Exemple #1
 * compute the correction to the field and total energy 
FCSResult fcs_compute_dipole_correction(FCS handle, fcs_int local_particles,
  fcs_float* positions, fcs_float *charges, fcs_float epsilon,
  fcs_float *field_correction, fcs_float *energy_correction)
  const char *fnc_name = "fcs_compute_dipole_correction";

  CHECK_HANDLE_RETURN_RESULT(handle, fnc_name);

  /* Local dipole moment */
  fcs_float local_dipole_moment[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
  /* Global dipole moment */
  fcs_float dipole_moment[3];

  fcs_int pid;
  fcs_int dim;

  if (fcs_float_is_zero(epsilon) || epsilon > 0.0) {
    /* Compute the global dipole moment */
    for (pid = 0; pid < local_particles; pid++)
      for (dim = 0; dim < 3; dim++)
        local_dipole_moment[dim] += charges[pid]*positions[pid*3+dim];
    MPI_Allreduce(local_dipole_moment, dipole_moment, 3, FCS_MPI_FLOAT,
      MPI_SUM, handle->communicator);

    const fcs_float *a = fcs_get_box_a(handle);
    const fcs_float *b = fcs_get_box_b(handle);
    const fcs_float *c = fcs_get_box_c(handle);
    /* Volume of the parallelepiped */
    fcs_float volume = 
        a[0] * (b[1]*c[2] - b[2]*c[1]) 
      + a[1] * (b[2]*c[0] - b[0]*c[2])
      + a[2] * (b[0]*c[1] - b[1]*c[0]);

    fcs_float pref = 4.0*3.14159265358979323846264338328 
      / (3.0*volume*(epsilon + 1.0));

    if (energy_correction)
      *energy_correction = 0.5*pref*(dipole_moment[0]*dipole_moment[0]
        + dipole_moment[1]*dipole_moment[1]
        + dipole_moment[2]*dipole_moment[2]);
    if (field_correction) {
      field_correction[0] = -pref*dipole_moment[0];
      field_correction[1] = -pref*dipole_moment[1];
      field_correction[2] = -pref*dipole_moment[2];
  } else {
    /* metallic BC (epsilon=+infty) */
    if (energy_correction)
      *energy_correction = 0.0;
    if (field_correction) {
      field_correction[0] = 0.0;
      field_correction[1] = 0.0;
      field_correction[2] = 0.0;

Exemple #2
static void mmm_preparePolygammaOdd(fcs_int n, fcs_float binom, SizedList *series)
  fcs_int order;
  fcs_float deriv;
  fcs_float maxx, x_order, coeff, pref;
  deriv  = 2*n + 1;
  maxx = 0.5;
  // to get 1/(2n)! instead of 1/(2n+1)!
  pref = 2*deriv*(1 + deriv);
  for (order = 0;; order++) {
    // only odd exponents of x
    x_order = 2*order + 1;
    coeff = pref*mmm_hzeta(1 + deriv + x_order, 2);
    if ((fcs_float_is_zero(fabs(maxx*coeff)*(4.0/3.0))) && (x_order > deriv))

    mmm_realloc_doublelist(series, order + 1);
    series->e[order] = -binom*coeff;
    maxx *= 0.25;
    pref *= (1.0 + deriv/(x_order + 1));
    pref *= (1.0 + deriv/(x_order + 2));

  series->n = order;
Exemple #3
/* compute the net charge of the system */
FCSResult mmm2d_check_system_charges(mmm2d_data_struct *d,
                fcs_int num_particles, fcs_float *charges) {
  fcs_int i;
  for (i = 0; i < num_particles; i++) {
    if (!fcs_float_is_zero(charges[i])) {
      *totcharge += charges[i];
  return NULL;
  fcs_int i;
  fcs_float local_charge=0., total_charge=0.;
  for (i = 0; i < num_particles; i++) {
    if (!fcs_float_is_zero(charges[i])) {
      local_charge += charges[i];
  fprintf(stderr,"check charges: rank %d\n",d->comm.rank);
  fprintf(stderr, "local_charges %d, net charge %e\n", num_particles, local_charge);
  MPI_Allreduce(&local_charge, &total_charge, 1, FCS_MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM, d->comm.mpicomm);
  fprintf(stderr, "total charge %e\n", d->total_charge);
  return NULL;
Exemple #4
static void mmm_preparePolygammaEven(fcs_int n, fcs_float binom, SizedList *series)
  /* (-0.5 n) psi^2n/2n! (-0.5 n) and psi^(2n+1)/(2n)! series expansions
     note that BOTH carry 2n! */
  fcs_int order;
  fcs_float deriv;
  fcs_float maxx, x_order, coeff, pref;

