/// \brief Exp: se3 -> SE3.
  /// Return the integral of the input spatial velocity during time 1.
  template <typename _Scalar, int _Options> SE3Tpl<_Scalar, _Options>
  exp6(const MotionTpl<_Scalar,_Options> & nu)
    typedef _Scalar Scalar;
    typedef typename MotionTpl<Scalar,_Options>::Vector3 Vector3;
    typedef typename MotionTpl<Scalar,_Options>::Matrix3 Matrix3;

    const Vector3 & w = nu.angular();
    const Vector3 & v = nu.linear();
    Scalar t = w.norm();
    if (t > 1e-15)
      Matrix3 R(exp3(w));
      Matrix3 S(skew(w));
      double ct,st; SINCOS (t,&st,&ct);
      Matrix3 V(
        Matrix3::Identity() +
        (1 - ct) / (t * t) * S + (t - st) / (t * t * t) * S * S);
      Vector3 p(V * v);
      return SE3Tpl<_Scalar, _Options>(R, p);
      return SE3Tpl<_Scalar, _Options>(Matrix3::Identity(), v);
    void eval_special_columns()
      QTest::addColumn<QString>( "string" );
      QTest::addColumn<QVariant>( "result" );

      QgsExpression::setSpecialColumn( "$var1", QVariant(( int )42 ) );

      QgsExpression exp( "$var1 + 1" );
      QVariant v1 = exp.evaluate();
      QCOMPARE( v1.toInt(), 43 );

      QgsExpression::setSpecialColumn( "$var1", QVariant(( int )100 ) );
      QVariant v2 = exp.evaluate();
      QCOMPARE( v2.toInt(), 101 );

      QgsExpression exp2( "_specialcol_('$var1')+1" );
      QVariant v3 = exp2.evaluate();
      QCOMPARE( v3.toInt(), 101 );

      QgsExpression exp3( "_specialcol_('undefined')" );
      QVariant v4 = exp3.evaluate();
      QCOMPARE( v4, QVariant() );

      QgsExpression::unsetSpecialColumn( "$var1" );
static bool longValidator(const QString str, double & val)
	QStringList myList;
	QRegExp exp1("^[oOwWeElL][ ]\\d\\d?\\d?[ ]?\\d\\d?[ ]?\\d?\\d?\\.?[0-9]?" );
	QRegExp exp2("^[oOwWeElL][;]\\d\\d?\\d?[;]?\\d\\d?[;]?\\d?\\d?\\.?[0-9]?" ); 
	QRegExp exp3("^[oOwWeElL][:]\\d\\d?\\d?[:]?\\d\\d?[:]?\\d?\\d?\\.?[0-9]?" ); 
	QRegExp exp4("^[+-]?\\d\\d?\\d?\\.?[0-9]*" ); 

	double grauDec;

    if ( exp1.exactMatch( str ) )
		myList = str.split(" ");
	else if ( exp2.exactMatch( str ) )
		myList = str.split(";");
	else if ( exp3.exactMatch( str ) )
		myList = str.split(":");
	else if ( exp4.exactMatch( str ) )
		grauDec = str.toDouble();
		if ((grauDec >= -180.0 && grauDec <=180.0))
			val = grauDec * TeCDR;
			return true;
			return false;
		return false;

	int nelementos = myList.count();
	short graus, minutos = 0;
	float segundos = 0.0;
	graus = myList[1].toShort();

	if (nelementos > 2)
		minutos = myList[2].toShort();
	if (nelementos > 3)
		segundos = myList[3].toFloat();

	if (TeLongDMS2DD(myList[0].at(0).toAscii(),graus, minutos, segundos, grauDec))
		val = grauDec * TeCDR;
		return true;
		return false;
Exemple #4
    void eval_randf()
      QgsExpression exp1( "randf(1.5,9.5)" );
      QVariant v1 = exp1.evaluate();
      QCOMPARE( v1.toDouble() <= 9.5, true );
      QCOMPARE( v1.toDouble() >= 1.5, true );

