void QgsConfigParser::appendExGeographicBoundingBox( QDomElement& layerElem,
    QDomDocument& doc,
    const QgsRectangle& layerExtent,
    const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& layerCRS ) const
  if ( layerElem.isNull() )

  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem wgs84;
  wgs84.createFromOgcWmsCrs( GEO_EPSG_CRS_AUTHID );

  //transform the layers native CRS into WGS84
  QgsCoordinateTransform exGeoTransform( layerCRS, wgs84 );
  QgsRectangle wgs84BoundingRect = exGeoTransform.transformBoundingBox( layerExtent );

  QDomElement ExGeoBBoxElement = doc.createElement( "EX_GeographicBoundingBox" );
  QDomElement wBoundLongitudeElement = doc.createElement( "westBoundLongitude" );
  QDomText wBoundLongitudeText = doc.createTextNode( QString::number( wgs84BoundingRect.xMinimum() ) );
  wBoundLongitudeElement.appendChild( wBoundLongitudeText );
  ExGeoBBoxElement.appendChild( wBoundLongitudeElement );
  QDomElement eBoundLongitudeElement = doc.createElement( "eastBoundLongitude" );
  QDomText eBoundLongitudeText = doc.createTextNode( QString::number( wgs84BoundingRect.xMaximum() ) );
  eBoundLongitudeElement.appendChild( eBoundLongitudeText );
  ExGeoBBoxElement.appendChild( eBoundLongitudeElement );
  QDomElement sBoundLatitudeElement = doc.createElement( "southBoundLatitude" );
  QDomText sBoundLatitudeText = doc.createTextNode( QString::number( wgs84BoundingRect.yMinimum() ) );
  sBoundLatitudeElement.appendChild( sBoundLatitudeText );
  ExGeoBBoxElement.appendChild( sBoundLatitudeElement );
  QDomElement nBoundLatitudeElement = doc.createElement( "northBoundLatitude" );
  QDomText nBoundLatitudeText = doc.createTextNode( QString::number( wgs84BoundingRect.yMaximum() ) );
  nBoundLatitudeElement.appendChild( nBoundLatitudeText );
  ExGeoBBoxElement.appendChild( nBoundLatitudeElement );

  //BoundingBox element
  QDomElement bBoxElement = doc.createElement( "BoundingBox" );
  if ( layerCRS.isValid() )
    bBoxElement.setAttribute( "CRS", layerCRS.authid() );

  bBoxElement.setAttribute( "minx", QString::number( layerExtent.xMinimum() ) );
  bBoxElement.setAttribute( "miny", QString::number( layerExtent.yMinimum() ) );
  bBoxElement.setAttribute( "maxx", QString::number( layerExtent.xMaximum() ) );
  bBoxElement.setAttribute( "maxy", QString::number( layerExtent.yMaximum() ) );

  QDomElement lastCRSElem = layerElem.lastChildElement( "CRS" );
  if ( !lastCRSElem.isNull() )
    layerElem.insertAfter( ExGeoBBoxElement, lastCRSElem );
    layerElem.insertAfter( bBoxElement, ExGeoBBoxElement );
    layerElem.appendChild( ExGeoBBoxElement );
    layerElem.appendChild( bBoxElement );
Exemple #2
  tileMatrixSetLinkDef getLayerTileMatrixSetLink( const layerDef layer, const tileMatrixSetDef tms, const QgsProject *project )
    tileMatrixSetLinkDef tmsl;

    QMap< int, tileMatrixLimitDef > tileMatrixLimits;

