void ConstPressureReactor::evalEqs(doublereal time, doublereal* y,
                                   doublereal* ydot, doublereal* params)
    double dmdt = 0.0; // dm/dt (gas phase)
    double* dYdt = ydot + 2;
    double mdot_surf = evalSurfaces(time, ydot + m_nsp + 2);
    dmdt += mdot_surf;

    const vector_fp& mw = m_thermo->molecularWeights();
    const doublereal* Y = m_thermo->massFractions();

    if (m_chem) {
        m_kin->getNetProductionRates(&m_wdot[0]); // "omega dot"

    for (size_t k = 0; k < m_nsp; k++) {
        // production in gas phase and from surfaces
        dYdt[k] = (m_wdot[k] * m_vol + m_sdot[k]) * mw[k] / m_mass;
        // dilution by net surface mass flux
        dYdt[k] -= Y[k] * mdot_surf / m_mass;

    // external heat transfer
    double dHdt = - m_Q;

    // add terms for outlets
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_outlet.size(); i++) {
        double mdot_out = m_outlet[i]->massFlowRate(time); // mass flow out of system
        dmdt -= mdot_out;
        dHdt -= mdot_out * m_enthalpy;

    // add terms for inlets
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_inlet.size(); i++) {
        double mdot_in = m_inlet[i]->massFlowRate(time);
        dmdt += mdot_in; // mass flow into system
        for (size_t n = 0; n < m_nsp; n++) {
            double mdot_spec = m_inlet[i]->outletSpeciesMassFlowRate(n);
            // flow of species into system and dilution by other species
            dYdt[n] += (mdot_spec - mdot_in * Y[n]) / m_mass;
        dHdt += mdot_in * m_inlet[i]->enthalpy_mass();

    ydot[0] = dmdt;
    if (m_energy) {
        ydot[1] = dHdt;
    } else {
        ydot[1] = 0.0;

    // reset sensitivity parameters
Exemple #2
void Reactor::evalEqs(doublereal time, doublereal* y,
                      doublereal* ydot, doublereal* params)
    double dmdt = 0.0; // dm/dt (gas phase)
    double* dYdt = ydot + 3;

    double mdot_surf = evalSurfaces(time, ydot + m_nsp + 3);
    dmdt += mdot_surf; // mass added to gas phase from surface reations

    // volume equation
    ydot[1] = m_vdot;

    const vector_fp& mw = m_thermo->molecularWeights();
    const doublereal* Y = m_thermo->massFractions();

    if (m_chem) {
        m_kin->getNetProductionRates(&m_wdot[0]); // "omega dot"

    for (size_t k = 0; k < m_nsp; k++) {
        // production in gas phase and from surfaces
        dYdt[k] = (m_wdot[k] * m_vol + m_sdot[k]) * mw[k] / m_mass;
        // dilution by net surface mass flux
        dYdt[k] -= Y[k] * mdot_surf / m_mass;

     *  Energy equation.
     *  \f[
     *  \dot U = -P\dot V + A \dot q + \dot m_{in} h_{in}
     * - \dot m_{out} h.
     * \f]
    if (m_energy) {
        ydot[2] = - m_thermo->pressure() * m_vdot - m_Q;
    } else {
        ydot[2] = 0.0;

    // add terms for outlets
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_outlet.size(); i++) {
        double mdot_out = m_outlet[i]->massFlowRate(time);
        dmdt -= mdot_out; // mass flow out of system
        if (m_energy) {
            ydot[2] -= mdot_out * m_enthalpy;

    // add terms for inlets
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_inlet.size(); i++) {
        double mdot_in = m_inlet[i]->massFlowRate(time);
        dmdt += mdot_in; // mass flow into system
        for (size_t n = 0; n < m_nsp; n++) {
            double mdot_spec = m_inlet[i]->outletSpeciesMassFlowRate(n);
            // flow of species into system and dilution by other species
            dYdt[n] += (mdot_spec - mdot_in * Y[n]) / m_mass;
        if (m_energy) {
            ydot[2] += mdot_in * m_inlet[i]->enthalpy_mass();

    ydot[0] = dmdt;
Exemple #3
void IdealGasReactor::evalEqs(doublereal time, doublereal* y,
                      doublereal* ydot, doublereal* params)
    double dmdt = 0.0; // dm/dt (gas phase)
    double mcvdTdt = 0.0; // m * c_v * dT/dt
    double* dYdt = ydot + 3;

    const vector_fp& mw = m_thermo->molecularWeights();
    const doublereal* Y = m_thermo->massFractions();

    if (m_chem) {
        m_kin->getNetProductionRates(&m_wdot[0]); // "omega dot"

    double mdot_surf = evalSurfaces(time, ydot + m_nsp + 3);
    dmdt += mdot_surf;

    // compression work and external heat transfer
    mcvdTdt += - m_pressure * m_vdot - m_Q;

    for (size_t n = 0; n < m_nsp; n++) {
        // heat release from gas phase and surface reations
        mcvdTdt -= m_wdot[n] * m_uk[n] * m_vol;
        mcvdTdt -= m_sdot[n] * m_uk[n];
        // production in gas phase and from surfaces
        dYdt[n] = (m_wdot[n] * m_vol + m_sdot[n]) * mw[n] / m_mass;
        // dilution by net surface mass flux
        dYdt[n] -= Y[n] * mdot_surf / m_mass;

    // add terms for outlets
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_outlet.size(); i++) {
        double mdot_out = m_outlet[i]->massFlowRate(time);
        dmdt -= mdot_out; // mass flow out of system
        mcvdTdt -= mdot_out * m_pressure * m_vol / m_mass; // flow work

    // add terms for inlets
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_inlet.size(); i++) {
        double mdot_in = m_inlet[i]->massFlowRate(time);
        dmdt += mdot_in; // mass flow into system
        mcvdTdt += m_inlet[i]->enthalpy_mass() * mdot_in;
        for (size_t n = 0; n < m_nsp; n++) {
            double mdot_spec = m_inlet[i]->outletSpeciesMassFlowRate(n);
            // flow of species into system and dilution by other species
            dYdt[n] += (mdot_spec - mdot_in * Y[n]) / m_mass;

            // In combintion with h_in*mdot_in, flow work plus thermal
            // energy carried with the species
            mcvdTdt -= m_uk[n] / mw[n] * mdot_spec;

    ydot[0] = dmdt;
    ydot[1] = m_vdot;
    if (m_energy) {
        ydot[2] = mcvdTdt / (m_mass * m_thermo->cv_mass());
    } else {
        ydot[2] = 0;
