Exemple #1
/*! \brief Load a subpage
 *  \par Function Description
 *  Implements s_hierarchy_down_schematic(), but without changing variables
 *  related to the UI.
 *  - Ensures a duplicate page is not loaded
 *  - Does not change the current page
 *  - Does not modify the most recent "up" page
 *  \param [in]  page
 *  \param [in]  filename
 *  \param [out] error
 *  \return A pointer to the subpage or NULL if an error occured.
s_hierarchy_load_subpage (PAGE *page, const char *filename, GError **error)
  char *string;
  PAGE *subpage = NULL;

  g_return_val_if_fail (filename != NULL, NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (page != NULL, NULL);

  SCM string_s = scm_call_1 (scm_c_public_ref ("geda library",
                             scm_from_utf8_string (filename));

  if (scm_is_false (string_s)) {
    g_set_error (error,
                 _("Schematic not found in source library."));
  } else {
    string = scm_to_utf8_string (string_s);
    gchar *normalized = f_normalize_filename (string, error);

    subpage = s_page_search (page->toplevel, normalized);

    if (subpage == NULL) {
      int success;

      subpage = s_page_new (page->toplevel, string);
      success = f_open (page->toplevel, subpage, s_page_get_filename (subpage), error);

      if (success) {
        subpage->page_control = ++page_control_counter;
      } else {
        s_page_delete (page->toplevel, subpage);
        subpage = NULL;

    g_free (normalized);

  return subpage;
Exemple #2
/*! \brief Load a subpage
 *  \par Function Description
 *  Implements s_hierarchy_down_schematic(), but without changing variables
 *  related to the UI.
 *  - Ensures a duplicate page is not loaded
 *  - Does not change the current page
 *  - Does not modify the most recent "up" page
 *  \param [in]  page
 *  \param [in]  filename
 *  \param [out] error
 *  \return A pointer to the subpage or NULL if an error occured.
s_hierarchy_load_subpage (PAGE *page, const char *filename, GError **error)
  char *string;
  PAGE *subpage = NULL;

  g_return_val_if_fail (filename != NULL, NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (page != NULL, NULL);

  string = s_slib_search_single (filename);

  if (string == NULL) {
    g_set_error (error,
                 _("Schematic not found in source library."));
  } else {
    gchar *normalized = f_normalize_filename (string, error);

    subpage = s_page_search (page->toplevel, normalized);

    if (subpage == NULL) {
      int success;

      subpage = s_page_new (page->toplevel, string);
      success = f_open (page->toplevel, subpage, subpage->page_filename, error);

      if (success) {
        subpage->page_control = ++page_control_counter;
      } else {
        s_page_delete (page->toplevel, subpage);
        subpage = NULL;

    g_free (normalized);

  return subpage;
Exemple #3
/*! \brief Load a configuration file.
 * \par Function Description
 * Load the configuration file \a rcfile, reporting errors via \a err.
 * \param toplevel  The current #TOPLEVEL structure.
 * \param rcfile    The filename of the configuration file to load.
 * \param err       Return location for errors, or NULL;
 * \return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
g_rc_parse_file (TOPLEVEL *toplevel, const gchar *rcfile, GError **err)
  gchar *name_norm = NULL;
  GError *tmp_err = NULL;
  g_return_val_if_fail ((toplevel != NULL), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail ((rcfile != NULL), FALSE);

  /* Normalise filename */
  name_norm = f_normalize_filename (rcfile, &tmp_err);
  if (name_norm == NULL) goto parse_file_error;

  /* Attempt to load the rc file, if it hasn't been loaded already.
   * If g_rc_try_mark_read() succeeds, it stores name_norm in
   * toplevel, so we *don't* free it. */
  if (g_rc_try_mark_read (toplevel, name_norm, &tmp_err)
      && g_read_file (toplevel, name_norm, &tmp_err)) {
    s_log_message (_("Parsed config from [%s]\n"), name_norm);
    return TRUE;

