int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	high_resolution_timer timer;
	const int n = argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 1000 * 1000;
	const char* filename = "fasta.txt";
	fasta(n, filename);

	high_resolution_timer::duration dur = timer.pulse();

	std::cerr << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(dur).count() << std::endl;
	return 0;
Exemple #2
int CVecScreenApp::Run(void)
    int status = BLAST_EXIT_SUCCESS;

    try {

        // Allow the fasta reader to complain on invalid sequence input

        const bool kIsProtein(false);
        /*** Process the command line arguments ***/
        const CArgs& args = GetArgs();
        const string kDbName(args[kArgDb].AsString());
        CRef<CBlastOptionsHandle> opts_hndl(CBlastOptionsFactory::Create(eVecScreen));

        /*** Initialize the scope ***/
        SDataLoaderConfig dlconfig(kDbName, kIsProtein);
        CBlastInputSourceConfig iconfig(dlconfig);
        CRef<CScope> scope = CBlastScopeSource(dlconfig).NewScope();

        /*** Initialize the input stream ***/
        CBlastFastaInputSource fasta(args[kArgQuery].AsInputFile(), iconfig);
        CBlastInput input(&fasta, 1);

        /*** Get the formatting options ***/
        const CVecscreenRun::CFormatter::TOutputFormat kFmt = 
        const bool kHtmlOutput = !args["text_output"].AsBoolean();
        /*** Process the input ***/
        while ( !input.End() ) {

            CRef<CBlastQueryVector> query_batch(input.GetNextSeqBatch(*scope));
            _ASSERT(query_batch->Size() == 1);
            CRef<IQueryFactory> queries(new CObjMgr_QueryFactory(*query_batch));
            CVecscreenRun vs(CRef<CSeq_loc>(const_cast<CSeq_loc*>(&*query_batch->GetQuerySeqLoc(0))),
                             query_batch->GetScope(0), kDbName);
            CVecscreenRun::CFormatter vs_format(vs, *scope, kFmt, kHtmlOutput);
            vs_format.FormatResults(args[kArgOutput].AsOutputFile(), opts_hndl);

    } CATCH_ALL(status)
    return status;
Exemple #3
void Consensus(int id, TrgBuf& trgBuf, CnsBuf& cnsBuf) {
    TargetData td;
    std::vector<CnsResult> seqs;

    while (td.alns.size() > 0) {
        if (td.alns.size() < popts.minCov) {
        boost::format msg("(%d) calling: %s Alignments: %d");
        CLOG(INFO, "Consensus") << msg % id % td.alns[0].id % td.alns.size();

        AlnGraphBoost ag(td.targSeq);
        AlnVec alns = td.alns;
        for (auto it = alns.begin(); it != alns.end(); ++it) {
            if (it->qstr.length() < popts.minLen) continue;
            dagcon::Alignment aln = normalizeGaps(*it);
            // XXX: Shouldn't be needed for dazcon, but causes some infinite
            // loops in the current consensus code.
            trimAln(aln, popts.trim);
        CVLOG(3, "Consensus") << "Merging nodes";
        CVLOG(3, "Consensus") << "Generating consensus";
        ag.consensus(seqs, popts.minCov, popts.minLen);
        for (auto it = seqs.begin(); it != seqs.end(); ++it) {
            CnsResult result = *it;
            boost::format fasta(">%s/%d_%d\n%s\n");
            fasta % alns[0].id % result.range[0] % result.range[1];
            fasta % result.seq;
    boost::format msg("(%d) ending ...");
    CLOG(INFO, "Consensus") << msg % id;
    // write out a sentinal
void testMarkup() {
	TwoBitEncoding bin[1024];
	std::string fasta(1024, '\0');

