Exemple #1
//append nodes
void Field::appendNode(Players_Character player_append, Node* n) {
  if (existNode(n)) {
    std::cout << "The node has already been used" << std::endl;
    //throw some error
  } else {
void lookForWinningMove(binaryTreePtr tree)
/* here we check if there's any winning moves for the user right now
 * this is because the computer would rather block a move, than go for the win
 * when there's a move eval is set to 1000 so that we know it will be the biggest value on minmax
 * the same happens on a losing move with a value off -1000
 * Pre-condition: none
 * Post-condition: we have checked for a winning move
	//go to the root level
	//get the game area
	infoPtr root = retrieveNodeElm(tree);
	//goto the second level
	//get the game area for this option
	infoPtr temp = retrieveNodeElm(tree);
	//can we win now?
	if (canWeWinNow(temp) == 1)
		//make this option a possible winning move
		temp->eval = 1000;
		root->eval = 1000;
		//can we lose now? given that there's not a winning move somewhere
		if ( (canWeLoseNow(temp) == 1) && (root->eval != 1000) )
			//make this a possible losing move
			temp->eval = -1000;
			root->eval = -1000;
	//travese through the rest of the options on this level
	while (existNode(tree,TORIGHT) == 1)
		//go to next option
		//get the game area for this option
		temp = retrieveNodeElm(tree);
		//can we win now?
		if (canWeWinNow(temp) == 1)
			//make this option a possible winning move
			temp->eval = 1000;
			root->eval = 1000;
			//can we lose now? given that there's not a winning move somewhere
			if ( (canWeLoseNow(temp) == 1) && (root->eval != 1000) )
				//make this a possible losing move
				temp->eval = -1000;
				root->eval = -1000;
void expandTree(binaryTreePtr tree)
/* This procedure expands a unique tree for the current game state
 * Pre-condition: the tree has been allocated in memory
 * Post-condition: a tree has been created for the given game state
	if (tree != NULL)
		//get the current gamestate for the level in tree we are on
		infoPtr gameInfo = retrieveNodeElm(tree);

		//store the adress of the current node in the tree
		treeNodePtr current;
		current = getCurrentNode(tree);

		//get the root level's game state
		infoPtr rootInfo = retrieveNodeElm(tree);

		//go back to current level
		//we only extend 2 levels, this counts how many we have done
		int cmpSquares = squaresAvailable(rootInfo) - squaresAvailable(gameInfo);

		//is there any sqaures available?
		if ( (cmpSquares  < 3) && (squaresAvailable(gameInfo) != 0) )
			//generate the next level for the tree
			//go back to the node we started with
			setCurrentNode(tree, current);
			//go to the first node on the next level
			nextNode(tree, TOLEFT);
			//set this as the current node
			current = getCurrentNode(tree);
			//call this procedure again, to expand the next level
			//go back to first node of level we are working with
			setCurrentNode(tree, current);

			//does it have a next node on this level?
			while (existNode(tree, TORIGHT) == 1)
				//then go to the next node
				nextNode(tree, TORIGHT);
				//get node on this level we are working with
				current = getCurrentNode(tree);
				//generate a next level for this node
				//back to working level
				setCurrentNode(tree, current);
void makeMove(binaryTreePtr tree, infoPtr gameInfo)
/* This procedure will make the best move available
 * Pre-condition: none
 * Post-condition: the best move has been made
	//go to the root
	nextNode(tree, TOROOT);
	//get the info for root/the top level
	infoPtr root = retrieveNodeElm(tree);
	//goto first node of next level
	nextNode(tree, TOLEFT);
	//get the info for this node
	infoPtr temp = retrieveNodeElm(tree);

	//is this the value on this level that gave root it's value?
	if (root->eval == temp->eval)
		//it is! Then copy the game area to root
		copyGameArea(temp, root);
		//is there a next node on this level and is the current node's value not
		//equal to the root's?
		while ((existNode(tree,TORIGHT) == 1) && (root->eval != temp->eval))
			//goto next node on level
			nextNode(tree, TORIGHT);
			//get the info for this node
			temp = retrieveNodeElm(tree);
			//is this the value on this level that gave root it's value?
			if (root->eval == temp->eval)
				//it is! Then copy the game area to root
				copyGameArea(temp, root);

	//copy the playArea from the root to the game's playArea
void bestMove(binaryTreePtr tree)
/* This procedure will determine the best move available
 * by using a minmax method to either compute the value (on a leaf)
 * or sending it one level up where will be decided if the minimum or the maximum value will be used
 * Pre-condition:none
 * Post-condition: the root of the tree now has the minmax value needed
	infoPtr gameInfo,temp;
	treeNodePtr current;
	//retrieve the current node's info
	gameInfo = retrieveNodeElm(tree);

	//is this a leaf?
	if ((existNode(tree,TOLEFT)== -1) )
		//then compute the value of this square
		gameInfo->eval = evaluateSquares(gameInfo);
		//go down a level, to first node
		nextNode(tree, TOLEFT);
		//get the current node in tree
		current = getCurrentNode(tree);

		//get the info for this node
		temp = retrieveNodeElm(tree);

		//call this procedure again, this will send up a value

		//go back to first node on the level
		setCurrentNode(tree, current);
		//set the parent level's value to this node's
		gameInfo->eval = temp->eval;

		//is there a next node on this level?
		while (existNode(tree,TORIGHT) == 1)
			//then go to the next node
			nextNode(tree, TORIGHT);

			//set this as the current node on this level
			current = getCurrentNode(tree);

			//get the info for this node
			temp = retrieveNodeElm(tree);

			//call this procedure again, this will send up a value

			//go back to node on this level we're working on
			setCurrentNode(tree, current);
			//who's turn was it last
			if (gameInfo->turn == COMPUTER)
				//if temp->eval is smaller
				if (gameInfo->eval > temp->eval)
					//this is the new minimum value
					gameInfo->eval = temp->eval;
				//if temp->eval is bigger
				if (gameInfo->eval < temp->eval)
					//this is the new maximum value
					gameInfo->eval = temp->eval;