Exemple #1
const_string *
kpathsea_fontmap_lookup (kpathsea kpse, const_string key)
  const_string *ret;
  string suffix = find_suffix (key);

  if (kpse->map.size == 0) {
    read_all_maps (kpse);

  ret = (const_string *) hash_lookup (kpse->map, key);
  if (!ret) {
    /* OK, the original KEY didn't work.  Let's check for the KEY without
       an extension -- perhaps they gave foobar.tfm, but the mapping only
       defines `foobar'.  */
    if (suffix) {
      string base_key = remove_suffix (key);
      ret = (const_string *) hash_lookup (kpse->map, base_key);
      free (base_key);

  /* Append any original suffix.  */
  if (ret && suffix) {
    const_string *elt;
    for (elt = ret; *elt; elt++) {
      *elt = extend_filename (*elt, suffix);

  return ret;
Exemple #2
main (int argc, string *argv)
    int getopt_return_val;
    int option_index = 0;

    name_program = xbasename(argv[0]);
    if (!strcmp(name_program, "ofm2opl") ||
        !strcmp(name_program, "OFM2OPL.EXE")) {
        program = PROG_OFM2OPL;
        name_help = OFM2OPLHELP;
	name_program = "ofm2opl";
        name_msg = "This is ofm2opl, Version 2.0";
        no_files = 2;
        files[0] = &name_ofm;
        files[1] = &name_opl;
        suffixes[0] = "ofm";
        suffixes[1] = "opl";
        full_suffixes[0] = ".ofm";
        full_suffixes[1] = ".opl";
    } else if (!strcmp(name_program, "opl2ofm") ||
               !strcmp(name_program, "OPL2OFM.EXE")) {
        program = PROG_OPL2OFM;
        name_help = OPL2OFMHELP;
	name_program = "opl2ofm";
        name_msg = "This is opl2ofm, Version 2.0";
        no_files = 2;
        files[0] = &name_opl;
        files[1] = &name_ofm;
        suffixes[0] = "opl";
        suffixes[1] = "ofm";
        full_suffixes[0] = ".opl";
        full_suffixes[1] = ".ofm";
    } else if (!strcmp(name_program, "ovp2ovf") ||
               !strcmp(name_program, "OVP2OVF.EXE")) {
        program = PROG_OVP2OVF;
        name_help = OVP2OVFHELP;
	name_program = "ovp2ovf";
        name_msg = "This is ovp2ovf, Version 2.0";
        no_files = 3;
        files[0] = &name_ovp;
        files[1] = &name_ovf;
        files[2] = &name_ofm;
        suffixes[0] = "ovp";
        suffixes[1] = "ovf";
        suffixes[2] = "ofm";
        full_suffixes[0] = ".ovp";
        full_suffixes[1] = ".ovf";
        full_suffixes[2] = ".ofm";
    } else if (!strcmp(name_program, "ovf2ovp") ||
               !strcmp(name_program, "OVF2OVP.EXE")) {
        program = PROG_OVF2OVP;
        name_help = OVF2OVPHELP;
	name_program = "ovf2ovp";
        name_msg = "This is ovf2ovp, Version 2.0";
        no_files = 3;
        files[0] = &name_ovf;
        files[1] = &name_ofm;
        files[2] = &name_ovp;
        suffixes[0] = "ovf";
        suffixes[1] = "ofm";
        suffixes[2] = "ovp";
        full_suffixes[0] = ".ovf";
        full_suffixes[1] = ".ofm";
        full_suffixes[2] = ".ovp";
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr , "Unrecognized program: %s\n", name_program);
        fprintf(stderr ,
        "This binary supports ofm2opl, opl2ofm, ovf2ovp, and ovp2ovf\n");
    kpse_set_program_name(name_program, NULL);
    kpse_init_prog(uppercasify(name_program), 0, nil, nil);