	BaseLocationVectorType markup;
	markup = TwoBitSequence::compressSequence(n1, bin);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup.size(), 1ul);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[0].first, 'N');
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[0].second, 0ul);
	TwoBitSequence::uncompressSequence(bin, std::strlen(n1), fasta);
	TwoBitSequence::applyMarkup(fasta, markup);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(n1, fasta);

	markup = TwoBitSequence::compressSequence(n2, bin);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup.size(), 2ul);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[0].first, 'N');
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[0].second, 0ul);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[1].first, 'N');
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[1].second, 5ul);
	TwoBitSequence::uncompressSequence(bin, std::strlen(n2), fasta);
	TwoBitSequence::applyMarkup(fasta, markup);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(n2, fasta);

	markup = TwoBitSequence::compressSequence(n3, bin);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup.size(), 3ul);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[0].first, 'N');
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[0].second, 0ul);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[1].first, 'N');
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[1].second, 5ul);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[2].first, 'N');
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[2].second, 10ul);
	TwoBitSequence::uncompressSequence(bin, std::strlen(n3), fasta);
	TwoBitSequence::applyMarkup(fasta, markup);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(n3, fasta);

	markup = TwoBitSequence::compressSequence(n4, bin);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup.size(), 4ul);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[0].first, 'N');
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[0].second, 0ul);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[1].first, 'N');
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[1].second, 5ul);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[2].first, 'N');
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[2].second, 10ul);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[3].first, 'N');
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[3].second, 15ul);
	TwoBitSequence::uncompressSequence(bin, std::strlen(n4), fasta);
	TwoBitSequence::applyMarkup(fasta, markup);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(n4, fasta);

	markup = TwoBitSequence::compressSequence(n5, bin);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup.size(), 5ul);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[0].first, 'N');
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[0].second, 0ul);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[1].first, 'N');
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[1].second, 5ul);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[2].first, 'N');
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[2].second, 10ul);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[3].first, 'N');
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[3].second, 15ul);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[4].first, 'N');
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(markup[4].second, 23ul);
	TwoBitSequence::uncompressSequence(bin, std::strlen(n5), fasta);
	TwoBitSequence::applyMarkup(fasta, markup);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(n5, fasta);

 * cactusMerge.cpp: merge two pairs of c2h and FASTA files into one pair. The
 * files must be star trees with the same root sequence.
    int argc, 
    char** argv
) {

    // Register ctrl+c handler. See
    // <>
    signal(SIGINT, stacktraceOnSignal);
    // Register segfaults with the stack trace handler
    signal(SIGSEGV, stacktraceOnSignal);
    // Parse options with boost::programOptions. See
    // <>

    std::string appDescription = 
        std::string("Merge c2h/FASTA file pairs.\n" 
        "Usage: cactusMerge <c2hOut> <fastaOut> --c2h <c2h files...> "
            "--fasta <fasta files...> --suffix <suffixes...>");

