[1024] = ""; const char *err = NULL; snprintf(cmd_str, sizeof(cmd_str), "api %s\nconsole_execute: true\n\n", cmd); if (esl_send_recv(handle, cmd_str)) { printf("Socket interrupted, bye!\n"); return 1; } if (handle->last_sr_event) { if (handle->last_sr_event->body) { printf("%s\n", handle->last_sr_event->body); } else if ((err = esl_event_get_header(handle->last_sr_event, "reply-text")) && !strncasecmp(err, "-err", 3)) { printf("Error: %s!\n", err + 4); } } } end: return 0; }
static unsigned char esl_console_complete(const char *buffer, const char *cursor) { char cmd_str[2048] = ""; unsigned char ret = CC_REDISPLAY; char *dup = strdup(buffer); char *buf = dup; int pos = 0, sc = 0; char *p; if (!esl_strlen_zero(cursor) && !esl_strlen_zero(buffer)) { pos = (int)(cursor - buffer); } if (pos > 0) { *(buf + pos) = '\0'; } if ((p = strchr(buf, '\r')) || (p = strchr(buf, '\n'))) { *p = '\0'; } while (*buf == ' ') { buf++; sc++; } #ifdef HAVE_EDITLINE if (!*buf && sc) { el_deletestr(el, sc); } #endif sc = 0; p = end_of_p(buf); while(p >= buf && *p == ' ') { sc++; p--; } #ifdef HAVE_EDITLINE if (sc > 1) { el_deletestr(el, sc - 1); *(p + 2) = '\0'; } #endif if (*cursor) { snprintf(cmd_str, sizeof(cmd_str), "api console_complete c=%ld;%s\n\n", (long)pos, buf); } else { snprintf(cmd_str, sizeof(cmd_str), "api console_complete %s\n\n", buf); } esl_send_recv(global_handle, cmd_str); if (global_handle->last_sr_event && global_handle->last_sr_event->body) { char *r = global_handle->last_sr_event->body; char *w, *p1; if (r) { if ((w = strstr(r, "\n\nwrite="))) { int len = 0; *w = '\0'; w += 8; len = atoi(w); if ((p1= strchr(w, ':'))) { w = p1+ 1; } printf("%s\n\n\n", r); #ifdef HAVE_EDITLINE el_deletestr(el, len); el_insertstr(el, w); #else #ifdef _MSC_VER console_bufferInput(0, len, (char*)buffer, DELETE_REFRESH_OP); console_bufferInput(w, (int)strlen(w), (char*)buffer, 0); #endif #endif } else { printf("%s\n", r); #ifdef _MSC_VER console_bufferInput(0, 0, (char*)buffer, DELETE_REFRESH_OP); #endif } } fflush(stdout); } esl_safe_free(dup); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { esl_handle_t handle = {{0}}; int count = 0; const char *line = NULL; char cmd_str[1024] = ""; cli_profile_t *profile = NULL; #ifndef WIN32 char hfile[512] = "/tmp/fs_cli_history"; char cfile[512] = "/etc/fs_cli.conf"; char dft_cfile[512] = "/etc/fs_cli.conf"; #else char hfile[512] = "fs_cli_history"; char cfile[512] = "fs_cli.conf"; char dft_cfile[512] = "fs_cli.conf"; #endif char *home = getenv("HOME"); /* Vars for optargs */ int opt; static struct option options[] = { {"help", 0, 0, 'h'}, {"no-color", 0, 0, 'n'}, {"host", 1, 0, 'H'}, {"port", 1, 0, 'P'}, {"user", 1, 0, 'u'}, {"password", 1, 0, 'p'}, {"debug", 1, 0, 'd'}, {"execute", 1, 0, 'x'}, {"loglevel", 1, 0, 'l'}, {"log-uuid", 0, 0, 'U'}, {"quiet", 0, 0, 'q'}, {"batchmode", 0, 0, 'b'}, {"retry", 0, 0, 'r'}, {"interrupt", 0, 0, 'i'}, {"reconnect", 0, 0, 'R'}, {"timeout", 1, 0, 't'}, {"connect-timeout", 1, 0, 'T'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; char temp_host[128]; int argv_host = 0; char temp_user[256]; char temp_pass[128]; int argv_pass = 0 ; int argv_user = 0 ; int temp_port = 0; int argv_port = 0; int temp_log = -1; int argv_error = 0; int argv_exec = 0; char argv_command[1024] = ""; char argv_loglevel[128] = ""; int argv_log_uuid = 0; int argv_quiet = 0; int argv_batch = 0; int loops = 2, reconnect = 0; char *ccheck; #ifdef WIN32 feature_level = 0; #else feature_level = 1; #endif if ((ccheck = getenv("FS_CLI_COLOR"))) { is_color = esl_true(ccheck); } strncpy(, "", sizeof(; strncpy(internal_profile.pass, "ClueCon", sizeof(internal_profile.pass)); strncpy(, "internal", sizeof(; internal_profile.port = 8021; set_fn_keys(&internal_profile); esl_set_string(internal_profile.prompt_color, prompt_color); esl_set_string(internal_profile.input_text_color, input_text_color); esl_set_string(internal_profile.output_text_color, output_text_color); if (home) { snprintf(hfile, sizeof(hfile), "%s/.fs_cli_history", home); snprintf(cfile, sizeof(cfile), "%s/.fs_cli_conf", home); } signal(SIGINT, handle_SIGINT); #ifdef SIGTSTP signal(SIGTSTP, handle_SIGINT); #endif #ifdef SIGQUIT signal(SIGQUIT, handle_SIGQUIT); #endif esl_global_set_default_logger(6); /* default debug level to 6 (info) */ for(;;) { int option_index = 0; opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "H:P:S:u:p:d:x:l:Ut:T:qrRhib?n", options, &option_index); if (opt == -1) break; switch (opt) { case 'H': esl_set_string(temp_host, optarg); argv_host = 1; break; case 'P': temp_port= atoi(optarg); if (temp_port > 0 && temp_port < 65536) { argv_port = 1; } else { printf("ERROR: Port must be in range 1 - 65535\n"); argv_error = 1; } break; case 'n': is_color = 0; break; case 'u': esl_set_string(temp_user, optarg); argv_user = 1; break; case 'p': esl_set_string(temp_pass, optarg); argv_pass = 1; break; case 'd': temp_log=atoi(optarg); if (temp_log < 0 || temp_log > 7) { printf("ERROR: Debug level should be 0 - 7.\n"); argv_error = 1; } else { esl_global_set_default_logger(temp_log); } break; case 'x': argv_exec = 1; esl_set_string(argv_command, optarg); break; case 'l': esl_set_string(argv_loglevel, optarg); break; case 'U': argv_log_uuid = 1; break; case 'q': argv_quiet = 1; break; case 'b': argv_batch = 1; break; case 'i': allow_ctl_c = 1; break; case 'r': loops += 120; break; case 'R': reconnect = 1; break; case 't': timeout = atoi(optarg); break; case 'T': connect_timeout = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': case '?': print_banner(stdout, is_color); usage(argv[0]); return 0; } } if (argv_error) { printf("\n"); return usage(argv[0]); } read_config(dft_cfile, cfile); if (optind < argc) { get_profile(argv[optind], &profile); } if (!profile) { if (get_profile("default", &profile)) { esl_log(ESL_LOG_DEBUG, "profile default does not exist using builtin profile\n"); profile = &internal_profile; } } if (temp_log < 0 ) { esl_global_set_default_logger(profile->debug); } if (argv_host) { esl_set_string(profile->host, temp_host); } if (argv_port) { profile->port = (esl_port_t)temp_port; } if (argv_user) { esl_set_string(profile->user, temp_user); } if (argv_pass) { esl_set_string(profile->pass, temp_pass); } if (argv_batch || profile->batch_mode) { profile->batch_mode = 1; feature_level=0; } if (*argv_loglevel) { esl_set_string(profile->loglevel, argv_loglevel); profile->quiet = 0; } if (argv_log_uuid) { profile->log_uuid = 1; } esl_log(ESL_LOG_DEBUG, "Using profile %s [%s]\n", profile->name, profile->host); esl_set_string(prompt_color, profile->prompt_color); esl_set_string(input_text_color, profile->input_text_color); esl_set_string(output_text_color, profile->output_text_color); if (argv_host) { if (argv_port && profile->port != 8021) { snprintf(bare_prompt_str, sizeof(bare_prompt_str), "freeswitch@%s:%u@%s> ", profile->host, profile->port, profile->name); } else { snprintf(bare_prompt_str, sizeof(bare_prompt_str), "freeswitch@%s@%s> ", profile->host, profile->name); } } else { snprintf(bare_prompt_str, sizeof(bare_prompt_str), "freeswitch@%s> ", profile->name); } bare_prompt_str_len = (int)strlen(bare_prompt_str); if (feature_level) { snprintf(prompt_str, sizeof(prompt_str), "%s%s%s", prompt_color, bare_prompt_str, input_text_color); } else { snprintf(prompt_str, sizeof(prompt_str), "%s", bare_prompt_str); } connect: connected = 0; while (--loops > 0) { memset(&handle, 0, sizeof(handle)); if (esl_connect_timeout(&handle, profile->host, profile->port, profile->user, profile->pass, connect_timeout)) { esl_global_set_default_logger(7); esl_log(ESL_LOG_ERROR, "Error Connecting [%s]\n", handle.err); if (loops == 1) { if (!argv_exec) usage(argv[0]); return -1; } else { sleep_s(1); esl_log(ESL_LOG_INFO, "Retrying\n"); } } else { connected = 1; if (temp_log < 0 ) { esl_global_set_default_logger(profile->debug); } else { esl_global_set_default_logger(temp_log); } break; } } if (argv_exec) { const char *err = NULL; snprintf(cmd_str, sizeof(cmd_str), "api %s\nconsole_execute: true\n\n", argv_command); if (timeout) { esl_status_t status = esl_send_recv_timed(&handle, cmd_str, timeout); if (status != ESL_SUCCESS) { printf("Request timed out.\n"); esl_disconnect(&handle); return -2; } } else { esl_send_recv(&handle, cmd_str); } if (handle.last_sr_event) { if (handle.last_sr_event->body) { printf("%s\n", handle.last_sr_event->body); } else if ((err = esl_event_get_header(handle.last_sr_event, "reply-text")) && !strncasecmp(err, "-err", 3)) { printf("Error: %s!\n", err + 4); } } esl_disconnect(&handle); return 0; } global_handle = &handle; global_profile = profile; if (esl_thread_create_detached(msg_thread_run, &handle) != ESL_SUCCESS) { printf("Error starting thread!\n"); esl_disconnect(&handle); return 0; } #ifdef HAVE_EDITLINE el = el_init(__FILE__, stdin, stdout, stderr); el_set(el, EL_PROMPT, &prompt); el_set(el, EL_EDITOR, "emacs"); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "f1-key", "F1 KEY PRESS", console_f1key); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "f2-key", "F2 KEY PRESS", console_f2key); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "f3-key", "F3 KEY PRESS", console_f3key); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "f4-key", "F4 KEY PRESS", console_f4key); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "f5-key", "F5 KEY PRESS", console_f5key); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "f6-key", "F6 KEY PRESS", console_f6key); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "f7-key", "F7 KEY PRESS", console_f7key); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "f8-key", "F8 KEY PRESS", console_f8key); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "f9-key", "F9 KEY PRESS", console_f9key); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "f10-key", "F10 KEY PRESS", console_f10key); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "f11-key", "F11 KEY PRESS", console_f11key); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "f12-key", "F12 KEY PRESS", console_f12key); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "EOF-key", "EOF (^D) KEY PRESS", console_eofkey); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033OP", "f1-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033OQ", "f2-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033OR", "f3-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033OS", "f4-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033OT", "f5-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033OU", "f6-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033OV", "f7-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033OW", "f8-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033OX", "f9-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033OY", "f10-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033OZ", "f11-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033O[", "f12-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