  deriv = 2*n;
  if (n == 0) {
    // psi^0 has a slightly different series expansion
    maxx = 0.25;
    mmm_alloc_doublelist(series, 1);
    series->e[0] = 2*(1 - MMM_COMMON_C_GAMMA);
    for (order = 1;; order += 1) {
      x_order = 2*order;
      coeff = -2*mmm_hzeta(x_order + 1, 2);
      if (fcs_float_is_zero(fabs(maxx*coeff)*(4.0/3.0)))
      mmm_realloc_doublelist(series, order + 1);
      series->e[order] = coeff;
      maxx *= 0.25;
    series->n = order;
  else {
    // even, n > 0
    maxx = 1;
    pref = 2;
    for (order = 0;; order++) {
      // only even exponents of x
      x_order = 2*order;
      coeff = pref*mmm_hzeta(1 + deriv + x_order, 2);
      if ((fcs_float_is_zero(fabs(maxx*coeff)*(4.0/3.0))) && (x_order > deriv))
      mmm_realloc_doublelist(series, order + 1);
      series->e[order] = -binom*coeff;
      maxx *= 0.25;
      pref *= (1.0 + deriv/(x_order + 1));
      pref *= (1.0 + deriv/(x_order + 2));
    series->n = order;
Exemple #5
FCSResult mmm2d_tune(void* rd,
        fcs_int num_particles,
        fcs_float *positions,
        fcs_float *charges) {
  mmm2d_data_struct *d = (mmm2d_data_struct*)rd;
  const char* fnc_name = "mmm2d_tune";
  FCSResult res;
  /* Check for charge existence and neutrality */
  mmm2d_check_system_charges(d, num_particles, charges);
  if (!fcs_float_is_zero(d->total_charge))
    return fcs_result_create(FCS_ERROR_LOGICAL_ERROR, fnc_name, "MMM2D requires a zero net charge.");
  d->my_bottom = d->comm.rank*d->box_l[2]/(fcs_float)(d->comm.size);
  /* Broadcast charges */
  MPI_Bcast(&num_particles, 1, FCS_MPI_INT, 0, d->comm.mpicomm);
  MPI_Bcast(charges, num_particles, FCS_MPI_FLOAT, 0, d->comm.mpicomm);
  MPI_Bcast(positions, 3*num_particles, FCS_MPI_FLOAT, 0, d->comm.mpicomm);
  ///@TODO: skip next steps if d->needs_tuning==0. Check if this is flawless
    return NULL;
  /* precalculate some constants */
  /* tune near formula */
  if (res) return res;
  /* tune far formula */
  if (d->comm.size*d->layers_per_node < 3) {
    d->far_cut = 0.0;
    if (d->dielectric_contrast_on)
      return fcs_result_create(FCS_ERROR_LOGICAL_ERROR, fnc_name, "Definition of dielectric contrasts requires more than 3 layers");
  } else {
      if (res) return res;
  printf("node %d, mmm2d_tune\n", d->comm.rank);
  printf("node %d: ux: %f, uy: %f\n", d->comm.rank, d->ux, d->uy);
  printf("node %d: min_far: %f, far_cut: %f\n", d->comm.rank, d->min_far, d->far_cut);
  printf("node %d: layer_h %f\n", d->comm.rank, d->layer_h);
  printf("node %d: n_layers %d\n", d->comm.rank, d->n_layers);
  return NULL;
Exemple #6
/** Calculates properties of the local FFT grid for the 
    charge assignment process. */
static void ifcs_p3m_calc_local_ca_grid(ifcs_p3m_data_struct *d) {
  fcs_int i;
  fcs_int ind[3];
  /* total skin size */
  fcs_float full_skin[3];
  P3M_DEBUG(printf("    ifcs_p3m_calc_local_ca_grid() started... \n"));
    full_skin[i]= d->cao_cut[i]+d->skin+d->additional_grid[i];

  /* inner left down grid point (global index) */
    d->local_grid.in_ld[i] = 
  /* inner up right grid point (global index) */
    d->local_grid.in_ur[i] = 
  /* correct roundof errors at boundary */
  for(i=0;i<3;i++) {
    if (fcs_float_is_zero((d->comm.my_right[i] * d->ai[i] - d->grid_off[i]) 
			  - d->local_grid.in_ur[i])) 
    if (fcs_float_is_zero(1.0+(d->comm.my_left[i] * d->ai[i] - d->grid_off[i]) 
			  - d->local_grid.in_ld[i])) 
  /* inner grid dimensions */
  for(i=0; i<3; i++) 
    d->local_grid.inner[i] = d->local_grid.in_ur[i] - d->local_grid.in_ld[i] + 1;
  /* index of left down grid point in global grid */
  for(i=0; i<3; i++) 
    d->local_grid.ld_ind[i] = 
  /* spatial position of left down grid point */
  /* left down margin */
    d->local_grid.margin[i*2] = d->local_grid.in_ld[i]-d->local_grid.ld_ind[i];
  /* up right grid point */
    ind[i] =
  /* correct roundof errors at up right boundary */
    if (((d->comm.my_right[i]+full_skin[i])*d->ai[i]-d->grid_off[i])-ind[i]==0) 
  /* up right margin */
  for(i=0;i<3;i++) d->local_grid.margin[(i*2)+1] = ind[i] - d->local_grid.in_ur[i];

