string perform(const shared_ptr< const Config >& /* config */, const download::Uri& uri, const string& targetPath, const std::function< void (const vector< string >&) >& callback) { auto sourcePath = uri.getOpaque(); auto protocol = uri.getProtocol(); // preparing source string openError; File sourceFile(sourcePath, "r", openError); if (!openError.empty()) { return format2("unable to open the file '%s' for reading: %s", sourcePath, openError); } if (protocol == "copy") { return copyFile(sourcePath, sourceFile, targetPath, callback); // full copying } else if (protocol == "file") { // symlinking unlink(targetPath.c_str()); // yep, no error handling; if (symlink(sourcePath.c_str(), targetPath.c_str()) == -1) { return format2e("unable to create symbolic link '%s' -> '%s'", targetPath, sourcePath); } return string(); } else { fatal2i("a wrong scheme '%s' for the 'file' download method", protocol); return string(); // unreachable } }
bool BinaryVersion::areHashesEqual(const Version* other) const { auto o = dynamic_cast< const BinaryVersion* >(other); if (!o) { fatal2i("areHashesEqual: non-binary version parameter"); } return file.hashSums.match(o->file.hashSums); }
ScoreManager::ScoreManager(const Config& config, const shared_ptr< const Cache >& cache) : __cache(cache) { __quality_adjustment = config.getInteger("cupt::resolver::score::quality-adjustment"); __preferred_version_default_pin = config.getString("apt::default-release").empty() ? 500 : 990; for (size_t i = 0; i < ScoreChange::SubScore::Count; ++i) { const auto type = ScoreChange::SubScore::Type(i); auto& multiplier = __subscore_multipliers[i]; if (type == ScoreChange::SubScore::Version || type == ScoreChange::SubScore::UnsatisfiedCustomRequest) { multiplier = 1u; continue; } const char* leafOption; switch (type) { case ScoreChange::SubScore::New: leafOption = "new"; break; case ScoreChange::SubScore::Removal: leafOption = "removal"; break; case ScoreChange::SubScore::RemovalOfEssential: leafOption = "removal-of-essential"; break; case ScoreChange::SubScore::RemovalOfAuto: leafOption = "removal-of-autoinstalled"; break; case ScoreChange::SubScore::Upgrade: leafOption = "upgrade"; break; case ScoreChange::SubScore::Downgrade: leafOption = "downgrade"; break; case ScoreChange::SubScore::PositionPenalty: leafOption = "position-penalty"; break; case ScoreChange::SubScore::UnsatisfiedRecommends: leafOption = "unsatisfied-recommends"; break; case ScoreChange::SubScore::UnsatisfiedSuggests: leafOption = "unsatisfied-suggests"; break; case ScoreChange::SubScore::FailedSync: leafOption = "failed-synchronization"; break; case ScoreChange::SubScore::UnsatisfiedTry: leafOption = "unsatisfied-try"; break; case ScoreChange::SubScore::UnsatisfiedWish: leafOption = "unsatisfied-wish"; break; default: fatal2i("missing score multiplier for the score '%zu'", i); } multiplier = config.getInteger( string("cupt::resolver::score::") + leafOption); } }
static vector< const VersionType* > __convert_version_type(list< const Version* >&& source) { vector< const VersionType* > result; for (const auto& oldVersion: source) { auto version = dynamic_cast< const VersionType* >(oldVersion); if (!version) { fatal2i("version has a wrong type"); } result.push_back(version); } return result; }
FORIT(it, __initial_packages) { dg::InitialPackageEntry& initialPackageEntry = it->second; if (!initialPackageEntry.version) { continue; } const string& packageName = it->first; auto package = __cache->getBinaryPackage(packageName); // if there is original version, then the preferred version should exist auto supposedVersion = static_cast< const BinaryVersion* > (__cache->getPreferredVersion(package)); if (!supposedVersion) { fatal2i("supposed version doesn't exist"); } __prepare_version_no_stick(supposedVersion, initialPackageEntry); }
void SolutionStorage::setPackageEntry(Solution& solution, const dg::Element* elementPtr, PackageEntry&& packageEntry, const dg::Element* conflictingElementPtr, size_t priority) { __dependency_graph.unfoldElement(elementPtr); __update_change_index(, elementPtr, packageEntry); auto it = solution.__added_entries->lower_bound(elementPtr); if (it == solution.__added_entries->end() || it->first != elementPtr) { // there is no modifiable element in this solution solution.__added_entries->insert(it, make_pair(elementPtr, std::make_shared< const PackageEntry >(std::move(packageEntry)))); } else { if (conflictingElementPtr && it->second) { fatal2i("conflicting elements in __added_entries: solution '%u', in '%s', out '%s'",, elementPtr->toString(), conflictingElementPtr->toString()); } it->second = std::make_shared< const PackageEntry >(std::move(packageEntry)); } if (conflictingElementPtr) { auto forRemovalIt = solution.__added_entries->lower_bound(conflictingElementPtr); if (forRemovalIt != solution.__added_entries->end() && forRemovalIt->first == conflictingElementPtr) { forRemovalIt->second.reset(); } else { solution.__added_entries->insert(forRemovalIt, { conflictingElementPtr, {} }); } } __update_broken_successors(solution, conflictingElementPtr, elementPtr, priority); }
WorkerBase::WorkerBase() { fatal2i("WorkerBase::WorkerBase shouldn't be ever called"); }
void SnapshotsImpl::setupResolverForSnapshotOnly(const string& snapshotName, const Cache& cache, system::Resolver& resolver) { { auto snapshotNames = getSnapshotNames(); if (std::find(snapshotNames.begin(), snapshotNames.end(), snapshotName) == snapshotNames.end()) { fatal2(__("unable to find a snapshot named '%s'"), snapshotName); } } auto snapshotDirectory = getSnapshotDirectory(snapshotName); { // checking snapshot format, current we support none and '1' auto formatPath = snapshotDirectory + "/format"; if (fs::fileExists(formatPath)) { RequiredFile file(formatPath, "r"); string content; file.getFile(content); chomp(content); if (content != "1") { fatal2(__("unsupported snapshot format '%s'"), content); } } } std::set< string > toBeInstalledPackageNames; { auto snapshotPackagesPath = snapshotDirectory + '/' + system::Snapshots::installedPackageNamesFilename; RequiredFile file(snapshotPackagesPath, "r"); string packageName; while (!file.getLine(packageName).eof()) { auto package = cache.getBinaryPackage(packageName); if (!package) { fatal2i("the package '%s' doesn't exist", packageName); } toBeInstalledPackageNames.insert(packageName); for (auto version: *package) { for (const auto& source: version->sources) { if (source.release->archive == "snapshot") { resolver.installVersion({ version }); goto next_file_line; } } } // not found fatal2i("unable to find snapshot version for the package '%s'", packageName); next_file_line: ; } } for (const auto& packageName: cache.getBinaryPackageNames()) { if (!toBeInstalledPackageNames.count(packageName)) { resolver.removeVersions(cache.getBinaryPackage(packageName)->getVersions()); } } }