  /* Copy tmp_err into err, with a prefixed message. */
  /*! \todo We should upgrade to GLib >= 2.16 and use
   * g_propagate_prefixed_error(). */
  if (err == NULL) {
    g_error_free (tmp_err);
  } else {
    gchar *orig_msg = tmp_err->message;
    tmp_err->message =
      g_strdup_printf (_("Unable to parse config from [%s]: %s"),
                       (name_norm != NULL) ? name_norm : rcfile, orig_msg);
    g_free (orig_msg);
    *err = tmp_err;
  g_free (name_norm);
  return FALSE;
Exemple #4
 *  \brief Search for schematic associated source files and load them.
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function searches the associated source file refered by the
 *  <B>filename</B> and loads it.  If the <B>flag</B> is set to
 *  <B>HIERARCHY_NORMAL_LOAD</B> and the page is already in the list of
 *  pages it will return the <B>pid</B> of that page.
 *  If the <B>flag</B> is set to <B>HIERARCHY_FORCE_LOAD</B> then this
 *  function will load the page again with a new page id. The second case
 *  is mainly used by gnetlist where pushed down schematics MUST be unique.
 *  \param [in] toplevel      The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in] filename      Schematic file name.
 *  \param [in] parent        The parent page of the schematic.
 *  \param [in] page_control
 *  \param [in] flag          sets whether to force load
 *  \param [out] err         Location to return a GError on failure.
 *  \return The page loaded, or NULL if failed.
 *  \note
 *  This function finds the associated source files and
 *  loads all up
 *  It only works for schematic files though
 *  this is basically push
 *  flag is mainly used by gnetlist where pushed down schematics MUST be unique
s_hierarchy_down_schematic_single(TOPLEVEL *toplevel, const gchar *filename,
                                  PAGE *parent, int page_control, int flag,
                                  GError **err)
  gchar *string;
  PAGE *found = NULL;
  PAGE *forbear;

  g_return_val_if_fail ((toplevel != NULL), NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail ((filename != NULL), NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail ((parent != NULL), NULL);

  SCM string_s = scm_call_1 (scm_c_public_ref ("geda library",
                             scm_from_utf8_string (filename));

  if (scm_is_false (string_s)) {
    g_set_error (err, EDA_ERROR, EDA_ERROR_NOLIB,
                 _("Schematic not found in source library."));
    return NULL;

  string = scm_to_utf8_string (string_s);

  switch (flag) {
      gchar *filename = f_normalize_filename (string, NULL);
      found = s_page_search (toplevel, filename);
      g_free (filename);

      if (found) {
        /* check whether this page is in the parents list */
        for (forbear = parent;
             forbear != NULL && found->pid != forbear->pid && forbear->up >= 0;
             forbear = s_page_search_by_page_id (toplevel->pages, forbear->up))
          ; /* void */

        if (forbear != NULL && found->pid == forbear->pid) {
          g_set_error (err, EDA_ERROR, EDA_ERROR_LOOP,
                       _("Hierarchy contains a circular dependency."));
          return NULL;  /* error signal */
        s_page_goto (toplevel, found);
        if (page_control != 0) {
          found->page_control = page_control;
        found->up = parent->pid;
        g_free (string);
        return found;

      found = s_page_new (toplevel, string);

      f_open (toplevel, found, s_page_get_filename (found), NULL);

      found = s_page_new (toplevel, string);
      f_open (toplevel, found, s_page_get_filename (found), NULL);

    g_return_val_if_reached (NULL);

  if (page_control == 0) {
    found->page_control = page_control_counter;
  } else {
    found->page_control = page_control;

  found->up = parent->pid;

  g_free (string);

  return found;
Exemple #5
/*! \brief Opens the schematic file with fine-grained control over behaviour.
 *  \par Function Description
 *  Opens the schematic file and carries out a number of actions
 *  depending on the \a flags set.  If #F_OPEN_RC is set, executes
 *  configuration files found in the target directory.  If
 *  #F_OPEN_CHECK_BACKUP is set, warns user if a backup is found for
 *  the file being loaded, and possibly prompts user for whether to
 *  load the backup instead.  If #F_OPEN_RESTORE_CWD is set, does not
 *  change the working directory to that of the file being loaded.
 *  \param [in,out] toplevel  The TOPLEVEL object to load the schematic into.
 *  \param [in]     filename   A character string containing the file name
 *                             to open.
 *  \param [in]     flags      Combination of #FOpenFlags values.
 *  \param [in,out] err  #GError structure for error reporting, or
 *                       NULL to disable error reporting
 *  \return 0 on failure, 1 on success.
int f_open_flags(TOPLEVEL *toplevel, PAGE *page,
                 const gchar *filename,
                 const gint flags, GError **err)
  int opened=FALSE;
  char *full_filename = NULL;
  char *full_rcfilename = NULL;
  char *file_directory = NULL;
  char *saved_cwd = NULL;
  char *backup_filename = NULL;
  char load_backup_file = 0;
  GError *tmp_err = NULL;

  /* has the head been freed yet? */
  /* probably not hack PAGE */

  set_window(toplevel, page,
             toplevel->init_left, toplevel->init_right,
             toplevel->init_top,  toplevel->init_bottom);

  /* Cache the cwd so we can restore it later. */
  if (flags & F_OPEN_RESTORE_CWD) {
    saved_cwd = g_get_current_dir();

  /* get full, absolute path to file */
  full_filename = f_normalize_filename (filename, &tmp_err);
  if (full_filename == NULL) {
    g_set_error (err, G_FILE_ERROR, tmp_err->code,
                 _("Cannot find file %s: %s"),
                 filename, tmp_err->message);
    return 0;

  /* write full, absolute filename into page->page_filename */
  page->page_filename = g_strdup(full_filename);

  /* Before we open the page, let's load the corresponding gafrc. */
  /* First cd into file's directory. */
  file_directory = g_dirname (full_filename);

  if (file_directory) { 
    if (chdir (file_directory)) {
      /* Error occurred with chdir */
#warning FIXME: What do we do?