      QgsExpression exp2( "randf(-0.0005,-0.0005)" );
      QVariant v2 = exp2.evaluate();
      QCOMPARE( v2.toDouble(), -0.0005 );

      // Invalid expression since max<min
      QgsExpression exp3( "randf(9.3333,1.784)" );
      QVariant v3 = exp3.evaluate();
      QCOMPARE( v3.type(),  QVariant::Invalid );
Exemple #5
    void eval_rand()
      QgsExpression exp1( "rand(1,10)" );
      QVariant v1 = exp1.evaluate();
      QCOMPARE( v1.toInt() <= 10, true );
      QCOMPARE( v1.toInt() >= 1, true );

      QgsExpression exp2( "rand(-5,-5)" );
      QVariant v2 = exp2.evaluate();
      QCOMPARE( v2.toInt(), -5 );

      // Invalid expression since max<min
      QgsExpression exp3( "rand(10,1)" );
      QVariant v3 = exp3.evaluate();
      QCOMPARE( v3.type(),  QVariant::Invalid );
Exemple #6
    void eval_geometry_calc()
      QgsPolyline polyline, polygon_ring;
      polyline << QgsPoint( 0, 0 ) << QgsPoint( 10, 0 );
      polygon_ring << QgsPoint( 2, 1 ) << QgsPoint( 10, 1 ) << QgsPoint( 10, 6 ) << QgsPoint( 2, 6 ) << QgsPoint( 2, 1 );
      QgsPolygon polygon;
      polygon << polygon_ring;
      QgsFeature fPolygon, fPolyline;
      fPolyline.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromPolyline( polyline ) );
      fPolygon.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( polygon ) );

      QgsExpression exp1( "$area" );
      QVariant vArea = exp1.evaluate( &fPolygon );
      QCOMPARE( vArea.toDouble(), 40. );

      QgsExpression exp2( "$length" );
      QVariant vLength = exp2.evaluate( &fPolyline );
      QCOMPARE( vLength.toDouble(), 10. );

      QgsExpression exp3( "$perimeter" );
      QVariant vPerimeter = exp3.evaluate( &fPolygon );
      QCOMPARE( vPerimeter.toDouble(), 26. );

      QgsExpression exp4( "bounds_width($geometry)" );
      QVariant vBoundsWidth = exp4.evaluate( &fPolygon );
      QCOMPARE( vBoundsWidth.toDouble(), 8.0 );

      QgsExpression exp5( "bounds_height($geometry)" );
      QVariant vBoundsHeight = exp5.evaluate( &fPolygon );
      QCOMPARE( vBoundsHeight.toDouble(), 5.0 );

      QgsExpression exp6( "xmin($geometry)" );
      QVariant vXMin = exp6.evaluate( &fPolygon );
      QCOMPARE( vXMin.toDouble(), 2.0 );

      QgsExpression exp7( "xmax($geometry)" );
      QVariant vXMax = exp7.evaluate( &fPolygon );
      QCOMPARE( vXMax.toDouble(), 10.0 );

      QgsExpression exp8( "ymin($geometry)" );
      QVariant vYMin = exp8.evaluate( &fPolygon );
      QCOMPARE( vYMin.toDouble(), 1.0 );

