vector<ofMesh> pen::createStrokes(ofPolyline myLine , ofColor mainColor){
    vector<ofMesh> strokes; 
    //if (myLine.size() > 3)
    //    currentLine.simplify();
    //currentLine = currentLine.getResampledBySpacing(10);
    myLine = myLine.getSmoothed(80);
    strokes.push_back(lineToMesh(myLine, ofColor(0,0,0,100), 5, ofVec2f(0,0)));
    //strokes.push_back(p.lineToMesh(myLine, ofColor(5,5,5), 12, ofVec2f(3,3) ));
    ofMesh mesh = lineToMesh(myLine, mainColor);
    return strokes;
void meshGRegionExtruded::operator() (GRegion *gr)

  if(gr->geomType() == GEntity::DiscreteVolume) return;

  ExtrudeParams *ep = gr->meshAttributes.extrude;

  if(!ep || !ep->mesh.ExtrudeMesh || ep->geo.Mode != EXTRUDED_ENTITY) return;

  Msg::Info("Meshing volume %d (extruded)", gr->tag());

  // destroy the mesh if it exists
  deMeshGRegion dem;

  // build an rtree with all the vertices on the boundary of gr
  MVertexRTree pos(CTX::instance()->geom.tolerance * CTX::instance()->lc);
  insertAllVertices(gr, pos);

  // volume is extruded from a surface
  GFace *from = gr->model()->getFaceByTag(std::abs(ep->geo.Source));
    Msg::Error("Unknown source surface %d for extrusion", ep->geo.Source);

  extrudeMesh(from, gr, pos);

  // carve holes if any (only do it now if the mesh is final, i.e., if
  // the mesh is recombined)
  if(ep->mesh.Holes.size() && ep->mesh.Recombine){
    std::map<int, std::pair<double, std::vector<int> > >::iterator it;
    for(it = ep->mesh.Holes.begin(); it != ep->mesh.Holes.end(); it++)
      carveHole(gr, it->first, it->second.first, it->second.second);