  /* Now open RC and process file */
  if (flags & F_OPEN_RC) {
    full_rcfilename = g_build_filename (file_directory, "gafrc", NULL);
    g_rc_parse_file (toplevel, full_rcfilename, &tmp_err);
    if (tmp_err != NULL) {
      /* Config files are allowed to be missing or skipped; check for
       * this. */
      if (!g_error_matches (tmp_err, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT) &&
          !g_error_matches (tmp_err, EDA_ERROR, EDA_ERROR_RC_TWICE)) {
        s_log_message ("%s\n", tmp_err->message);
      g_error_free (tmp_err);
      tmp_err = NULL;

  g_free (file_directory);

  if (flags & F_OPEN_CHECK_BACKUP) {
    /* Check if there is a newer autosave backup file */
    GString *message;
    gboolean active_backup = f_has_active_autosave (full_filename, &tmp_err);
    backup_filename = f_get_autosave_filename (full_filename);

    if (tmp_err != NULL) g_warning ("%s\n", tmp_err->message);
    if (active_backup) {
      message = g_string_new ("");
      g_string_append_printf(message, _("\nWARNING: Found an autosave backup file:\n  %s.\n\n"), backup_filename);
      if (tmp_err != NULL) {
        g_string_append(message, _("I could not guess if it is newer, so you have to do it manually.\n"));
      } else {
        g_string_append(message, _("The backup copy is newer than the schematic, so it seems you should load it instead of the original file.\n"));
      g_string_append (message, _("Gschem usually makes backup copies automatically, and this situation happens when it crashed or it was forced to exit abruptly.\n"));
      if (toplevel->load_newer_backup_func == NULL) {
        g_warning ("%s", message->str);
        g_warning (_("\nRun gschem and correct the situation.\n\n"));
      } else {
        /* Ask the user if load the backup or the original file */
        if (toplevel->load_newer_backup_func
            (toplevel->load_newer_backup_data, message)) {
          /* Load the backup file */
          load_backup_file = 1;
      g_string_free (message, TRUE);
    if (tmp_err != NULL) g_error_free (tmp_err);

  /* Now that we have set the current directory and read
   * the RC file, it's time to read in the file. */
  if (load_backup_file == 1) {
    /* Load the backup file */
    s_page_append_list (toplevel, page,
                        o_read (toplevel, NULL, backup_filename, &tmp_err));
  } else {
    /* Load the original file */
    s_page_append_list (toplevel, page,
                        o_read (toplevel, NULL, full_filename, &tmp_err));

  if (tmp_err == NULL)
    opened = TRUE;
    g_propagate_error (err, tmp_err);

  if (load_backup_file == 0) {
    /* If it's not the backup file */
    page->CHANGED=0; /* added 4/7/98 */
  } else {
    /* We are loading the backup file, so gschem should ask
       the user if save it or not when closing the page. */

  g_free (backup_filename);

  /* Reset the directory to the value it had when f_open was
   * called. */
  if (flags & F_OPEN_RESTORE_CWD) {
    if (chdir (saved_cwd)) {
      /* Error occurred with chdir */
#warning FIXME: What do we do?

  return opened;
Exemple #6
/*! \todo Finish function documentation!!!
 *  \brief Search for schematic associated source files and load them.
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function searches the associated source file refered by the
 *  <B>filename</B> and loads it.  If the <B>flag</B> is set to
 *  <B>HIERARCHY_NORMAL_LOAD</B> and the page is allready in the list of
 *  pages it will return the <B>pid</B> of that page.
 *  If the <B>flag</B> is set to <B>HIERARCHY_FORCE_LOAD</B> then this
 *  function will load the page again with a new page id. The second case
 *  is mainly used by gnetlist where pushed down schematics MUST be unique.
 *  \param [in] toplevel     The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in] filename      Schematic file name.
 *  \param [in] parent        The parent page of the schematic.
 *  \param [in] page_control
 *  \param [in] flag
 *  \return The page loaded, or NULL if failed.
 *  \note
 *  This function goes and finds the associated source files and
 *  loads all up
 *  It only works for schematic files though
 *  this is basically push
 *  flag is mainly used by gnetlist where pushed down schematics MUST be unique
s_hierarchy_down_schematic_single(TOPLEVEL *toplevel, const gchar *filename,
                                  PAGE *parent, int page_control, int flag)
  gchar *string;
  PAGE *found = NULL;
  PAGE *forbear;