    // Make an options description for our program's options.
    boost::program_options::options_description description("Options");
    // Add all the options
        ("help", "Print help messages")
        ("c2h", boost::program_options::value<std::vector<std::string>>(),
            "List of c2h files to merge")
        ("fasta", boost::program_options::value<std::vector<std::string>>(),
            "List of FASTA files for the given c2h files")
        ("suffix", boost::program_options::value<std::vector<std::string>>(),
            "List of suffixes to add on to event names")
        ("mergeOn", boost::program_options::value<std::string>()->required(), 
            "An event on which to merge the files")
        ("c2hOut", boost::program_options::value<std::string>()->required(), 
            "File to save .c2h-format alignment in")
        ("fastaOut", boost::program_options::value<std::string>()->required(), 
            "File in which to save FASTA records for building HAL from .c2h");
    // And set up our positional arguments
    boost::program_options::positional_options_description positionals;
    positionals.add("mergeOn", 1);
    positionals.add("c2hOut", 1);
    positionals.add("fastaOut", 1);
    // Add a variables map to hold option variables.
    boost::program_options::variables_map options;
    try {
        // Parse options into the variable map, or throw an error if there's
        // something wring with them.
            // Build the command line parser.
            boost::program_options::command_line_parser(argc, argv)
        if(options.count("help")) {
            // The help option was given. Print program help.
            std::cout << appDescription << std::endl;
            std::cout << description << std::endl;
            // Don't do the actual program.
            return 0; 
        if(!options.count("mergeOn") || !options.count("c2h") ||
            !options.count("fasta")) {
            // We need both of these
            throw boost::program_options::error("Missing important arguments!");
        if(options["c2h"].as<std::vector<std::string>>().size() != 
            options["fasta"].as<std::vector<std::string>>().size()) {
            // Counts need to match up here, because these are pairs
            throw boost::program_options::error(
                "c2h/fasta counts don't match!");
        if(options.count("suffix") && 
            options["c2h"].as<std::vector<std::string>>().size() != 
            options["suffix"].as<std::vector<std::string>>().size()) {
            // If we have any suffixes we must have the right number
            throw boost::program_options::error(
                "c2h/suffix counts don't match!");
    } catch(boost::program_options::error& error) {
        // Something is bad about our options. Complain on stderr
        std::cerr << "Option parsing error: " << error.what() << std::endl;
        std::cerr << std::endl; 
        // Talk about our app.
        std::cerr << appDescription << std::endl;
        // Show all the actually available options.
        std::cerr << description << std::endl; 
        // Stop the program.
        return -1; 
    // If we get here, we have the right arguments.
    // Make a list of the c2h files to use
    std::vector<std::string> c2hFiles(
    // This holds the suffix applied to all the top sequences and events in each
    // file.
    std::vector<std::string> suffixes(
    // Make a list of the FASTA files to use
    std::vector<std::string> fastaFiles(
    // This will hold all of the renames that have to happen for each file.
    // These are generated when we go through the file by renaming top and
    // bottom sequences with suffixes.
    std::vector<std::map<std::string, std::string>> renames;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < c2hFiles.size(); i++) {
        // Make sure it has an empty map of renames for each file.
        renames.push_back(std::map<std::string, std::string>());
    // This will hold the event names for the c2h files in order
    std::vector<std::string> eventNames;
    // And this will hold the sequence names
    std::vector<std::string> sequenceNames;
    // This will hold bottom (1) and top (0) flags for each sequence.
    std::vector<bool> isBottom;
    // And this will hold the sequence lengths
    std::vector<size_t> sequenceLengths;
    // This will hold the first sequence number for any event and sequence name
    std::map<std::pair<std::string, std::string>, size_t> firstSequenceNumber;
    // Holds Merge structs to be executed later.
    std::vector<C2hMerge> merges;
    // We're going to throw out all of the events that are old rootSeqs, and
    // just keep the actual leaves. This holds the list of renamed event names
    // we are keeping.
    std::set<std::string> eventsToKeep;
    for(size_t fileIndex = 0; fileIndex < c2hFiles.size(); fileIndex++) {
        // Scan through the c2h files to get the event, sequence, and length of
        // each thread, and to collect merges.
        Log::output() << "Reading alignment " << c2hFiles[fileIndex] << 
        // Open the file
        std::ifstream c2h(c2hFiles[fileIndex]);
        // This maps block name to (sequence number, start location) pairs for
        // this file. We use it to compose merges for our list in global
        // sequence number space.
        std::map<size_t, std::pair<size_t, size_t>> nameMap;
        for(std::string line; std::getline(c2h, line);) {
            // This is a new sequence. Split it up on \t.
            std::vector<std::string> parts;