033[11~", "f1-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033[12~", "f2-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033[13~", "f3-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033[14~", "f4-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033[15~", "f5-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033[17~", "f6-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033[18~", "f7-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033[19~", "f8-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033[20~", "f9-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033[21~", "f10-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033[23~", "f11-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033[24~", "f12-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\004", "EOF-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "ed-complete", "Complete argument", complete); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "^I", "ed-complete", NULL); /* "Delete" key. */ el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033[3~", "ed-delete-next-char", NULL); if (!(myhistory = history_init())) { esl_log(ESL_LOG_ERROR, "history could not be initialized\n"); goto done; } history(myhistory, &ev, H_SETSIZE, 800); el_set(el, EL_HIST, history, myhistory); history(myhistory, &ev, H_LOAD, hfile); el_source(el, NULL); #endif #ifdef WIN32 hStdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if (hStdout != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdout, &csbiInfo)) { wOldColorAttrs = csbiInfo.wAttributes; } #endif if (!argv_quiet && !profile->quiet) { snprintf(cmd_str, sizeof(cmd_str), "log %s\n\n", profile->loglevel); esl_send_recv(&handle, cmd_str); } if (global_profile->batch_mode) { setvbuf(stdout, (char*)NULL, _IONBF, 0); } print_banner(stdout, is_color); esl_log(ESL_LOG_INFO, "FS CLI Ready.\nenter /help for a list of commands.\n"); output_printf("%s\n", handle.last_sr_reply); while (running > 0) { int r; #ifdef HAVE_EDITLINE if (!(global_profile->batch_mode)) { line = el_gets(el, &count); } else { #endif line = basic_gets(&count); #ifdef HAVE_EDITLINE } #endif if (count > 1 && !esl_strlen_zero(line)) { char *p, *cmd = strdup(line); assert(cmd); if ((p = strrchr(cmd, '\r')) || (p = strrchr(cmd, '\n'))) { *p = '\0'; } #ifdef HAVE_EDITLINE history(myhistory, &ev, H_ENTER, line); #endif if ((r = process_command(&handle, cmd))) { running = r; } free(cmd); clear_el_buffer(); } sleep_ms(1); } if (running < 0 && reconnect) { running = 1; loops = 120; goto connect; } #ifdef HAVE_EDITLINE done: history(myhistory, &ev, H_SAVE, hfile); history_end(myhistory); el_end(el); #endif esl_disconnect(&handle); global_handle = NULL; thread_running = 0; return 0; }
int32_t fs_opr_t::single_originate(const char* ani, const char* caller_disp, uint64_t sessionid, bool return_ring_ready, bool bgapi, char* uuid_output, uint32_t output_len, char* result, uint32_t result_len) { FUNC_BEGIN(); const char* originate = "%s originate {return_ring_ready=%s,origination_caller_id_number=%s," "origination_caller_id_name=%s,IMSDATA=%lu}%s &park()"; const char* ring_ready = return_ring_ready ? "true" : "false"; const char* api_type = bgapi ? "bgapi" : "api"; snprintf(szcmd, LEN_512, originate, api_type, ring_ready, caller_disp, caller_disp, sessionid, ani); TRACE_LOG("originate(%s)", szcmd); if (bgapi && esl_send_recv(&_handle, szcmd) == ESL_SUCCESS && is_result_ok(fs_resp = esl_event_get_header(_handle.last_sr_event, "Reply-Text"))) { ret = IMS_SUCCESS; break; } if (esl_send_recv(&_handle, szcmd) == ESL_SUCCESS) { if (is_result_ok(fs_resp = esl_event_get_body(_handle.last_sr_event))) { TRACE_LOG("fs_resp=(%s)", fs_resp); fs_resp += 3; while (*fs_resp && ' ' == *fs_resp) { fs_resp++; } if (*fs_resp && uuid_output && output_len > 0) { strncpy(uuid_output, fs_resp, output_len); uint32_t idx = 0; do { if ('\n' == uuid_output[idx]) { uuid_output[idx] = '\0'; break; } ++idx; } while (uuid_output[idx]); } //TRACE_LOG("new create uuid = %s",uuid_output); ret = IMS_SUCCESS; } else { TRACE_LOG("fs_resp=(%s)", fs_resp); if (fs_resp && *fs_resp && result && result_len > 0) { strncpy(result, fs_resp + 5, result_len); uint32_t idx = 0; do { if ('\n' == result[idx]) { result[idx] = '\0'; break; } ++idx; } while (result[idx]); } WARNING_LOG("fs:single_originate(%s) failed;ret(%s)", ani, fs_resp); } } FUNC_END(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { esl_handle_t handle = {{0}}; int count = 0; const char *line = NULL; char cmd_str[1024] = ""; esl_config_t cfg; cli_profile_t *profile = NULL; int rv = 0; #ifndef WIN32 char hfile[512] = "/etc/fs_cli_history"; char cfile[512] = "/etc/fs_cli.conf"; char dft_cfile[512] = "/etc/fs_cli.conf"; #else char hfile[512] = "fs_cli_history"; char cfile[512] = "fs_cli.conf"; char dft_cfile[512] = "fs_cli.conf"; #endif char *home = getenv("HOME"); /* Vars for optargs */ int opt; static struct option options[] = { {"help", 0, 0, 'h'}, {"host", 1, 0, 'H'}, {"port", 1, 0, 'P'}, {"user", 1, 0, 'u'}, {"password", 1, 0, 'p'}, {"debug", 1, 0, 'd'}, {"execute", 1, 0, 'x'}, {"loglevel", 1, 0, 'l'}, {"quiet", 0, 0, 'q'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; char temp_host[128]; int argv_host = 0; char temp_user[256]; char temp_pass[128]; int argv_pass = 0 ; int argv_user = 0 ; int temp_port = 0; int argv_port = 0; int temp_log = -1; int argv_error = 0; int argv_exec = 0; char argv_command[256] = ""; char argv_loglevel[128] = ""; int argv_quiet = 0; strncpy(, "", sizeof(; strncpy(internal_profile.pass, "ClueCon", sizeof(internal_profile.pass)); strncpy(, "internal", sizeof(; internal_profile.port = 8021; set_fn_keys(&internal_profile); if (home) { snprintf(hfile, sizeof(hfile), "%s/.fs_cli_history", home); snprintf(cfile, sizeof(cfile), "%s/.fs_cli_conf", home); } signal(SIGINT, handle_SIGINT); #ifdef SIGQUIT signal(SIGQUIT, handle_SIGQUIT); #endif esl_global_set_default_logger(6); /* default debug level to 6 (info) */ for(;;) { int option_index = 0; opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "H:U:P:S:u:p:d:x:l:qh?", options, &option_index); if (opt == -1) break; switch (opt) { case 'H': esl_set_string(temp_host, optarg); argv_host = 1; break; case 'P': temp_port= atoi(optarg); if (temp_port > 0 && temp_port < 65536){ argv_port = 1; } else { printf("ERROR: Port must be in range 1 - 65535\n"); argv_error = 1; } break; case 'u': esl_set_string(temp_user, optarg); argv_user = 1; break; case 'p': esl_set_string(temp_pass, optarg); argv_pass = 1; break; case 'd': temp_log=atoi(optarg); if (temp_log < 0 || temp_log > 7){ printf("ERROR: Debug level should be 0 - 7.\n"); argv_error = 1; } else { esl_global_set_default_logger(temp_log); } break; case 'x': argv_exec = 1; esl_set_string(argv_command, optarg); break; case 'l': esl_set_string(argv_loglevel, optarg); break; case 'q': argv_quiet = 1; break; case 'h': case '?': print_banner(stdout); usage(argv[0]); return 0; default: opt = 0; } } if (argv_error){ printf("\n"); return usage(argv[0]); } if (!