  /* grid dimension */
  for(i=0;i<3;i++) {
    d->local_grid.dim[i] = ind[i] - d->local_grid.ld_ind[i] + 1; 
    d->local_grid.size *= d->local_grid.dim[i];
  /* reduce inner grid indices from global to local */
    d->local_grid.in_ld[i] = d->local_grid.margin[i*2];
    d->local_grid.in_ur[i] = d->local_grid.margin[i*2]+d->local_grid.inner[i];

  d->local_grid.q_2_off  = d->local_grid.dim[2] - d->cao;
  d->local_grid.q_21_off = d->local_grid.dim[2] * (d->local_grid.dim[1] - d->cao);

  P3M_DEBUG(printf("    ifcs_p3m_calc_local_ca_grid() finished. \n"));
Exemple #7
void ewald_compute_kspace(ewald_data_struct* d, 
    fcs_int num_particles,
    fcs_float *positions,
    fcs_float *charges,
    fcs_float *fields,
    fcs_float *potentials) {

  FCS_INFO(fprintf(stderr, "ewald_compute_kspace started...\n"));

  /* Gather all particle numbers */
  int node_num_particles = num_particles;
  int node_particles[d->comm_size]; 
  int node_particles3[d->comm_size]; 
  int displs[d->comm_size];
  int displs3[d->comm_size];
  fcs_int total_particles;

  /* printf("%d: num_particles=%d\n", d->comm_rank, num_particles); */
  MPI_Allgather(&node_num_particles, 1, MPI_INT, node_particles, 1, MPI_INT, d->comm);

  /* compute displacements for MPI_Gatherv */
  total_particles = node_particles[0];
  node_particles3[0] = node_particles[0]*3;
  displs[0] = 0;
  displs3[0] = 0;
  for (fcs_int i=1; i < d->comm_size; i++) {
    total_particles += node_particles[i];
    node_particles3[i] = node_particles[i]*3;
    displs[i] = displs[i-1] + node_particles[i-1];
    displs3[i] = displs3[i-1] + node_particles3[i-1];

  fcs_float *all_positions, *all_charges, *node_fields, *node_potentials;

  all_positions = malloc(sizeof(fcs_float) * 3 * total_particles);
  all_charges = malloc(sizeof(fcs_float) * total_particles);
  node_fields = malloc(sizeof(fcs_float) * 3 * total_particles);
  node_potentials = malloc(sizeof(fcs_float) * total_particles);

  /* gather all particle data at all nodes */
  MPI_Allgatherv(positions, num_particles*3, FCS_MPI_FLOAT, all_positions, node_particles3, displs3, FCS_MPI_FLOAT, d->comm);
  MPI_Allgatherv(charges, num_particles, FCS_MPI_FLOAT, all_charges, node_particles, displs, FCS_MPI_FLOAT, d->comm);

  /* for (fcs_int i=0; i < total_particles; i++) { */
  /*   printf("%d: all_positions[%d]={%lf, %lf, %lf}\n", d->comm_rank, i, all_positions[i*3], all_positions[3*i+1], all_positions[3*i+2]); */
  /*   printf("%d: all_charges[%d]=%lf\n", d->comm_rank, i, all_charges[i]); */
  /* } */


  /* init fields and potentials */
  if (fields != NULL) {
    for (fcs_int i=0; i < total_particles; i++) {
      node_fields[3*i] = 0.0;
      node_fields[3*i+1] = 0.0;
      node_fields[3*i+2] = 0.0;
  if (potentials != NULL)
    for (fcs_int i=0; i < total_particles; i++)
      node_potentials[i] = 0.0;