      QgsExpression exp9( "ymax($geometry)" );
      QVariant vYMax = exp9.evaluate( &fPolygon );
      QCOMPARE( vYMax.toDouble(), 6.0 );
bool IfcGeom::is_convex(const TopoDS_Wire& wire) {
	for ( TopExp_Explorer exp1(wire,TopAbs_VERTEX); exp1.More(); exp1.Next() ) {
		TopoDS_Vertex V1 = TopoDS::Vertex(exp1.Current());
		gp_Pnt P1 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(V1);
		// Store the neighboring points
		std::vector<gp_Pnt> neighbors;
		for ( TopExp_Explorer exp3(wire,TopAbs_EDGE); exp3.More(); exp3.Next() ) {
			TopoDS_Edge edge = TopoDS::Edge(exp3.Current());
			std::vector<gp_Pnt> edge_points;
			for ( TopExp_Explorer exp2(edge,TopAbs_VERTEX); exp2.More(); exp2.Next() ) {
				TopoDS_Vertex V2 = TopoDS::Vertex(exp2.Current());
				gp_Pnt P2 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(V2);
			if ( edge_points.size() != 2 ) continue;
			if ( edge_points[0].IsEqual(P1,GetValue(GV_POINT_EQUALITY_TOLERANCE))) neighbors.push_back(edge_points[1]);
			else if ( edge_points[1].IsEqual(P1, GetValue(GV_POINT_EQUALITY_TOLERANCE))) neighbors.push_back(edge_points[0]);
		// There should be two of these
		if ( neighbors.size() != 2 ) return false;
		// Now find the non neighboring points
		std::vector<gp_Pnt> non_neighbors;
		for ( TopExp_Explorer exp2(wire,TopAbs_VERTEX); exp2.More(); exp2.Next() ) {
			TopoDS_Vertex V2 = TopoDS::Vertex(exp2.Current());
			gp_Pnt P2 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(V2);
			if ( P1.IsEqual(P2,GetValue(GV_POINT_EQUALITY_TOLERANCE)) ) continue;
			bool found = false;
			for( std::vector<gp_Pnt>::const_iterator it = neighbors.begin(); it != neighbors.end(); ++ it ) {
				if ( (*it).IsEqual(P2,GetValue(GV_POINT_EQUALITY_TOLERANCE)) ) { found = true; break; }
			if ( ! found ) non_neighbors.push_back(P2);
		// Calculate the angle between the two edges of the vertex
		gp_Dir dir1(neighbors[0].XYZ() - P1.XYZ());
		gp_Dir dir2(neighbors[1].XYZ() - P1.XYZ());
		const double angle = acos(dir1.Dot(dir2)) + 0.0001;
		// Now for the non-neighbors see whether a greater angle can be found with one of the edges
		for ( std::vector<gp_Pnt>::const_iterator it = non_neighbors.begin(); it != non_neighbors.end(); ++ it ) {
			gp_Dir dir3((*it).XYZ() - P1.XYZ());
			const double angle2 = acos(dir3.Dot(dir1));
			const double angle3 = acos(dir3.Dot(dir2));
			if ( angle2 > angle || angle3 > angle ) return false;
	return true;
Exemple #8
    void eval_geometry_calc()
        QgsPolyline polyline, polygon_ring;
        polyline << QgsPoint( 0, 0 ) << QgsPoint( 10, 0 );
        polygon_ring << QgsPoint( 1, 1 ) << QgsPoint( 6, 1 ) << QgsPoint( 6, 6 ) << QgsPoint( 1, 6 ) << QgsPoint( 1, 1 );
        QgsPolygon polygon;
        polygon << polygon_ring;
        QgsFeature fPolygon, fPolyline;
        fPolyline.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromPolyline( polyline ) );
        fPolygon.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( polygon ) );

        QgsExpression exp1( "$area" );
        QVariant vArea = exp1.evaluate( &fPolygon );
        QCOMPARE( vArea.toDouble(), 25. );

        QgsExpression exp2( "$length" );
        QVariant vLength = exp2.evaluate( &fPolyline );
        QCOMPARE( vLength.toDouble(), 10. );

        QgsExpression exp3( "$perimeter" );
        QVariant vPerimeter = exp3.evaluate( &fPolygon );
        QCOMPARE( vPerimeter.toDouble(), 20. );
Exemple #9
 Eigen::Matrix<typename Vector3Like::Scalar,3,3,PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(Vector3Like)::Options>
 exp3_proxy(const Vector3Like & v)
   return exp3(v);