(rv = esl_config_open_file(&cfg, cfile))) { rv = esl_config_open_file(&cfg, dft_cfile); } if (rv) { char *var, *val; char cur_cat[128] = ""; while (esl_config_next_pair(&cfg, &var, &val)) { if (strcmp(cur_cat, cfg.category)) { esl_set_string(cur_cat, cfg.category); esl_set_string(profiles[pcount].name, cur_cat); esl_set_string(profiles[pcount].host, "localhost"); esl_set_string(profiles[pcount].pass, "ClueCon"); profiles[pcount].port = 8021; set_fn_keys(&profiles[pcount]); esl_log(ESL_LOG_DEBUG, "Found Profile [%s]\n", profiles[pcount].name); pcount++; } if (!strcasecmp(var, "host")) { esl_set_string(profiles[pcount-1].host, val); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "user")) { esl_set_string(profiles[pcount-1].user, val); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "password")) { esl_set_string(profiles[pcount-1].pass, val); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "port")) { int pt = atoi(val); if (pt > 0) { profiles[pcount-1].port = (esl_port_t)pt; } } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "debug")) { int dt = atoi(val); if (dt > -1 && dt < 8){ profiles[pcount-1].debug = dt; } } else if(!strcasecmp(var, "loglevel")) { esl_set_string(profiles[pcount-1].loglevel, val); } else if(!strcasecmp(var, "quiet")) { profiles[pcount-1].quiet = esl_true(val); } else if (!strncasecmp(var, "key_F", 5)) { char *key = var + 5; if (key) { int i = atoi(key); if (i > 0 && i < 13) { profiles[pcount-1].console_fnkeys[i - 1] = strdup(val); } } } } esl_config_close_file(&cfg); } if (optind < argc) { get_profile(argv[optind], &profile); } if (!profile) { if (get_profile("default", &profile)) { esl_log(ESL_LOG_DEBUG, "profile default does not exist using builtin profile\n"); profile = &internal_profile; } } if (temp_log < 0 ) { esl_global_set_default_logger(profile->debug); } if (argv_host) { esl_set_string(profile->host, temp_host); } if (argv_port) { profile->port = (esl_port_t)temp_port; } if (argv_user) { esl_set_string(profile->user, temp_user); } if (argv_pass) { esl_set_string(profile->pass, temp_pass); } if (*argv_loglevel) { esl_set_string(profile->loglevel, argv_loglevel); profile->quiet = 0; } esl_log(ESL_LOG_DEBUG, "Using profile %s [%s]\n", profile->name, profile->host); if (argv_host) { if (argv_port && profile->port != 8021) { snprintf(prompt_str, sizeof(prompt_str), "freeswitch@%s:%u@%s> ", profile->host, profile->port, profile->name); } else { snprintf(prompt_str, sizeof(prompt_str), "freeswitch@%s@%s> ", profile->host, profile->name); } } else { snprintf(prompt_str, sizeof(prompt_str), "freeswitch@%s> ", profile->name); } if (esl_connect(&handle, profile->host, profile->port, profile->user, profile->pass)) { esl_global_set_default_logger(7); esl_log(ESL_LOG_ERROR, "Error Connecting [%s]\n", handle.err); if (!argv_exec) usage(argv[0]); return -1; } if (argv_exec){ const char *err = NULL; snprintf(cmd_str, sizeof(cmd_str), "api %s\n\n", argv_command); esl_send_recv(&handle, cmd_str); if (handle.last_sr_event) { if (handle.last_sr_event->body) { printf("%s\n", handle.last_sr_event->body); } else if ((err = esl_event_get_header(handle.last_sr_event, "reply-text")) && !strncasecmp(err, "-err", 3)) { printf("Error: %s!\n", err + 4); } } esl_disconnect(&handle); return 0; } global_handle = &handle; global_profile = profile; esl_thread_create_detached(msg_thread_run, &handle); #ifdef HAVE_EDITLINE el = el_init(__FILE__, stdout, stdout, stdout); el_set(el, EL_PROMPT, &prompt); el_set(el, EL_EDITOR, "emacs"); myhistory = history_init(); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "f1-key", "F1 KEY PRESS", console_f1key); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "f2-key", "F2 KEY PRESS", console_f2key); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "f3-key", "F3 KEY PRESS", console_f3key); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "f4-key", "F4 KEY