    QgsRectangle rect( layer.wgs84BoundingRect );
    if ( tms.ref != QLatin1String( "EPSG:4326" ) )
      QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::fromOgcWmsCrs( tms.ref );
      QgsCoordinateTransform exGeoTransform( wgs84, crs, project );
        rect = exGeoTransform.transformBoundingBox( layer.wgs84BoundingRect );
      catch ( const QgsCsException & )
        return tmsl;
    tmsl.ref = tms.ref;

    rect = rect.intersect( tms.extent );

    int tmIdx = -1;
    for ( const tileMatrixDef &tm : tms.tileMatrixList )

      if ( layer.maxScale > 0.0 && tm.scaleDenominator > layer.maxScale )
      if ( layer.minScale > 0.0 && tm.scaleDenominator < layer.minScale )

      double res = tm.resolution;

      tileMatrixLimitDef tml;
      tml.minCol = std::floor( ( rect.xMinimum() - tm.left ) / ( tileSize * res ) );
      tml.maxCol = std::ceil( ( rect.xMaximum() - tm.left ) / ( tileSize * res ) ) - 1;
      tml.minRow = std::floor( ( tm.top - rect.yMaximum() ) / ( tileSize * res ) );
      tml.maxRow = std::ceil( ( tm.top - rect.yMinimum() ) / ( tileSize * res ) ) - 1;

      tileMatrixLimits[tmIdx] = tml;

    tmsl.tileMatrixLimits = tileMatrixLimits;
    return tmsl;
Exemple #3
  QList< layerDef > getWmtsLayerList( QgsServerInterface *serverIface, const QgsProject *project )
    QList< layerDef > wmtsLayers;
    QgsAccessControl *accessControl = serverIface->accessControls();
    ( void )serverIface;

    // WMTS Project configuration
    bool wmtsProject = project->readBoolEntry( QStringLiteral( "WMTSLayers" ), QStringLiteral( "Project" ) );

    // Root Layer name
    QString rootLayerName = QgsServerProjectUtils::wmsRootName( *project );
    if ( rootLayerName.isEmpty() && !project->title().isEmpty() )
      rootLayerName = project->title();

    if ( wmtsProject && !rootLayerName.isEmpty() )
      layerDef pLayer;
      pLayer.id = rootLayerName;

      if ( !project->title().isEmpty() )
        pLayer.title = project->title();
        pLayer.abstract = project->title();

      //transform the project native CRS into WGS84
      QgsRectangle projRect = QgsServerProjectUtils::wmsExtent( *project );
      QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem projCrs = project->crs();
      QgsCoordinateTransform exGeoTransform( projCrs, wgs84, project );
        pLayer.wgs84BoundingRect = exGeoTransform.transformBoundingBox( projRect );
      catch ( const QgsCsException & )
        pLayer.wgs84BoundingRect = QgsRectangle( -180, -90, 180, 90 );

      // Formats
      bool wmtsPngProject = project->readBoolEntry( QStringLiteral( "WMTSPngLayers" ), QStringLiteral( "Project" ) );
      if ( wmtsPngProject )
        pLayer.formats << QStringLiteral( "image/png" );
      bool wmtsJpegProject = project->readBoolEntry( QStringLiteral( "WMTSJpegLayers" ), QStringLiteral( "Project" ) );
      if ( wmtsJpegProject )
        pLayer.formats << QStringLiteral( "image/jpeg" );

      // Project is not queryable in WMS
      //pLayer.queryable = ( nonIdentifiableLayers.count() != project->count() );
      pLayer.queryable = false;

      wmtsLayers.append( pLayer );

    QStringList wmtsGroupNameList = project->readListEntry( QStringLiteral( "WMTSLayers" ), QStringLiteral( "Group" ) );
    if ( !wmtsGroupNameList.isEmpty() )
      QgsLayerTreeGroup *treeRoot = project->layerTreeRoot();

      QStringList wmtsPngGroupNameList = project->readListEntry( QStringLiteral( "WMTSPngLayers" ), QStringLiteral( "Group" ) );
      QStringList wmtsJpegGroupNameList = project->readListEntry( QStringLiteral( "WMTSJpegLayers" ), QStringLiteral( "Group" ) );

      for ( const QString &gName : wmtsGroupNameList )
        QgsLayerTreeGroup *treeGroup = treeRoot->findGroup( gName );
        if ( !treeGroup )

        layerDef pLayer;
        pLayer.id = treeGroup->customProperty( QStringLiteral( "wmsShortName" ) ).toString();
        if ( pLayer.id.isEmpty() )
          pLayer.id = gName;

        pLayer.title = treeGroup->customProperty( QStringLiteral( "wmsTitle" ) ).toString();
        if ( pLayer.title.isEmpty() )
          pLayer.title = gName;

        pLayer.abstract = treeGroup->customProperty( QStringLiteral( "wmsAbstract" ) ).toString();