  /* evenly distribute the k-vectors onto all tasks */
  fcs_int num_k_per_dir = 2*d->kmax+1;
  fcs_int num_k = num_k_per_dir * num_k_per_dir * num_k_per_dir;
  for (int k_ind = d->comm_rank; k_ind < num_k; k_ind += d->comm_size) {
    /* compute fields and potentials */
    fcs_int nx = 
      k_ind % num_k_per_dir - d->kmax;
    fcs_int ny = 
      k_ind % (num_k_per_dir*num_k_per_dir) / num_k_per_dir - d->kmax;
    fcs_int nz = 
      k_ind / (num_k_per_dir*num_k_per_dir) - d->kmax;
    if (nx*nx + ny*ny + nz*nz <= d->kmax*d->kmax) {
      /* system length vector L_vec */
      const fcs_float Lx = d->box_l[0];
      const fcs_float Ly = d->box_l[1];
      const fcs_float Lz = d->box_l[2];
      /* reciprocal vector k_vec */
      const fcs_float kx = 2.0*M_PI*nx / Lx;
      const fcs_float ky = 2.0*M_PI*ny / Ly;
      const fcs_float kz = 2.0*M_PI*nz / Lz;
      /* reciprocal charge density rhohat */
      fcs_float rhohat_re = 0.0;
      fcs_float rhohat_im = 0.0;
      /* compute Deserno, Holm (1998) eq. (8) */
      for (fcs_int i=0; i < total_particles; i++) {
        /* charge q */
        const fcs_float q = all_charges[i];
        if (!fcs_float_is_zero(q)) {
          /* particle position r_vec */
          const fcs_float rx = all_positions[3*i];
          const fcs_float ry = all_positions[3*i+1];
          const fcs_float rz = all_positions[3*i+2];
          /* compute k_vec*r_vec */
          fcs_float kr = kx*rx + ky*ry + kz*rz;
          /* rhohat = qi * exp(-i*k_vec*r_vec) */
          rhohat_re += q * cos(kr);
          rhohat_im += q * -sin(kr);
/*      FCS_DEBUG(fprintf(stderr, "  n_vec= (%d, %d, %d) rhohat_re=%e rhohat_im=%e\n",
        nx, ny, nz, rhohat_re, rhohat_im));*/
      /* fetch influence function */
      fcs_float g = d->G[linindex(abs(nx), abs(ny), abs(nz), d->kmax)];
      for (fcs_int i=0; i < total_particles; i++) {
        /* particle position r_vec */
        const fcs_float rx = all_positions[3*i];
        const fcs_float ry = all_positions[3*i+1];
        const fcs_float rz = all_positions[3*i+2];
        /* compute k_vec*r_vec */
        fcs_float kr = kx*rx + ky*ry + kz*rz;

        if (fields != NULL) {
          /* compute field at position of particle i
             compare to Deserno, Holm (1998) eq. (15) */
          fcs_float fak1 = g * (rhohat_re*sin(kr) + rhohat_im*cos(kr));
          node_fields[3*i] += kx * fak1;
          node_fields[3*i+1] += ky * fak1;
          node_fields[3*i+2] += kz * fak1;
        if (potentials != NULL) {
          /* compute potential at position of particle i
             compare to Deserno, Holm (1998) eq. (9) */
          node_potentials[i] += g * (rhohat_re*cos(kr) - rhohat_im*sin(kr));
  /* printf("%d: node_fields[0]=%lf\n", d->comm_rank, node_fields[0]); */

  if (fields != NULL) {
    fcs_float all_fields[total_particles*3];
    for (fcs_int pid=0; pid < total_particles; pid++) {
      all_fields[3*pid] = 0.0;
      all_fields[3*pid+1] = 0.0;
      all_fields[3*pid+2] = 0.0;

    /* Combine all fields on master */
    MPI_Reduce(node_fields, all_fields, total_particles*3, 
      FCS_MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM, 0, d->comm);
    /* if (d->comm_rank == 0) */
    /*   printf("%d: all_fields[0]=%lf\n", d->comm_rank, all_fields[0]); */
    /* Scatter the fields to the task that holds the particle */
    MPI_Scatterv(all_fields, node_particles3, displs3, FCS_MPI_FLOAT,
      fields, num_particles*3, FCS_MPI_FLOAT, 0, d->comm);

  if (potentials != NULL) {
    fcs_float all_potentials[total_particles];
    for (fcs_int pid=0; pid < total_particles; pid++)
      all_potentials[pid] = 0.0;
    /* Combine all potentials on master */
    MPI_Reduce(node_potentials, all_potentials, total_particles, 
      FCS_MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM, 0, d->comm);
    /* Scatter the potentials to the task that holds the particle */
    MPI_Scatterv(all_potentials, node_particles, displs, FCS_MPI_FLOAT,
      potentials, num_particles, FCS_MPI_FLOAT, 0, d->comm);

    /* subtract self potential */
    FCS_INFO(fprintf(stderr, "  subtracting self potential...\n"));
    for (fcs_int i=0; i < num_particles; i++) {
      potentials[i] -= charges[i] * M_2_SQRTPI * d->alpha;


  /* now each task should have its far field components */
  FCS_INFO(fprintf(stderr, "ewald_compute_kspace finished.\n"));