void ActorScroller::UpdateInternal( float fDeltaTime )
	ActorFrame::UpdateInternal( fDeltaTime );

	// If we have no children, the code below will busy loop.
	if( !m_SubActors.size() )

	// handle pause
	if( fDeltaTime > m_fPauseCountdownSeconds )
		fDeltaTime -= m_fPauseCountdownSeconds;
		m_fPauseCountdownSeconds = 0;
		m_fPauseCountdownSeconds -= fDeltaTime;
		fDeltaTime = 0;

	if( m_fCurrentItem == m_fDestinationItem )
		return;	// done scrolling

	float fOldItemAtTop = m_fCurrentItem;
	if( m_fSecondsPerItem > 0 )
		float fApproachSpeed = fDeltaTime/m_fSecondsPerItem;
		if( m_bFastCatchup )
			float fDistanceToMove = fabsf(m_fCurrentItem - m_fDestinationItem);
			if( fDistanceToMove > 1 )
				fApproachSpeed *= fDistanceToMove*fDistanceToMove;

		fapproach( m_fCurrentItem, m_fDestinationItem, fApproachSpeed );

	// if items changed, then pause
	if( (int)fOldItemAtTop != (int)m_fCurrentItem )
		m_fPauseCountdownSeconds = m_fSecondsPauseBetweenItems;

	if( m_bLoop )
		m_fCurrentItem = fmodf( m_fCurrentItem, (float) m_iNumItems );
Exemple #2
void PlayerOptions::Approach( const PlayerOptions& other, float fDeltaSeconds )
#define APPROACH( opt ) \
	fapproach( m_ ## opt, other.m_ ## opt, fDeltaSeconds * other.m_Speed ## opt );
#define DO_COPY( x ) \
	x = other.x;

	DO_COPY( m_LifeType );
	DO_COPY( m_DrainType );
	DO_COPY( m_BatteryLives );
	APPROACH( fTimeSpacing );
	APPROACH( fScrollSpeed );
	APPROACH( fMaxScrollBPM );
	fapproach( m_fScrollBPM, other.m_fScrollBPM, fDeltaSeconds * other.m_SpeedfScrollBPM*150 );
	for( int i=0; i<NUM_ACCELS; i++ )
		APPROACH( fAccels[i] );
	for( int i=0; i<NUM_EFFECTS; i++ )
		APPROACH( fEffects[i] );
	for( int i=0; i<NUM_APPEARANCES; i++ )
		APPROACH( fAppearances[i] );
	for( int i=0; i<NUM_SCROLLS; i++ )
		APPROACH( fScrolls[i] );
	APPROACH( fDark );
	APPROACH( fBlind );
	APPROACH( fCover );
	APPROACH( fRandAttack );
	APPROACH( fNoAttack );
	APPROACH( fPlayerAutoPlay );
	APPROACH( fPerspectiveTilt );
	APPROACH( fSkew );
	APPROACH( fPassmark );
	APPROACH( fRandomSpeed );

	DO_COPY( m_bSetScrollSpeed );
	for( int i=0; i<NUM_TURNS; i++ )
		DO_COPY( m_bTurns[i] );
	for( int i=0; i<NUM_TRANSFORMS; i++ )
		DO_COPY( m_bTransforms[i] );
	DO_COPY( m_bMuteOnError );
	DO_COPY( m_FailType );
	DO_COPY( m_MinTNSToHideNotes );
	DO_COPY( m_sNoteSkin );
#undef DO_COPY