            boost::split(parts, line, boost::is_any_of("\t"));
            if(parts.size() < 1) {
                // Skip lines that have nothing on them.
            // For each line
            if(parts[0] == "s") {
                // It's a sequence line. Start a new squence.
                if(parts.size() != 4) {
                    // Not the right number of fields.
                    throw std::runtime_error(
                        std::string("Invalid field count in ") + line);
                // Grab the parts
                std::string eventName = unquote(parts[1]);
                std::string sequenceName = unquote(parts[2]);
                bool bottomFlag = std::stoi(parts[3]);
                Log::info() << "Read sequence " << eventName << "." << 
                    sequenceName << (bottomFlag ? " (bottom)" : " (top)") << 
                if(eventName != options["mergeOn"].as<std::string>()) {
                    // We aren't merging on this sequence, so we may have to
                    // apply a suffix.
                    // We need to rename this event (possibly to the same thing)
                    renames[fileIndex][eventName] = eventName + 
                    if(bottomFlag) {
                        // All the bottom events (that aren't being merged
                        // on) need to be renamed apart manually since the names
                        // may be reused.
                        renames[fileIndex][eventName] += "-" + 
                    eventName = renames[fileIndex][eventName];
                    if(!bottomFlag) {
                        // Keep this event when we do our final output.
                    // And the sequence
                    renames[fileIndex][sequenceName] = sequenceName + 
                    if(bottomFlag) {
                        // All the bottom sequences (that aren't being merged
                        // on) need to be renamed apart manually since the names
                        // may be reused.
                        renames[fileIndex][sequenceName] += "-" + 
                    sequenceName = renames[fileIndex][sequenceName];
                    Log::info() << "Canonical name: " << eventName << "." << 
                        sequenceName << std::endl;
                } else {
                    // If we are going to merge on it, we keep its name the same
                    // and then later we just make one thread for that name. We
                    // do definitely need it in the output though.
                // Save the names
                // Save the bottomness flag.
                // Initialize the total length to 0
                auto namePair = std::make_pair(eventName, sequenceName);
                if(!firstSequenceNumber.count(namePair)) {
                    // This is the first time we have seen a sequence
                    // for this event and sequence name. Everything should
                    // merge against this one thread and not make more
                    // threads.
                    // If this is the mergeOn event, we'll only make this
                    // once across all the files.
                    // Later instances of this event and sequence name should
                    // redirect here.
                    firstSequenceNumber[namePair] = sequenceNames.size() - 1;
                    Log::info() << "This is the first time we have seen "
                        "this sequence." << std::endl;
            } else if(parts[0] == "a") {
                // This is an alignment block
                if(sequenceNames.size() == 0) {
                    throw std::runtime_error(
                        "Found alignmet block before sequence");
                // Which sequence are we working on?
                size_t sequenceNumber = sequenceNames.size() - 1;
                if(isBottom[sequenceNumber]) {
                    // Parse it as a bottom block: "a" name start length
                    if(parts.size() != 4) {
                        // Not the right number of fields.
                        throw std::runtime_error(
                            std::string("Invalid field count in ") + line);
                    size_t blockName = std::stoll(parts[1]);
                    size_t blockStart = std::stoll(parts[2]);
                    size_t blockLength = std::stoll(parts[3]);
                    // Look up the sequence number we actually want to merge
                    // against when we come get this block.
                    auto namePair = std::make_pair(eventNames[sequenceNumber], 
                    size_t mergeSequenceNumber = firstSequenceNumber[namePair];
                    // We need to associate the block name with the thread
                    // number for the sequence we want it to merge into, and the
                    // start location it specifies, for merging later.
                    nameMap[blockName] = std::make_pair(mergeSequenceNumber,
                    Log::debug() << "Bottom block " << blockName << " is " << 
                        blockStart << " on sequence " << mergeSequenceNumber << 
                    // Also record the additional length on this sequence
                    sequenceLengths[sequenceNumber] += blockLength;
                } else {
                    // Parse it as a top block: 
                    // "a" start length [name orientation]
                    if(parts.size() < 3) {
                        // Not the right number of fields.
                        throw std::runtime_error(