        QgsRectangle wgs84BoundingRect;
        bool queryable = false;
        double maxScale = 0.0;
        double minScale = 0.0;
        for ( QgsLayerTreeLayer *layer : treeGroup->findLayers() )
          QgsMapLayer *l = layer->layer();
          if ( !l )
          //transform the layer native CRS into WGS84
          QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem layerCrs = l->crs();
          QgsCoordinateTransform exGeoTransform( layerCrs, wgs84, project );
            wgs84BoundingRect.combineExtentWith( exGeoTransform.transformBoundingBox( l->extent() ) );
          catch ( const QgsCsException & )
            wgs84BoundingRect.combineExtentWith( QgsRectangle( -180, -90, 180, 90 ) );
          if ( !queryable && l->flags().testFlag( QgsMapLayer::Identifiable ) )
            queryable = true;

          if ( l->hasScaleBasedVisibility() )
            double lMaxScale = l->maximumScale();
            if ( lMaxScale > 0.0 && lMaxScale > maxScale )
              maxScale = lMaxScale;
            double lMinScale = l->minimumScale();
            if ( lMinScale > 0.0 && ( minScale == 0.0 || lMinScale < minScale ) )
              minScale = lMinScale;
        pLayer.wgs84BoundingRect = wgs84BoundingRect;
        pLayer.queryable = queryable;
        pLayer.maxScale = maxScale;
        pLayer.minScale = minScale;

        // Formats
        if ( wmtsPngGroupNameList.contains( gName ) )
          pLayer.formats << QStringLiteral( "image/png" );
        if ( wmtsJpegGroupNameList.contains( gName ) )
          pLayer.formats << QStringLiteral( "image/jpeg" );

        wmtsLayers.append( pLayer );

    QStringList wmtsLayerIdList = project->readListEntry( QStringLiteral( "WMTSLayers" ), QStringLiteral( "Layer" ) );
    QStringList wmtsPngLayerIdList = project->readListEntry( QStringLiteral( "WMTSPngLayers" ), QStringLiteral( "Layer" ) );
    QStringList wmtsJpegLayerIdList = project->readListEntry( QStringLiteral( "WMTSJpegLayers" ), QStringLiteral( "Layer" ) );

    for ( const QString &lId : wmtsLayerIdList )
      QgsMapLayer *l = project->mapLayer( lId );
      if ( !l )
      if ( !accessControl->layerReadPermission( l ) )

      layerDef pLayer;
      pLayer.id = l->name();
      if ( !l->shortName().isEmpty() )
        pLayer.id = l->shortName();
      pLayer.id = pLayer.id.replace( ' ', '_' );

      pLayer.title = l->title();
      pLayer.abstract = l->abstract();

      //transform the layer native CRS into WGS84
      QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem layerCrs = l->crs();
      QgsCoordinateTransform exGeoTransform( layerCrs, wgs84, project );
        pLayer.wgs84BoundingRect = exGeoTransform.transformBoundingBox( l->extent() );
      catch ( const QgsCsException & )
        pLayer.wgs84BoundingRect = QgsRectangle( -180, -90, 180, 90 );

      // Formats
      if ( wmtsPngLayerIdList.contains( lId ) )
        pLayer.formats << QStringLiteral( "image/png" );
      if ( wmtsJpegLayerIdList.contains( lId ) )
        pLayer.formats << QStringLiteral( "image/jpeg" );

      pLayer.queryable = ( l->flags().testFlag( QgsMapLayer::Identifiable ) );

      if ( l->hasScaleBasedVisibility() )
        pLayer.maxScale = l->maximumScale();
        pLayer.minScale = l->minimumScale();
        pLayer.maxScale = 0.0;
        pLayer.minScale = 0.0;

      wmtsLayers.append( pLayer );
    return wmtsLayers;