Exemple #1
static void Idle (struct ev_loop *loop, ev_idle *w, int revents) {
	if (SHUTDOWN) {
		LogDebug("Idle processing (SHUTDOWN=%d)", SHUTDOWN);
		ev_idle_stop(loop, w);
		ev_unloop (loop, EVUNLOOP_ALL);
	} else {
		ev_tstamp yieldtime = 0.10;
Exemple #2
static PyObject *
pyev_sleep(PyObject *module, PyObject *args)
    double interval;

    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "d:sleep", &interval)) {
        return NULL;
static void
select_poll (EV_P_ ev_tstamp timeout)
  struct timeval tv;
  int res;

  memcpy (vec_ro, vec_ri, sizeof (fd_set));
  memcpy (vec_wo, vec_wi, sizeof (fd_set));
  memcpy (vec_ro, vec_ri, vec_max * NFDBYTES);
  memcpy (vec_wo, vec_wi, vec_max * NFDBYTES);

  tv.tv_sec  = (long)timeout;
  tv.tv_usec = (long)((timeout - (ev_tstamp)tv.tv_sec) * 1e6);

  res = select (vec_max * NFDBITS, (fd_set *)vec_ro, (fd_set *)vec_wo, 0, &tv);

  if (expect_false (res < 0))
      errno = WSAGetLastError ();
      #ifdef WSABASEERR
      /* on windows, select returns incompatible error codes, fix this */
      if (errno >= WSABASEERR && errno < WSABASEERR + 1000)
        if (errno == WSAENOTSOCK)
          errno = EBADF;
          errno -= WSABASEERR;

      #ifdef _WIN32
      /* select on windows errornously returns EINVAL when no fd sets have been
       * provided (this is documented). what microsoft doesn't tell you that this bug
       * exists even when the fd sets are provided, so we have to check for this bug
       * here and emulate by sleeping manually.
       * we also get EINVAL when the timeout is invalid, but we ignore this case here
       * and assume that EINVAL always means: you have to wait manually.
      if (errno == EINVAL)
          ev_sleep (timeout);

      if (errno == EBADF)
        fd_ebadf (EV_A);
      else if (errno == ENOMEM && !syserr_cb)
        fd_enomem (EV_A);
      else if (errno != EINTR)
        syserr ("(libev) select");



    int fd;

    for (fd = 0; fd < anfdmax; ++fd)
      if (anfds [fd].events)
          int events = 0;
          SOCKET handle = anfds [fd].handle;
          int handle = fd;

          if (FD_ISSET (handle, (fd_set *)vec_ro)) events |= EV_READ;
          if (FD_ISSET (handle, (fd_set *)vec_wo)) events |= EV_WRITE;

          if (expect_true (events))
            fd_event (EV_A_ fd, events);


    int word, bit;
    for (word = vec_max; word--; )
        fd_mask word_r = ((fd_mask *)vec_ro) [word];
        fd_mask word_w = ((fd_mask *)vec_wo) [word];

        if (word_r || word_w)
          for (bit = NFDBITS; bit--; )
              fd_mask mask = 1UL << bit;
              int events = 0;

              events |= word_r & mask ? EV_READ  : 0;
              events |= word_w & mask ? EV_WRITE : 0;

              if (expect_true (events))
                fd_event (EV_A_ word * NFDBITS + bit, events);

Exemple #4
static void
select_poll (EV_P_ ev_tstamp timeout)
  struct timeval tv;
  int res;
  int fd_setsize;

  EV_TV_SET (tv, timeout);

  fd_setsize = sizeof (fd_set);
  fd_setsize = vec_max * NFDBYTES;

  memcpy (vec_ro, vec_ri, fd_setsize);
  memcpy (vec_wo, vec_wi, fd_setsize);