                            std::string("Invalid field count in ") + line);
                    // Parse out the start and length
                    size_t segmentStart = std::stoll(parts[1]);
                    size_t segmentLength = std::stoll(parts[2]);
                    // Add in the length
                    sequenceLengths[sequenceNumber] += segmentLength;
                    if(parts.size() == 5) {
                        // If it has a name and orientation, remember a merge.
                        size_t blockName = std::stoll(parts[3]);
                        bool orientation = std::stoi(parts[4]);
                        // Get the sequence number that canonically represents
                        // all sequences with this event/sequence name
                        // combination.
                        auto namePair = std::make_pair(
                        size_t mergeSequenceNumber = firstSequenceNumber[
                        // Make a merge and populate it with everything we can
                        // get from this segment.
                        C2hMerge merge;
                        merge.sequence1 = mergeSequenceNumber;
                        merge.start1 = segmentStart;
                        merge.length = segmentLength;
                        // TODO: error-check length
                        merge.orientation = orientation;
                        // Grab the info from the bottom segment we are talking
                        // about earlier in this file.
                        merge.sequence2 = nameMap[blockName].first;
                        merge.start2 = nameMap[blockName].second;
                        Log::debug() << "Going to merge " << segmentStart << 
                            " length " << segmentLength << " to " <<
                            blockName << " orientation " << orientation << 
                        // Save the merge for doing later.
    // Make a thread set with all those threads
    stPinchThreadSet* threadSet = stPinchThreadSet_construct();
    // Make all the threads. Be 1-based internally since the serialization code
    // wants that.
    for(size_t i = 0; i < sequenceLengths.size(); i++) {
        auto namePair = std::make_pair(eventNames[i], sequenceNames[i]);
        if(firstSequenceNumber[namePair] != i) {
            // This sequence is not the first; it is getting merged into another
            // one that is the same length and structure and name (i.e. it
            // appears in two files). Don't make a thread for it.
        // Make threads for all the top sequences and the first bottom sequence
        // for every event and sequence name pair.
        stPinchThreadSet_addThread(threadSet, i, 1, sequenceLengths[i]); 
    for(auto merge : merges) {
        // Apply all the merges, converting merges to 1-based
            stPinchThreadSet_getThread(threadSet, merge.sequence1),
            stPinchThreadSet_getThread(threadSet, merge.sequence2),
            merge.start1 + 1, merge.start2 + 1, merge.length, 
        Log::trace() << "Applied merge between threads " << merge.sequence1 << 
            ":" << merge.start1 << "-" << merge.start1 + merge.length << 
            " and " << merge.sequence2 << ":" << merge.start2 << "-" << 
            merge.start2 + merge.length << " orientation " << 
            merge.orientation << std::endl;
    // Write out a new c2h file, with a new rootSeq.
    size_t newRootLength = writeAlignment(threadSet, sequenceNames, eventNames, 
        options["c2hOut"].as<std::string>(), &eventsToKeep);
    // Clean up thread set.
    // Merge the FASTAs, applying any renaming that needs to happen.
    // We'll do the FASTA output ourselves. Open the file.
    std::ofstream fastaOut(options["fastaOut"].as<std::string>());
    // Write the newly synthesized rootSeq. TODO: unify with writeAlignmentFasta
    // by moving support for renames over there.
    fastaOut << ">rootSeq" << std::endl;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < newRootLength; i++) {
        // Write an n for every base
        fastaOut << "N";
    fastaOut << std::endl;
    // This holds the IDs of all the sequences we already wrote. Only write
    // sequences if they aren't duplicates after renaming (which is how we
    // deduplicate the shared root)
    std::unordered_set<std::string> alreadyWritten;
    for(size_t fileIndex = 0; fileIndex < fastaFiles.size(); fileIndex++) {
        // Open up the FASTA for reading
        Fasta fasta(fastaFiles[fileIndex]);
        Log::info() << "Copying over FASTA records from " <<
            fastaFiles[fileIndex] << std::endl;
        while(fasta.hasNext()) {
            // Go through all the FASTA records.
            // TODO: assumes FASTA headers have nothing but IDs.
            std::pair<std::string, std::string> record = fasta.getNextRecord();
            if(renames[fileIndex].count(record.first)) {
                // Rename them if necessary
                record.first = renames[fileIndex][record.first];
            if(!eventsToKeep.count(record.first)) {
                // This event wasn't on the list of events to actually output,
                // so don't output it.
                Log::info() << "Skipped event " << record.first << std::endl;
            if(!alreadyWritten.count(record.first)) {
                // Save the record to the output FASTA file.
                fastaOut << ">" << record.first << std::endl << record.second <<
                // Remember that we have written a record by this name.
    // Now we're done!
    return 0;