PRESS", console_f4key); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "f5-key", "F5 KEY PRESS", console_f5key); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "f6-key", "F6 KEY PRESS", console_f6key); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "f7-key", "F7 KEY PRESS", console_f7key); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "f8-key", "F8 KEY PRESS", console_f8key); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "f9-key", "F9 KEY PRESS", console_f9key); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "f10-key", "F10 KEY PRESS", console_f10key); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "f11-key", "F11 KEY PRESS", console_f11key); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "f12-key", "F12 KEY PRESS", console_f12key); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "EOF-key", "EOF (^D) KEY PRESS", console_eofkey); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033OP", "f1-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033OQ", "f2-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033OR", "f3-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033OS", "f4-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033[11~", "f1-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033[12~", "f2-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033[13~", "f3-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033[14~", "f4-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033[15~", "f5-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033[17~", "f6-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033[18~", "f7-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033[19~", "f8-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033[20~", "f9-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033[21~", "f10-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033[23~", "f11-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\033[24~", "f12-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "\004", "EOF-key", NULL); el_set(el, EL_ADDFN, "ed-complete", "Complete argument", complete); el_set(el, EL_BIND, "^I", "ed-complete", NULL); if (myhistory == 0) { esl_log(ESL_LOG_ERROR, "history could not be initialized\n"); goto done; } history(myhistory, &ev, H_SETSIZE, 800); el_set(el, EL_HIST, history, myhistory); history(myhistory, &ev, H_LOAD, hfile); el_source(el, NULL); #endif #ifdef WIN32 hStdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if (hStdout != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdout, &csbiInfo)) { wOldColorAttrs = csbiInfo.wAttributes; } #endif if (!argv_quiet && !profile->quiet) { snprintf(cmd_str, sizeof(cmd_str), "log %s\n\n", profile->loglevel); esl_send_recv(&handle, cmd_str); } print_banner(stdout); esl_log(ESL_LOG_INFO, "FS CLI Ready.\nenter /help for a list of commands.\n"); printf("%s\n", handle.last_sr_reply); while (running) { #ifdef HAVE_EDITLINE line = el_gets(el, &count); #else line = basic_gets(&count); #endif if (count > 1) { if (!esl_strlen_zero(line)) { char *cmd = strdup(line); char *p; #ifdef HAVE_EDITLINE const LineInfo *lf = el_line(el); char *foo = (char *) lf->buffer; #endif if ((p = strrchr(cmd, '\r')) || (p = strrchr(cmd, '\n'))) { *p = '\0'; } assert(cmd != NULL); #ifdef HAVE_EDITLINE history(myhistory, &ev, H_ENTER, line); #endif if (process_command(&handle, cmd)) { running = 0; } #ifdef HAVE_EDITLINE el_deletestr(el, strlen(foo) + 1); memset(foo, 0, strlen(foo)); #endif free(cmd); } } usleep(1000); } #ifdef HAVE_EDITLINE done: history(myhistory, &ev, H_SAVE, hfile); /* Clean up our memory */ history_end(myhistory); el_end(el); #endif esl_disconnect(&handle); thread_running = 0; return 0; }