  g_return_val_if_fail ((toplevel != NULL), NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail ((filename != NULL), NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail ((parent != NULL), NULL);

  string = s_slib_search_single(filename);
  if (string == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  switch (flag) {
      gchar *filename = f_normalize_filename (string, NULL);
      found = s_page_search (toplevel, filename);
      g_free (filename);

      if (found) {
        /* check whether this page is in the parents list */
        for (forbear = parent;
             forbear != NULL && found->pid != forbear->pid && forbear->up >= 0;
             forbear = s_page_search_by_page_id (toplevel->pages, forbear->up))
          ; /* void */

        if (found->pid == forbear->pid) {
          s_log_message(_("hierarchy loop detected while visiting page:\n"
                          "  \"%s\"\n"), found->page_filename);
          return NULL;  /* error signal */
        s_page_goto (toplevel, found);
        if (page_control != 0) {
          found->page_control = page_control;
        found->up = parent->pid;
        g_free (string);
        return found;

      found = s_page_new (toplevel, string);

      f_open (toplevel, found, found->page_filename, NULL);

      found = s_page_new (toplevel, string);
      f_open (toplevel, found, found->page_filename, NULL);

  if (page_control == 0) {
    found->page_control = page_control_counter;
  } else {
    found->page_control = page_control;

  found->up = parent->pid;

  g_free (string);

  return found;
Exemple #7
/*! \brief gattrib_main -- main gattrib fcn. 
 *  \par
void gattrib_main(void *closure, int argc, char *argv[])
  /* TOPLEVEL *pr_current is a global */
  /* SHEET_DATA *sheet_head is a global */
  /* GtkWidget *main_window is a global */

  int argv_index;
  gchar *cwd;
  gchar *logfile;

  /* Gattrib isn't threaded, but some of GTK's file chooser
   * backends uses threading so we need to call g_thread_init().
   * GLib requires threading be initialised before any other GLib
   * functions are called. Do it now if its not already setup.  */
  if (!g_thread_supported ()) g_thread_init (NULL);

  /* Initialize gEDA stuff */

  /* Ensure object->sel_func can be used to correctly determine object
   * locking when the project is saved out */
  select_func = s_toplevel_select_object;

  /* Note that argv_index holds index to first non-flag command line option 
   * (that is, to the first file name) */
  argv_index = parse_commandline(argc, argv);
  /* ----------  create log file right away ---------- */
  /* ----------  even if logging is enabled ---------- */
  cwd = g_get_current_dir();
  logfile = g_build_filename (cwd, "gattrib.log", NULL);
  s_log_init (logfile);
  g_free (logfile);
  g_free (cwd);

    ("gEDA/gattrib version %s%s.%s\n", PREPEND_VERSION_STRING, 
    ("gEDA/gattrib comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more details.\n");
    ("This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain\n");
    ("conditions; please see the COPYING file for more details.\n\n");
  if (!quiet_mode) {
	    "gEDA/gattrib version %s%s.%s\n", PREPEND_VERSION_STRING, 
	    "gEDA/gattrib comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more details.\n");
	    "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain\n");
	    "conditions; please see the COPYING file for more details.\n\n");

  /* ------  register guile (scheme) functions.  Necessary to parse RC file.  ------ */

  /* ---------- Start creation of new project: (TOPLEVEL *pr_current) ---------- */
  pr_current = s_toplevel_new();

  /* ----- Read in RC files.   ----- */
  g_rc_parse(pr_current, "gattribrc", NULL);


  gtk_init(&argc, &argv);

  /* ---------- Initialize SHEET_DATA data structure ---------- */
  sheet_head = s_sheet_data_new();   /* sheet_head was declared in globals.h */

  GSList *file_list = NULL;
  if (argv_index >= argc) {
     /* No files specified on the command line, pop up the File open dialog. */
     file_list = x_fileselect_open();
     if(file_list == NULL)
  } else {
     /* Construct the list of filenames from the command line.
      * argv_index holds the position of the first filename  */
     while (argv_index < argc) {
        gchar *filename = f_normalize_filename(argv[argv_index], NULL);
        if (filename != NULL) {
            file_list = g_slist_append(file_list, filename);
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find file [%s]\n", argv[argv_index]);

  /* Load the files */
  if(x_fileselect_load_files(file_list) == FALSE) {
     /* just exit the program */
  g_slist_foreach(file_list, (GFunc)g_free, NULL);