    do {
        getopt_return_val =
        getopt_long_only(argc, argv, "", long_options, &option_index) ;
        if (getopt_return_val == -1) { ; }
        else if ( getopt_return_val == 63 ) {
            usage (name_program);
        } else if (!strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "help")) {
            usagehelp (name_help, NULL);
        } else if (!strcmp(long_options[option_index ].name, "version")) {
            printversionandexit(name_msg, nil,
                "J. Plaice, Y. Haralambous, D.E. Knuth",
        } else if (!strcmp(long_options[option_index ].name, "char-format")) {
            if (!strcmp(optarg, "ascii")) char_format = CHAR_CODE_ASCII;
            else if (!strcmp(optarg, "num")) char_format = CHAR_CODE_NUM;
            else warning_s("Bad character code format (%s)", optarg);
        } else if (!strcmp(long_options[option_index ].name, "num-format")) {
            if (!strcmp(optarg, "hex")) num_format = NUM_CODE_HEX;
            else if (!strcmp(optarg, "octal")) num_format = NUM_CODE_OCTAL;
            else warning_s("Bad number code format (%s)", optarg);
        } else if (!strcmp(long_options[option_index ].name, "text-format")) {
            if (!strcmp(optarg, "upper")) text_format = TEXT_CODE_UPPER;
            else if (!strcmp(optarg, "mixed")) text_format = TEXT_CODE_MIXED;
            else warning_s("Bad text code format (%s)", optarg);
    } while (getopt_return_val != -1);
    if (((argc-optind) > no_files) || ((argc-optind) < 1)) {
        fprintf(stderr , "%s: %s\n", name_program,
                no_files == 2 ? "Need one or two file arguments."
                              : "Need one to three file arguments.");
        usage (name_program);
    *(files[0]) = extend_filename(cmdline(optind) , suffixes[0]);
    if (optind+2 <= argc) {
        *(files[1]) = extend_filename(cmdline(optind+1) , suffixes[1]);
        if (no_files == 3) {
            if (optind+3 <= argc) {
                *(files[2]) = extend_filename(cmdline(optind+2) , suffixes[2]);
            } else if (program == PROG_OVP2OVF) {
                *(files[2]) = extend_filename(cmdline(optind+1), suffixes[2]);
    } else if (program != PROG_OFM2OPL) {
        *(files[1]) = basenamechangesuffix(*(files[0]),
                      full_suffixes[0], full_suffixes[1]);
        if ((no_files == 3) && (program == PROG_OVP2OVF)) {
            *(files[2]) = basenamechangesuffix(*(files[0]),
                      full_suffixes[0], full_suffixes[2]);

    switch(program) {
        case PROG_OFM2OPL: {
            file_ofm = kpse_open_file(name_ofm, kpse_ofm_format);
            read_in_whole(&ofm, &length_ofm, file_ofm, name_ofm);
            if (name_opl==NULL) file_opl = stdout;
            else rewrite(file_opl, name_opl);
            file_output = file_opl;
        case PROG_OVF2OVP: {
            file_ovf = kpse_open_file(name_ovf, kpse_ovf_format);
            read_in_whole(&ovf, &length_ovf, file_ovf, name_ovf);
            file_ofm = kpse_open_file(name_ofm, kpse_ofm_format);
            read_in_whole(&ofm, &length_ofm, file_ofm, name_ofm);
            if (name_ovp==NULL) file_ovp = stdout;
            else rewrite(file_ovp, name_ovp);
            file_output = file_ovp;
        case PROG_OPL2OFM: {
            file_opl = kpse_open_file(name_opl, kpse_opl_format);
            rewritebin(file_ofm, name_ofm);
            yyin = file_opl;
        case PROG_OVP2OVF: {
            file_ovp = kpse_open_file(name_ovp, kpse_ovp_format);
            rewritebin(file_ovf, name_ovf);
            rewritebin(file_ofm, name_ofm);
            yyin = file_ovp;
        default: {exit(1);}