#ifdef _WIN32
  /* pass in the write set as except set.
   * the idea behind this is to work around a windows bug that causes
   * errors to be reported as an exception and not by setting
   * the writable bit. this is so uncontrollably lame.
  memcpy (vec_eo, vec_wi, fd_setsize);
  res = select (vec_max * NFDBITS, (fd_set *)vec_ro, (fd_set *)vec_wo, (fd_set *)vec_eo, &tv);
  fd_setsize = anfdmax < FD_SETSIZE ? anfdmax : FD_SETSIZE;
  res = select (fd_setsize, (fd_set *)vec_ro, (fd_set *)vec_wo, 0, &tv);
  res = select (vec_max * NFDBITS, (fd_set *)vec_ro, (fd_set *)vec_wo, 0, &tv);

  if (expect_false (res < 0))
      errno = WSAGetLastError ();
      #ifdef WSABASEERR
      /* on windows, select returns incompatible error codes, fix this */
      if (errno >= WSABASEERR && errno < WSABASEERR + 1000)
        if (errno == WSAENOTSOCK)
          errno = EBADF;
          errno -= WSABASEERR;

      #ifdef _WIN32
      /* select on windows erroneously returns EINVAL when no fd sets have been
       * provided (this is documented). what microsoft doesn't tell you that this bug
       * exists even when the fd sets _are_ provided, so we have to check for this bug
       * here and emulate by sleeping manually.
       * we also get EINVAL when the timeout is invalid, but we ignore this case here
       * and assume that EINVAL always means: you have to wait manually.
      if (errno == EINVAL)
          ev_sleep (timeout);

      if (errno == EBADF)
        fd_ebadf (EV_A);
      else if (errno == ENOMEM && !syserr_cb)
        fd_enomem (EV_A);
      else if (errno != EINTR)
        ev_syserr ("(libev) select");



    int fd;

    for (fd = 0; fd < anfdmax; ++fd)
      if (anfds [fd].events)
          int events = 0;
          SOCKET handle = anfds [fd].handle;
          int handle = fd;

          if (FD_ISSET (handle, (fd_set *)vec_ro)) events |= EV_READ;
          if (FD_ISSET (handle, (fd_set *)vec_wo)) events |= EV_WRITE;
          #ifdef _WIN32
          if (FD_ISSET (handle, (fd_set *)vec_eo)) events |= EV_WRITE;

          if (expect_true (events))
            fd_event (EV_A_ fd, events);


    int word, bit;
    for (word = vec_max; word--; )
        fd_mask word_r = ((fd_mask *)vec_ro) [word];
        fd_mask word_w = ((fd_mask *)vec_wo) [word];
        #ifdef _WIN32
        word_w |= ((fd_mask *)vec_eo) [word];

        if (word_r || word_w)
          for (bit = NFDBITS; bit--; )
              fd_mask mask = 1UL << bit;
              int events = 0;

              events |= word_r & mask ? EV_READ  : 0;
              events |= word_w & mask ? EV_WRITE : 0;

              if (expect_true (events))
                fd_event (EV_A_ word * NFDBITS + bit, events);

Exemple #5
int QCrawlerDNS::resolve_host(const std::string &host, struct in_addr *addr,  int now)
    // check cache
    if (dns_cache.find(host) != dns_cache.end()) {
        QCrawlerDNSEntry &entry = dns_cache[host];
        if (!entry.addr_list.empty()) {
            if (entry.resolve_time + ok_dns_cache_time >= now)  {
                entry.last_pos = (entry.last_pos + 1) % entry.addr_list.size();
                *addr = entry.addr_list[entry.last_pos];
                return 0;

        } else {
            if (entry.resolve_time + fail_dns_cache_time > now) {
                return 1;


    QCrawlerDNSEntry entry;
    entry.last_pos = 0;

    entry.resolve_time = now;

    struct addrinfo hints, *res, *result;
    memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
    hints.ai_family = AF_INET;
    hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;

    int error;
    error = getaddrinfo(host.c_str(), "http", &hints, &result);
    int cnt = 0;
    while (error == EAI_AGAIN && ++cnt < 3) {
        error = getaddrinfo(host.c_str(), NULL, NULL, &result);
    if (error == EAI_AGAIN && cnt >= 3) {
        LOG(WARNING) << "error in get addrinfo EAI AGAIN fatal error " << gai_strerror(error);
        return -1;

    if (error != 0) {
       LOG(INFO) << "error in get addrinfo " << gai_strerror(error);
       if (error != EAI_AGAIN) {
            dns_cache[host] = entry;
       return 1;
    } else {

        for (res = result; res != NULL; res = res->ai_next) {

        *addr = entry.addr_list[0];

        dns_cache[host] = entry;

        return 0;